• Published 19th Sep 2022
  • 698 Views, 38 Comments

Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage - Babroniedad

Sunset Shimmer has seen her destiny. Now she just has to survive it! A Certain Magical Sunset prequel.

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16 - Sunset - New Orders

TRIGGER WARNING - This chapter contains graphic violence, and decapitation.

Sunset woke, and awakened Aiko. Together they performed their ablutions, bathed quickly, then joined the merchant and his siblings for a quick breakfast of fish porridge and fruit in the tavern. Afterwards Sunset fetched the cart, pulling it to their booth at the bazaar. Leaving the merchant and his siblings to set up, Sunset and Aiko bounded over to the City Hall where they had to wait a few minutes for it to open.

“I can’t wait to see my uncle,” grinned Aiko. “The look on his face will be priceless.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” counted Sunset. “And I’m not sure priceless is the word I would use. Pissed is probably a better description.”

What?” asked Aiko, surprised. “Why do you think he’ll be pissed? He’ll be thrilled to see me still alive!”

“Yeah, for the first two seconds. Then he will realize we lied to him, and put him and your mom and dad through a lot of heartfelt grief. He will not be amused in the slightest until we explain exactly why we had to use that subterfuge. And even then, he may still be angry.”

“He’ll get over it,” countered Aiko. “He will just be happy to see me. You’ll see.”

“Yes, I guess I will. Let’s ease him into it though, okay. Let me talk with him first, then you can make your appearance. Can we do that?” asked Sunset.

“Oh, that would be more dramatic, yeah!” agreed Aiko.

“No, not dramatic! Not what we’re going for. We’re trying to ease him into it so we can skip the angry part. If we are going to work together, I would really rather skip any anger,” explained Sunset.

“You worry too much,” smiled Aiko. “My uncle loves me, My whole family loves me, and loves my uncle. It will be fine.”

Sunset sighed. “Well, I should trust your judgment. You were spot on the last time. But we still do it my way, okay?”

“Okay, however that goes,” agreed Aiko. The functionary approached the door from the inside, unlocking it. Sunset and Aiko entered, following him back as he returned to his desk.

When he got to the desk, he put the keys away in a drawer, and turned to the two of them. “How can I help you today?” he asked in a bored voice.

“We’re here to see the Secretary of the Prime Minister,” smiled Aiko. Sunset facehooved.

The functionary looked up, startled. “Excuse me?” he asked.

Before Aiko could say another word, Sunset spoke up, nudging her friend. “Sorry, yes. We are here to see the Secretary of the Prime Minister. He’s expecting us. We’ll just wait over here, if you could please announce us, thank you.”

The functionary looked at them pointedly. “No one was supposed to know he was here today. So, whom shall I say has come calling?”

“Just tell him Soni and her friend are here, as promised,” said Sunset as she herded her friend over to some chairs set in the corner to wait. The functionary left to announce them while Sunset pushed her friend into a chair.

“This won’t do,” fused Sunset. “Let’s see…” She placed a hoof on her friend, and a flash of teal passed over her.

“What did you do?” asked Aiko suspiciously.

“Take a look,” offered Sunset, stepping back. Aiko looked down at herself. She was now a silver vixen, with two tails and a large purple tuft of fur covering her chest.

“What the… Sunset, why did you do this? Is this a glamor?” she asked, looking herself over.

“Yes, I’ll take it off after we explain everything. I don’t want him to recognise you right away. This gives me a chance to have my say first,” explained Sunset.

“You know he’s going to suspect, right?” noted Aiko, turning from her inspection of herself to her friend.

“As intelligent as he clearly is, I expect he will be onto us from the start. But with the glamor, and us clearly trying to keep you out of sight, he will at least be willing to listen first,” Sunset explained. “At least, that’s my hope.”

The functionary returned, and called out to them. “Follow me please,” he then noticed the silver vixen. “What happened to your friend?” he asked, looking around.

“Bad dye job,” quipped Sunset, getting up to follow him with Aiko behind her. The functionary just raised an eyebrow, then turned and led them down the hall to the offices, the girls following.

He led them to a large office at the end of the hall, and opened the doors, announcing them. “Mr. Secretary, I have here the two I mentioned.” He bowed and ushered the girls in.

“Excuse me, but didn’t you say the vixen had a brown coat and three tails? Who is this then?” demanded the Secretary,

“Hi uncle!” waved the silver Kitsune, bowing. Sunset facehooved.

“Aiko?” asked the Secretary, bewildered.

“I can explain,” countered Sunset.

The secretary turned to the functionary. “Not a word of this to anyone, do you understand? This does not leave this room. You’re dismissed!” he motioned for the functionary to leave, which he did promptly, closing the doors behind him.

“Aiko, is that really you? I watched you die,” asked her uncle, bewildered. He turned to Sunset, his frown turning into a dark scowl. “Explain, Miss Suni, right now, if you please!”

“See, that, right there!? That’s what I was trying to avoid, Aiko! See how pissed he is!” growled Sunset at Aiko. She reached out and touched her friend, releasing the glamor. Aiko stood smiling before her uncle, back to her true self.

“Hi uncle! It’s so good to see you!” smiled Aiko.

“Uh… Likewise? You look surprisingly healthy, considering how you looked the last time we met,” said her uncle, turning to Sunset. “When you were dead, and burned to ashes that scattered all over the family vineyard on the wind. Right Soni?” He glared angrily at her.

“Uncle, don’t be mad at Sunset. We did what we had to do,” counted Aiko, stepping between them. “I had to die, honor required it. But Sunset gave me another way,” she explained.

Her uncle moved forward, taking Aiko into a tight hug. “Aiko, I am so happy to see you,” he smiled. Then he looked down at Sunset, glare returning, as he moved Aiko aside and stepped up to Sunset, looking down at her. “Explain, now.”

Sunset fell back onto her haunches. “Right. Okay then. Like Aiko said, she knew she had to die, honor required it. I tried to talk her out of it, because I’ve lost too many friends already, and I didn’t want to lose another one. I didn’t want to lose her. She is a dear friend and I couldn’t bear to let her just die like that. She was dead set, no please pardon the pun, it was not intentional, she was determined to go through with it, to preserve the family honor and save your reputation and position. So, I told her I would help her die in her old life, and give her a new one.

“I enrolled her as an Equestrian Battle Mage, and gave her a new life as a mage by my side. Her old life was dead, and she would die to it publicly, to satisfy her honor debt left by the shame of her mistreatment. When I greeted you right before the ceremony, I touched each of you, placing you under my glamor so you only witnessed what we wished you to see. You saw Aiko satisfy her debt of honor, and be released to the land she loved. Then you saw me depart, which ended the glamor. When I left, I took Aiko with me, and we started our new life together. She is now a mage in training, at my side in our battles.

“And the first battle we are joining now. I must correct the abuses that led to her capture and shame. For that, I must change the nature of the brothels, and the leadership and structure of the Yak-uza. What has been happening can not be allowed to continue.

“Your niece has explained to me the order of society, and how I cannot just remove elements without disrupting your society. Not that I could truly anyway, as I am just one Samurai, one warrior. But with another warrior at my side,” Sunset smiled at Aiko. “I have seen a way to make the changes necessary, and we are moving forward with that plan.

“We need your help. Aiko has convinced me you are the one who can best help us in our quest. Help us symbolically reclaim her honor, and redress what was done to her, and others. Help us to end this,” finished Sunset.

“And what was done to you,” added Aiko, looking at her friend. “You too bore those indignities, you too were raped and tortured, and abused.”

“All of which I chose to undergo willingly to rescue you,” added Sunset. “And which I would willingly bear again if it meant saving you.”

Aiko stepped over and hugged her friend. “You are a true friend and warrior,” smiled Aiko. “You are truly a worthy huntress, even if you are a cute little pony.”

“Really?” grinned Sunset. “Now I’m a cute little pony? The other day you said I was an oni!”

“Okay, I said you are an oni that looks like a cute little pony. I stand beside that comment,” grinned Aiko.

The Secretary looked on bemused. “Aiko, you have a truly dear friend, I can see that,” he smiled. “So why the farce? Why did you lie to your mother, your father, and me? Why didn’t you just tell us what was going on?”

“Because that would not have satisfied honor,” answered Sunset, pulling from her friend's grasp to stand before her uncle again. “She had to die, visibly, to her old life to be free to live her new one as a mage by my side. And to satisfy honor. You were very clear on that, as was she. I respect your traditions, and we abided by them. Aiko is dead. Long live Aiko.”

“So, what can I do to help you, and what do you have planned?” asked her uncle.

Together, they laid out their plan.

“You are quite ambitious,” mused her uncle. “But if anyone can pull this off, it would be you two. Especially considering what you have already done. Quite amazing. Yes, you have my full support, and your secret is safe with me, though I do hope you will let me tell your parents.”

“Yes, but for their safety only after this task is done. Then, we can visit and all can be explained. And I hope, be forgiven,” agreed Aiko.

The Secretary called out, summoned the functionary, and ordered refreshments brought for all of them. They planned throughout the afternoon.

By the time they were satisfied with the plan and their preparations, the evening had worn on and it was time for them to leave. Promising to report back when they arrived in Yokeo and had started on the first phase of their plan, Sunset and Aiko left, returning to the bazaar and the Merchant and his siblings.

“So how was your day? Did you find anything useful?” smiled the Merchant as they packed up the cart.

“We did!” agreed Aiko. “How about you? Was this a successful stop for you as well?” she asked.

“It was,” agreed the merchant. “We made several profitable trades, and sold our inventory at an advantageous price. It will certainly help our parents to keep the family store open.”

“As will our visit to your, um, detractors, once we are back in Yokeo,” agreed Sunset from her place in the harness. “A few more days of journey, then that adventure can start.” She smiled.

“And with your protection, we will arrive safely,” smiled the merchant, loading up the last of the merchandise and closing down the stall. “Okay, I for one am looking forward to another night of good food and a soft bed. Then off we go in the morning.” He led the way back to the inn, the others following.

They placed the cart in the stall, Sunset again locking and warding it, then they retired to the tavern for dinner, eating well in celebration of their fortunes and friendships. They then bathed together in the common baths, performed their ablutions, and headed to bed to rest up for the journey ahead.

Sunset and Aiko snuggled together in the bed, falling asleep quickly.

The next morning, they woke, cleaned, performed their ablutions, then packed up everything and headed downstairs to the tavern to join their party for breakfast. They again ate fish porridge with vegetable stuffed pastries and tea. They paid their bill, collected the cart which Sunset hitched up to pull, then left the city, heading towards Yokeo and their destination. As these final three days were just intended to be a straight shot to Yokeo and the Merchants home, they chose a path that avoided detours to any towns, sticking to the woods, forests, and passes that would get them to their goal most directly.

They stopped at midday for a light lunch, then continued on their way. Sunset once again sensed occasional parties scouting them out, but never one that could match five unencumbered Kitsune, one a three tail. So they were not accosted that day, and stopped for the night as the sun settled under the western horizon, ceding the sky to the full moon and her guardian spirit, the Mare in the Moon. They ate a hearty dinner cooked over the fire. Sunset then warded the site and they settled into the tent for a night’s sleep.

Nothing disturbed them that night. Sunset rose with the dawn, the rest of the party right behind her, as she finished her ablutions, cleaned in the nearby stream, then ate. Afterwards she dismissed the wards, brushing away any sign of them and hitched herself back up to the cart for the day's journey.

As they were journeying, Sunset sensed a party of three foxes tracking them. They were not even trying to hide their approach, just barreling in, racing past them to stand before them on the path, swords drawn as they blocked their passage.

“Pay the toll, or die by our hand!” threatened the oldest of the three. The other two just nodded, looking intense.

“Did you practice that in the mirror all day before borrowing someone's swords to try it out on us?” asked Sunset from her harness. Her Kitsune partners were lined up by twos in front of them, their swords drawn as well. It did Sunset proud to see Aiko standing fiercely, her katana in paws as she faced down their would be robbers. She was wielding the very long sword Sunset had rescued from her ceremony, after using it to chop her head completely off. The katana looked much better in her paws with her head in its proper place, thought Sunset proudly.

“How dare you mock us!” raged the oldest, speaking up again. “If you don’t meet our demands right this second, we will be forced to kill you all!”

“Okay, never make a threat you don’t even have a prayer of keeping,” said Sunset, shaking her head. The fox looked surprised, offended, and extremely angry. Before he could even open his mouth to reply, Sunset popped from her harness between him and the other two, bucking first the one then the other with a quick twist, dropping them both senseless.

“You next, Bacca,” she smiled as she hit him in the head with a hoof. He too dropped like a rock.

“So, what fantasy did you give these three?” asked Aiko with a grin. “And what tree should we bind them to?”

The merchant looked confused. “Fantasy?” he asked, sword still drawn.

“I knocked them out. They are dreaming, getting the worst scolding from their mammas for stealing their daddy’s swords and getting into trouble,” laughed Sunset. “And no, these three aren’t worthy of that kind of punishment. They would only be in that much trouble if they were an actual threat. To someone. Anyone. These baccas are only worthy of one thing.”

With a flash, a quill and ink-pot appeared before her. In scrolling calligraphy, she inked the kanji for Bacca on each of their foreheads, then propped them up against a tree to sleep off their dream. For good measure, then embedded each of their swords into a wooden trunk, deep enough it would take all three of them pulling to get each one out. She laughed. “That ought to teach them. And I enchanted the ink. They won’t be able to wash it off or write over it for about a month. I think that ought to keep them out of trouble for a bit.”

She laughed as she popped the quill and ink away, and settled back into the harness. “Good luck explaining that to your mamma, boys!” she grinned. With a laugh, the party sheathed their swords and went back to their travels, interrupted only briefly by the three fools.

There were no further incidents that day. They made camp for the night, ate well, then rested, secure in the camp protected by Sunset’s runes.

The next morning they rose, ate a quick breakfast, with tea warmed by the campfire’s dying embers, then struck camp, ready for the long final day of their journey. Sunset scattered her runes and hitched herself to the cart, then they were off.

They pushed hard to cover the final distance with the goal of arriving at the outskirts of Yokeo sometime around nightfall. Sunset kept her senses alert, not wanting to deal with the distraction of bandits, especially not today when they were intent on making good time. There were a few times she sensed others tracking them, but for the most part, they quickly moved off, looking for easier game. One group was especially persistent, but they too eventually moved off after being bruised by some large stray branches falling on them.

The group ate as they moved, not stopping for lunch. They pressed through into the evening as well, eating a walking meal of snacks for their supper. By nightfall, they could see the outlines of the city from the hills they were cresting. They redoubled their efforts.

It was dark by the time they arrived at the family store. Sunset pulled the cart into the yard behind the store while the merchant and his siblings went in to let their parents know they had arrived, with friends. The entire family came out back, greeting Sunset and Aiko and moving the merchandise back into the store. Sunset and Aiko followed them in, where after putting everything quickly away, they sat around the dining room table for tea and pastries, introduced by their new companions and sharing their adventures.

An hour later, refreshed by the hospitality but still exhausted by their hard day’s journey, everyone went to bed. Sunset and Aiko were shown the guest room and the washroom down the hall. They cleaned up, did their ablutions, then retired to bed, Sunset especially sore from the day spent pulling the cart. They snuggled up and were quickly asleep.

The next morning, Sunset woke to the heavenly smells of home cooking. Smiling, she turned to see Aiko smiling back at her. “Smells delicious, doesn't it?” she grinned.

“Yeah it does,” agreed Sunset. “So what are we waiting here for?” she quipped.

“Just for you to wake up,” teased her friend, rolling out of bed. Sunset joined her. Quick ablutions and clean up later, they both joined the merchant’s family in the dining room.

“That smells heavenly,” smiled Aiko as they joined them at the table.

“It always does,” agreed the merchant, passing over a tray of steamed fish and vegetables, while their mother served up two bowls of soup that we passed to them as well. One of the sisters poured them tea.

“Thank you!” bowed Sunset, Aiko joining her. They ate the soup, then the rest of the breakfast, which tasted as good as its fragrance. While they ate, their father had some questions.

“So, my son has explained to us, you have offered to speak with the Yak-uza for us about our payments to them? I thank you kindly for this, but I cannot allow you to put yourself in a dangerous situation like that for us. While I deeply appreciate the offer, it would be dangerous for you to even attempt it,” he explained.

“I do appreciate your consideration of our safety,” nodded Sunset. “But I assure you, I would not be in any additional danger from it, and am happy to ask for you. Your family has been kind to us on our journey, and after all we have been through together I would like to help your family out. Please allow me to do this. It is not a bother, as I have to discuss other business with them anyways, and it would be simple enough for me to request this as well.”

“If you’ll forgive my asking, why do you feel they would listen to your request?” asked the father.

Aiko laughed. “They owe her the favor. And besides,” she grinned. “They always give her exactly what she asks for.”

Sunset scowled at her friend. “It’s not like that. You can be such a brat,” she grinned. “I guess we have that in common.”

“One of our more endearing attributes,” agreed Aiko, winking. Sunset laughed.

“So yes, I am sure they will listen to me. I am happy to request it for you and your family,” answered Sunset.

His eyebrow raised, the father replied. “Well, okay then. Thank you!”

“Wow, someone who can get dad to back down! Never thought I would see that,” grinned one of the vixens. Her father scowled playfully at her and threw a roll at her. She caught it, stuck her tongue out playfully and threw it back. He caught it and ate it with a grin.

Sunset laughed. “Now I feel like I’m back home,” she grinned.

“Soon enough, Suni,” laughed Aiko, tossing a roll at her. Sunset caught it in a teal glow and popped it into her mouth.

“Thank you!” she snarked. “Next time more jam though, please!”

Aiko and the rest of the table laughed. They finished up their breakfast. Sunset and Aiko changed into their town outfits and left, promising to return for dinner that evening and to spend the night again.

Once again a vixen with her cloaked and veiled servant out on the town, they headed first to the government offices to check in with her Uncle. They loped up to the front desk.

“May I help you?” asked the functionary.

“Yes, could you please let the Secretary to the Minister know that Suni and her companion are here as promised?” informed Aiko.

“Is he expecting you?” asked the functionary.

“I believe so, yes,” replied Aiko.

“Okay, I will announce you. Please take a seat,” replied the functionary, stepping away from her desk. Sunset and Aiko sat in the seats provided.

A few minutes later, the functionary returned, looking slightly surprised. “Follow me please, he will see you now.” She led them through large double doors, through a large well furnished conference room, and into a spacious office on the other side of the room.

“Miss Suni and her companion, Mr. Secretary,” informed the functionary, stepping aside to let them enter.

“Very good, please see that we are not interrupted. Thank you,” he dismissed her. She bowed and shut the door behind her.

Her uncle rushed over and pulled Aiko into a hug. “It is still so wonderful to see you. I’m still coming to grips with the fact that I didn’t lose you forever,” he said happily.

Aiko hugged him tightly back. “I hear you there. I was so sure it would be my real death. I didn’t think Suni would be able to save me,” she admitted.

“I am so glad you were wrong,” smiled her uncle, giving her one final tight hug. “Okay, have a seat! Let’s get this party started. So, where are we at?”

Sunset led off. “We had a run in with the Yak-uza back in Tackasaki. We thought they were on to us, but it turned out they just thought we might know something about what happened. So we’re still in the clear, though with a tidy bounty on our heads.” She passed over the notice she had taken down from the board. The Secretary whistled.

Sunset laughed. “Yeah, they really want to make an example out of us. Jokes on them. Anyways, we plan on getting captured heading into the mansion of the head of the Yak-uza. That way he'll have to take us into his on site holding chambers, which I have seen extensively. Once we’re in there, Aiko and I will rip them a new one literally from the inside out, and replace him with someone we can trust to do what we want done. And as we are not asking them to do anything other than what their code demands, it shouldn’t be impossible to find someone willing to work with us instead of dying.”

“That still sounds extremely dangerous. Are you sure there isn’t a better way to do this?” asked the Secretary.

“Not that keeps as many safe as this. The only ones taking risks here are Aiko and myself,” Sunset replied, looking pointedly at Aiko.

“I’m not comfortable allowing my niece to place herself in danger, especially after almost losing her once,” agreed the Secretary.

“And I’ve made it clear, we are partners, Suni. You go, I go. We’re in this together,” replied Aiko emphatically.

Sunset sighed. “I know. I just want you safe.”

“There is nowhere safer than by your side, and nowhere I would rather be,” responded Aiko.

“Then we’ll make it work,” said Sunset in resignation. “You’re niece is very insistent. She gets what she wants, I am told,”

“So I’ve heard,” agreed the Secretary with a smile. “Okay. Keep her safe. I can’t bear to lose her again.”

“I promise on my life,” agreed Sunset.

“So then, once that is settled, Aiko and I take a representative of the new management on a tour of the brothels, and we make some changes. And anyone who tries to stop us is relieved of their membership in the Yak-uza on the spot,” continued Sunset.

“Yak-uza is for life. The only way out is death,” clarified the Secretary.

“Exactly,” agreed Sunset. The Secretary blanched.

Oni as a pony,” whispered Aiko to her uncle. He nodded quietly.

“I heard that,” snarked Sunset.

“Still true,” snarked Aiko back.

Sunset continued. “The last brothels we will visit will be the common brothels. I will be shutting them down until they can be brought up to the level of the exotics. Those that cannot be brought up to that level will be closed permanently. Any of the Madams or house mothers that oppose this will be relieved as well. The permanent house guests of the common brothels will be moved to the other brothels for training to allow them to perform at the level expected of them. After the training, any who wish to leave the employ of the brothels will be allowed to go. But not until they have completed their training, because I want them to have a real choice to make, not be deciding between two horrible deaths like that are now in the conditions they are in.

“The state will now be licensing brothels, to keep my new associates in check. If any of them start sliding back to the old ways, I need you to put the screws on them so tight they decide it’s not worth the effort. They do it my way, or they don’t play. I need you to make that stick. They don’t like losing assets or coins. Hit them where it hurts.

“The last thing I need to take care of for the brothels is a particular council member. He is nicknamed the Beast. He has a hobby of killing vixens after their services to him. He has to go, and I intend to take care of him personally,” finished Sunset.

“And there is one more item, a debt of honor I owe some fallen samurai. I need the edict rescinded that forbids Samurai from finding another master after they are dismissed. It’s wrong, and has caused many to turn to crime as ronin, as you pointed out over dinner,” finished Sunset.

The Secretary groaned. “I agree wholeheartedly. The prime minister and I both told the emperor it was a bad idea, but he dismissed us both out of hand.”

“If you can’t convince him, please get me before him to speak with him. I will help him to see reason,” requested Sunset.

“I will make that happen. If you can get that blight lifted, it would be a boon to everyone,” agreed the Secretary.

“Then, when that’s all settled, your niece and I will make our way back to Equestria, when the newest member of the Mage Corps will continue her training in magic state field and spy-craft, and join me by my side in our missions.” Sunset smiled at Aiko, who nodded and smiled back.

“You do make a cute couple,” grinned her uncle.

“What? It’s not like that!” insisted Aiko. Sunset laughed.

“I don’t know, Aiko. We do sleep together every night. And we are inseparable,” Sunset teased.

Aiko smacked Sunset on the withers. “Don’t you dare encourage him! He doesn’t need it!” laughed Aiko. That got a laugh from all of them.

They discussed details. Aiko took off her Katanas, handing them to her uncle for safekeeping, then with a final hug from her uncle, they parted ways, heading for the next stop of the day.

“Time to depose a tin hat tyrant,” smiled Sunset as they headed back out to the street.

They loped towards the manse of the Yak-uza oyabun. A block away Sunset pulled Aiko into the bush and stowed their outfits back in her saddlebags. They wanted to be recognized, so they went completely uncovered, with Sunset’s saddlebags her only accompaniment. As they approached the gate, two large Yaks came running out, calling for others.

“Halt!” they called out, katanas drawn. Sunset popped between them wheeling and bucking, dropping them both cold. Aiko just grinned as she loped through them, joining her friend as they passed through the open gates.

More Yaks streamed out from both sides of the manse quickly surrounding them. “Hello boys. I have some unfinished business with your oyabun. Don’t suppose he’s around, is he?” laughed Sunset, back to back with Aiko as they faced down the Yaks.

One of the yaks stepped up, pulling back his hoof to strike her. “How dare you take that tone when speaking of our oyabun!” he yelled as he swung. He had barely even started his swing when Sunset wheeled and bucked him so hard he flew into one of the other yaks in the ring, knocking him down and both of them out cold.

The rest of the yaks moved in. “Ah ah ah! You might want to rethink that!” called out Sunset, her back to Aiko again, facing them down.

“What, whorse, think you can buck us all? You’re going down painfully, and then you’re going to spend the pitiful rest of your life regretting your decisions,” called out one of the yaks. They moved towards them again.

In a flash of teal, Sunset and Aiko disappeared from the middle of the scrum, appearing at the front door. They rushed in and locked it behind them, while the Yaks yelled and beat on the door, then took off for the entrances they had emerged from.

“Yeah, that’ll only slow them down. Let’s move to the zoo,” called out Sunset, leading them down several hallways to a room in the back of the house. She tapped three spots on the wall and a secret door opened up. “This way!” she called back to Aiko as she darted down the stairs, Aiko right behind her.

They raced down the stairs and into a dungeon, various devices of torture and abuse scattered in the open space, the walls ringed with cells. Feral and near feral mares and vixens stared out, their eyes dim with pain and suffering. Seeing the two of them charging into the dungeon, they stood at their bars, looking out, hardly daring to hope.

A flash of teal magic burst out from Sunset, and all the doors flew open, the locks wrenched open, her magic fueled by the rage she was feeling at seeing these poor creatures in their wretched state.

“Come out, now!” Sunset commanded. They came towards her, shuffling, confused. But some began moving with purpose, with hope. They gathered around her, looking at her expectantly.

Sunset turned to Aiko. “I need you to watch them. I’m going to drop you outside with them. Keep them safe and keep them hidden. Do not get caught! I will come for you as soon as I finish the management change here,” Sunset reminded her. Aiko nodded.

“Everyone, stay right here! I will be right back, I am getting us all out of here,” commanded Sunset. They all nodded. With a flash of teal, Aiko, Sunset, and four of the closest mares disappeared.

They reappeared in the bushes Sunset and Aiko had hidden in earlier, just down the street. “Keep everyone here. I will be back,” reassured Sunset. She disappeared with a flash.

And reappeared in the middle of the now worried group of mares and vixens. “See, I didn’t forget you! We are all getting out of here,” assured Sunset. She disappeared again, this time with three vixens and two mares. A moment later she was back, then gone again with five vixens this time. Three more trips, she had cleared out everyone, and quickly made a circuit of the cells, looking for anyone who may have been too ill or feral to emerge.

Finding no one, she was about to head back into the hallway when the oyabun ran into the room followed by twenty yaks, all with their katanas drawn.

“You!” snarled the oyabun. “I should have killed you when I had the chance!”

“You never stood a chance,” snarled Sunset back. With a flash, her sword appeared. She grabbed it in a hoof and faced him.

“Kill her!” commanded the oyabun to his kobun. They moved to attack.

“Hold!” shouted Sunset. “I demand the right to battle you with honor!”

Whorses have no honor!” spat the oyabun. “Kill her!” They again moved to attack.

A blast of teal magic shot out from Sunset, knocking them all over. “Let me make this simple then. You can face me with honor, or I can kill everyone where they stand, and go home. Your choice!”

The oyabun stepped forward. “I will end you like the little worthless cockroach you are,” he snarled, facing off against her. Sunset circled around him, keeping him before her.

She got too close to the edge of the circle. One of the kobun lashed out at her with his katana. She rolled under the blade then up next to him, quickly slicing him open side to side. He fell with a moan as she rolled back to the center of the circle just as the oyabun lunged at her. “This is between the oyabun and I! Anyone who interferes will taste my blade!” called out Sunset and she circled the oyabun again.

The oyabun lunged again, sweeping and swiping at her in a series of moves almost too quick to follow. Rolling, leaping, blocking and parrying, Sunset met his every attack, then answered with her own, her sword flashing as she leaned in scoring a cut on his barrel, even as she twisted and blocked his counter with her sword then rolled away again. Swearing, the oyabun wiped the blood from the wound and glared at her.

“I am so going to enjoy watching you die, bitch,” he growled. He moved in again, a whirling whirlwind of tempered steel as he pressed her back towards the edge of the circle. Before he could drive her completely into his waiting kobun, Sunset rolled under his blade, slicing up and cutting his hind-leg as she rolled completely under him.

Bouncing to her hooves behind him she moved in to finish him, but he twisted and blocked, attacked again, driving her back towards the other side of the circle as she blocked his attacks. This time, instead of rolling under his sword, she fainted then rolled to the side, bouncing back to score two cuts on his barrel before pulling back from his ferocious counter attack.

Again they circled one another, Sunset breathing heavily from the excursions, but the oyabun visibly moving slower from his wounds. She darted in again, scoring a cut on his other hind-leg. He swore loudly, parrying and recovering quickly.

Once again he launched an attack on her, landing a hit which she blocked, but the force was so great she was launched into the waiting kobun. Two katanas flashed down towards her, which she barely managed to roll away from, quickly springing back, gutting the first kobun who had struck at her.

The other swung again while she was attacking his companion. Her sword still engaged in his companion, she rolled away, just barely avoiding the blow, then rolled back, grabbing her sword from his companion's falling body and skewering him with it. He fell face first to the floor as she rolled and bounded back into the center of the circle facing the oyabun again,

“I could do this all day!” she taunted him. “You, on the other hand, are going to run out of blood and kobun soon. Better step it up, oyabun.” She laughed.

He glared at her, then launched again into a whirlwind of steel, driving her back. This time, she did not let him drive her back into his waiting kobun, but stepped off to the side, letting him chase her around the circle, tiring himself out.

“Getting old, oyabun? Need to retire? I have your retirement right here!” she mocked, waving her sword. “Come on, let me carve out the terms of your retirement in your entrails!” she laughed.

He roared and launched at her again, driving her back with the ferocity of his attack into the kobun behind her, who was waiting readily for his chance to end this. He swung at Sunset. She ducked under the blade of the oyabun and rolled under him, bucking him in the backside and launching him into the waiting blade of his kobun.

The oyabun cried out in shock, looking down at his kobun’s katana piercing his barrel, protruding from his back. The kobun looked down in shock, then fell to the floor in shame. The oyabun pulled his blade from his barrel, then dropped it in front of the kobun, holding his side to staunch the flow of his blood.

“You know what to do, fool,” he rasped at the kobun. Still in shock, the kobun sat up. He looked up at his oyabun, who looked down at him in fury. Picking up his blade by the middle, the kobun plunged it into his belly, pulled it across then up, then with a gasp fell forward, lying dead on the floor.

The oyabun turned back to Sunset. “Finish it, bitch,” he rasped. Sunset nodded, then leapt and twirled, lopping off the oyabun’s head, which rolled back to the center of the circle. His body fell in a heap next to the dead kobun.

Sunset turned to the rest of the circle. “Where is his second in command! Get him now, and bring him here!” she commanded. One of the yaks sprang from the circle and down the hall.

Less than two minutes later he returned with over twenty more yaks, including a large yak with a nose ring. He looked around. “What happened?!” he thundered.

Before any of the yaks could chime in, Sunset bellowed back her response. “Honorable combat! I informed him there were going to be changes in the way the Yaks handled the brothels. He disagreed. We fought, he died.”

Whorse! Who asked you!?” the yak bellowed at her. A teal flash flew out from Sunset, bowling the yaks over, including the yak that was closing on her as he bellowed.

As he picked himself up, Sunset continued. “There will be changes in the way the brothels are handled. Am I getting through to you? Or do you want to take me on too?” she asked.

“Bitch, I could scrub the walls with your skull!” raged the Yak, charging for her. Sunset flipped in the air, whipping her sword around and launching it into his chest. He stopped, gurgled, then fell over dead. Trotting up to him, she took her sword out and wiped it on his tunic.

“Anyone else? I swear, I will thin your ranks to the last Yak if that’s what it takes to get this through your thick skulls. The brothels are changing. I am laying down changes that are not optional. Is there any one of you thick skulled fools that can grasp that fact, or am I going to have to burn your clan to the ground and start over?” Sunset challenged.

Another yak stepped up. “We don’t listen to Whorses!” he bellowed.

Sunset lowered her head. “Are you ready to listen to this Whorse? Because if you’re not, you're done listening to anything. Give me a reason to add you to the growing pile of bodies!”

“You seriously think you can take us, whorse!? We’re the Yak-uza! We can storm you right now, and you die here, unmourned and unmissed!” he hissed.

“Yeah, no. I can turn you all into piles of ash faster than you can blink. One false move and you all die, right here, right now,” replied Sunset.

As she was talking, one of the kobun behind her made to throw his katana through her. Without missing a beat, she whipped her sword around, launching it through him so fast the entire motion was an almost unseeable blur. He dropped his katana, and dropped to the floor. The other kobun started to rush for her as she pulled her sword back with her magic. Another powerful pulse rocked out from her, laying them all out on the floor again.

“I could just kill you all, and run the brothels myself. I am trying to be reasonable here. Your bacca oyabun did not see the light of my reason. If you wish to live, you will,” Sunset responded.

“Suppose I agreed to listen. What are you demanding?” said the Yak, moving up beside her.

As Sunset started to answer, he whipped out his short sword moving to plunge it into her so quickly his hoof was just a blur. Before the blade was even halfway to her, he was slammed up against the ceiling in a teal glow, and a pulse of teal shot out from her again, bowling the yaks back over.

As they picked themselves back up, she looked up at the yak in her magical grip. “Okay, I can see there is no dealing with you. Goodbye.” His neck snapped, and she dropped him in a pile on the ground. ‘Who is next?” she asked calmly.

Another Yak stepped out. “What are you demanding?” he asked nervously.

Sunset spelled it out. “The brothels are all being raised to the level of the exotics. The prostitutes are no longer slaves, and are free to leave your employ whenever they wish. The leash mothers and Madams run the brothels completely, without any interference from the Yakuza. The brothels continue to be your properties, and the revenue from them that is not spent on their upkeep and the wages of the prostitutes and staff is yours to keep. The leash mothers are in charge of the day to day operations of the brothels under the direction of their Madam. No prostitute is forced to take any client, they can refuse any client if they wish, though they can be released from their leash or moved to a menial job if they are refusing to work. You will not take any reprisals against the prostitutes or staff, they are all under the complete jurisdiction of their Madam.

“The rape factories you have been running to train prostitutes are closed permanently. Anyone who beats, rapes or harms a prostitute may be killed. This includes clients. Any of the common brothels that cannot be raised to the level of the exotics will be closed permanently, and its leash reassigned to the other brothels. All of the common brothels will be closed for now, until the renovations required have been completed.

“And all brothels and prostitutes will now be licensed by the empire. That has already been put into effect, you have no choice on that. A small fee will be charged for each transaction your prostitutes engage in, as well as a small yearly charge to cover administration costs,” she finished.

“And if we don’t agree?” asked the Yak nervously.

“Then I level this entire estate, and move forward without you. And one more rule, which I shouldn’t even have to bring up,” Sunset added. “No more personal zoos. If I or the government finds anything of that going on, you will be shut down permanently. Don’t do it. I have already freed the members of your oyabun’s zoo. I will do the same for any others that are found, and promise a painful, ignoble death for anyone keeping them. Are we clear?”

The yak nodded. “Good. Congratulations, you are the new oyabun,” Sunset informed the yak. “Don’t screw this up. I am leaving now to inform the brothels of these changes. If I or the soon to be visiting government inspectors find you have not done exactly as I said, they will assess you with heavy fines, and possibly imprison you. And I will end you. I am done playing around with your clan. Do not disappoint me.”

She walked through the yaks, down the hallway and up the stairs, then to the front of the house and out the door. Several yaks started running towards her. “Better hurry!” she called out to them. “You have a new oyabun! He has called a meeting of everyone.” The yaks stopped mid stride.

“Really?” asked the nearest one.

“Yes, hurry, they are in the old zoo downstairs. He can explain the changes,” added Sunset as she strode by.

You're a lying whorse!” yelled one of the yaks further back, rushing up to her with his hoof pulled back to strike her. A flash of lightning whipped out from her, dropping him, leaving a smoking burnt corpse.

“I don’t lie, and I’m not a whorse,” she spat in reply to his smoking body. “Better hurry!” she called out again to the rest.

They rushed past her into the manse. She continued down the block to the bushes, stepping into the hedge. Aiko leapt to her, wrapping her in a tight hug.

“That’s done,” soothed Sunset, hugging her crying friend. “Let’s get these girls to my old brothel. It’s nearby. We have a lot of work to do.”

Drying her eyes with her paw, Aiko smiled and nodded. Together, they led the girls to the first brothel Sunset had worked at.

They arrived. Sunset recognized the brothel from the memories she had taken from others, though she had never actually seen the outside herself before. She went up to the door and opened it, entering.

“You!” bellowed a Yak seeing her, lunging for her. She whipped around and bucked him into a wall where he slid down unconscious.

“That’s annoying! Of course they don’t know what is going on. Let’s give them all a chance to catch up,” said Sunset, putting a hoof on the wall. Reaching out with her senses, she located three other yaks in the house. Three quick pulses of teal shot out from her hoof, and she smiled. “That will work for now. Okay, time to visit the Madam and mother.”

She led them into the main hallway, then down to the kitchen where she could hear the leash mother preparing the next meal. Lending her band through the dining room, she opened the kitchen door and looked in.

“Hi mother! Did you miss me?” she laughed.

The leash mother looked up, then nearly dropped the tureen she was holding. “Shimmering Sun! Is that really you?” she asked, rushing over to her and hugging her tightly.

“In the fur!” smiled Sunset, hugging her back. “And I came with friends! Can you help them? They will be staying with you for a while,” said Sunset, stepping back. The leash mother looked up to see the menagerie in her dining room.

“Wha… who are these mares and vixens, Shimmering? And why do they look so poorly?” she asked, stepping fully into the room and examining all the mares and vixens carefully.

“They were in the personal zoo of our former oyabun. They will be working here now, once you have nursed them back to health and trained them. Can you help them?” asked Sunset.

“What? He gave them to you? How did this happen?” asked the Mother in wonder.

“Long story. Short version, he’s retired. The clan is under new management. As are the brothels, with new rules. And these girls need your help,” Sunset answered.

“Retired? Yak-uza is for life,” asked the Mother in confusion.

“I just finished retiring him. Yes, for life. And a few of his direct reports. The new management is much more amenable to my requests,” smiled Sunset.

The Mother’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Truly?” she gasped.

“Truly,” responded Aiko, coming up behind Sunset. “I am from the Exotics brothel, where Shimmering Sun was sent. It is all as she says,” confirmed Aiko, pulling Sunset into a hug.

The mother pulled Sunset and Aiko along after her, Sunset’s entire ensemble following them down the halls. The mother stopped, knocking on a door that was answered by two vixens. “Take these mares and vixens to the baths, then help them get cleaned up and presentable. Give them rooms to use. They will be staying with us,” she instructed them. They both nodded, then led the ensemble away to the baths.

“Come, we must inform the Madam of this,” stated the Mother, leading Sunset and Aiko away.

“Yes, we must,” agreed Sunset, following her.

The Mother knocked twice on the Madam’s door. “Come in,” replied the Madam. The Mother opened the door, leading Sunset and Aiko in after her.

“Madam, I have come bearing news,” stated the Mother, bowing before her.

“And with guests, I see,” mused the Madam. “Shimmering Sun, is that truly you?” asked the Madam.

“It is Madam, I have returned with news of changes, and several mares and vixens in need of the leash’s help. There has been a change in our relationships with the Yak-uza. The brothels no longer work for the Yak-uza, but with them,” replied Sunset.

“What? Surely this is madness. The clan does not relinquish that which they hold so readily,” challenged the Madam.

“They are under new management, as the old oyabun has been forced into retirement,” informed Sunset.

“And who possibly could have forced a member of the clan to retire,” scolded the Madam. “You know as well as I, there is only one way to leave the clan.”

He had some help. I impaled him then cut off his head. That has been known to change minds,’ grinned Sunset.

The Madam’s eyebrow raised. “Truly?” she asked.

“Truly,” affirmed Sunset. “The vixens and mares I have returned with were his private collection in his personal zoo. They were near feral when I found them from his abuse. It was a pleasure to send him to his ancestors.”

“Then, who is in charge of the clan now?” asked the Madam.

“I did not catch his name. I had to work my way through several candidates, all of whom proved unsuitable,” replied Sunset. “ He was the first to keep his head and health. He is now holding an emergency meeting with the clan, explaining the new orders of things. For one, no longer do the brothels work for the Yak-uza. We now work with the Yak-uza. The Madams are in charge of their own leashes, with the day to day operations being decided by the leash Mothers. No longer are prostitutes slaves, but are employed by the brothels and free to leave at any time they choose. Also all brothels are to be raised to the level of the exotics, or be closed down and their sisters moved to other brothels if they cannot.

“This is especially true for the common brothels. They are shut down immediately and their sisters moved to other brothels while they are renovated to the level of the exotics, if possible.

“And this is to remain secret to only the sisters, mothers, and Madams. All brothels are to be brought into the Zebrican Sisterhood we started here, with the secrets of the sisterhood to be protected at all costs. And any who cannot exercise the practices of the sisterhood will need to be given jobs not servicing clients,” finished Sunset.

“And all the other Madam’s and Mothers know of this new arrangement?” questioned the Madam.

“No, Madam, you’re the first. We need to get the message to the other brothels immediately, and arrange a meeting of the Madam’s to cement the new arrangement,” informed Sunset.

The Madam turned to the Mother. “Call the Madam’s all here, tell them it is an emergency meeting, and to leave their Mothers to keep their brothels working. We will meet this afternoon, before the night begins.” The Mother nodded, then left the room at a lope to make the announcement to the other brothels.

The Madam turned to Sunset. “Shimmering Sun, you will need proof of what you claim. Will a representative of the Yak-uza back up your claims?”

“I will request they send a representative, someone to help me explain the new order of things,” explained Sunset. The Madam nodded.

“Excellent, that will help greatly. Better that they hear it directly from the source,” agreed the Madam. Sunset nodded.

The Madam dismissed her, stating she needed to prepare for the evening’s meeting. Sunset bowed and excused herself, leaving to find her friends, Aiko still at her side.

She found Radiant Semblance, Pleasant Countenance, and Fragrant Flower in their rooms, holding sessions with the other sisters teaching the Zebrican Arts of Suggestion. Sunset pulled them all into her old room after introducing her friend. She asked them to train Aiko as well, who joined them in their lessons.

She told them all of the news and the new orders for the brothels. They rejoiced together. She encouraged them to teach everyone of their leash sisters, and explained that she wanted the sisterhood of the Zebrican Arts to include all the brothels, and all their leash sisters. The vixens all agreed readily as Aiko looked on happily, ready to start her training.

Sunset gathered the Yak-uza in the house, then woke them, explaining to them the new order of things. As expected, there was considerable bucking and stunning involved on her part before they were even willing to listen. She finally got them to the point they were willing to accompany her to the manse of the oyabun. She left with the four yaks following behind her. When she arrived, they were surprised to see the two yak-uza guarding the door open it for her, allowing her to enter without a comment.

They followed her into the manse. She stood still for a moment, her hooves glowing teal, and teal magic leaking from her closed eyes.

“Follow me, they are in a meeting discussing the future of the clan. We will join them,” said Sunset, leading them deeper into the manse.

“They will not let you join, whorse. No one but yak males may attend the yak-uza meetings,” said one of the Yaks following her under his breath.

“Call me a whorse again and I will fry you right here,” said Sunset over her shoulder. “Here, they are in session. Be quiet and show some respect.” She opened the doors and trotted into the room, the four yaks with her.

The gathering of Yak-uza turned to her, watching her and the yak-uza behind her join them. “You’ve returned then?” asked the new oyabun. “Is there something further you need?” he asked. The jaws of the four yaks with her nearly hit the floor.

“Yes,” Sunset answered, “I require a representative to come with me, someone who can speak for the clan, address the gathered Madams, then work out the arrangements to accommodate what I have stated.”

The oyabun turned to a yak on his left. “You, go with her and do as she says, then come back here and report to us what you have accomplished.” He turned Sunset. “He is my second in command, he will help you.” He then turned back to the rest of the gathered Yak-uza as they resumed their discussions.

Sunset turned to the four yaks that had accompanied her. “You four should stay here. Find out what your new duties will be. You are no longer needed at the brothel,” she informed them.

Turning to the Yak-uza lieutenant, Sunset nodded. “Pleased to make your acquaintance. I will take you to the Madams, so you can negotiate the details of your arrangement with them.” he nodded.

She led him from the room and out of the manse, then back to the brothel. There she introduced him to the Madam and left him in her care.

She joined her friends for lunch. “I noticed the Madam has dismissed the love lessons in the Dojo to allow more time for teaching the Zebrican Arts of Suggestion,” noted Sunset as they ate.

“Yes, she thought it a better use of our time than rehashing the courtesan love practices,” agreed Pleasant.

“Especially as we have all been over it dozens of times, and have had to practice it constantly with our clients,” agreed Fragrant. “And she wants all of the sisters to be versed in the Arts.”

“On that we completely agree,” commented Sunset, sipping her miso soup. Aiko sat beside her, quietly listening.

“So are you back? Will you be working and living with us again?” asked Pleasant.

“No, I am on a quest with my dear friend Sleeping Flower to improve the lives of our sisters. We are not content with how things were, and will not rest until we have improved the lot of all our sisters, in every leash,” replied Sunset with a glance to Aiko, who nodded and smiled.

“Is it true? Did you really take on the Yak-uza, and challenge the oyabun?” asked Fragrant.

“I did,” smiled Sunset. “He was a vicious swordsman. But in the end he fell to my blade.”

“You have a blade?” asked Pleasant. “Where is it? Did you have it here?”

“It’s always with me,” answered Sunset. “It’s part of being a mage, a Samurai. Do you want to see it?” All four vixens nodded, including Aiko.

“Okay,” agreed Sunset. Her hooves flashed teal, and the sword appeared floating in her levitation before her. She took it into her hoof, and set it on the table for them to see. This got the attention of the other mares and vixens as well, who left their table to crowd around gawking at the sword.

“Wait, if you had this all the time, and are so good at it, why did you even stay here? You could have escaped any time you wanted, and no one could have stopped you,” noted Fragrant.

“I could have,” agreed Sunset. “But, I wasn’t here for that. I was here to find my friend, and get her free. I couldn’t leave until she was safe. And once I met all of you, you became my friends too! So now I want all of you safe, and Sleeping Flower agrees with me. Time for all our sisters to be safe from harm,” explained Sunset. One of the mares had picked up the sword and was turning it around, taking it in while the vixens around her pushed in closely to see it too. Eventually she passed it on, allowing everyone to take a turn feeling its weight and examining it. When everyone had their moment with it, it disappeared in a flash of teal.

The other unicorn mare, clearly ringed also, looked on in confusion. “How can you do that? I can see the ring on your head, just like mine! I can’t do any magic, how are you still doing it?” she asked.

“By using the Zebrican Arts. They don’t have horns, and they can perform magic just fine. There are other ways to channel spells and arts, and when you learn enough about the Zebrican ways you too will be able to do magic in ways other than horncraft,” answered Sunset. “As a mage, I cannot allow myself to be incapacitated by something as simple as a horn lock, so I learned and practiced the Zebrican Arts to overcome that limitation,’ Sunset prevaricated. “What kind of Samurai would I be if I couldn’t overcome a single simple limitation.”

“I don’t think having my horn locked is a simple limitation,” fussed the unicorn. “I had to learn how to do everything over again. It was humiliating, like being a baby again.”

“And yet, you did, and now, you are stronger for it,” countered Sunset. “You can do things well without your magic, so you have grown from the experience. And, once you advance in the Zebrican Arts, you can get your old skills back too, in different ways. You’ll see, it’s a gain overall.”

The mare nodded her head in confused acceptance.

After chatting a bit more, the rest of the mares and vixens returned to their lunches. Sunset and her friends finished as well, cleaning off their places and returning to Sunset’s room. Sunset laid with them and Aiko on her now crowded bed.

“Aiko, show me what you have learned,” requested Sunset.

“Okay. Still a bit rusty with it. Do you want me to start?” asked Aiko, placing a paw on Sunset’s muzzle tenderly.

“Yes,” answered Sunset, placing a hoof on Aiko’s cheek. Aiko drifted into Sunset’s mind, and saw her friend there waiting for her. “You came, all on your own. You’re doing well, my dear friend,” she greeted.

“Yeah, I seem to have that part down. But it’s almost like something is holding me back. I have to push with everything I have just to get here,” replied Aiko.

“Let’s return to your mind and I will look with you,” smiled Sunset. Together the two friends left her mind and traveled into Aiko’s. She was surprised to find a version of herself present, sleeping. “Don’t worry, that is completely normal. Let’s let her slumber while I look at what is going on with your magic. As a three tail, you should be overflowing with magic. Something is clearly blocking it.”

“Remember what I said though,” reminded Aiko. “I have not really used my magic for years. I haven’t had any use for it in my last job.”

Sunset dove into Aiko’s heart, her friend at her side, following her magical channels. The magic flowed into her heart, but from there, very little was coming out. Sunset frowned.

“Aiko, you are a magical creature. But it looks to me like you’re denying your magic. Why would you want to repress or deny your magic?” asked Sunset of her friend, confused.

“I was told ponies would be frightened of my magic, so I taught myself not to express it so I could properly do my job. I didn’t need it anyways,” confessed Aiko.

“Aiko, that is so wrong. First, no one will be frightened of you just because you have magic. Please never believe such a lie again. And second, you are a magical creature to your very core. Here we are, in your heart, the very center of your being. I see huge amounts of magic channeling in, but you have bound it up, and refuse to allow it to leave your heart! Aiko, my dear friend! My leash mate, my hearthmate, my 弟子 (deshi - apprentice), let me help you release the flow of your magic,” begged Sunset.

Aiko nodded. Sunset reached into her heart, filling it with her own magic as she sought to heal and strengthen her friend's wounded heart. A teal glow suffused her friend's eyes, and her heart started beating strong and hard as if she were running a race, with her magic pulsing within it with each beat. After a few moments like this, a flash of crimson blasted out from her heart, and crimson magic flew out from it, flowing out into her entire body. Aiko, still next to Sunset, became suffused with a crimson glow, floating in the air, her eyes twin crimson beams of magic. This continued on for several moments until everywhere they could see within Aiko’s body was glowing, suffused with crimson magic. Aiko floated back down, until she was sitting next to Sunset in her heart, glowing with crimson magic.

“I feel so completely alive,” whispered Aiko in wonder. “What has happened to me?”

“You just unlocked your magical potential. And I think you found your destiny. If you were a pony after a display like that, I would expect to see a cutie mark,” replied Sunset with a grin. “Shall we see what has happened to you?” asked Sunset.

Aiko nodded happily.

“Then awake, my dear dreamer,” smiled Sunset, with a nuzzle to her friend. They both awoke on the bed, smiling at each other as they laid together nuzzling and snuggled on her bed. The other vixens were smiling happily at the two of them.

“What happened,” asked Sunset of her friends with a smile.

“It was like nothing I have ever seen,” replied Radiant in wonder. “You snuggled up together and fell asleep, then a few moments later, your friend Aiko started glowing crimson with crimson light leaking out from her eyes. She lifted off the bed, still clutching tightly to you. Then there was a burst of light, and when it faded, that happened! Then she lowered back down to the bed, still holding you.”

“What that?” asked Aiko, still confused.

“That,” smiled Sunset, pointing down towards her tails.

Aiko looked down, and saw. She had manifested. She now had four tails. “Wow,” she said, laying her head back. “That was unexpected.”

“I knew you had it in you! Woo hoo!” celebrated her friend, snuggling her close. The other vixens also rushed to embrace and congratulate her. Then, together they continued to practice the Art of Suggestion.

Sometime later, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” called out Sunset.

The Mother opened the door, leaning in through the opening. “Come Shimmering Sun! The Mothers meeting has begun, and they need you there.

Sunset excused herself from her friends and followed the Mother back to the chamber where the Madams and the lieutenant had gathered. She entered, bowing, then took her place by the lieutenant where they explained what had happened, what it meant, and what then needed to discuss to cement the changes that Sunset had demanded.

After all the questions had been fielded, Sunset stepped back, allowing the lieutenant and the Madams to work out the specifics and details of their deal while she observed. When they were done, satisfied with what they had worked out, Sunset nodded, and dismissed the lieutenant to go report to the clan what had been agreed upon.

Bowing to the Madams, she was dismissed, so Sunset left, joining her friends again.

“How did it go?” asked Aiko excitedly. “Are our sisters now all truly free?”

“They are. We are all free now. And you and I are no longer wanted with a bounty on our heads. Though it may take a while before all the notices get taken down, so we probably still want to show some caution,” smiled Sunset.

The vixens celebrated, hugging each other happily. They joined the rest of her leash, including the new additions, in the dining room for dinner, where they happily shared the news with everyone. Together with the Mother, they rejoiced and celebrated with a very festive and lively dinner. After the dinner, Sunset and Aiko excused themselves, promising they would return tomorrow.

Together they left the brothel, returning to the merchant’s family and joining them for an after dinner tea and telling them what they had accomplished. The tale kept them up for several hours, to the amazement and delight of their hosts.

After, they left to bathe, perform their ablutions, and rest. Sunset snuggled up to her four-tailed friend, smiling, and together they slept.

Author's Note:

Sunset and Aiko, sisters of the Zebrican Arts, kicking it up a few notches. And, my favorite Pony Oni, from the works of hydro-king.deviantart.com

Lock my horn? I have other channels. It is good to be a magical little pony!