• Published 9th Sep 2012
  • 7,127 Views, 2,699 Comments

Pony POV Series Season Six: Dark World/Shining Armor - Alex Warlorn

Twilight tries to remember herself after 1K years of chaos/Shining Armor awakes on his promotion day

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Drabble: An Eye for Beauty By Richforce

Author's Note:

A quasi-sequel of sorts to Cadence's story regarding a sibling she longs to forget.

Written by Richforce.

Libra wanted to get this over with quickly. Not because she feared she'd be trapped in Havoc, he had been too gracious a host, but she didn't want to keep her husband waiting. She heard sobbing, not unexpected given where she was, but it somehow sounded out of place.

It seemed almost innocent.

She climbed up Havoc's throne and saw it, the most beautiful alicorn colt she ever saw, only the mother and father of all could be greater. As she trotted closer the colt's colors seemed to shift moment to moment, first he was like gold and fire, the next he shone like a rainbow, the moment after that he seemed like diamond and after that he looked so plain yet the best possible kind of plain. The tormented souls below all craned and got trampled just to get a glimpse of this beautiful thing.

"Adonis?" Libra asked somehow knowing at least part of his name. "Why are you crying, why are you here?"

Adonis looking like a starry night looked back into her eyes. "He didn't want me anymore. He said I was subjective and what's subjective isn't perfect."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Libra recalled. "So you aren't perfect, that doesn't mean you aren't beauty." She said beginning to realize what was going on.

The jeweled coated Alicorn looked away. "He called me an imperfection forced upon him by mother and father, that my imperfection was the only reason he failed. He said next time he won't make a perfect world, he will BE a perfect world. He cut me out, he says he never wants to see me again."

Libra looked at the crystalline prison. The form of the concept that occupied it had become a twisted reflection of what was within his nonexistent heart, there was no hiding what he was anymore. "He won't. Come now I'm going to take you home."

"Won't Mother and Father be mad?"

Libra coved Adonis with her wing. "I think most of all they will be so happy that all that was good about someone they loved is coming home."

Morning Star spoke from his prison. "Take that tumor, that virus and go!"

Libra ignored him and turned back to Adonis. "It's time now, come together with me.

Libra folded her wing over Adonis for a second, when she lifted it the colt had vanished. But he was not gone, she could feel him within her, happier than he had been for so long now. The eyes of the aspect of the physical world had shone for a moment, reflecting the ever shifting nature of beauty. She thanked Havoc for his hospitality and then left, after all she had to introduce her friends and family to her new incarnation.

Comments ( 137 )

Whelp. Try to explain THAT one.

I was just thinking about this story yesterday. For those who've seen the movie, the Storm King really reminds me a lot of Makarov. The air ships and fancy anti-magic soldiers and OP Petrification devices and disdain for cutesiness. The biggest difference is that the Storm King was actually kind of funny and self aware at times in the best affably evil tradition.

I just regret we don't get more screen time with him.

Wow, even in Hell Morning Star is a prick.

To the ponies, I mean.

I finished this story a long time ago; this whole saga is one of the best on this site.

Ok, got it. Why would it dig up bad memories?

Got it, thanks.

No, the world where Discord populated his prison with constructs that had the gall to think they were alive.

Got it, thanks.

By the way, what was that Roman numeral after the princess's name in Spike's video game?

Spike kept naming the princesses after Rarity in every new game plays, I II III, etc, down through the ages.

Yes, but what number was that one? I don't know my really huge Roman numerals.

Got it, thanks a lot.

Got it. Will you ever fix it?

Caught me at a bad time sadly.

Indeed I did. And hopefully I'll notice even more once I embark on my grand "Re-read tour" of Pony POV in a few days. Time to catch back up.

This is the one with Makarov right?
I've been looking for that one.

Got it, you're welcome. That quote is near the end, right after Fluttershy thinks how she's proud as a mother.

I know that well.

I meant that quote to be mysterious. All those cycles... All those Fluttershies who became Princess Gaia... did any undertake the trials before the world was reset to become a true concept... concepts are immune to paradoxes... but there can be only one concept of reality in existence...

Might wanna strike remorse from the list.

Also, couldn't those other emotions be strong motivators to change things?


One of the major things I wanted when I wrote the pantheons, is that they aren't just some cosmic elite that exists for its own sake and thus can be overthrown by the work class without the universe changing in the slightest (except maybe people now free to make their own choices with some meddling extra-reality aliens playing Populace with innocent species.).


and thus can be overthrown by the work class

Ohohohon yeeees, those meager peasants must know their place! *adjusts monocle while bathing in gold*

How do you overthrow the turtle that swims the infinite sea that you live on and is willing to suffer attacks from predators rather than dive underwater and sentence you to drowning?

While I could take that literally and suggest going into the giant turtles skull and planting machines to control it via electrical impulses, or apply it to the setting and say maybe some mortals will achieve apotheosis and become concepts that render other concepts obsolete or redundant, I understand that it's rhetorical and will just say who knows?

Also, here's a thought. If you killed Mortis, would that undo his own death?

Death is a transition, it GOES somewhere.

I thought the whole point of a concept was that without it it didn't exist? Remember the Cupid incident?

I'm saying that it's different definitions of "dying."


Fear in the biblical use of the word, as in 'awe', not 'cower before.'

Second verse, same as the first.

That made no sense.

What part? The random gibberish of letters to emphasize that literally any word translates into sounds? Or the part about his name being super duper unpronouncable is just giving him extra mystical clout that's largely undeserved?

Emperor Joker did it brilliantly.

Only because the writers wanted what happened to happened. Again, reality warper, teleport your head, instant win for the reality warper.



What part of her free will is infringed upon by not having her dragged to the place she doesn't want to go to? I'm sure Omniscient Morality License really soothed the scare that Applebloom underwent seeing her sister being dragged into the darkness.

Cool, bye Applejack, enjoy suffering for eternity! Boy that Discord world sounds fun, hope it stays like that forever!

Seriously, I think mr-eternal-god-horse should be able to prioritize a little better than that.

Then he just plays along with it for the sake of appleblooms terror until Applejack starts breaking out. Carefully wording things so he didn't technically lie btw. Alicorn of Dick Moves.

And at this point I'm again reminded how much I suck at debate.

Neither was Fluttershy.


She was becoming an Alicorn, but she held onto her mortal pettiness and regrets. Luna fell out of balance.

Spoilers for a story well back in continuity and chapter number? And what happens if The Father of Alicorns falls out of balance? What's the plan?

It's kinda impossible.

The closest that can happen is an avatar going out of control. And to be honest, it really feels like you're gunning for something.

Flawless characters generally rub me the wrong way. The more perfect and incorruptible the worse. And I think my straw dummy as you put it makes it pretty clear how he comes across.


The sensitive nature of religious beliefs is common knowledge. Heck I even acknowledged it previously. And attacking my word choice does not address the comment itself, so even if you take umbrage with the term 'junk' being used to apply to the religion in question it addresses nothing.

Look, you're allowed to believe whatever you want, I'm not going to tell you to stop nor do I particularly care if you do or not, but when it's shoved haphazardly into a my little pony fanfiction like it has been then it's jarring as fuck and serves no functional purpose.

What's a bad thing?

If it's that I'm right about something then maybe you should check to make sure the sky hasn't fallen, if it's about the emotion magic welcome to childrens media.

Ok, got it. What about the joke about the Commissars always dying I asked you about a while ago?

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