• Published 19th Sep 2022
  • 698 Views, 38 Comments

Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage - Babroniedad

Sunset Shimmer has seen her destiny. Now she just has to survive it! A Certain Magical Sunset prequel.

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03 - Sunset - The Princess’s Prodigy

Her morning calisthenics and training completed, Sunset headed to Princess Celestia's chambers for her studies under her mentor. She valued this time as these lessons were taught to her directly by Celestia herself, and one on one time with her mentor had become increasingly rare and cherished all the more.

She hurried down the hall to the Princess’s chambers, ready to take notes and receive the day's instruction. She stopped before the Royal Guard contingent at the chamber's door.

“Good evening, Miss Shimmer. Her highness has been delayed but instructed us to let you enter,” informed the chief guard, nodding to her and stepping aside. “Please make yourself comfortable and wait inside.”

She nodded in thanks, entering through the door he had opened. When she was inside, he closed the door and stepped back into his station.

Sunset trotted over to her customary spot by the fireplace and sat, content to study the scroll from yesterday's lesson in preparation for today's lesson until the princess arrived. As she reviewed her notes she heard a noise from the antechambers behind her. Turning she saw a small unicorn filly emerge from the royal bathroom, dripping water from her forehooves.

“Sorry!” said the filly. “I know I was supposed to wait here, but it was taking so long and I really really had to go. And I can’t find the towels,” she admitted bashfully as she trotted over to Sunset and plopped down next to her. “Watcha doing?”

“Who are you, and why are you in the Princess’s chambers?” asked Sunset, looking at the little filly askance.

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that! You must be Sunset Shimmer, right? The princess told me about you. I’m really excited to meet you! Are you really a battle mage? That’s so cool! My brother is a Royal Guard and he tells me stories about the battle mages all the time. Battle Mages sound so awesome! I can’t wait to get to know you!” enthused the young filly.

“Yes I’m Sunset Shimmer, the Princess’s personal student. And you are?” prompted Sunset, not unkindly.

“Me too! I mean I’m her personal student too! Not that I’m Sunset Shimmer too. I’m Twilight! Twilight Sparkle. I’ve heard so much about you. I’m so happy to meet you!” the filly gushed.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Sorry, young Twilight, I’ve never heard of you. Are you sure about that, being the Princess’s personal student? As far as I know, I’m the only one. When did this happen?”

“Oh, yeah! Today is my first day! It happened yesterday," Twilight bounced excitedly.

"I was taking the exam for the School for Gifted Unicorns and I kind of blew part of it up when I took the test. So the Princess came and fixed everything then asked me to be her personal student. She told me about you and told me stories about you and her as her student, then told me to go to bed and be here in the morning for lessons with her and you. But I was really really nervous, so I set the alarm so I wouldn't sleep in. But I was so tired in the morning when I woke up because all night long I kept waking up afraid I had slept through the alarm so when the alarm went off I was still tired. And I didn’t want to fall asleep on her during the lesson so I got dressed and found the place where all the guards were eating and saw they had coffee. So I had some coffee but was still tired so I had some more because the guards all said that coffee was the best way to deal with being tired on their shifts, but I was still so tired and didn’t want to fall asleep. So I had more coffee until I wasn’t tired. Then I didn’t want to be late so I came here to wait even though I was not really supposed to be here until now. But I figured that she wouldn’t mind because being late is disrespectful but being early is not. So I asked the guards if I could come in and they laughed. Then they let me in and told me to wait for you and the Princess. So I waited right here, right where you are sitting too! And I was looking forward to you coming in so I could meet you and take lessons with the Princess. But while I was waiting all those coffees that I drank started to want to come out and I was sitting here trying to ignore them. But they wanted to come out! And I was sitting here but started shaking because I really had to go but I was told to wait here. So I waited but I didn’t want to have an accident so I decided to disobey and used the bathroom. And I couldn’t find the towels and I don’t want to be in trouble so I tried to dry them on anything else but the paper just made a mess. So I had to clean that up and wash the paper off and then they were all wet again and I still didn’t have a way to dry them. So I was shaking them around and then I heard the door and I thought maybe it was the Princess and I was in trouble so I ran out and there you were and I was still wet from the water,” finished the filly, panting for breath.

Sunset smirked. “So, how many cups of coffee did you have?” she asked.

“Uh, I lost count after twelve,” admitted the filly hanging her head.

Sunset laughed. “Wow, definitely beat my record,” she snarked. “So what did the Princess tell you about me?”

“Oh! She said you were her personal student too! And that now you were a battle mage! And that you were actually not here because you were on assignment. That is so cool! I wish I could be a battle mage like you! Is it cool? I guess you can’t tell me about it, because it is top secret and all that. My brother told me a battle mage can never tell anyone about their work because it’s top secret, and if they tell them they might have to kill them, because they are super secret and cool,” enthused the filly.

“Yeah, I was on assignment yesterday. And your brother was right, it is top secret. But we don’t kill anyone for asking, that’s fictitious. We just don’t talk about the secret parts,” smiled Sunset.

“You don’t kill ponies?” asked the filly innocently.

“Nope. We kill the enemies of ponies. One mishap, one mage. They send us in to stop the bad guys,” nodded Sunset. “We protect ponies. I was protecting ponies yesterday,” answered Sunset.

“I so want to be a battle mage like you when I grow up!” smiled the filly up to her.

“I bet you do. And if you're following in my hoofsteps, I bet you will be too,” agreed Sunset.

The little filly squeed happily on hearing that. Sunset found it absolutely adorable.

The door opened and the Princess entered the room. Seeing the both of them sitting together by the fireplace, she smiled.

“So, I see you two have met. Hello Sunset, how did your operation go yesterday?” Princess Celestia greeted as she prepared herself a cup of tea and a slice of cake from the snack tray sitting on the table. “Would you care for some tea you two?”

“Yes please!” agreed Sunset, notes set aside to completely attend to her mentor.

“Uh, I probably shouldn't have any,” answered Twilight. “I drank some coffee before I came here. I didn’t want to be sleepy. I think I should stop now.” She sat, slightly shaking and placing her hooves over her muzzle.

“Twilight, just how many cups of coffee did you have?” scolded the Princess playfully.

“Please don’t be angry with me!” begged the filly. “Please don’t send me away! I just wanted to be awake for you and your lessons. I don’t want to go back to magical kindergarten!” she wailed.

Sunset threw back her head in laughter, placing her foreleg across the filly and holding her tightly as she rocked with mirth.

“Twilight, where on Equus did you get the idea that I would send you back to magical kindergarten for anything?” asked the Princess askance. “Is that even a thing?”

Still shaking, the filly clutched Sunset, turning to face the Princess. “I was sent back a few times when I didn’t do my lessons right in school. The teacher would send me back and I had to start over again. I was in kindergarten for the whole rest of the day! But the kindergarten teacher always advanced me back to my class at the end of the day, so it wasn’t forever. But please don’t send me back!” begged Twilight.

Sunset held the filly tight, still giggling. “Silly filly, this isn’t school. This is tutoring from the princess. She’s not going to send you back,” she laughed, smiling down at the filly.

“She’s not?” Twilight turned towards the Princess. “You’re not?” she asked again.

Smirking herself, the Princess assured her. “No, I’m not. That’s not even a thing here. Once I take you on as a student you don’t go back,” she consoled. “So Twilight, just how many cups of coffee did you have?”

Twilight ducked her head in shame. Still holding on to Sunset, the filly admitted, “I lost track after twelve.”

Sunset and the Princess both burst into laughter. Celestia joined Sunset in hugging the young filly, who was comforted knowing that both her hero and her idol were not laughing at her, but with her.

Once that silliness was behind them, Celestia led them in the day's lesson, both fillies paying rapt attention while taking copious notes. When the lesson was completed, she requested both her students join her for lunch before heading off for the self study portion of the day, then excused herself, leaving the room to deal with some State business.

“Self study? What do we study?” asked Twilight, perplexed.

“We get to pick a subject related to the day's lesson and research it in the library. Then we have to write a report on it,” groaned Sunset.

“We get to write a report!?” enthused Twilight. “That is so awesome! I love writing reports!

Sunset hooved Twilight’s muzzle. “Brown nose!” she teased. “You’ll definitely fit right in here!”

Twilight ducked out from under the boop, and looked at Sunset in shock. “I am not a brown noser!” she insisted. Sunset just scooped her up and held her tight.

“Yes you are,” she teased her. “But don’t worry, we like you anyway.” She ruffled the filly’s mane then set her down. “Do you know where lunch is served?” she asked the filly.

“No,” Twilight sheepishly admitted.

“No worries! Follow me, I’ll show you!” Sunset scooped her up and teleported them down the hallway around the corner where the guards could not see them. She snickered, “That’ll keep them guessing.”

She put Twilight down, who turned to her. “Guessing what?” she asked.

Sunset put a hoof to her muzzle. “Shh! It’s just a game we’ve played since I was a filly. They'll wait there for us to come out until they finally get bored of it, then they'll go in and check to see what the hold up is. Then they'll realize we're gone and that I got them again.”

“I don’t get it,” said Twilight. “So you just teleported out, they'll just figure that.”

“Nope. The castle is an interdicted zone. No teleports are supposed to be possible unless the castle is in a state of emergency. And then only to designated emergency egress zones,” grinned Sunset.

“Then how did you…” Twilight started to ask.

Sunset put her hoof over Twilight’s muzzle. “That’s the fun part! If you want I’ll teach you. But… you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone, and don’t be silly with it and get caught or they’ll figure it out and take our fun away. Promise?” She asked.

The filly nodded her head excitedly. “Alright! Come by after dinner and I’ll teach it to you. But I am holding you to your promise! Don’t get me in trouble now okay?”

Stars in her eyes, the filly agreed enthusiastically. “Okay, come on, the dining room is this way!” Sunset led her little charge down the halls to Celestia’s personal dining room.

Laughing quietly the filly followed her.

Sunset led her fellow student into the dining area, found in the portion of the castle near the kitchens and close to the front gate, arguably to facilitate the deliveries that kept the kitchen running and the castle staff fed. Celestia’s personal dining room was a small affair with a table that could comfortably fit about ten ponies tops, located in a smaller room off the main thoroughfare. They passed the main state dining hall and the castle canteen where the castle staff ate their meals. They turned down an out of the way hallway, quieter than the rest of the dining are as there were not many who had any business down this hall. This was the hall that contained Celestia’s private dining room and several other smaller dining halls for visiting dignitaries and heads of state.

Entering Sunset took her customary seat next to the head of the table. Twilight sat down next to her looking around excitedly. “You know,” Sunset pointed out. “You could sit across from me. That would put you right next to the Princess when she sits down as she always sits at the head of the table.”

“That’s okay!” stated the filly. “I want to sit next to you!” She looked up at Sunset, stars still in her eyes.

Sunset laughed and scruffed her mane. “Kid, you’re all right,” she teased. They turned to the door as it opened and Princess Celestia trotted in.

They both rose to their feet. “Sit!” commanded Celestia, taking her seat at the head of the table. “Sunset, you know better,” she teased. “Twilight, so you know, when we’re in here, we’re family. There is no bowing or formal speech or any of that nonsense. You say what’s on your mind and I will be just as direct with you. None of that standing when I enter the room or anything like that.”

She gave Sunset a scowl. “One mission and you get all formal on me again, my student?” she teased.

“Sorry mom, won’t happen again!” Sunset snarked.

Celestia smiled. “See that it doesn't my dear!” she teased back. “So have they come in to take the orders yet?”

“Nope!” answered both her students just as the door opened in a magical aura. A staff member entered pushing a cart of soups and salads with a selection of drinks.

“Sorry for the delay!” she stated, placing a soup and salad before the princess then the two students. She placed a basket of warm and delicious smelling bread sticks between them on the table. “What would you like to drink? We have tea, coffee, soda, milk, and juice.”

“I’ll have tea. Thank you, Rose!” answered Celestia. Rose poured out a cup, placing the tea cozy with the pot, sugar and cream beside the princess, with the teacup beside her plate.

“I think I'll avoid the coffee,” mused Twilight.

“You think?” teased Sunset with a friendly jab at the filly.

Twilight grinned at her. “Unless you want me to?” she teased back.

“Nah, get what you want kiddo! I’m just messing with you!” smiled Sunset.

“I’ll take a juice please, apple if you have it,” answered Twilight. The mare nodded, pouring an apple juice for the filly and passing it over.

“How about you, oh battle mage,” teased the mare. “What will it be?”

“That’s miss battle mage to you!” teased Sunset back. “I’ll take whatever soda you have opened. Thanks Rose!” Rose smirked and poured out a cola for Sunset into a cup full of ice. She left the bottle on the table beside her, then put the pitcher of apple juice beside Twilight.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it little one,” said the mare as she left laughing.

“Hey, I’m allowed to pour my own juice!” answered Twilight to her retreating back.

Sunset just laughed. “Don’t worry Twilight, she’s just messing with you. We tease each other, it’s all in good fun. We’re family here.”

Celestia led them in grace, then they tucked into their first course. “Hey, this is really good!” noted Twilight between enthusiastic slurps. She practically inhaled her salad. Both her soup and salad were gone before Sunset even finished her salad.

“Wow Twilight, starving much?” laughed Sunset.

“Uh, no. Just can’t remember the last time I ate anything that tasted remotely like home cooking. That was good!” she smiled.

“Yeah it is, isn’t it,” agreed Sunset, enjoying the rest of her salad. “The cooks here are the best. Way better than the cafeteria cooks. Though I wouldn’t complain about them either. They’re all better than my cooking,” she laughed.

Twilight smiled. “I can cook too!” she smiled. “Mom taught me how to make grilled cheese and hay sandwiches all by myself!”

Sunset smirked and ruffled Twilight’s mane again. “And I bet they taste fantastic,” she agreed, causing the filly to smile ear to ear.

Celestia beamed, watching her two students bond.

Rose returned through the door, quill and pad ready in her magic. “So fillies, ready to order? Or do you need a few more minutes?” she smiled.

Looking over at Twilight’s empty bowls, Celestia laughed. “I think we should order. I wouldn’t want my new student to faint from hunger on her first day.” Twilight nodded happily.

“Okay then! Orders it is. Our entrees today are spinach quiche with vegetable medley, hayburgers with hayfries from our foals menu, or grilled tuna with lemon and sauteed squash. Just let me know when you’re ready,” Rose smiled.

“Grilled Tuna and Squash for me,” nodded Celestia, still daintily sipping her soup.

Sunset turned to Twilight. “What are you going to get, kiddo? I was thinking of the quiche, but I want to get what you get so you go first.”

Twilight beamed happily. “Okay! Yeah! Uh… wait. I want the hayburger, but I’m not a foal. I really don’t want anything off the foals menu because then I will just be hungry still. The foal portions are too small. I guess I should get the quiche then,” she said resignedly.

Rose smiled. “It’s okay little one. I was just teasing about the foals menu. They are all full sized. Is that what you want?”

Twilight smiled. “Oh, okay! Yes then, the hayburger with hay fries and extra catsup!” she answered excitedly.

Sunset grinned. “Okay then, make it double or there'll be trouble!” she joked. Rose rolled her eyes and gave Sunset a wink.

“You got it Sunset. Extra catsup for you too?” she asked.

“I’ll just steal some of Twilight’s,” snickered Sunset.

“Hey!” Twilight said, looking up from her juice she was carefully pouring. It overfilled the cup and went all over the table. Sunset laughed, magically taking the pitcher from Twilight and setting it back down as she and Rose levitated over several rags to clean it up.

“Rule one of combat, Twilight. Don’t let your adversary distract you,” she smiled as Twilight looked horrified at the mess she had made. Sunset gently poked her shoulder. “Hey don’t worry about it. Happens to everyone. You’ll get used to it. Easy enough to get distracted.”

Twilight smiled at her and nodded, hoofing away the tears that had been forming in her eyes. “Thanks Sunset,” she smiled.

“No worries, silly filly,” grinned Sunset, returning to her soup. “You were right! This really is good.” Twilight nodded smiling.

Still grinning, Rose excused herself, taking their orders to the kitchen.

Twilight smiled up at Sunset. “So Sunset, what’s it like to be a battle mage?” she asked innocently.

Sunset started, then teared up a bit, but caught herself. She smiled back at the filly. “It was my first assignment last night actually,” she told Twilight. “I had to go stop a group of bad dragons that were eating ponies. It wasn't pretty,” she admitted.

Twilight’s eyes got as big as saucers. “That really happens?” she asked in a small voice.

Sunset turned to Celestia. “I don’t think I am allowed to talk about it, am I ma’am?” she asked. Celestia smiled and nodded to her.

“No, not ordinarily. But in this case I give you permission to share what you think is appropriate,” she smiled. “And remember, not ma’am here. Here we're family.”

“Okay, thanks mom,” Sunset grinned. She turned back to Twilight. “They were a bad group of dragons. They were eating the pony foals from the farms all around them. It was a nightmare. Ponies were afraid to let their foals go out alone or they would disappear and never come home. We tried telling them to stop, but they ate the ponies sent to talk to them too. So I had to go and stop them.”

“So did you go and beat them up, and make them stop eating everypony?” asked Twilight, eyes still as big as saucers.

“I did,” nodded Sunset, a tear falling past her smile. “I made sure they will never hurt another pony again. And I made sure the other dragons around knew not to touch any ponies too, just like I was told to do,” she smiled. “I made it safe again.”

“Wow! You’re awesome! I want to be like you when I grow up!” Twilight said with stars in her eyes.

Sunset looked down at her new friend. “Twilight, I hope when you grow up you never have to,” she smiled and sighed. “But if you do I hope you're not like me. I hope you're even better!”

Twilight popped out of her chair and hugged her new friend tightly. “You’re the coolest, Sunset Shimmer! I'm so glad to have you as my friend!”

Sunset looked down at Twilight and pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad to have you as my friend too,” she smiled, hugging Twilight tightly.

Watching them, a tear rolled down Celestia’s cheek as she smiled happily.

A moment later Rose returned with their entries. “Lessee… That’s right, fish for the little filly,” she teased.

“No, no no no! Not fish, please!” begged Twilight in panic.

Rose just bopped her nose and smiled. “Just kidding little Twilight. Here’s your hayburger and hay fries.” She set the tray down in front of her and lifted the lid, displaying the generously sized hayburger and portion of hay fries to the delight of Twilight. “Enjoy kiddo!”

Turning to Sunset, she set a similar tray down and lifted its lid, displaying the identical serving. She placed a catsup bottle between them. “And here is your catsup. You’ll have to share, hope that’s all right!” She laughed.

Stepping over to her princess, she set down a fancy tray with the grilled fish and sauteed squash she ordered. “As you ordered Princess! Enjoy!” She turned to the fillies. “I’ll be back with the desert cart later! Enjoy your lunch!” she said as she left the room.

Sunset waited for Twilight to finish burying her hayburger and hay fries under a flood of catsup, then poured them over her servings as well, returning the lid to the bottle. She watched as Twilight waded into her lunch, catsup and hay burger grease dripping all over the young filly as she moaned while ripping into her feast. Smirking at the sight, Sunset powered through her lunch, surprised at how hungry she actually felt.

“Look out, Twilight! I think some of those fries actually made it into your muzzle!” She teased her young friend. Twilight gave her a scowl as she continued to mow through her lunch. Sunset chuckled and ruffled her mane again, then used a napkin to dab some of the more egregious messes from her friend's mane as she continued to happily chew through her lunch.

Celestial smiled at the pair as she made short work of her grilled tuna and squash.

As they were getting to the end of their meals Rose returned with a cart full of deserts. She served Celestia first, clearing her place and replacing the empty plates with a huge portion of chocolate ripple cake. “As you requested,” she smiled, setting down a clean fork and linen for her princess who happily thanked her and started in on her cake.

Sunset smirked, earning her a playful glare from her Princess. “Not saying a word, honest!” she grinned.

“So Sunset, what will it be today?” asked Rose, wheeling the cart up next to her. Sunset looked over the choices, all of which looked absolutely heavenly.

“Wow, way to make it hard,” grinned Sunset. “I think I’ll go with the Strawberry Caramel Sundae!” she decided. Rose placed it before her, along with a long straw and long handled spoon.

“Enjoy!” welcomed Rose. She turned to Twilight, blanching at the catsup and grease covered filly before her. “Wow miss Twilight, it looks like you really got into that lunch! Did you enjoy it?”

“Did I ever!” she grinned, nodding happily.

Rose laughed. “I think you got a spot of it on you,” she snarked, causing Sunset to laugh and give her a playful smack on the shoulder.

“Be nice Rose, she’s just enthusiastic,” grinned Sunset.

“She clearly is,” agreed Rose with a laugh. “Okay Miss Twilight, have you decided what you want for dessert?” She asked.

Twilight looked over the entire cart, thinking hard. She finally nodded, pointing at the Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sundae in the middle. “I want that one please!” she stated happily.

“All yours dear,” stated Rose, putting the same straw and spoon by Twilight and placing the sundae before her as she cleared her place. “Enjoy! I’ll be back later with more drinks if you need and to help you clean up.” She gathered all the dishes together, then took one more look at Twilight and shook her head laughing as she left the room.

Sunset watched Twilight eating her sundae, chocolate syrup and chips all over her face and mane as she waded through her treat happily. She smiled.

“What, do I have something on my face?” asked the filly.

Sunset nodded. “Just a bit,” she smiled.

Twilight picked up her napkin and rubbed a spot on her face. Pulling it away she saw chocolate on it. “Did I get it?” she asked.

Princess Celestia was shaking silently in mirth as she watched her newest student try to clean herself off. Sunset smiled, looking back at the princess and shaking her head. “Don’t worry about it kid. I’ll help you get the rest of it off when we’re done here.”

“Okay!” said Twilight happily, wading back into her dessert. Sunset grinned while watching her finish off her sundae and set it aside.

Sunset finished her sundae and set it aside too. Twilight took one last long drink of her juice, then smacked her lips. “That was good!” she chirped.

“Yeah, it really was!” agreed Sunset. She looked over at Celestia and grinned. “You know Twilight, when we're in here, we're all family. You should go give mommy Celestia a big hug to thank her for that wonderful lunch!” she suggested.

Celestia coughed trying to stop laughing so she could say something, anything. “No! That’s okay!” She got out before Twilight was out of her chair, across the room, and leaping into the princess’s lap.

“Thank you Princess, I mean Mommy Celestia!” happily called out Twilight, burying her face in Celestia’s main and barrel as she snuggled her thanks.

Celestial snuggled her young student back, quietly mouthing the words “I will get you back!” to Sunset over the filly’s head as she did so.

Finally having expressed her complete thanks, Twilight hopped off of the princess. “Thank you so much Mommy Celestia! That was wonderful!”

“I am so glad you enjoyed it, Twilight!” answered Celestia with a smile. Looking over at her older student, she grinned. “Seeing as you seem to be doing such a wonderful job of directing your young friend, I think you should take her to the bath and help her get cleaned up,” she suggested.

“Sounds like a plan!” agreed Sunset, scooping Twilight up and putting her on her back mess and all. “Come on Twilight, I’ll show you where I stay, and we can scrub off anything you may have missed.” Winking at the princess on the way out the door, she headed down the hallway, trotting past Rose who just laughed and shook her head as they passed by, Twilight hanging on tight and sitting proud on her very own battle mage friend.

Sunset took her to her apartment in the tower, which turned out to be just a few doors down from the room Twilight had been given.

“Woah! Your room is huge!” noted Twilight as they entered.

“Yeah, I used to be in the room you’re in now, but I needed more room as my studies grew and my library with it,” Sunset nodded, heading across the room and into the bathroom to draw a bath to clean them both up from Twilight’s enthusiastic lunch.

“You have a library!” chirped Twilight. “Can I see it!”

“Sure, but not now… first let’s clean up. Then I can show you around and teach you a few spells that are useful if you are going to live in the castle. Come on when you’re ready!”

Twilight trotted across the room, chocolate chips and bits of hayburger dropping from her mane as she bounced into the bathroom. “Woah! That tub is big enough to swim in!” noted Twilight as she ran over and propped her forelegs up on the edge, watching Sunset fill it from the taps.

“Maybe for you, not quite for me, and definitely not for the Princess. They had to make it this big just so she could fit in it,” answered Sunset as she adjusted the water temperature, then levitated the bath brushes, soaps and oils over to the side of the tub.

“Are you going to take a bath with me?” asked Twilight, smiling in excitement at Sunset.

‘Yup! Makes it easier to get you clean. And truth be told, I kind of need one, now,” she added as she watched a chocolate chip fall from her back.

“Yeah, you got chocolate all over you too!” agreed Twilight, looking Sunset over.

“Imagine that,” smirked Sunset, scruffing the filly's mane. “Almost done, just a bit longer.”

While the tub was finishing filling, Sunset stripped off the few garments the filly was wearing, and wiped down her saddle bag as best as she could. She hit the bag with a spell leaving it clean and food free, then levitated it over to the counter. She did the same for her bag and placed it next to Twilight’s.

“Can’t you just use that spell to clean us too?” asked Twilight as she watched her work. “Then we wouldn’t even need the bath!”

“Yeah we could. But the bath is better, and more fun anyway. Okay runt! Ready to get wet?” she asked.

“Who are you calling runt, you meany?” said Twilight with a scowl.

“My new friend! You silly!” said Sunset, climbing into the tub and relaxing in the warm water. “Ah that’s the ticket. Come on in, Twilight! No sense sitting alone out there! Let me scrub you up and we can play for a bit before we study.”

“You want me to study with you?” asked Twilight happily as she climbed into the tub then swam over to a seat that was high enough for her smaller body.

“Heck yeah! We can be study buddies,” agreed Sunset. She levitated over a brush and a bottle of mane soap, gently pulling Twilight into her lap and started working the soap into her mane, especially her muzzle that was caked with trophies of her lunchtime conquests. Careful not to get any soap in Twilight’s eyes, she carefully worked the soap in, then gently used the smaller mane brush in her magic to work the food and stains out of her young friend's muzzle and mane.

“So, who does this for you at home?” asked Sunset as she scrubbed the food away.

“My mom does,” said Twilight. “I told mom I was big enough to do it myself, but every time I did she kept finding stuff I missed, so she just finally said no for now and does it every night after dinner,” admitted Twilight.

“She sounds like a wonderful mom,” agreed Sunset, finished with her face and moving on to the rest of her mane.

“Does your mom help you clean?” asked Twilight innocently.

Sunset got a sad look on her face. “No,” she admitted sadly.

“Why not?” asked Twilight, turning to look at her friend.

“Well Twilight, I don’t have a mom. Or if I do, I don’t know who she is. I’m an orphan,” explained Sunset, moving down to Twilight’s shoulders and back. “Or I guess you could say Celestia is kind of my mom, but she is way too busy to do things like that for me. She has to keep the country running. So I have to take care of myself.”

“I could take care of you!” offered Twilight. “I’m not a mom, but I can be a good friend, and I can help you.” She smiled at her friend.

“Sure Twilight. That sounds great. You can be my little sister and help me out,” agreed Sunset with a smile. She moved down to Twilight’s flank and barrel. “Wow Twilight! I can see how you could get food on your barrel, but how the heck did it get all the way down here?” joked Sunset as she continued to scrub her young friend.

“I dunno. Mom says I’m a mess magnet. I guess it just does?” answered Twilight. Sunset laughed.

“Yeah, you seem to attract messes like I do trouble. Almost done here, then it’s my turn.” Sunset finished scrubbing the last of the food off her friend, then rinsed her off. “Shut your eyes, Twilight. I'm going to rinse off your face and I don’t want you to get soap in your eyes. Trust me, that’s not fun.”

“You’re telling me! I accidentally got soap in my eyes last week and could not stop crying. And I wasn’t even sad, it just hurt,” agreed Twilight, scrunching her eyes tightly shut.

Sunset smiled to herself, seeing how adorable the young filly looked with her eyes so tightly scrunched up and a big smile plastered on her face. She carefully rinsed her friend's face, pouring water over her and rinsing the last of the soap from her fur. “Okay, all done, you can open them back up now,” Sunset smiled.

Twilight did, then shook her head to clear the water from her eyes. Sunset laughed. “What are you, a dog?” she teased.

“No, I’m a pony!” grinned Twilight. “Your turn!”

“Okay filly! Let me have it!” Sunset teased, placing Twilight back on the tall seat and sitting with her back to her. “Let me know if you need any help!”

“I got this!” answered Twilight happily, levitating over the brush and mane shampoo. She upended the bottle over Sunset’s head, coating her in a thick layer of shampoo.

“Uh, just so you know Twilight… it’s okay not to use the entire bottle up in one bath. You don’t need quite that much to start, just saying,” Sunset smiled back at her friend. “Okay, now it's time to work it in.” Sunset shut her eyes, sticking out her tongue and making faces at Twilight, making her laugh.

“Stop Sunset, if you keep doing that I might accidentally get some in your mouth, and trust me I know. Just because this soap smells good doesn’t mean it tastes good.” commented Twilight.

“Tried that one out, did you?” asked Sunset with a grin.

“Yeah, and never again,” answered Twilight.

“Me too, and me too,” agreed Sunset. “How are you doing?”

“Okay,” answered Twilight, still working on her thick mane. “Wow Sunset, you have a lot of hair.”

“You will too as you get older Twilight, it’s part of growing up. Let me know if you need a break. It’s okay to take a break if you get tired,” said Sunset.

“Okay. But I’m okay, I can keep going for now,” answered Twilight, working her way down her friends back and shoulders. “You’re really big,” noted Twilight.

“Nah, I’m just normal. You’ll be as big as me when you get older too. Really big, that’s the princess,” snarked Sunset.

“Oh. Yeah, she’s huge!” agreed Twilight.

Sunset laughed. “Yeah, just don’t ever say that around her. Just so you know, she's kind of sensitive about that.”

“Why?” asked Twilight. “I would love to be huge like her! Then everypony would respect me and listen to me.”

Sunset laughed. “Nah, she’s big like that because she’s the princess. But you don’t have to be big to be respected and have ponies listen to you. You just have to be powerful.”

“Are you powerful?” asked Twilight.

“Yup, and that’s why ponies listen to me. And as the princesses' personal student, you'll be powerful too, and ponies will listen to you!” added Sunset.

“Really, just like you?” asked Twilight.

“Hopefully not just like me, but in your own way,” explained Sunset.

“Um, sorry Sunset, I don’t know how to wash the rest of you,” said Twilight in frustration.

“No worries Twilight. Thanks for getting the top part of me all clean. I’ll finish up if you want to relax and soak for a bit,” offered Sunset, taking the brush from her magic.

“Okay,” agreed Twilight, leaning back in the water. “This is really relaxing.”

“Yes it is,” agreed Sunset, scrubbing all the spots that Twilight missed then dunking under the water to rinse all the soap off. Popping back up, she sat over against the seat with her friend and smiled. “Just let me know when you’re ready to get out. Then I’ll help you with the mane oil and brushing, and we can go study. No rush though, take as long as you want to soak.”

“Okay,” smiled Twilight sleepily, the warm water starting to relax the little filly to sleep. Sunset smiled, pulling her friend over to her and snuggling her up to keep her head from dipping into the water. “Wha…?” Twilight sleepily called out.

“No worries, Twilight, I got you,” smiled Sunset down to her friend, cradling the young filly gently. Twilight gently drifted off to sleep as Sunset held her. She smiled down at her. “You're the reason why I do what I do,” smiled Sunset down at her sleeping friend, gently stroking her mane as she slept.

After a thoroughly relaxing soak, Sunset exited the tub, gently drying off her friend then carefully working the mane oil into her fur. The strawberry scent of the oil mixed with Twilight’s own natural lavender scent, making Sunset smile. She trotted out to her bed, carefully tucking the young filly in, then went back to finish drying herself and applying the oils to her mane as well, brushing out all her coat. Thoroughly relaxed and clean, she trotted back out to her room, checking on her friend, then pulled down her notes and hopped up into the bed to snuggle up next to her little friend and study.

An hour later there was a quiet knock at her door and her mentor poked her head in. “Hi Sunset, may I come in?” she asked.

Sunset smiled at her mentor. “Always! It’s your castle!” she teased, looking up from her notes with a grin.

“Not the point, but thank you,” answered the princess as she entered. “Have you seen… oh.!” she laughed. “Well that answered that. I was looking for Twilight, and as I didn’t see her in her room I thought I would ask you if you’d seen her. My stars but that’s just adorable,” she grinned.

Sunset laughed quietly. “Yeah, she cleans up nice,” she snarked. “She fell asleep in the tub while we were finishing up, so I just combed her out and oiled her up, then tucked her in. My little study buddy that is too tired to study,” smirked Sunset. “So what did you want Twilight for? Do you want me to wake her up?” asked Sunset.

“No, I’ll just tell you and you can tell her when she wakes. I have a state function tonight so I won’t be able to join you two for dinner. Can you guide her to the dining hall and help her find everything she needs?” asked Celestia.

“Sure, no worries. Happy to help her out,” agreed Sunset. “You know, I was thinking if she wanted she could spend the night here with me, at least for now, and until she is used to being away from home. I know it’s an adjustment being in your own room away from home, so I was going to offer that to her anyway if it’s okay with you?” asked Sunset.

“Oh Sunset, you would have made a wonderful big sister,” sighed Celestia looking at the two of them.

“Maybe in a way I still can?” smiled Sunset.

“I definitely think so,” agreed Celestia. “Thanks Sunset. I will see you two tomorrow!” she smiled as she left the apartment and closed the door.

“Good night, mom,” wistfully sighed Sunset as she left, then returned to her studies.

As dinner time neared and her little friend was still sound asleep, Sunset put her notes away and gently shook her friend awake. “Twilight! Twilight, wake up,” she gently called out to her.

The filly slowly cracked an eye open and yawned. “Five more minutes mom,” she breathed, falling back asleep. Sunset laughed and gently hooved her mane.

“Come on Twilight, time for dinner,” Sunset said to her. She rolled off her bed, lifted her sleeping friend onto her shoulders with her magic, then headed down to the dining hall, the still sleeping filly firmly held in place with her magic as she left her apartment. Closing the door, she headed down the stairway then down the hall towards the castle kitchen.

As she neared the dining hall the increasing noise woke Twilight, who poked her head up next to Sunset’s. “Where are we?” she asked groggily.

“Hey sleepyhead! Welcome back from the land of nod! Ready for dinner?” Sunset teased as they entered the common dining hall through the main door, heading for the cafeteria where they could pick out their dinner.

Holding tightly, Twilight looked around at everyone working through the lines to get their food and head out to the tables. “So,” Sunset asked her friend, “What are you in the mood for? Looks like it is pasta night. Up for some lasagna, or maybe some spinach Alfredo?”

“What’s Alfredo?” asked Twilight, looking around at all the ponies in the cafeteria.

“It’s like spaghetti, but with a creamy white sauce instead of the red tomatoes sauce, and with spinach,” answered Sunset.

“Uh, I think I will just have lasagna and bread sticks,” answered Twilight. “I don’t think I have ever had that stuff you said.”

“Tell you what, I will get some and you can try some of mine. That way, the next time you'll know if you like it or not. Sound like a plan?” asked Sunset.

“Okay,” nodded Twilight, smiling at her friend. “Thanks!”

“No worries!” answered Sunset happily.

“Well if it isn’t our newest battle mage!” called out a voice from across the room. Sunset looked over and saw Major Tailwind waving and smiling. She waved back, heading over to chat.

“Who is that?” asked Twilight, eyes wide open and fully awake now.

“That’s Major Tailwind. She was the lead on my insertion and extraction last night, really nice mare,” answered Sunset as they headed over.

“Major Tailwind, so nice to see you again!” smiled Sunset as she trotted up to the Major. “Slumming it tonight, eating with us riff raff?” teased Sunset.

“I could ask you the same, Mage!” the major shot back with a smile. “I thought you mage types didn’t associate with us commoners?” she teased.

“Food’s food, and the company's always good,” smiled Sunset.

“So, who's your plus one there, Sunset? I didn’t realize you had a foal,” grinned Major Tailwind.

“Major, allow me to introduce you to the newest personal student of the Princess, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, this is Major Tailwind,” introduced Sunset.

“Nice to meet you, Twilight. So you looking to become a mage too?” asked the Major.

“You bet! I’m going to grow up and be a mage, just like Sunset!” agreed Twilight happily.

“Let’s not rush that, shall we?” laughed Sunset. “First things first, let’s get you big and strong, and keep teaching and training you. You’ll get there,” Sunset smiled. Twilight beamed happily.

“She has the corps spirit,” smiled Major Tailwind. “Kid, I think you’ll go far!”

“Yes ma’am!” agreed Twilight happily. Sunset smiled at her friend. “So eating alone, Major?”

“Nah, meeting some friends, then we’re going out for the evening, it should be a blast,” smiled the Major.

“Well don’t let us hold you up then. Have a great time!” Sunset smiled, waving at the Major as she joined her friends. They headed back to her line for the lasagna.

“She seemed nice! Did you want to go with her,” asked Twilight.

“Nah, we’d be a fifth wheel on their wagon. Better just to say hi and wish them a good time. Besides, I already have plans with a good friend tonight, and don’t want to disappoint her,” answered Sunset.

Twilight looked down dejected. “Ah, okay. So after this, are you just going to drop me off at my room then?” she asked.

Sunset looked back at her. “Uh, no. Did you forget what I told you earlier?”

Twilight looked confused. “No, I don’t think so. What did you tell me?” she asked.

“I promised to take you on a tour of the castle and teach you some cool spells you should know if you are going to live here. Remember?” smiled Sunset. “And, I was kind of hoping that you would stay with me for the evening, so we can get some rest afterwards and head straight over to breakfast then our lessons in the morning. Unless you had other plans? I can just drop you off if you want,” Sunset teased.

“No, no no no no, I want to do that. Let’s do that,” Twilight bounced on her back enthusiastically.

“Okay roomy, let’s get us fed, then we can start our adventure,” smiled Sunset.

They passed through the line, Sunset picking out a large garden salad for herself, a smaller one for her little passenger, a large serving of bread sticks to share, then a large slice of lasagna for Twilight and a bowl of spinach Alfredo for herself, with two large sodas. As they passed by the dessert selections Twilight picked out two slices of carrot cake, one for each of them which were added to the tray. Showing her id at the cashiers, she waited while the mare rang them all up then levitated the tray over to a nearby table where they took their seats. Taking her selection off the tray, she slid the tray over to Twilight, who promptly started eating.

“One sec, Twilight,” said Sunset. She took Twilight’s hoof in her own, bowed her head, and led them in grace. Twilight looked confused but smiled and waited, then resumed eating when they were done.

“Do you not say grace at home?” asked Sunset as she tucked into her salad.

“The first I ever heard of it was when the Princess led us in it at lunch. What is it?” she asked.

“Huh, I just thought everyone did that. I guess maybe it’s a princess thing? Not sure,” Sunset replied. “I just know every time we eat, Princess Celestia thanks Harmony for our food, then we eat. I figured it was something all ponies did. No worries I guess,” noted Sunset.

“Okay,” nodded Twilight. “I don’t mind, I just didn’t know what it was for,” she added.

“Ah, okay. Hey, want to try some of this spinach Alfredo? It’s pretty good,” asked Sunset as she finished up her salad and started in on her pasta.

“Sure, do you want some of my lasagna?” asked Twilight.

“That’s okay Twilight, I already know I like it, so I don’t want to take anything away from you,” nodded Sunset, scooping over a small serving of the pasta from her bowl and placing it on Twilight’s plate.

“No, I want to share with you too, you’re my friend,” answered Twilight, cutting off a part of her lasagna and levitating it over to Sunset’s bowl.

“Ah, thanks Twilight,” smiled Sunset, scruffing her friend's mane. “You’re all right!”

Twilight beamed. She tried a small bite of the spinach Alfredo, chewing it carefully. She smiled. “This is really good!” she nodded, quickly finishing it off.

“Do you want some more?” offered Sunset.

“Nah, I’m good, but I think I will get it next time,” agreed Twilight. She finished up her plate, and moved onto her cake.

Finishing up her pasta, Sunset moved on to her cake as well, then polished off her drink. Twilight finished her drink as well placing all her dishes back on the tray. Sunset moved hers onto the tray as well, then turned to her friend. “Ready for our evening?” she asked.

Twilight nodded excitedly. “Okay, hop on! Time to get this show on the road,” Sunset smiled. Getting up, she lifted Twilight up onto her back where she got comfortable, holding on tight, while Sunset lifted the tray up in her magic and trotted it over to the tray return belt where the trays slowly moved into the kitchen for cleanup.

Trotting off to her room, they prepared for their evening of mischief and fun.

When they got back to Sunset’s room they washed up and got ready for bed. “Why are we getting ready for bed?” asked Twilight. “I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to have fun with you!”

“And you will, I promise,” answered Sunset, tucking her into bed beside her. “But the most important part of preparing for a night mission is making sure you get enough rest before hoof. You don’t want to fall asleep halfway through our fun, do you?” she asked.

The filly shook her head. “Nuh uhh. I don’t want to miss any of it.” She answered excitedly.

“Exactly!” Agreed Sunset. “So we’re going to rest for a few hours. Then when everypony else is asleep we’ll get up and have our fun. Got it?”

“You bet!” agreed Twilight enthusiastically, laying down beside Sunset in the bed. Sunset snuggled her up and the two dozed off for a bit.

A few hours later, Sunset gently shook her little filly friend awake. “Twilight you awake?” she whispered.

Twilight looked around sleepily. “Is it time yet?” she yawned.

“It’s time,” Sunset happily agreed.

Twilight’s eyes popped wide open. “Yay!” She said quietly, standing up on the bed covers. “What do we do first?” she asked excitedly.

“First I am going to teach you how to get around. Do you know how to teleport?” asked Sunset.

“You bet!” agreed Twilight.

“Okay filly, show me,” said Sunset. “Teleport down off the bed to prove it.”

“Okay,” agreed Twilight happily. Her horn lit. She stuck out her tongue. Her eyes crossed. She held her breath and squinted. She left out her breath in a huff. “It’s not working! I really do know how to do it, honest. Why isn’t it working?” asked Twilight, clearly flustered.

“Remember when I said teleportation was interdicted in the castle?” Reminded Sunset.

“Uh huh,” nodded the filly.

“You know what that means, right?” asked Sunset.

“I think so. It means it’s really hard, right?” replied Twilight.

“Not quite,” answered Sunset. “Very close though and a good guess. It means that it’s not supposed to be possible at all. Well technically it means it’s forbidden. With magic those are usually the same thing. But what if I told you there was another way to do magic? A way that isn’t blocked like the others?”

“Another way to do magic?” asked Twilight. “What do you mean? There’s only one way, right?”

“Nope,” smiled Sunset. “Think about it. All ponies have magic. But only unicorns have horns. So how do other ponies do magic?”

“What magic?” asked Twilight.

“Like storm magic. Or walking on clouds. Or flying even. Or growing things,” Sunset suggested.

“Ohhh. I get it. So wings then. But we don’t have wings,” replied Twilight.

“No, not yet,” smirked Sunset. “But we do have hooves. And that’s what pegusi use for cloud walking. And what earth ponies use for growing things. And what we’ll be using tonight.”

“But we want to teleport, not cloud walk or grow stuff. How’s that gonna help?” Asked Twilight, confused.

“Simple. Turns out any spell you can cast with your horn you can cast with another part of your body with practice. And the reason that’s important is because each part of your body has its own magical frequency. So any magical interdiction tuned to say, a unicorn's frequency is not going to stop a non-unicorn pony casting the same spell because the energy is different.”

Twilight nodded as she listened. “So how do you cast a spell with your hooves?” asked Twilight.

“Visualize the spell matrix the same as always. But then imagine the spell going down your leg and out your hoof. It will feel weird at first but keep at it and it will become easier,” answered Sunset.

Twilight scrunched her eyes up cutely. A moment later her hoof glowed and she popped onto the floor. “Yay!” She bounced happily in place. “I did it! I did it!”

“Wow, you picked that up quickly,” marvel Sunset. “Color me impressed.”

“But why did it work?” asked Twilight. “If one way is blocked wouldn’t all of them be blocked?”

“And that’s exactly the right question to be asking, my dear filly!” praised Sunset, scruffing her little friend’s mane. “Ordinarily you’d be right. But the castle has special magic to keep it strong and intact when attacked. It uses a type of magic similar to earth magic to do that. If they block things at that frequency it might make the castle weaker. So they don’t. And that means we can use that trick to get around. Lucky us!” She laughed.

“Yay, lucky us!” Agreed Twilight. “So what should we do first?”

“I think our first stop should be to check on our dear mentor. Sound like fun?” asked Sunset. Twilight nodded enthusiastically.

Laughing quietly, the pair teleported into Celestia’s bedroom. Placing a hoof over her little friend's muzzle, Sunset cautioned her. “We have to be very quiet,” she whispered. “Mom is a light sleeper, and we don’t want to get caught or she’ll put a stop to our fun. Come on,” she led Twilight over to Celestia’s bed, then levitated her up and onto it. “Trot very carefully,” she whispered. “Time for some arts and crafts.”

Levitating over Celestia’s make up kit from her dresser, Sunset placed it down gently next to Twilight. “Okay kid, time to impress me with your artistic talent. Make mom beautiful! Pull out all the stops,” smirked Sunset.

Twilight took the mascara into her magic, and working carefully did her very best to make her mentor look beautiful. Sunset kept her hooves over her muzzle to keep from bursting out in laughter. “Awesome, Twilight. Now I think she needs some lipstick and eye-shadow. Keep it up,” encouraged Sunset. Twilight applied a nice thick line of eye-shadow around both Celestia’s eyes, then two thick red slashes over her upper and lower muzzle. “Ah, good job Twilight, Mom’s never looked so beautiful. Keep going, maybe some blush too,” she encouraged. Twilight painted two bright red circles on both Celestia’s cheeks, tongue hanging from her muzzle and squinting as she worked hard to get them just right.

“Okay, now some glitter to make mom extra pretty, and I think we are done,” whispered Sunset, putting the rest of the makeup away except the bottles of silver and gold glitter.

“Sunset, isn’t the glitter just supposed to go on her eyelids?” asked Twilight quietly.

“Sure, but you are the beautician today, so you decide,” nodded Sunset sagely. Twilight nodded, rubbing the glitter all around her face like a picture frame. Sunset stifled a snicker. “Well done, my padawan. Okay, come on, more mischief to make,” Sunset said, lifting the filly off the bed and placing the last of the cosmetics away. Twilight smiled at her work as she was lifted off the bed, then with a light pop, the pair of hooligans disappeared from her bedroom.

Smirking, Celestia opened one eye and grinned. “Let’s see what those two stinkers did,” she giggled, hoping out of bed and into the bathroom to examine herself in the mirror.

She couldn’t stop laughing for at least five minutes. When she finally caught her breath, she washed her muzzle and face off, and still giggling, returned to bed.

The two stinkers teleported into the forbidden section of the library. “Woah!” said Twilight, looking around.

“Shush! The guard will hear you if you say anything too loud. Yeah, this is pretty cool though. Can’t tell anyone you know about this, this part of the library isn’t really supposed to exists. This is the forbidden section where Mom keeps the spells she doesn’t want anypony else knowing, especially the Star Swirl the Bearded spells,” informed Sunset.

“Oh! I love Star Swirl! He’s my favorite mage of all time!” whispered Twilight happily.

“What?” teased Sunset. “I’m not your favorite mage?” she asked in mock shock.

“Uh…,” answered Twilight, not knowing what to say.

Sunset laughed and booped Twilight on the nose. “Just messing with you silly. Come on, I want to show you something.” She led Twilight further into the room, and over to a large horseshoe mirror. “Take a look in here and tell me what you see,” she instructed.

She stepped back, and let Twilight step forward. “Well?” she asked with a smile.

Twilight stood speechless before the mirror, looking awestruck at her reflection. “So,” asked Sunset. “What is it, what do you see?” she asked.

“Sunset, you’re not gonna believe this, but I see me!” said Twilight in shock.

“Really? It’s a mirror Twilight, of course you see you,” she snarked.

“No, I mean it’s me, but not me. I’m big like you. But I have wings and a crown too, like a princess or something,” said Twilight in shock.

“Really?” asked Sunset, stepping up to the mirror next to her. She looked in and saw herself as a princess too, just like last time. “That’s what you see, really?” she asked Twilight.

“Yeah, totally. I see me as a princess. What do you see?” asked Twilight.

“Same thing,” admitted Sunset. “Huh, I wasn't really expecting that. I wonder if that's what it shows everypony? Odd,” she noted.

“So do you see me as a princess too?” asked Twilight.

“Nope, I see myself as a princess. I think you can only see yourself,” noted Sunset, still looking into the mirror.

“Does that mean I am going to be a princess?” asked Twilight in shock.

“Maybe? I think so, but I’m not really sure. Hey, that’s cool! We can be princesses together,” smiled Sunset , hip checking her little friend.

“Yeah, I’d love that!” agreed Twilight, turning away from the mirror. “What else does it do?”

“Apparently if you hit it when the time is right, it becomes a portal and takes you to another magical land where your wishes come true,” added Sunset, turning away as well. “At least that’s what I read. I think. The book I snuck a peak at wasn’t really clear, and mom wasn’t very forthcoming when I asked. Guess we’ll see what we see,” she finished.

“So where are we going next?” asked Twilight.

“I’m feeling a bit hungry. Care for some cake?” Sunset asked, smiling.

Twilight nodded enthusiastically.

“Okay. Mom has a special freezer just for her desserts in the kitchen. We jokingly call it her cake vault. Let’s go check it out.” Together, they popped away from the library.

“Brrr! It’s really cold in here!” Twilight shivered.

“Yup, that’s why it’s called a freezer,” snarked Sunset next to her. “Let’s pick one out and go somewhere warmer to eat it.”

“We’re gonna take an whole cake?” asked Twilight incredulously.

“Well yeah! If we take half a cake, it will be totally obvious we where here. If we take the whole thing they may never even notice it’s missing,” explained Sunset.

“Wow, you are really good at being sneaky,” noted Twilight with respect.

“Thank you, I learned from the best,” smirked Sunset. “Which one do you want?”

“Oh, let’s take that strawberry one! That looks really good!” pointed Twilight.

“Oh, good choice! Okay,” Sunset lifted the cake in her magic, and together with the cake, they teleported away.

They appeared together on the patio outside her room on the castle tower. Twilight looked at the cake. “Sunset, how we gonna eat it? We don’t have any plates or silverware?” asked Twilight.

“No worries my dear friend! We’ll eat it cavepony style. With our magic and muzzles!” grinned Sunset.

“Won’t that make a huge mess?” asked Twilight.

“Probably, but I know a good place to clean you up, then we can have more fun,” grinned Sunset, taking a chunk of the cake out with her magic and shoving it into her mouth. “Mmmm… so good! Good choice, Twilight,” she commented as she chewed and swallowed the cake.

Twilight copied her, getting the frosting all over her muzzle and mane of course. “Ah Sunset, it really is! This is awesome!” agreed Twilight. She scooped more in her magic, funneling it straight, well mostly, into her waiting muzzle.

Sunset laughed watching her attack the cake, taking another piece herself. “It really is, isn’t it,” she agreed.

Together, they watched the mare-in-the-moon drift across the star filled sky, enjoying the fruits of their mischievous labors.

Once they were done with the cake they entered the room, trotting over to the bathroom to clean up. When Twilight was sufficiently looking like a filly and not a cake monster they resumed their adventures.

Sunset took Twilight on a tour of all the hidden passages she knew about in the castle, avoiding the guards and sneaking around as much as they could. As it got closer to sunrise Sunset turned to Twilight.

“There’s one last thing I wanted to show you before we came back and got ready for the day. Up for one last adventure?” asked Sunset.

Twilight nodded happily.

“Okay then, let’s go, then it will be time to get up anyway. See why I wanted you to get some rest before we did all this?” asked Sunset.

Twilight nodded. “Okay, let’s go.” They disappeared in a flash again.

They appeared on the roof just over Princess Celestia’s balcony. Twilight started to slip and panicked, calling out to Sunset. “Sunset, help!”

Sunset caught her in her magic and pulled her into her lap. “No worries, Twilight, I’d never let you get hurt. Yeah, this roof is kind of steep, you have to watch your hoofing when you first get here. Next time, just lower yourself down flat and keep your hooves flat down on the roof. That’s usually enough to stop you sliding. And if worst comes to worst, just teleport back to where you came from and try again. You’ll get the hang of it,” she consoled her friend.

“Okay, almost time. Keep really quiet now or we’ll get caught,” cautioned Sunset. Twilight nodded in her forehooves.

Below them, the doors to the balcony opened and Princess Celestia stepped out, stretching and shaking her head. Looking up to the moon, she smiled. “Love you Luna,” she said softly, then guided the moon over the horizon, the stars following. Turning then to the east, she reached out with her magic and guided the sun up over the horizon to start the day.

Twilight watched in breathless awe as she observed the entire process.

Still looking out over the breaking dawn, watching her ponies rise to greet the day, she called out to them. “So my dear students, did you enjoy the show?”

Twilight’s eyes got as big as saucers, while Sunset laughed. “Busted,” she said quietly.

“Come on down and join me for breakfast,” she invited, looking up at them and smiling as she reentered her room. Teleporting them both down to the balcony, Sunset placed the still gobsmacked Twilight on her back and trotted into the room after her.

Taking a seat next to her at the table in the center of the room she levitated Twilight next to her, between her and the princess.

“So Twilight, I have you to thank for that wonderful make over this morning, do I not?” she smiled at Twilight.

Twilight smiled and nodded, then her hooves flew up to her muzzle and she looked panicked. Sunset burst out laughing.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to work on your secret keeping skills,” she snarked, scruffing Twilight’s mane. Twilight turned in surprise to Sunset.

“Are we not in trouble?” she asked in confusion.

Celestia leaned down into Twilight's muzzle and smiled. “No, my dear student, you are not in trouble,” she smiled. She muzzled her and grinned. “It was a good attempt. I had a good laugh too,” she giggled.

Twilight turned to Sunset. “I thought you said we would get in trouble if we got caught?” she asked.

“Guess I was wrong,” smirked Sunset.

“So we’re not in trouble for eating that whole cake?” she pressed. Sunset facehooved.

“What cake?” asked Celestia, looking between the two of them.

“Smooth, Twilight. Smooth,” snarked Sunset.

Breakfast over, Celestia thanked them for the company, and dismissed them for their morning exercise, with the promise she would join them in her room for their usual morning lessons.

As they were trotting off to their training, Sunset turned to Twilight. “You weren’t supposed to mention the cake, silly filly.”

“Sorry!” Twilight apologized.

Author's Note:

With a nod to the hooligans of Hogwarts - Mischief made.