• Published 9th Sep 2012
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Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Episode 148: (Shining Armor): Back Page

Pony POV Series
Shining Armor
Epilogue: Dawn
Three Months Later

It still feels like a new world every day...Waking up every morning knowing that there's not going to be a wolf chasing me was good, knowing that I was engaged to marry the most wonderful pony on the planet was even better!

True, it wasn't officially announced, though we had informed our parents and Cadence's aunts. Twinkle Shine and Minuette also made sure the press were aware we were now at least an official couple. It was keeping the papers nice and busy as they chased up every sort of rumor they could - both our own media and the world's media. We'd had to detain about a dozen Columbian tabloid reporters trying to breach embassy security since Mesotrotamia...And about five times that number of Equestrian ones!

The right things stayed the same and the right things had changed. Minuette had been both pleased and surprised to discover that she was now no longer adopted - but had a slight conundrum in that she now technically remembered three different timelines and apparently wasn't sure how the Wolf's actions would 'effect somepony like her' (she said we were better off not knowing, and I believed her). Still, her parents were now her biological parents.

There was also the fact her and Audience began dating seriously. Honestly, I think we missed an opportunity to have needled her on the 'just friends' thing but there's always Twinkle Shine if she starts hanging around with somepony a lot...

We did have one official announcement within the flotilla - Gag had proposed to Garnet just this morning. Probably not quite the birthday present she'd been expecting but she certainly didn't seem to be complaining about it!

Tomorrow morning, we'd arrive in Mosroe. A year and a half ago this had been hostile land, and I had expected the worst. Now, and for the past twenty years thanks to the mess that is alternative timelines, it was the land of friends of Equestria and a friend of ours. And Mother Deer was a friend of mine and Cadence's, assuming she remembered like I expected.

Tonight, though, it was just a bloody big country to cross. I was on the deck of Invincible, getting some air, enjoying the setting sun, and looking at the city of Tselinoyarsk some ten miles away from us. It was nice to see some visible signs of what had changed, partly thanks to us ensuring the timeline was fixed. A few helicopters were buzzing around some farms nearby, but they were carrying reindeer to help move some clouds away. I'm pretty sure some of the shapes ploughing the distant fields were old tanks converted to tractors.

In fact the only sign of the once-vast military forces in Roedina that was still armed had been passing by a fort this morning and a Kasatka-class Corvette that had said hello by radio just after lunchtime - I don't think we got within twenty miles of it. It had been reduced to about a tenth of the post-Dragon War Hooviet forces and in recent years had been shifting heavily towards peacekeeping and equinitarian...sorry, cervitarian duties.

It seemed fitting. Here was another peaceful nation that had once lived in fear with so much to look forward to, and here was me. Feeling peaceful and knowing there was much ahead for me even as our trip around the world had only about twelve more weeks left.


I turned to see Cadence behind me - my princess, my friend, my fiancee.

"Hello, Cadence. Just enjoying the view...It's got a bit better though, something really pretty just showed up," I grinned.

"You're still pretty bad at that and I still don't care," She grinned back.

"Care to join me or am I needed for something?"

"Well, the birthday-slash-engagement party is starting shortly in the auxiliary hangar and I'm not planning on going alone. But we've got a bit of time before that."

We stood together for a short while until Cadence spoke again.

"When do you think we should officially announce it? I think the girls are about ready to explode keeping it a secret..."

"Well, I was thinking, it's the Grand Galloping Gala later this week, and the Roedinians celebrate the Spring Equinox as well, right?"

Traditionally, Spring Equinox saw Deer couples announce their engagements. Despite the best efforts of the previous regime the tradition had held strong.

"Aha, good idea...We announce it here, Auntie can announce it there? I think Mother Deer would be pleased if we announced we were engaged as part of the celebrations."

"We'll need to tell the important ponies first though. Anyway, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the party, Princess?"

"I asked you earlier!"

"Ah, you merely said you weren't planning on going alone, for all I know you could have hoped to invite Thunderchild!" I smirked.

"Fine, fine, I'll go with you if you insist, Captain..." She mock-rolled her eyes.

We made our way back below decks.

"A lot's changed on this trip..." Cadence noted, as we nodded at a Royal Marine saying good evening.

"Yeah...Most for the better, but..." I thought of Sunset and Ranger.

"They'd want us to be happy, Shining. I know they're together themselves. They're going to be with us when we get married, even if we weren't able to get to their wedding," Cadence read my thoughts.

"Yeah. Everypony is with us and we're with each other. That's one thing that hasn't changed."

We shared a quick nuzzle and kiss, before we entered the party - together.


I'm told that as the Gala was drawing to a close, Luna and Celestia had been planning to make a speech anyway. It seems that they'd been about to praise the actions of a fair few ponies in recent times, though one of the groups they were praising had declined to attend the Gala that year as, well, the last time Twiley and her friends were there it went a bit wrong apparently. Celestia let Luna handle it - it appeared the Alicorn of the Night was better at annoucements, or at least, she had more fun doing them.

"Finally, we are pleased this evening to proclaim an additional acknowledgement of most happy news - our niece, Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria, has announced her engagement to Captain Shining Armor Sparkle of the Harmony Guards regiment!"

Obviously I wasn't there in Canterlot, but I was present as Mother Deer's Spring Equinox speech reached the important part...

"...It gives me great pleasure today to also announce that two friends of the Roedina, and two ponies that I am proud to call my personal friends, are engaged to be married - Princess Cadenza Equestria, Daughter of Blue Song, and Captain Shining Armor Sparkle, Son of Moonshine Sparkle."

The applause of the Roedinian crowd, and the applause of our own ponies (even if Gag hadn't been able to translate since he was drowned out in applause and distracted by a nuzzley Garnet) sealed it as official. And somehow made it all feel that little bit more real, to start getting the letters of congratulations.

I was somewhat taken aback that Blueblood of all ponies seemed to be the one making the most blatant 'if you hurt her I hurt you' overtures in his letter, and even more taken aback that his letter wa co-signed by his marefriend...Perhaps there was another royal wedding in store a couple of years from now? Regardless, it was a bit surprising.

Of course, our parents knew, but they sent letters anyway. I could practically see Dad going overboard about his little boy getting married...yes, Dad, not Mom. Mom lets him handle the emotional outbursts by mutual consent of the whole family. Mom's probably going to put her emotional outbursts into writing her next novel like most authors do. I might actually read that one.

Perhaps it was just the volume of letters, but in amongst it all, we failed to notice that Twilight hadn't sent us a letter. We figured maybe it had been lost in the post (I'm pretty sure she may not actually know how to operate a stamp thanks to Spike), or we'd just misplaced it in the pile.

"It's probably not a problem. She'll know we're getting married surely, it's gotta be headline news back home," I reassured Cadence when we realised this.

Remember what I said about thinking about things like that?


Huh? What's this dream? Where is this? This place looks familiar! Mom? Dad? Is that her wedding dress?! Dad's carrying her across the threshold? They're nuzzling each other and going up to the bedroom. That calendar on the table...This is...this is their honeymoon? But...how? If what I'm seeing is real, I'm not scheduled to be born until eleven months later from this point in time!

Wait... Eleven months...?

"Ready, darling?"

"Are YOU ready, my sweet?"

Oh nooooooooo!

(Friend's Notes (Dawn): And it's done. He's concrete. His beginning is set in stone.)

(Friend's Notes (Noon): So is his present.)

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): And the future is finally waiting for him to catch up to it like it should have all along.)

(Friend's Notes (Dawn): So when we see him in our 'today' it'll be his today too!)

(Friend's Notes (Noon): So...now what?)

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): There exists a saying that comes from the Second Age, when ponies were influenced by humans. For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost;
For want of a horse, the rider was lost;
For want of a rider, the message was lost;
For want of the message, the battle was lost;
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

This saying fits the world, our actions perfectly. One life, one action in that life, can make all the difference in the world. A brother born or not being born. A Princess being in the castle one day or in Cloudsdale for a flying competition. A little filly choosing to sleep in or get up and watch out the window. A pegasus deciding to play a prank on her friend who'd had nightmares to cheer them up instead of sleeping soundly in bed. This is why each life, each choice is so important. From here on out, his choices will branch out and continue to effect the world.)

(Friend's Notes (Dawn): Hehe, you sound like momma.)

Dusk blinked, looking down at the soapbox she was now on and blushed.

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): ...Remind me to make sure I don't forget that when we leave.)

(Friend's Notes (Noon): So, by the time he gets to our present, he'll just be living his life?)

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): Yes. There's no such thing as a side character. Even if the camera is no longer on him, his story will continue, just like all of us.)

(Friend's Notes (Dawn): Everycreature is the hero of their own story.)

(Friend's Notes (Noon): Truer words were never spoken...I guess this is goodbye for now. We've got to get back to where we left, or else time might not like that so much.)

(Friend's Notes (Dawn): I'll miss Shiny...)

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): So will I, sister, but I'm sure our paths will cross again. This is only goodbye for now.)

(Friend's Notes (Noon): Yeah...And big sis?)

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): Yes?)

(Friend's Notes (Noon): Don't forget the soapbox.)

Dusk blushed again.

Dawn kissed her sleeping big brother on the forehead.

(Friend's Notes (Dawn): Goodbye, Shiny. Your beginning is there now, and happy as can be...You made grandma really happy, be proud of that.)

Noon smirked and kissed him on the cheek.

(Friend's Notes (Noon): Shine, be careful. Take every day one step at a time. Don't be like grandma and obsess over the future or like some people who keep asking 'what if' and are so focused on the past, they forget the present.)

Dusk gave Shining a gentle nuzzle and kissed him on the other cheek.

(Friend's Notes (Dusk): For now, Shining, rest and enjoy the future you've earned.. For now your story is over. But a character's life isn't over just because the camera isn't on them. Enjoy your time out off-screen, if anyone has earned it, it's you.)

(Friend's Notes (All): Goodbye, B.B.B.F.F. We'll see you in the future.)


Author's Note:

This chapter was written by me (Alex Warlorn) and LZ. AND! The last scene was given a look over BY LOUIS!!!!!

Here it is folks. The epilogue. Gives a round of applauds to LZ for all his hard work. The story is FINISHED! You've been a wonderful audience. I hope you keep on reading!

Previous: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Shining-Armor-The-Final-Page-429469827

Next Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Prince-Blueblood-Reach-For-The-Stars-Part-1-430322706

First Chapter: http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/art/Pony-POV-Series-Fluttershy-FlutterCruel-Pearls-260092460

"Time is an ocean in a storm."

This storyline runs PARALLEL to the events in the Dark World storyline narrative wise.

Please help the trope http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/PonyPOVSeries
And recap pages. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/PonyPOVSeries (please?)

Check out the recursive fanfiction and fanart of the Pony POV Series! http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-PonyPOVSeriesFanworks-audio-adaption-2013-349281264 Many of it approved by me as canon.

Be sure to join our Group for a TON of recursive works, many a part of optional canon!!! http://mlp-pony-pov-series.deviantart.com/

AND! Be sure to check season zero and season one's fanlabor pages! PLEASE! THey need lots of work! As does our recap page on TVTropes! Please! Help people who are new to the series get caught up with updating the recap page!!

MLP: FiM is copyright of Hasbro

Image by Blueeyesneko, used with permission. http://blueeyesneko.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Cadence-and-Shining-Armor-298083837


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