• Published 9th Sep 2012
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Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Episode 140: (Shining Armor) Smilie :-)

Pony POV Series
"Shining Armor"
Chapter Smilie :-)
inuK oN okeN !nezustoT - Totsuzen! Neko No Kuni
Chapter By Alex Warlorn

Time to let the spell wards down and for another batch of letters, magic messages, news updates, and everything else. And no monsters after my head to worry about! Okay my little sister was now responsible for protecting the world from evil with a bunch of magic jewelry and had defeated an insane lunar goddess, that hadn't changed, but at least I knew there weren't black ops groups following her every move like a bug in a jar now.

Then Cadence was called to the message room, again. At least this time Twinkle Shine caught the brush before Cadence arrived. Her Lark meanwhile had taken up guard duty for the giant bug until we could give to the wizards in Canterlot to fuss over.

As her bodyguard, of course I was in tow.

Shepard looked awkward. "Uh, maybe you should just read it Princess."

For once Cadence didn't read out loud, but her jaw dropped all the same, "We're to make stops where?"

"Well, you read the-"

"I read it. I just don't believe it....Isn't the letter supposed to vanish now? Isn't that how illusion magic works?"

"Not all illusion magic works that way," I said, Twiley loved to explain things so much it was impossible to not pick up some things.

Commander Shepard said "Well, we're in the area, and it is on our route anyway, so the princess imagined we could hug two friends with one hoof."

"Don't you mean kill two birds with one stone?" Minuette asked.

"Minuette! Why would you ever want to do such a thing?"

"...just a Griffin expression your highness," Minuette defended meekly.

"So, where are we stopping?" I couldn't read through Cadence's head, oh right, x-ray vision spell! My bad! Let's see, my jaw dropped. "Where?!"

"That's what I said Shining," Cadence said. "And you could have just asked! I don't like ponies reading over my shoulder, let alone through my HEAD!"


"So it seems we'll be making brief visits to the Cat Kingdom, and the site of Friendship Gardens."

"Where is that even on the map?" Cadenced asked looking a convenient world map. "I don't even see it."

"Most don't even print it, wait, let me get you a magnifying glass your highness!" Sunset offered.

A minute later we were crowded around to make out a tiny dot on the side of the Everfree Forest opposite Ponyville....Seeing it through a magnifying glass it never hit me how diverse and numerous the nasty 'surprises' in Everfree were, monsters were only tip of the iceberg.

Many armies had tried to conquer the puny insignificant kingdom of the cats, just so they could have the easy win under their belts. They had all run away screaming, or taken up knitting. It was also known as Cat Land, Felinonia, and Snuggle Wuggly Land and 'We, 'symbol of a heart', 'symbol of the globe.''

As for Friendship Gardens. It existed on the borders of Equestria, or it used to. It actually dated to back before the pre-classical era. It used to be thought to be fiction given the fantastic stories that were told about it. Having been rediscovered, it was now a historical site, complete with a supposed 'reconstruction' but how they'd have a clue what it looked like was beyond me. Then there were the ponies who thought it was a big hoax that somepony forgot to pull the plug on.

So we're going to a place populated by excessively adorable talking cats who hug everything that moves and a place that supposedly was pulled out of a fantasy story...At least my weirdness magnetism is attracting some PLEASANT bizarre circumstances now!

"The good news is that the Princess doesn't want us to stay there long. It's merely a brief appearance as a token of good will for both." Shepard said holding a second already opened scroll.

Thank goodness, we ALL just wanted to bucking get back to Equesria, to CANTERLOT already! It felt like I hadn't laid eyes on mom and dad since never! It felt like a cheat.

Cadence read copy of the letter a little closer, "But why would Auntie want to land via pegasi, rather than dock one of the airships?"

"I guess Your Highness, that either the cat tribe don't have an air dock, or she feels it would give your visit a more personal touch."

"Well, at least we aren't expected to stay long."

Contrary to what you might have been told, traveling by air over Everfree didn't mean you were traveling safely, rogue dragons, manticores, and by far the worst, wild weather!! It didn't like listening to Pegasi, and could react violently if they tried.

At least the cat tribe was on the -edge- of Everfree Forest...which itself was much larger than it let on. That forest held secrets and mysteries that in my humble opinion are best left where they lay.

Maybe I shouldn't have read Call of Ponythulu, I thought after dealing with the real thing, a made up horror from beyond would be funny.

Gag wasn't handling the idea well though. Garnet reassured him that the Cats were among the least violent beings in existence, but given we had yet to encounter a cat species that didn't hunger for his blood, he wasn't too happy about going to a kingdom full of them.

As the ship neared the cat kingdom, we got a knock on the windows. And found a dozen or more cats holding brightly colored party balloons and waving at us happily as our ship past.

"But how do they get back down?" Minuette asked.

"Who cares when they're this cute!" Twinkle Shine smiled.

As we finished passing, the cats POPPED their own balloons and fell! We all gasped in horror, until...

"Did they just BOUNCE?!" Cadence asked.

"Either they're made out of rubber, or they have trampolines hidden under there," Audience suggested.

"I wouldn't dismiss either theory," I said. Given my luck, I actually thought the former was the more plausible.

Cadence insisted on carrying her two groundbound hoofmaidens herself, with her magic, "Don't worry, I don't even need to focus on it, it'll last until you safely touch the ground."

Minuette and Twinkle Shine looked at each other and put their faith in their goddess.

Running Gag wasn't missing a chance to carry Garnet around like a majestic steed. Thunderchild would haul Audience to the ground, and Sunset would carry Ellis.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Uh, is that a good idea?)

Sunset is stronger than she looks. Circus performers need to be.

"I'll get Ranger to carry me down."

"Don't be silly Shining!" Cadence cheered. "I'll carry you down! I don't need my back to work my magic!"

I blushed. "What?"

"You sure say that a lot." She smiled.

"And you don't?" I blurted back and covered my mouth, "I mean, Your Highness, are you sure that's safe?"

"Don't worry Shining, you'd be surprised how much the different magics of the three tribes compliment each other. Leave it to me."

"Right! Nothing might go wrong!" Thunderchild said.

"That's 'nothing will go wrong,'" Audience said.

"Don't be daft, everypony knows it's when you say that things do go wrong."

"Can't argue with that," I said.

"If you insist, I guess I could let Twinkleshine ride on my back to conserve mana..." Cadence pondered.

"PLEASE RIDE ON HER BACK!" begged Twinkleshine, and I didn't hear an ounce of romantic undertones in her voice.

Being, well, me, I couldn't bare to leaving Twinkleshine to deal with her weird phobia of riding on Cadence's back if I could help. My name isn't just a nickname...

As per Princess Celestia's instructions, the cargo bay doors opened wide, the group consisting of only Cadence and her hoofmaidens, and Misfit Actual. Apparently the reason was to avoid the cats getting too worked up as having so many 'new friends' showing up at once. The cat kingdom right below us.

"Are those...giant spinning brightly colored floating rings?" Cadence asked looking down.

"Well, what else could they be besides giant spinning brightly colored floating rings?" Thunderchild observed.

"They sure are NICE giant spinning brightly colored floating rings," Gag said.

"But why! Why are there giant spinning brightly colored floating rings?" I asked.

"Don't question WHY there are giant spinning brightly colored floating rings, it shall not change the giant spinning brightly colored floating rings are there," Our circus mare declared.

"Well, they're waiting for us." Said Cadence seeing the giant 'Welcome!' crowd picture on the ground below. "Time to mount me Shining Armor."

We both looked at each in silence blankly before Cadence said, "I walked into that one didn't I?"

"Yes," all three hoof maidens echoed.

Well, maybe it wasn't too late to get Ranger to carry me down. Looking her over, could she really handle two mares with her magic and a stallion on her back in a glide?...Then again, the cats were already waiting for us, and and Cadence had already said it was alright and I'd rather not Twinkleshine have a panic attack before we even arrive. I would be safe on her gracefully arching back, climbing on her strong smooth flanks, her elegant wings spread out alongside me, her wonderful mane whipping in my face as we flew from the heavens to earth, where we were touching wearing nothing at all, nothing at all. Wait! I trotted back. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea!"

"Oh don't be so silly Shining." She grabbed with her magic and landed me the short distance onto her nice back.

= Main Menu - Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games Music =

The pegasus lined up along the edge of the cargo bay doors with their cargo, and braced themselves. "Aren't we supposed to fly in a formation?!" I yelped.

"Shining! As your commanding officer," Cadence said, "You have to learn to LET LOOSE!" Cadence leapt off the edge, the others following right behind.

= 'Blast Away! I -Gummi Ship' Kingdom Hearts I- =

The giant spinning brightly colored floating rings twinkled and made a jingle as we flew through them. They seemed to be in a patterns, and without needing to be told to, the princess and the pegasi flew through them, Sunset doing loop-de-loops even with an Earth pony on her back, Gag was zig-zagging through them, and Cadence was having her hoof maidens go through the holes on her sides. Then Thunderchild clipped his wings on one! Oh no! Wait...huh? There was a buzzing noise as the ring darkened, but Thunderchild was perfectly fine, did his wing fly THROUGH the ring like it was an illusion?

I began to laugh, and just enjoyed the wind wipe around me as Cadence carried me, the rings brightening up behind as we got closer and closer to the ground...Excitement replaced fear and thrill replaced worry! I kept laughed!

Sunset did a barrel roll and a corkscrew roll as she flew along, showing why she was Cadence's personal messenger pegasus.

We began to hear the cheers of the cats below, and just before we would have broken out of the dive, a jet of water broke our fall for us, and sent us all landing onto a giant pillow.

We were surrounded by cats on all sides who cheered at our landing. Who landed first? Heh! Who cares? That was actually pretty fun.

"WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!" The signed they waved in front of us said. Gag look paralyzed. The guy might have been a trained soldier, but I imagined he'd had nightmares like this. Multiple times.

Then a cat who didn't really look any different from the rest broke off from the circle and hugged Cadence. Hey! I mean, they could have fleas or something!

"Mew! Mewmewmew! Mew Mew! Mew! Mew-meeew-MEW!" He then pointed at each of the pegasi, "Mew mew. MEW-mew-mew-mew-MEW! MEW MEW!" Then pointed at Cadence. "Mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew-mew!"

We all looked at Gag.

"Uh...I think the deadly beasts, I mean, our hosts says Sunset got the most points, Thunderchild lost some points from that mistake he made, I came in second, and erm, Princess you got disqualified for cheating."

"CHEATING?!" Cadence's spread her wings.

"Well, you using the hoofmaidens to score more rings is against the rules."

"Mew-mew-mew-mew-mew." A small army of cats carried over a very larger trampoline.

"But," Gag said, still holding onto Garnet, "They said you can try again for a better score."

Cadence look one look at me. "Come along Shining."

Good feeling gone.

Several replays later, Twinkle Shine was looking at all the cat's houses and shops with twinkles in her eyes, "I've died and gone to Elysium!" She declared looking at everything and anything. "Please tell me we're staying a very long time Princess!"

"We're staying one afternoon."

"That's not fair." Twinkle Shine lamented and was hugged on all sides by sympathetic kitty cats at once and was offered some cake. So was I. It was so delicious and moist.

"Keep them away me," Gag whimpered at all the smiling fuzzy faces.

"Running, you're our translator! You can't just hide behind me!" Garnet said, she was right, they surrounded him on all sides.

"I can sure try!"

They cat all looked at each other, then one pointed a claw at the sky, "MEW MEW MEW!" Then they all turned around, covered their eyes, and began, "Mew....Mew.... "

"Uh, said 'hide and seek.'" Gag said, "Anditwouldbeundiplomaticformetounindulgethem!"

He flew into one of the houses.

"My hero," Garnet deadpanned.

The cats finished counting and looked around.

"He went-" Garnet began to point but the cats frowned at her and shook their heads, no cheating.

They then began to look under tables, potted plants, then one popped out of Cadence's mane!

"He's not in there," Cadence said politely. The cat hopped out, politely shook her hoof, and ran off. "At least it wasn't a-" the cat ran back and handed her a hairbrush it'd apparently found in her mane before running off again. "I...How..."

"Now you know how I feel about the soap boxes."

The cats eventually surrounded the house Gag had hid in, and as silently as plush toys on pillows, snuck inside. They came out in a crowd a minuet later, carrying Running Gag, who was snoring, and hugging one a teddy, or one of the tribe, it was hard to tell.

"He was scared out of his wits and now he fall asleep." Garnet sighed. Then looked at me, "PLEASE don't punish him Sir!"

I smiled. "Don't worry about it, I think this might be good for him!"

I noticed Captive Audience was looking...unsure. Almost distraught! Kind of like Twiley when she was forced to finally comprehend Zebras existed. I was surprised when Minuette got to him before I, Cadence or the cats could.

"What's wrong Captive?" Minuette asked.

"I... I ...I just don't get it! They have a castle, but they don't seem to have any royalty! They live near the Everfree Forest but I can't find any defenses but the monsters just leave them alone! They have shops but I can't see what they're using for currency! I can't figure out their logistics or economics at all! I don't understand it! It's all so, unorderly!"

Minuette gave him a pat on the back. "I know how you feel."

Audience was not expecting to hear that! "I, no offense, I thought you were going to tell me to just enjoy this for what it is."

"Well, that too, maybe, but that isn't what's bothering you. You like things being orderly, logical, practical..." She hugged him. "I'm the same way. I hate it when things follow rules I don't get, or rules I'm not used to. But Captive, there are rules, there are just rules we're not used to. You can't expect to figure all the nuances of an isolated non-equine culture in one afternoon. We're here as honored guests. It all makes sense to them, or they wouldn't have been able to build all this and feed themselves. And..." She broke the hug, sat back and laughed. "Ponies. Griffins think we're crazy for letting the Everfree Forest just be. Some thinks we're denying everypony their free-will because of cutie marks."

"That's not how cutie marks work."

"We know that, but from what little they've heard? Symbols on your butt that appear to tell you what to do with your life? If that's what you heard, wouldn't you think the same things too? And just imagine it sounds to the Deer after all that 'Greater Good' Horseapples the Hooviets forced on them twenty-five years ago. Not to mention how many think we're 'pansies' for putting so much emphasis on love. They weren't raised on the notion friendship and love can literally end an ice age...Audience, we don't get all this. But they do, and that's what counts. I'm sure our rules would seem as confusing and convoluted to them. If we had more time I'm sure they'd love to explain everything to you."

Audience nuzzled her. "Thank you Miss Colgate."

"Welcome Mr. Audience." She nuzzled back.

Cadence and I both looked, then looked at each other, then looked again. Twinkle Shine meanwhile dropped the pice of pink cake with too many sparkles onto the ground. The cats happily handed her a waste basket, broom, and dust pan, apparently the cats believed in cleaning up your messes.

Ellis happily tried some of the candy apples they offered, then as politely as possible began to explain how they could improve their methods.

His branch of the family might have been focused on what to do with the -wood- of apples trees, but he still knew a good deal about apples themselves! And the cats seemed almost too happy to accept it.

Oh and Sunset? She still got the most points on the first go, so she was given a medal for doing such a great job, apparently all her circus tricks gave her bonus points.

The band's unapologetically cheerful melodies couldn't have cared less if they sounded sappy, cheesy, corny, or mushy, in fact I'm pretty sure that's what the pictographs represented on their scoring cards for their top ten!

Thunderchild for his part looked with wide eyed shock, sounding cowed, "How, that's a lightning guitar, how are they making lightning guitar music sound so... pretty?!" And indeed it was, I wondered if it was being powered by the all static electrisity the cats hugging each other had to produce.

"Now now Thunderchild, just enjoy the happy music while it lasts!" Twinkle Shine patted him on the head before getting to dancing to the music zealously. I wondered if Ellis was going to have to hogtie her and we'd have to carry her back to the airship kicking and screaming.

Though to be honest, for once I was happy to attract weird stuff. At least this was enjoyably weird and not crazy weird or 'something weird is trying to murder me.'

I did not want to go into the building that looked like a church. At all. I made a point not to insult, belittle, or trivialize other creatures' gods, and I already had my goddess I was interested in worshipping...Cadence insisted.

The inside was nice enough, nice stain glass windows depicting scenes I really didn't get, and with lots of pink and hearts everywhere.

I think both me and Cadence were bewildered of the statue at the alter.

"It's...an Alicorn?" Cadence whispered.

This confused me for sure, I was sure these cats would worship Bastet or somedeity like that.

Instead there was an Alicorn statue, depicting as dancing like a party animal, wearing the typical Alicorn regalia, but also wearing a party hat and a lampshade as a skirt. Her cutie was a big happy balloon surrounded by confetti, her mane...I don't know how to describe it other than it looked, poofy, like somepony had tried to render a filly's drawing as three dimensional stone.

The cat present (wearing a scarf with balloons on it and nothing else), politely waved at us and bow, "Mew-mew."

We looked at the inscription on the base, of course it would be in pictographs.

We looked at each other, "Do we wake up Running Gag to translate?"

"Hey what do you think her wingspan is?"

"What are you even doing here Thunderchild?!"

"Wanted some time away from the band music?"

"I never thought I'd hear you say THOSE words."

"Neither did I. So you think they'd let me measure the length of the wings if I was willing to convert?"

The little cat happily handed Thunderchild a little pamphlet pop-up book.

"If you do," Cadence said, "I'll ask Auntie to decree you never come within a hundred miles of Fluttershy!"


"Can I sign up then?"

"Running Gag?! Okay! I assume Thunderchild got in here due to a 'wing length radar', but what you?!"

"Well, I came in here hoping for sanctuary, the goddess ain't that bad though."

"Can't you actually ask the cat about her?"

"Oh sure!" A few minutes later and a lot meowing, Running Gag said, "Okay, Princess Thelia, they say they're just keeping house for her, she doesn't exist yet. But once she does she'll have retroactively existed. Then she'll have taught the most vicious and violent creatures in existence -I KNEW IT!- the ways of the lost age of dreams. Remember to smile. Be happy. And don't worry so much if you're in a role and think more about if it's what'll makes you happy, you two."


"I'm seriously, that's what the inscription says."

If the statue winked at me, I swear I'm running away from this place screaming.

"If she's GOING to exist, doesn't that mean she HAS TO exist already? I mean, these cats sure seem nice as it is."


"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude sir."

"Don't be quick to presume princess."

I groaned. "Okay, I'll bite, what are YOU doing here Mineutte?"

"I saw everypony else coming here and I was curious."


"As I was saying, hyper-dimensional beings and concepts of reality, exist outside of time and space. There is nothing to say her advent is a fixed point in time. If Princess Thelia comes into existence, she does, if she doesn't, the cat kingdom will likely be very different and we'll have skipped this entire part of the trip to avoid them."

We all looked at her funny.

"Did you get any of that?" Thunderchild asked Running Gag.

"She was speaking Equestrian but I swear she was speaking another language!"

"The future isn't written in stone, once you KNOW of a prediction, it can change what'll happen."

I was done with this time-space horseapples. Even if given the last few months and my current existence what Minuette said actually kinda made sense! "Fine. Whatever. Let's move on. And Running Gag put that down!" Now Running Gag was reading the pop-up book!

"Hey, Equestria welcomes all faiths."

"For a goddess who doesn't exist yet?!"

"That's not stopping the cats!"

"But she, they, time-ball!" Where was Doctor Livingstone where I needed him?

Our final major event in the cat kingdom was a tour through the castle. Though 'fun house' might have been a better name for it.

The place was crazy. Mineutte acted like a filly in a candy store as she observed us walking on the ceiling...or was that wall? And so many stairs seriously, who needed this many stairs? Don't ask me how the cats managed to navigate it all. Minuette held Audience's hoof through it all. Running Gag and Thunderchild try to fly through the giant room of stairs...big mistake.

"Which way's up again?"

"This way!"

"No that way!"

"Omph! Get your flank out of my face!"

"I think that might your flank."

And of course the hall of doors...

"Hello! Would you like some tea?" PONYTHULU in his bathrobe offered us.

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): Hi Ponythulu!)

He gurgled "Hi" back to the Earth Pony filly in my head...I don't want to know, it doesn't surprise me anymore.

"Hi! You haven't seen a sapphire statue around here have you?" Daring Do politely asked us.

"Oh! Sorry! I thought I locked that door," Pandora apologized as she pulled it shut. She then opened it and gave me a thumbs up before going back inside.

"Remember! Dial your own phone number to request your greatest desire at the low low cost of your dreams!" Offered the teenager colt in the black and white jester costume.

"Not the flying ponies again!" A bearded human in a sailor outfit with a green parrot exclaimed as he slammed the door shut on HIS side of a confusing side ways castle. "Yo Joe! Nobody's gonna get this cameo," said the parrot.

I blinked, looking at myself looking through the door, looking at myself looking through the door, looking at myself looking through the door continuing to infinity.

A purple dog with black spots on his back opened the door and screamed at the top of his lungs looking at us. He then blinked as one of the cats handed him a cake. He growled a thank you and closed the door.

"Hi!" waved a blue-eyed pink earth pony mare with a blond mane in a black robe holding a scythe, "Just take the second door on the third floor and remember to walk backwards through the left hallway if you want out, if you were looking for the bathroom-"

Suffice to say, it was crazy, weird, and completely nuts!

But...I wouldn't want to not have it. It was fun, unexpected, exciting, I had no idea what was going to happen next, and I really felt I could just let myself go.

It was sunset, about time to go, but the cats treated us to some great fireworks. We all just sat on the grass and watched the beautiful lights in the sky. Yes I sat next to Cadence, I'm her bodyguard, yes she folded her wing around me, it might have gotten a little cold, yes we leaned against each other, share body heat. She nuzzled me, I didn't resist.

"Please please, can't we stay just a little bit longer?" Twinkle Shine asked on her knees looking up at her princess.

"Twinkle Shine, you know we're expected back in Canterlot, and we already have another stop along the way. We could only stay here as long as we have."

"But it's so great here!" She said almost fanatically.

"We can come back in the future."


Cadence gave her a soft nuzzle, "I Promise." And that was all that needed to be said. Cadence kept her promises. A promise was a gift, and Cadence didn't give fake gifts. I've never known her to betray the trust of anypony I've ever known.

Twinkle Shine got up and looked at the cat tribe and said, "Thank you, all of you...Gag, can you tell me how to say goodbye and thank you in their language?"

"Uh, sure, but it's a little weird."

"I'll go for it."

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." He whispered in her ear.

"Alright." Twinkle Shine then began to say 'meow' while doing a little dance.

"Is that dance really necessary?" I asked.

"Dancing is PART of their language, like honey bees."

The cat tribe looked impressed Twinkle Shine said goodbye in their tongue and Cadence seemed ashamed she hadn't thought to do the same. Either way, we shook paws with her hosts, and Gag managed to do so without fainting, and then...we had to carry the large collection of Cakes they had given us as a parting gift back to the ship. Also, apparently Cadence had instruction that some of them were to be placed in storage and saved for Princess Celestia. Finally, something NORMAL!

Next stop! Friendship Gardens!


You have no idea how wonderful it was to have nothing weird or nasty happen to me for a change! Our tribe to Friendship Gardens couldn't have been MORE relaxing!

No weather gremlins, no portals to other worlds, no demons from Tartarus, no alien mushrooms taking over ponies' brains, no absurd oversized conspiracies, it was wonderful, so so so wonderful!!!

(Interviewer's Notes (Earth Pony): What about us?)

You're not weird...anymore.

I saw Minuette and Audience discussing philosophy, but nothing truly insane...

Okay, some of the Guards, whose names I shall not release, tried to get a bite out of the cakes set aside for Princess Celestia, but they were all just let off with a warning since no harm was done.

Thunderchild was collecting more snippets of info about Fluttershy, trying to find out her likes and dislikes and what she expected out of a stallion (that last part was mysteriously missing from any source he somehow had access to: he was worried for a bit about something, but double checking his sources relieved his unknown fear).

Cadence still didn't name her Lark (we had just taken to calling it Lark for now), and the big bug kept thinking of more ingenious ways to get out of its box.

At least Cadence didn't seem to be abusing her own personal feathered spy network she apparently had exclusive access to.

Garnet and Running Gag, Ranger and Sunset, went on a double date on ship. A part of me was worried Ranger and Audience were going to be indoctrinated into the dark plans of that trio of witches who called themselves Cadence's hoofmaidens.


And Cadence was right, I did need to let myself go a little, after what happened, maybe I needed to let myself go some. I saved the world after all, and gone through a Tartarus none remembers but Cadence and Minuette and me. I won't say the world OWED me anything, I took an oath as a guard to protect the princess and her ponies and did exactly that. But maybe some relaxation was what the doctor ordered.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): You deserve it Shining.)

Life isn't about you deserve, but I'll be happy to take what's given! A couple of the stallions noted I was acting a lot more, 'chipper' but let them! Ha ha!

...Then came our few hours we had to endure at Friendship Garden before we were finally home in Equestria and Canterlot! True we had the other half of the tour to deal with after that, but it would be so great to finally be home again!!! True, all the places we had visited were fantastic and new, but I think I had gotten kinda sick of it, not of the new ponies, but just, of the constant uprooting, and relocation, I think I NEEDED to get a chance to remember where home was. Like I said, it felt like never since I had been there.

There wasn't a giant party waiting for us at Friendship Gardens. The place was all in all, not quite as colorful as I had heard the age of Myths, and the Golden Age, would be, even if a lot of it was still just stones, and a few rebuilt houses in an approximation of what the archaeologists THOUGHT they would be.

Naturally, Audience was simply more interested than I was, Ellis was more interested than I was, since Friendship Gardens was half a hyper simplistic farm and a handful of houses.

It was all info from the Golden Age and Age of Myths, so there was no telling what was fact or fiction, at least there was no mention of humans, in most accounts. Humans were like aliens in modern pony science fiction, or zombies in video games, they had to be in absolutely everything.

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Actually it's looking fairly accurate so far.)

How would you-oh, right, time traveling interviewers...You guys would kill as archaeologists...

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): We don't do this for our gain...though we will have helped somepony make archaeological discoveries on the subject in the future.)

Sounds cool, can't wait to see it when I get there.

It wasn't quite a full-on farm with how it was built, and it wasn't quite big enough to be a town. If this place really was the real deal, I wondered if it was a three thousand year old tourist trap.

Except of course,

"So you see, there used to be a floating castle here, connected via a rainbow bridge to Friendship Gardens." I don't get why it was called 'gardens': this place barely counts as a farmstead. "We don't know what magic was used to keep it afloat, but it might been part of a self-sustaining mana network with six other such buildings, since similar magic distribution runes have been found another castle which was far more intact from the few expedition made who were willing to brave the Everfree Forest, which suggested indeed that five other castles used to exist.

"The castle did not simply fall from the sky when the magic network was destroyed or fell, it was blast to pieces, from the remains of the stone suggest from the inside. We don't know if this was sabotage, or an accident. The resulting magic blast is felt in the pattern of mana in the land even today. From what has been recovered, it's clear Friendship Garden was intended as a joint effort between the three tribes, meant to symbolize their unity before they indeed became the three tribes that are known in history. And--"

I tuned the guide out. I was a little ashamed really. After hearing elongated lectures about the history of so many countries and lands, even the history of my own now felt tiring and tedious. Your home's history is something you should be proud of.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): You're right. But even though they were somewhat correct, they only know half the story.)

And you know the rest?

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Yes, but you can learn of part of it in time along with everypony else.)


I stayed with Cadence, she endured the 'official tour' before being allowed to explore on her own for a precious short time.

"I think Auntie sent me here just so she could say 'Princess Cadence was here', to encourage ponies to come here."

"That's not a bad thing is it?" Audience of course would be the one to ask that question.

We did find something a little more alive than the tour guide. It was a plaque.

Let it be known to all who happen upon this place. Friendship Gardens was created as proof that ponies of different breeds can and should work together to build something greater than ourselves. We did not build this place for wealth or fame or to be remembered. But I thinks place should be. Foals who had been traumatized or hurt by the world were brought here, and were taught again how to live and to enjoy life. But in the end, all of them had to leave, grow-up to cross over the rainbow into Ponyland, to be with the rest of the world. Even after the world ended, we continued as long as we were able. Please remember our names. Please remember this place. Remember what we did our best for. We were supposed to be like friends to me, but in a way we became like mothers to each of them. Showing them different paths to happiness. Even when the world ended, we continue to help things be bright as possible, if only so these foals we protected, could restore the world where we couldn't.

Morning Glory - The Game Master
Sundance - The Explorer
Sweet Berry - The Baker
Ivy - The Fashiontina
Lightheart - The Joker

The plaque was copied from a message found in one of the mason stones (there were actually a few coins included that the experts at first thought were about how profitable Friendship Gardens had been...until a few scraps of journals found revealed instead they were put there as tokens of blessing upon the place for when it was BUILT. the 'coins' weren't even coins! They were pendants.).

After reading that, Cadence visited the farm again, actually EXPLORING Friendship Garden. Apparently with their combined magical knowledge, the ponies here had created pizzas, lollipops, and cupcakes that all GREW OUT OF THE GROUND, they require protection from crows that lived in the areas, and they were still junk-food, but it was something ponies were STILL trying to recreate. Too bad none of the seeds from those projects had survived.

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Maybe they're just buried somewhere for safe keeping. It wouldn't be the first species of plant life found to have seeds hidden somewhere.)

That's a nice thought. I wonder if they could grow cups of tea...

There was a farmhouse where the foals slept, along with an exercise area, there was a wind mill or a tower, the historians weren't sure. There had been Lightheart's game cottage that was connected to Sweet Berry's kitchen, it was interesting to note there was only one the remains of bed found, though the other could have just rotted away. Lightheart's collage also had machines that reminded me of the 'DVD Player' that Nameless had pulled from another universe and the Doctor had identified, along with several video game and controllers and a 'TeeVee.' Most ponies couldn't believe this place was real when it was unearthed. Including me.

Sundance's Dance Studio had what had only recently been identified as a jukebox, which might have been where the 'hoax' rumors came from, in spite of been thousands of years old!

Morning Glory's school house and Ivy's beauty salon.

These ponies had LIVED. And they had lived their lives for the foals of strangers. These ponies had been Equestrian even if the country itself didn't exist yet. Wasn't love what Equestria was supposed to be founded on in the first place?

I wonder if any of them had any family, but from what the letter itself said, it was likely they had had many foals who owed them their lives and who they had raised with love and care. What else did you need to be called a mother?

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Shining, I can tell you one thing: this place has ties to your family too.)


(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Yeah, it's a long story, ask Twilight about it in two years, I'm sure she'll love to hear about it)

I think I will...thanks.

"Cadence?" I noticed she was...crying?

"I've been here before. I don't remember when, I don't remember how, but I've been here before. I was hurt and alone, I was looking for a friend, everything was lost, but they helped all the same. They were all wonderful ponies. And history just swept them aside, they were just forgotten. Their biography books they each wrote lost." She shook her head, "I'm sorry Shining, I don't know what I'm saying."

"Another world?" I whispered.

"No... another 'me'."

Cadence gave each of the houses her blessing as the Alicorn of music, and a few nearby graves. But...she didn't seem sad about that.

"It means somepony loved them enough about them to bury them, to provide them tomb stones, and to give them a proper farewell. Morning Glory, Sundance, Sweet Berry, Ivy, Lightheart, rest in peace."

It was beyond any definition of weird, but at least it wasn't a nasty weird. It was like Cadence was saying goodbye to some old friends.

"Cadence...when...when we, er, fought the abomination. You said were scared of what you were turning into, that you'd lose yourself, I hate bringing it up, I'm sorry but...do you feel that same way here?"

"...No. Not really. Not quite. I don't think so at least. It all felt so, natural, memories that I had that I had forgotten I had had. Maybe I was so scared of that time, because it felt like I was a drop in front of an ocean. Here...I don't what it is, they're just feelings, ideas, but I know they're mine. And I don't want them gone. Sort of like all the good times we've had that we don't want to forget."

When it was time to leave, Cadence immediately had a painting commissioned of five ponies that she gave in incredible detail, and had ordered when done that it be shipped to Friendship Gardens as a personal gift from the Princess of Harmony. Cadence only told me, "It was what felt right Shining."

And that was it. No more delays. No more surprises. It was time at last for Canterlot herself.

.... . .

And just my bucking luck.

Twiley and Spike were in bucking Appleloosa giving Ellis' cousin company while they translated a new tree there!!!

Ellis wasn't that surprised, "Cousin Applejack is always tellin' me NOT to mention in front of Bloomberg about any of his 'brothers' that we chopped down for food. They treat those trees like part of the family."

Of all the bucking luck. We beheld the beautiful spires of Canterlot herself, flying over Ponyville, and Twiley and her friends weren't even here to say hello to us!!!

We were welcomed back for our short stop in Canterlot to little fan fair and that was just fine with Cadence and really fine with me!

The vast majority of guard and crew were given the day off and did whatever they pleased in Canterlot, happy to be back in the heart of pony civilization, a chance to catch up on the latest style and entertainment, and more importantly, to catch up on friends and family.

There were so many ponies to see, and talk with, we didn't know where to begin!

But I knew where I wanted to begin. If my own sister and 'nephew/little brother' wasn't here for me to meet and greet me, then there was one pair of unicorns I wanted to see and Cadence was more than happy to come with me.

Princess Luna was sleeping during the day, and we happened to arrive after Princess Celestia has risen the sun and the night princess was now in bed. So Cadence didn't have to worry about a conflict of priorities.

Yes she came. She wanted to come. There was never any question if she wanted to come. She LOVED Twiley more than any other foal she had ever foalsat for. And she was good friends with my parents.

Bahamut's Rest. It's only been about a year, but already I was feeling like a stranger here, like my family had just moved here, that I had just moved here. I really had been spending way too long on board the Invincible, I glanced at Candence, but at least the company's been good.

Of course I knew the way there! They hadn't remade the streets! Canterlot was still a city of walking ponies, with everything meant to be in walking distance of each other, with stuff built upwards more than wider, that's what happens when your capital city is sat on the side of a mountain.

I also had the feeling that without the Hooviets military build up to inspire the need to prepare for a clash of the titans, and defending against 'kill everything tanks', a stallion selling what looked to be clockwork foals, and a book talking about ways to constantly magically heat steam after it had left the boiler, where before it had talked about the newest developed tank, I was beginning to wonder in what other ways technology and magic had gone without Nameless' technology based war machine on the prowl for investors to worry about.

Twenty years without a political or military supreme evil to spur on weapon designs and the machines needed to carry them. Columbia had caused some, but the scare over them hadn't lasted that long before everyone realized they were nice griffs perfectly willing to co-exist with the rest of the world. The Brotherhood of the Scorpion had been a scare, but there were no signs of them developing big super weapons to conquer the world with and it gradually became 'let's just keep one eye on them'.

Most important, with the advent of newer and better magically enhanced steam engines -that didn't exist for me until a while ago-, automobiles and light-airships, had not only not developed at the same rate, but in different directions. They weren't developed as primarily war machines because simply put, with newer magical developments and lack of wars to actually be used in, their advantages were better used elsewhere.

Never having any natural fliers of their own (except for one tribe of reindeer said to live in secret at the north pole, but they were supposedly such pacifists that they could only be touched by good will), Hooviet propaganda had gone of its way to belittle, minimize, and outright trivialize how effective pegasi were...or how fast, or how maneuverable AT those speeds. Flight accidents were played up, top speeds were cut by a percentage, while the Sonic Rainboom had been big news when it happened, it was doubtful a deer in the empire had ever even heard of it. Or they'd swap reports with griffins, who, while with bigger wing spans, couldn't match a pegasi in a high speed turn on average (there was no such thing as the master race after all, there were some pegasi who were less agile than most griffins and some griffins who were more agile than most pegasi). Of course they also played down the physical strength edge Griffins generally had over most types of pony and deer minus Moose and Earth Ponies.

To the average Hooviet citizen, the idea of a pegasus fighting a one deer airship was clearly suicide, a clumsy, barely able to fly winged horse against a sleek and brilliant piece of Hooviet superiority. The Hooviets didn't embrace the Deer's natural nature magic, so they tried to stamp out the idea magic could beat their super science in any way.

Except things weren't quite so one sided. Airships were technology, pegasi and griffins had magic. And magic wasn't stagnate as the Hooviets tried to make it out to be. In fact, in the correct timeline, it seemed magic and technology had progressed at a much more even rate than the old one. Thunderchild showed off a technique called a 'thunder grenade' that consisted of making a snowball sized cloud, electrifying it with pegasi magic, and using it as a regular grenade. It was specifically designed to be thrown into and destroy airship engines from the inside. But naturally, some engines had been developed with covers to make this less effective, resulting in advances in the thunder grenade until the arms race seemed to fade out when people realized a war wasn't coming and things might be better spent elsewhere. The same thing had happened with a technique I apparently invented for using shield magic to destroy tank turrets. Airships weren't limited by species, could carry more, and had hull for protection while pegasi were faster, smaller targets, more agile, and literally one with the wind.

The fact was, magic and technology seemed more like EQUALS than one steamrolling the other. In fact, without Nameless, it seemed more likely the two would've been in an arms race rather than Hooviet super science steamrolling everything, but that'd have been far too fair for Azure Raven's story. And what most seemed to have discovered is magic and science work best together rather than opposed to each other. Why is Cadence giggling?

Oh. Might have something to do with the trail of soapboxes behind me. Didn't think they could get that big.

Nameless, had he made that propaganda a reality?... If he could change fate so an entire empire didn't implode when it was supposed already, could he have made another piece of Hooivet propaganda a reality? If Nameless could do that, why not make Celestia the embodiment of evil that the Hooviets told their people she was?...I thought of the goddess of the sun I had seen in that battle, pressed past her breaking point, destroying entire ships in her fury...Maybe Nameless hadn't been suicidal.

(Interviewer's Notes(Pegasus): ENOUGH ALREADY! Enough about the stupid deer who were supposed to be stupid vikings anyway, not stupid naturalists or stupid imperialists but Lauren Faust left the show first.)

What did you say?

(Interviewer's Notes(All): NOTHING!)

(Interviewer's Notes(Earth Pony): Please Shining, we're here about you FAMILY.)

Right. Thanks. All the years I spend with-

(Interviewer's Notes(Earth Pony): Your family!)

Sorry. Sorry. I won't do it again. I promise.

Oh right. Cadence is with me. She was wearing the brown cloak and hood that Princesses seem to love to wear when going incognito. I was surprised at first, after so much with her, it had just become natural being at her side. Personally I think she was over reacting, Cadence would turn heads sure, but it wasn't like she was going to be mobbed or something. Would you try to mob a goddess? And as for mugging, the guard was really good at keeping that at almost nothing anyway, but the last attempt to do it only succeeded because Celestia was bored and pitied them...that incident was headache inducing. For me, not the Princess. In fact she had to remind herself getting hit in the back of the head with a frying pan was actually supposed to hurt just to play along.

Cadence walked these streets with calm and control, she knew Canterlot like the back of her hoof.

D'oh! I had been in such a rush to see them, I realized I hadn't even sent a message ahead of time, I couldn't even be sure they were home. Well, dad was an astronomer, and mom was a writer, so dad worked mostly at night and mom worked at home...so it wasn't that impossible that I'd catch them.

Well, here it goes, knockity-knock-knock. And nearly grind my teeth into dust waiting for a agonizing few seconds. The door clicks and finally opens.

"...Hey dad."

Dad just stared at me for a few seconds. What did I expect? I had been to war. But I couldn't have changed that much right?

"Uh, you remember Cadence right?" I awkwardly gestured to my princess.

"Cadence?" Dad repeated looking a bit closer, "It's been years, we heard from Celestia that you were on a world tour. It's wonderful to see you again. I wish Twilight was here to see you, but she's moved to Ponyville and is out on a trip for a .... Did you hear she saved the world?" dad asked in that 'I'm so proud of her' tone.

And no, I wasn't jealous I'd never hear him brag that I saved the world. I've never been jealous of Twiley...except when she got the last piece of cake at the table, but it was normally my favorite.

"It's alright Mr. Sparkle, I know already, and I'm very proud of her," Cadence smiled and nodded, "we came here to visit you and your wife. Shining Armor's been dying to see you since we made port."

"Shining Armor?" Dad looked at me again without recognition, blinked and asked, "Shinny is that really you?"

"Come on dad, it's only been a year, I don't look that different."

"Right, sorry boy," dad nodded rigorously, "Mom and I weren't expecting you at all! Let alone you and Cadence, so you two finally ready to start your happily ever after?"

"DAD! Not you too!" I blushed red.

"Don't 'not you too' me young stallion. If you two were anymore made for each other you'd have come in a box set. Remember son? You've lived up to your name more than I ever dreamed. You always used to fantasize about the princess you'd marry and live with her in a castle."

"That was then, this is now." I knew my inner child was already happily married to my imaginary Princess in Pandora's wacky dimension, why ruin his happily ever after by amending my fantasies?

"Yes, now your princess isn't imaginary, and she's someone you've known for years, is intelligent, beautiful, sane-"

"Uh, can we talk about this inside please?" Cadence asked.

"Oh, right, of course!"

Next minute we were sitting in the living room. Mom's notes were everywhere, but dad did a good job of keeping them under control, it didn't reach this level until Twiley and I had both moved out.

Twiley is such a OCD bibliophile, I'm surprised she left any books when she moved out. Well, mom has dad to keep her grounded, Twiley has Spike, and...I look at Cadence.

Dad left us in the living room and went to get mom, giving us some surprise 'alone' time. That was when it hit me. Cadence. You agreed to see my parents before yours...I'm your bodyguard, I go where you go. But you choose to visit my parents first. You really do care. Okay, I already knew that, but here, no politics, no armies, no economics, no monsters, just us and our loved ones. Cadence, thank you. I-

Dad came in leading mom, "Dear, what are you talking-" She laid eyes on me. We stared at each other for a while before she blinked and said, "My baby's come home."

For once I didn't complain about my mom's words. "Thought I'd drop in and say hi."

"I'm very happy you have," she whispered, "Now still, and let your mother get a good look at you."

It was a little humiliating how mom examined every inch of my face, like she was memorizing every tiny detail, then gave the same treatment to my cutie mark. Then she just hugged me like she hadn't given me a hug in her life. Contrary to cliche, I wasn't suffocating under mom's loving grip. She flicked her ear against my chest and pressed against me, it took me a minute to realize she was memorizing my heart-beat.

"Yes my Shining Armor, it's wonderful to have you home."

I wondered how to explain to mom that I wasn't staying in Equestria any time soon.

So I decided to avoid it for the moment.

"So, how are you doing, mom?" I asked. "I uh...heard your book is getting popular."

Mom smiled. "Yes, quite. It was already a hit in Roedina though. Now I've got producers wanting another sequel. I'm working out the lay out but it should be a hit."

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Youch! Watch the screaming in your head! We're in here!)

"That's...nice...I'm writing a novel of my own now..."

"Oh you are!? One of my babies is following in my hoofsteps! I'm so proud of you! I can give you many tips! So what genre are you aiming for? What scoop? Have you thought about a publisher? This better not be more of that Pony Rangers fanfiction! Or is a fantasy setting like your O&O things?"

"It's an alien invasion story, actually," I replied. Admittedly, I was annoyed I'd had to rethink a lot of my ideas due to still having spent my life in a world influenced by an insane reality bending Mare-ty Stu. "So I guess science fiction. I might try fantasy in another novel."

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Why not give it a fantasy vs science fiction theme?)

That could work, don't remember many stories like that.

"That sounds nice dear." Mom nodded. "It might be interesting to read a fantasy novel that doesn't have humans in it."

"No humans, mom, I've got plenty of inspiration for things that aren't humans. Like this guy who's lead through his adventure by three spirits acting as his advisers that only he can hear."

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): I'm not sure if that was serious or sarcasm directed at us.)

"That sounds quite interesting, I know I'd read it...So are you and Cadence finally. . ." Dad gave big 'x' signs towards mom. "Met Princess Luna yet? She's so cute! So meek and humble! I actually saw her the night she came back into Canterlot!"

"Uh, no we haven't, actually. She's sleeping right now apparently," I replied. "Apparently the Princess of the Night is nocturnal."

"I'm pretty sure everyone in Canterlot knows that by now," Dad said hoping to get back into the discussion.

"Dear, do you remember how you got so embroiled in your work that you forgot you were in love with me in high school and we had to start from scratch?"

"That didn't happen!"

"Really? I was sure it happened with SOMEstallion we know."

Huh? Who were they talking about? "So mom, how's Twiley been?"

Both my parents faces fell. Mom said, "We don't know, she hasn't had Spike send us so much as a postcard since moving to Ponyville.... I-it's like we ceased to exist for her."

Great going Blunder Armor. And Twiley, how could you?

(Interviewer's Notes (Unicorn): Shining, I'm not saying it was right of her, but I will say this: your sister has been through a lot since you left Canterlot. She's had to move to an entirely new place and get settled in...and now has five tried and true friends, something she'd never experienced before. It's possible she may have allowed herself to get...drunk on that feeling, as we often do when first experiencing something new and exciting.)

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): Not saying she was right to do that in any way, but don't think she's suddenly forgotten her family, alright?)

Me? Think my sister could be heartless? Never. Now how do I say that to my parents and end this episode, of my life, on a happy note?

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): You ever make a similar mistake?)

Uh, no? I've always been a devoted brother and son!

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): How many years did you not send Cadence one letter while at the Guard Academy after graduating from Canterlot Academy?)

Uh, I didn't know where to send it?

(Interviewer's Notes (Pegasus): You've been to her home AND you could have just sent it to the castle and they'd have forwarded it to her!)

Oh. Right.

"Uh...look, I'm sure Twiley is just caught up in finally having friends. It was awhile before I ever got to sending Cadence a letter while in Guard Academy, even if we were friends. I just got so caught up in finally reaching my dream, I let it slip my memory to remember one of my best friends. Twiley has five friends she's getting to know and spend time with after spending her life with her nose in a book, she might just be revved up about it, you know Twiley gets."

Both my parents hugged me. "Thank you dear, I needed to hear that," Mom said.

"Wonderful to have you with us, son," dad said. Then Cadence hugged me.

"So...finally making up for lost time?"

"Me being besides you has nothing to do with balancing things like a checkbook."

"So just duty then?"


"Good." She folded her wings around me and gave me a soft nuzzle.

I'd rather SKIP the tearful goodbye when I told my loving parents we wouldn't be in Canterlot for long thank you very much! We also had a visit to Cadence's parents to make, and then Cadence could finally meet her aunt. Me? Call me crazy, I somehow felt more whole leaving home than when I arrived. And I was looking forwards to the future.

Author's Note:

Story Arc written by LZ0291 lz0291.deviantart.com/
This chapter was written by me, Alex Warlorn.

Shining Armor is given a two year tour of the world to be the captain of Princess Cadence's body guard. Yeah. That's all. That's everything Yep. Nothing what so ever else. *AJ's Liar face*

"Time is an ocean in a storm."

This storyline runs PARALLEL to the events in the Dark World storyline narrative wise.

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MLP: FiM is copyright of Hasbro

Image by Kendell2

Check out the recursive fanfiction and fanart of the Pony POV Series! http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-PonyPOVSeriesFanworks-audio-adaption-2013-349281264 Many of it approved by me as canon.

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