• Published 12th Jan 2021
  • 11,044 Views, 576 Comments

That One Time: Celestia and Luna Married the Mane Six - TheCrimsonDM

Have you ever gotten so drunk you forgot you offered the princesses' hoof in marriage to whoever brought your sister back? And how many 'es' there are in 'Princess'?

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Chapter Thirty Three: When Twilight's Sun Sets

Chapter Thirty Three: When Twilight’s Sun Sets

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Twilight Sparkle sat in a chair, Twilight Sparkle was without a care, Twilight Sparkle wanted a kiss, Twilight Sparkle would not be remiss.

“I demand a kiss!”

Celestia and Rainbow Dash both stared at her. They were all in Twilight’s personal room, and she was still very much happy with her dress. From the looks Celestia first gave her, she seemed pleased with it as well. Unfortunately that look seemed to dissipate after Twilight’s demand.

Celestia was the first to speak. “You demand a kiss? From whom are you making demands.”

“From my lovely bride of course.”

Rainbow Dash’s voice nearly cracked as she spoke. “That applies to both of us, you know, and since I can’t imagine you’d ever have the guts to demand anything from our lord and princess, Celestia. I assume you want me to kiss you now?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Fine, I will take a kiss from you.”

Celestia stared at her. “Twilight… why do you think we both came here?”

“Clearly it’s to make your soon to be wife happy, kissing, touching, more. It’s all in the plan.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “You know, this is my fault, I actually thought she was sane for like, a few minutes.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “First she’s an evil enchantress, then a pirate, and now she’s… what would you call this?”

Rainbow Dash stared at Twilight. “A stuffy princess.”

“Needy princess?”

“Slutty princess?”

Celestia smiled at the last one. “Slutty, and Twilight are two words I would never have put together in the same sentence. Not in all my years would I have thought that possible.”

Twilight leaned back on her bed spreading her legs. “Call me what you will, but I am hungry and need something to fill me up.” Her eyes landed firmly on Celestia. “Something hot, heavy, and humid would do just fine.”

Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof. “So what am I? Chopped Broccoli?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I actually enjoy broccoli, so no.”

Rainbow Dash glared at her and took a step. “Oh so you don’t think I can kiss as good as Celestia.”

Twilight smiled at her. “Don’t take too much offense to this, but no, nopony can. Not even Luna and her wonderful star flavored tongue can kiss like Celestia.”

Celestia blinked. “Twilight, we’ve kissed precisely one time and you ended up-“

“Oh I know how I ended up, and honestly, I wasn’t done.” Twilight met her eyes. “I want your tongue to fill my insides, so deep it might just come out the other end. Until every fiber of my body and being is enraptured by the heat of your amazing grace and power.”

Celestia’s face went pale and she gagged. “N-no, I think I will not. You two can stay here if you wish but I feel I should leave.”

The door locked behind them and Twilight licked her lips. “Oh? But I am Mid- er Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, of Magic itself, and your future bride. Shouldn’t you do anything you can to please me?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Twilight… I don’t need to use the door.”

Rainbow Dash gulped. “I do.”

Celestia shook her head. “We came here to talk about your recent behavior. I can understand your differences with your parents, honestly they were invited only out of respect for you and Shining Armor, but dumping them in the pond in public was perhaps a bit… cold?”

Twilight met her eyes. “You’re right. I should have sent them to the sun instead. You know, for a nice vacation.”

Celestia lowered her gaze a little. “Twilight.”

“No, Celestia, I love you, and I need you. I don’t need those fake parents of mine. Who cares if you’re secretly my real mom or not, I want you to be my lover, my one and only. I might be willing to share Fluttershy with you, she makes a great pet, but I want you all to myself.”

Celestia stared at her. “Is that what this is all about? You’re jealous of your friends?”

“How could I not be, you’ve spent so much time with them when it’s my wedding that was supposed to happen.”

Rainbow Dash cut in. “Hey, I love Celestia too. I’m willing to share, you know sharing is caring and all that.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “The Golden Rule does not count in love, Rainbow Dash. If you must, you may turn your affection toward me, or I suppose I could loan Fluttershy to you. Celestia and Luna are mine though.”

Celestia shook her head. “Twilight, you’re acting horrible.”

Rainbow Dash whispered, “Bridezilla.”

“I am acting only in accordance with my level of power.” Twilight smiled. “I am, quite, powerful you see.”

“More powerful than me or Luna?”

Twilight sat up straight and giggled. “Oh, of course not. Nopony is more powerful than you two. Which is exactly why you deserve to be with me. Not these other, lesser ponies. I mean what can they do? Stare really hard at things, create rainbow explosions from flying too fast, have psychic powers, create dresses, and bake apple pie? Which one of those things rhymes with ‘destroying an entire castle out of anger’ again? I feel I forget things sometimes.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “Are you threatening me?”

Twilight blinked. “I… what?”

Celestia took a step forward. Her horn began to glow. “Did you threaten to destroy my entire castle, my home, the piece of art that I personally created over a thousand years, because you’re frustrated with my choice?”

Twilight was lifted up in a golden aura and dragged over to Celestia. “Celestia, n-no.”

Celestia only stopped once Twilight was right in front of her. “Not only that, you are also threatening my sister by the same virtue. She lives here too, you know.”

Twilight kicked her legs uselessly as she was dangling in the air. “No, I just, I was just making a point. They couldn’t do that, but I could.” The aura grew warm, hot even. Sweat was beading along Twilight’s face from the sheer heat in the room. “Celestia, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant like, the castle of our enemies.”

“OH and who is an enemy of Equestria and has a castle still standing after I got done with it? Cadance perhaps? The Crystal Empire has one. Is that the castle you speak of?”

Twilight felt a cold fear running down her spine she hadn’t felt in years. In fact she hadn’t felt this way since the very first time she realized just how much power she held over ponies. So many of her classmates were broken down to their most groveling forms as they bowed to her and brought her books, snacks, or whatever else she wanted. Teachers forced to give her good grades in spite of her actually doing good on her homework. And a single gym teacher hung from a flagpole by his shorts for giving her an A- for not wanting to get sweaty and dirty like the others. Needless to say Celestia was not pleased with that behavior just as she was clearly not pleased here.

Celestia’s eyes met Twilight’s and there was a burning fire, a deep fury, and power unending in that stare. It was like looking into the very depths of the sun itself. There was no escape from its heat, its ever gazing light, its endless boundless wraith. No escape from loving it for all it was worth.

Twilight couldn’t even speak, her mind was shaking as much as her body. She knew she’d crossed a line somewhere but wasn’t sure where anymore. Staring into those eyes she could only feel the pure endless power of Celestia.

Rainbow Dash’s voice was like a distant echo she could barely hear. “Princess Celestia, please don’t hurt her. She’s not alright, I think she broke yesterday and she’s not better yet.”

Celestia didn’t look away for one instant as she levitated Twilight back to the bed and laid her down on her stomach. “I agree, but I have seen this behavior from Twilight once before. No amount of book reading or hugging will fix this. You even heard her slip, she is no longer our Twilight Sparkle, she is Midnight Sparkle.”

Twilight froze. “No, please, Celestia no. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

Celestia’s voice came out like a hot brand into her flesh. “That is precisely what you promised the last two times you did this. You are very powerful indeed, you could very easily destroy our entire home, and that is precisely why it is important for you, more than anypony else, to never abuse that power. No matter the circumstance or the stress.”

Twilight tried moving. She got one leg beneath her before she felt her body freeze up as a heavy invisible weight pressed down on her. Her dress was lifted up and over her tail exposing her rump. It might have also exposed Twilight’s body reacting most favorably to the scorn of the sun.

Celestia stuck her nose slightly up as if in disgust. “Rainbow Dash, you may want to leave for this, it might be too painful to watch her punishment.”

Rainbow Dash unlocked the door and opened it up. “Yeah, I uh… I’m sorry, Twilight. I tried…”Just as she left she looked back long enough to say, “Um… just so you know, she might enjoy whatever you're about to do. She’s getting really weird lately.”

Celestia gave her a knowing smile. “Who said I didn’t already know that?” The door shut as a golden aura wrapped around it and locked it. Celestia made sure to meet Twilight’s eyes. “You wanted a kiss right?”

Twilight nodded. “That’s all I wanted, just a kiss.”

“You’ll get one on one condition.”

Twilight swallowed. “W-what’s that?”

“You accept your punishment now, and don’t complain.”

Twilight stared at her. It was pretty clear what Celestia was about to do to her poor undefended rump. Some small, very small part of Twilight was actually looking forward to this, the rest of her realized that Celestia’s hoof was probably burning hot right now and would leave actual scalding marks on her flank. A kiss was nice, but this was more than she could cope with.

Twilight buried her head into her pillow. “Please… don’t hurt me.”

Something hot slapped Twilight’s rear causing her to yelp and jerk forward. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt though. It was hot, certainly but it was just surprising and not painful. Now free from Celestia’s aura and with Rainbow Dash gone, Twilight laid there, rump sticking up in the air and Celestia’s hoof brushing her flank, circling her cutie mark. Celestia was looking directly into Twilight’s eyes. “You really thought I was going to spank you didn’t you?”

Twilight swallowed. “Um… yes.”

“You and I both fully realize that if I were to spank you when angry, I might just break your hips with my sheer strength by itself. Not to mention the burn marks I’d leave.” She laughed. “No, I’ll find a more fitting punishment for you since you’re so unwilling to take this one.” She stood up and walked away.

Twilight stared at her as the door opened. “D-don’t I get a kiss?”

Celestia looked back and smiled. “You didn’t accept your punishment, so no. You can sit there and be frustrated all by yourself in your room. In fact you’re grounded. No leaving this room until dinner time.”

As Celestia left and closed the door behind her, Twilight began to realize just how turned on she was, and how Celestia had just left her to be there all alone. No kissing, no more touching, only herself and a hoof and a need for somepony to touch her… oh, this was a punishment far worse than any other Celestia could have done.

Twilight tried to teleport out of the room and realized to her sudden horror that her horn was not working. Her magic had been cut off… she groaned as she buried her head into her pillow. “Noooo, not my magic too!”

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