• Published 19th Sep 2022
  • 686 Views, 38 Comments

Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage - Babroniedad

Sunset Shimmer has seen her destiny. Now she just has to survive it! A Certain Magical Sunset prequel.

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18 - Sunset - Reconciliations

Aiko remained bowed low, head on the ground in complete supplication before her parents. She was shaking with fear, clearly concerned that they may not forgive her subterfuge.

Her parents' eyes flew open in wonder. “Aiko?” called out her mother, her voice hopeful. “Aiko, is that really you?”

“Yes mother, it is really me. I am sorry for my subterfuge, and for the pain I have caused you and father,” cried Aiko, face still down to the ground. “I have no right to ask it, but I beg you forgive me for the hurt I have caused.” She wept.

Her mother raced over to her, scooping her up into her arms, crying happily as she hugged her tightly and wordlessly. The two wept happily together.

Her father stood in shocked open jawed wonder. “I don’t understand. I watched you die, Aiko. I watched your body burn. Your ashes were scattered across our fields. How can this be?”

Sunset bowed low. “That was my doing, sir. I used my Zebrican touch on you, your wife, and brother to let you see what I wished you to see. I did not allow your beloved daughter to truly die in defense of her honor. She is dear to me, closer than a sister, and I could not bear to lose her. So I allowed her to die in honor, if not in truth. She is dead, witnessed by you and your family, and honor has been met. But in truth she is alive, with me now always, starting a new life with me with new honors as a samurai warrior, a battle mage of Equestria. She is my sister, my leash mate, my dearest friend, and I will guard her with my life for the remainder of mine.”

“So, she is not to return then?” asked her father. “She has not returned to us, but is to remain dead and to stay with you?”

“Yes sir,” answered Sunset. “That is what your family's honor allows, and so that is what we will do.”

Aiko’s uncle nodded. “I was not part of this plan, but was made aware of it days after we parted. I understand the debt of honor Aiko continues to pay, but could not let the deception of her dearest family continue. I could not bear to witness your continued pain and suffering, so I begged her and Soni to come, reconcile with you, and share the secret they bear for the sake of our family honor. I wanted you to know peace, and to know that Aiko is safe and happy in her new life.”

Her father slowly nodded. He joined Aiko and her mother in their embrace, tears rolling gently down his face in happiness.

Sunset remained face down in supplication. Her uncle walked over to her, and pulled her into a hug. “Take good care of my niece, Soni. Do not let her fall in her battles,” he ordered her, a tear glistening on his cheek as he watched the joyful reunion of his brother and family.

“With my life, sir. With my very life,” promised Sunset, returning his embrace.

Together, they all walked into the house, leaving the livery to stable the carriage and settle in.

Their servants prepared tea and snacks for them as they sat at the dining room table waiting for dinner and sharing what had happened between them. Sunset told them of their escape from the Dan, riding on a cloud together to the West coast, which got a laugh from the family as they realized her mistake in thinking she would be able to charter a ship from the west coast. Aiko shared with them their adventures in avenging themselves and their leash sisters against the Yak-uza, as well as their eventual overthrow of the Yak-uza and the new deal they had enforced to protect their leash sisters, as well as the horrors they had been subjected to.

“You did all this, against the might of the Yak-uza clan?” asked Aiko’s father incredulously. “One Samurai was able to do all this?”

“No,” stated Sunset. “I did not do this alone. None of it would have been possible without Aiko by my side. She assisted me through all of this, and made what we did possible. None of this would have happened without her with me.”

Aiko smiled. “We were pretty awesome,” she grinned. “And it was actually fun to play the fool for a while and deceive them, until we surprised them in the end.”

Sunset laughed. “Yes, you are a natural born actress. You had me convinced with your feigned insensate mindlessness.”

Aiko grinned. “Who says I was faking that? Maybe my mind was just on vacation.”

Sunset snickered. “You kind of gave that away when you almost burst out in a fit of giggles.”

Aiko laughed, rolling her eyes. “Well that was your fault for being such a dork. You're not supposed to be so funny!” She stuck out her tongue, squinting one eye shut.

Sunset laughed, returning the expression. Her uncle laughed at them both. “I for one am happy it worked out so well in the end. Your leash sisters are safe, a killer has been stopped, and the more egregious abuses have stopped. You have both done well.”

Aiko smiled happily, joined by her friend. “Yes, we have,” they both agreed.

Dinner was served, with Aiko leading the family in a heartfelt prayer of thanksgiving after which they ate and discussed their future plans. With the evening drawing to a close, Sunset and Aiko excused themselves, and readied for bed. After their ablutions, they snuggled together in Aiko’s bed and fell quickly to sleep.

Morning came, both girls sleeping so soundly neither recalled their dreams. They woke, prepared for the day, then joined Aiko’s uncle and family for breakfast.

“So will you be staying long?” asked her father as they ate. “It really has been wonderful to see you again. And with where you are heading I am not sure when we will be able to visit again.”

Her uncle replied. “Regrettably, we do need to head back to Yokeo, as the girls have a charter to catch back to their new lives together. And, I am hesitant to spend much time here lest word of Aiko’s return leak and undo the heroic sacrifice she has made. As much as it pains me to say it, the sooner she is off to her new life, the better it will be for all. And, I promise I will keep in touch through discrete channels, so if you wish to correspond I will be happy to facilitate.”

Her mother nodded. “Yes, please. I will definitely be taking you up on that,” she agreed. Aiko nodded as well.

Her uncle replied. “No worries, it is the least I could do after all you have done for my office and others. You may be unsung, but Aiko, Sunset, you are heroes. I will not forget what you have done, and when the time is right, others will not forget it either.”

When breakfast was over, Aiko walked around the family vineyard with her parents, making her goodbyes. Sunset stayed with her uncle to allow them their privacy.

“Thank you so much for helping us with this, and for arranging this for Aiko,” said Sunset. “She was trying to bear it stoically, but it was clear this was really hurting her. She didn’t want her parents to suffer from this, and not being able to relieve their sorrow was weighing heavily on her.”

“I could see that as well,” agreed Aiko’s uncle. “And they needed this as much as she did. Now, they can know that their daughter, my niece, lives as a hero, and did not just die as one. And that they can be proud of her for more than just her sacrifice, but for her life as well.”

“Well put,” agreed Sunset. “It warms my heart to see her happy again. To see them all happy again. I was so sad to leave them like that. I’m glad you were able to set this up.”

The Secretary nodded silently, watching the family stroll peacefully through the vineyard. Sunset looked on smiling as well.

Eventually, the family returned, and with final hugs, bade them goodbye and goodluck in their new life together and their future adventures. The livery had already packed the few belongings they had brought with them for the trip, and were ready to head out with the carriage. Sunset and the Secretary made their goodbyes as well, with bows, and at least in Sunset’s case with a pair of heartfelt hugs, then they boarded the carriage and headed back to Yokeo.

The day's journey passed uneventfully, Sunset using her extended magical senses to guard their passage against any potential attacks. She supposed their recent travels along this path may have thinned the ranks of potential miscreants in the area, as well as made the remainder more wary of attacking unknown providence, like for example their carriage, when they had no idea who could be inside and what grief they may be inviting.

They stopped for the evening, midway through their journey, Sunset helping the livery to stow the carriage then warding it for the night. She joined Aiko and the Secretary in the tavern for dinner while the livery took their dinner in their room. After dinner, Sunset and Aiko bathed, performed their ablutions, then retired for the night to their room to rest. Snuggling up together, they fell soundly asleep, dreaming of the coming voyage they would be making and their new life together.

Rising with the sun, Aiko and Sunset did their morning ablutions then helped the livery prepare the carriage for the remainder of their journey. Together they joined the Secretary for a quick travelers breakfast and tea, then they entered the carriage, the livery taking their positions. They resumed their journey, Sunset again using her magical senses to guard their party from potential attackers. Again, the day’s journey was uneventful, and by nightfall they were back in Yokeo, spending the late evening and night with the Secretary in his capital residence.

They woke fully rested the following morning, ready for their journey to Sunset’s home and Aiko’s new life as an Equestrian Battle Mage with her mentor and friend. They performed their ablutions then quickly packed what they had, leaving it with the service staff to be brought to the dock with them.

They joined the Secretary for breakfast and tea. “So, excited for the beginning of your new adventure?” he asked Aiko as she took her seat.

“Yes, a little. Not sure what to expect, but I know it will be wonderful with my friend,” she said, smiling at Sunset.

Sunset smiled back. “You know it. And I can’t wait to introduce you to mom, Twilight, and Cadence.” She frowned a bit. “Though this is the longest I think I have ever been away from them. I hope they are doing alright. I’m sure mom would have let me know if something horrible happened, so I just have to trust that everything is fine.”

Aiko laughed. “Trust? I never saw you as the type of mare to just trust anything. You always seem to want to have some hoof in things.”

“You know me too well,” agreed Sunset with a grin. “I do trust them, with my life if need be. But I do feel the need to take charge most of the time. I know I don’t always know best, but I don’t know when I don’t either, so not always sure when I should be backing off. I’m a work in progress.” She laughed. “And they love me anyway.”

“Me too,” agreed Aiko with a grin. “And I am so glad you came to rescue me from the life I had fallen into. I know I’ve said it before, but Soni, thank you!” She leaned over and hugged her friend, nuzzling her briefly with a huge smile.

Sunset smiled back. “Anytime, anyway, anywhere. You were worth it, still are, and always will be. Thank you for being my friend,” answered Sunset, nuzzling one more time before breaking away with a grin. “And thank you Mr. Secretary for your help and everything you have done. We could not have done this without you.”

Her uncle smiled happily. “For Aiko, and you, her dear friend, as you said. Anytime, anyway, anywhere. I’m glad she has a friend like you to guide her in her new life. Take care of her please! She is still very dear to me, even if she is moving out of my life and into a new one.”

While they ate, Sunset told Aiko more stories of her times with her sisters and as a battle mage, and a bit about Canterlot, living at the castle, and what Princess Celestia was like. “You’ll see, she is the kindest mare I know. She’ll love you too, I just know it,” Sunset assured her friend.

While they were eating, the servants loaded up their luggage into the carriage. When they finished breakfast, they left the residence, and entered the carriage with Aiko’s uncle, while the livery took the carriage to the docks where their ship, a coastal water and airship hybrid, the 優雅なアホウドリ (Yūgana ahōdori - The Graceful Albatros). The livery unloaded their luggage, turning it over to the stevedores who loaded the luggage aboard the ship while they said their goodbyes.

Her uncle held them both tightly. “Goodbye, Aiko. Take care of yourself and your friends. And stay safe, but not too safe. You are a samurai now,” he said smiling. “And Soni, you take care too, of yourself and my niece. You too make a great team, and I look forward to hearing all about your wonderful exploits.” He gave them both a final hug, then bowing, he waved goodbye, smiling as he entered the carriage and drove back to his residence.

Aiko and Sunset showed their tickets to the steward at the gangplank, then went up and into the ship. At the entrance another steward greeted them, and with a glance at their tickets had a porter summoned to escort the Top Class travelers to their stateroom. Sunset and Aiko followed the porter, and young Kitsune cat, who led them to a magnificent stateroom just below decks at the back of the ship, which included a recessed and enclosed patio along the back of the ship, glassed in for their comfort but including a spectacular viewing space from ship. Currently the view was of the port, where they could see other ships being loaded for departure just as theirs was.

“Wow! Don’t think I’ve ever traveled in something this nice,” marveled Sunset, taking in the view. Aiko stood next to her, smiling at the view as well.

Sunset turned to the porter, passing him a silver bit. “Thank you! I think we have it from here.” She smiled at him, then bowed in dismissal.

The porter smiled back. “Thank you, but we do not accept gratuities,” he explained, placing the silver bit down on the counter. “But I am grateful for your thanks. The captain requests the honor of both of your company for dinner. Please be ready at 17:00. I will come and escort you to the officer's mess and the captain’s table.”

“Thank you. Please inform the captain we are honored to accept his invitation,” agreed Sunset, bowing again to the porter in acknowledgement. He nodded and left, shutting their door behind him.

“Wow! First night out and eating at the captain’s table. Your uncle sure knows how to travel in style,” Sunset said with a laugh.

Aiko nodded. “Yes he does. I remember him taking me on some of his trips when I was younger. I always felt like a little princess.”

The two friends returned to the suite from the patio, looking through their luggage for something appropriate to wear to a captain’s dinner. Sunset settled on a slight modification to the dress she had worn while masquerading as Aiko’s servant, forgoing the veil this time. Aiko decided on a brown and green gown that covered her flanks but left the bottom two thirds of her tails exposed. She wore a green floral wreath for her headgear, forgoing any veil or armament.

After that, they decided it would be fun to wander the ship, at least in the areas they were allowed to wander without getting in the way of the crew preparing to cast off. They ended up on the deck with several of the other guests, waving to their friends and relatives still gathered on the dock to see them off. Even though there was no one there to see them off, Sunset and Aiko enjoyed waving to everyone as the ship pulled away from the dock and sailed out to the middle of the bay.

A porter moved through the gathered guests, advising them to either grab hold of something or head back below decks, as the ship was preparing to lift off. Sunset and Aiko elected to stay on deck, and holding tightly to the rails, they watched with anticipation as the crew rigged the ship for flight, then rang the bells alerting the crew and passengers to prepare for the transition to flight. The bells had only just finished echoing when they both felt the ship lift beneath them, rising majestically up into the air and turning to put its backside to the wind as it lifted towards the clouds, heading out from the port eastward, pulling past the harbor markers and out over the open sea of Nipony. Below them, they could see fishing fleets heading out for the day's catch, as well as more traditional ships sailing ahead of them through the gentle rolling waves of the sea, off to their own destinations.

Sunset leaned out over the railing, letting the wind blow through her mane as she looked out over the waves below and the ships upon them. As she smiled and breathed the cold salty air, she felt Aiko wrap her in a hug, pulling her back from leaning so far over the railing.

“No flying lessons today Sunset!” teased her friend. “You can’t leave me like that.”

“Oh you’re no fun! How about I take you with me!” Sunset grinned at her friend.

“Don’t you dare! I told you before, silly mare. No wings on this Kitsune. I’m not a flier,” She laughed.

“How do you know if you never try?” teased Sunset back.

“I have tried plenty, thanks to you, dear friend,” laughed Aiko back. “Now we have a nice, comfortable, safe ship to fly from. Let’s try it that way, hum?”

Sunset grinned. “But my way is so much more fun!” She leaned away from Aiko, slipping from her arms and falling backwards over the railing.

One of the crew members saw her roll backwards over the railing and sounded the alarm. “Mare overboard! Mare overboard! All hands alert! Mare overboard!

Belay that!” called out Aiko loudly. “She’s just messing around! She’s fine, trust me! Just being a brat!”

The crew had dropped everything, ready to scramble to recover their errant guest when a bolt of lighting cracked between two clouds nearby. Looking over at the clouds, they say the grinning unicorn waving at them from the side of one.

There she is!” called out the one that had sounded the alarm.

“Sunset, I swear! You are in so much trouble,” laughed Aiko, waving back. Sunset leapt from the side of the cloud, falling down towards the ocean below. Several of the crew and passengers watching her screamed in fright as she plunged towards the ocean below, then with a pop, Sunset appeared back up in the air, closer to the ship. She did this several times, falling towards the ocean only to appear with a teal flash and pop closer to the ship, until she was only a few hundred spans from them, when she disappeared with a pop again.

“Where did she go?” asked the crew member who had called the alarm, looking all over for her.

“Woo hoo!” they heard her call out above them. Several hundred spans above them, they looked up to see the unicorn happily whooping and laughing as she plunged down towards them, looking like she was going to tear through the rigging on the way down. Just before she fouled the rigging, she disappeared with a pop, reappearing next to Aiko again with a flash.

Woo hoo! That was a rush!” She called out as she was gang tackled by several crew members who restrained her and hustled her back below decks, Aiko trailing along behind her and laughing loudly.

“Seriously, I promise to behave! Please, let me out!” begged Sunset from the ship's brig.

The captain looked sternly at her. “Do you realize the heart attack you gave my crew!?” He scowled. “They seriously thought you had fallen overboard. They were ready to cancel our departure to fish your sorry flank out of the ocean. And I would have let them, because we don’t leave anyone behind, passengers or crew. What in the seven hells were you thinking, mare?”

Sunset looked abashed. “I was just having some fun with my friend. We had to ride on a cloud to get here, so I was teasing her that we could just do it again.”

The captain shook his head. “I would call you a liar, but my first mate saw you standing on the cloud before you dove over the side. So I know you can do it.” He looked up at the ceiling. “No idea how though, never heard of a unicorn walking on clouds. What is the world coming to?”

Sunset smiled. “I could teach you to do it too, if you wanted?” she offered.

The captain laughed finally, shaking his head. “Maybe some other time,” he replied with a smile. Turning to his second, he commanded her. “Let her go.”

Turning back to Sunset as she stepped out of the brig, he reprimanded her. “Please promise me you will not cause any further discord for my crew or the other passengers.”

“I swear, on my best behavior. You have my promise!” agreed Sunset nodding emphatically.

“Great. See you tonight. You can regal me and the guests at my table with your undoubtedly amusing stories. I can only imagine,” he laughed, nodding to his XO as he left.

“Very well Miss Shimmer. You are released on your own recognizance. Please try not to be a pain in my backside for the remainder of the cruise. Can you find your way back to your quarters? Or do you need me to escort you?” asked the XO.

“No ma'am, I can manage,” nodded Sunset.

The XO nodded and left the room. Sunset followed out behind her, going the opposite direction once they were in the hall, heading back to her quarters, or anywhere else as truth be told she had no idea where she was on the ship, but she did not want to cause any further grief for the XO or the crew than she already had with her impulsive prank.

Heading down the hall nothing looked familiar. This definitely wasn’t the first class cabins down this hallway. It mostly looked like facilities and operations. She was about to turn back when she noticed a kitsune steward down the hallway exiting from one of the rooms then heading further down the hall. Trotting after her to ask directions, Sunset almost caught up to her when she opened a door marked in red and entered, shutting it behind her.

“Drat!” Sunset muttered, trotting up to the door. Staff Access Only it read in white letters on the red background. She knocked quietly on the door hoping the steward was still nearby. Waiting a few moments for a reply, she realized she was out of luck, the steward must have continued on and her knocks were not going to be answered.

She opened the door, poking her head in. “Anyone here? Anyone? I’m a bit lost, and could use some help finding my cabin,” she called out into the hallway. No one answered, so she stepped through, shutting the door behind her, then trotted down the hall looking for anyone who could help her find her way back to the cabin and Aiko.

Trotting a ways down the hallway and finding only closed doors and no sign of anyone else present, she growled in frustration. “Okay, fine. Let’s see what I can find out,” she sighed. Reaching out with her hoof, she touched one of the hallway walls and let her senses reach out through the ship.

The first thing she noticed was that her sense was muted, she could barely make out the rooms and passageways more than a few dozen cubits beyond her. She could sense the magic of the other guests and crew in the vessel, but the sense of the rooms and corridors was subdued.

“I guess that makes sense. It’s Earth magic, and I’m in a ship high in the air made of dead wood and metal. Not going to be much residual Earth magic in those. Annoying,” she observed. She noticed a particularly large concentration of magic below and ahead of her towards what she perceived to be the center beam of the ship. “Might as well head there,” she mused. “Safe bet that’s the engines, and there should be someone there who can help me find how to get back to my cabin. Besides, I’ve always wanted to see how these magical engines worked. Maybe they won’t be too busy and can give me a tour,” she thought, laughing to herself.

She continued forward until she came to a steep set of stairs, almost to the point it could be considered a ladder, heading down to the lower decks. Knowing the engines and the source of magic she had seen were below her, she took them down. Seeing another set going down just behind where she was, she headed down it as well. She touched the wall to get her bearings again, and confirmed that she was now on the same level as the source of magic she was heading towards. Nodding to herself, she headed down the hall towards where she had sensed the magic.

Coming to the end of the hall, she stood before a door with the red warning background and the words Engine Room printed on it. She knocked on the door firmly.

“Come on in, engine is secure, just mind your step!” called out a voice from inside.

Sunset opened the door, bowing her head as she entered. “Excuse me, I’m…” she started to apologize when she noticed the engine behind the Kitsune three tail vixen in the room. “Sweet Celestia! Is that a Cloudsdale Industries Stratos 5000? Oh my gosh! I’ve read about them but have never seen one! Is that how we are staying up without a traditional flight balloon bag? Can I see it? Please!”

Sunset shot into the room to stand next to the startled vixen, staring in wonder at the magical flight engine. “I studied these, but I never ever got to actually see one. They’re even more impressive in person, and so huge! So do they really run on concentrated rainbows?” Sunset danced from hoof to hoof as she looked all over, taking in the entire engine room in giddy delight.

The vixen smiled, her concern melting behind a bit of pride. “It is! And yes, it runs on pure rainbow magic, stored in tanks on both sides of the ship. We have enough stored to make a complete circuit of Equus if we needed, though we do top them off every time we make a port in Equestria, as they are currently the sole provider of concentrated rainbow magic in liquid form.” She smiled at Sunset. “We don’t typically get many guests here, on account that most guests are able to read and obey signs and warnings,” she snarked.

Sunset laughed. “Yeah… that. I was lost, and was hoping the steward I had just seen would be able to help me find my cabin. But she was gone by the time I got through the door, so I kept looking for her or anyone. But when I saw the Engine Room I figured I would certainly find someone in there. So I knocked. Sorry about that, but not really sorry because that’s Cloudsdale Industries Stratos 5000 and I’ve wanted to see one up close since I was studying them and here one is!” she gushed.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you? You don’t usually see many unicorns learning about flight engines,” asked the Kitsune.

“Sorry!” Sunset, bowing deeply. “I’m Sunset Shimmer, personal student of Princess Celestia, and member of the Equestrian Battle Mages currently returning from an assignment in your country. And a huge fan of magi-tech, which is in its currently finest implementation right in front of me!” she rose from her bow with a huge smile.

“Pleased to meet you, Sunset Shimmer! I’m First Officer 硬質金属花 (Kōshitsu Kinzoku Hana - Hard Metal Flower) of Engineering. I usually take the first watch when we are leaving port, just in case something goes a bit wonky and needs my expertise, otherwise you would have met one of my more than capable staff. So, ignoring that you really don’t belong here, what would you like to know about this baby before I drag you back up to the passenger decks and back to your quarters?” asked the Kitsune pleasantly.

“Yes! How is the performance? Do you still have issues with magical feedback during sustained high power operations? Is it really as low maintenance as the literature suggests?” Sunset asked, quill and parchment appeared before her as she asked her questions to the amusement of Kōshitsu.

“Yes, odd that you would ask that, but we do have to limit our operations to avoid the feedback issue. Mostly that’s meant avoiding any high powered moves that would normally only be necessary in combat or avoiding sudden storms,” acknowledged Kōshitsu.

“Cloudsdale found a work-around to correct that! I was reading about it just before I left on assignment,” informed Sunset, launching into a description of the work around and the procedure to implement it on a running engine. When she finished, Kōshitsu looked impressed. “That actually makes a great deal of sense. And the procedure is simple enough. I can do it now with little risk to our flight operations,” Kōshitsu observed. “Want to hang around for a bit? I’m going to get authorization for it, then give it a whirl.”

Sunset nodded emphatically.

Kōshitsu lifted the communications phone from its cradle, punching in the code for the bridge from the list on the wall beneath. “Bridge, engineering calling. Requesting captains permission for in-flight maintenance to correct some performance issues with the engine. Low risk, standard safety protocols. Standing by for confirmation or denial.”

Over the communications device, Sunset heard the reply. “Request acknowledged. Please stand-by for the watch response.”

“Response acknowledged. Standing by,” confirmed Kōshitsu.

Sunset stood still, almost shaking from holding her breath at the chance to be a part of the team working on a state of the art piece of magi-tech. Trembling slightly, she waited with Kōshitsu for the captain’s response.

“Engineering, XO responded. Request approved with standard safeties and protocols. Please acknowledge,” informed the watch officer.

“Response acknowledged, permission received. We will commence maintenance operations in five minutes with standard safeties and protocols, expected to be completed within the hour. I will report when operations are completed,” acknowledged Kōshitsu.

“Acknowledgement received, awaiting your report. Bridge out,” responded the watch officer, hanging up.

“How can I help?” asked Sunset excitedly.

“You can’t. Not really. But I could use a second set of eyes. Care to oversee my work?” asked Kōshitsu.

“Yes!” agreed Sunset excitedly.

The engineer prepared for the operations, verifying the magical energy flow rates, the tank reserves, current capacity settings and limiters, and running settings. She then began methodically working through the steps Sunset laid out, checking her work as she proceeded, Sunset observing each step and acknowledging they had been completed correctly. Working methodically, about forty-five minutes later the engineer completed the last step. Together they checked the engine’s operational parameters, observing the expected improvement in base efficiency.

“I guess we won’t be able to fully test the fix without operating in the peak settings, which we aren’t scheduled to run at during this cruise. But if nothing else the increased efficiency is certainly welcome. That will improve our operational costs if nothing else,” grinned the vixen. “Thank you, Miss Shimmer. Glad you got lost, and happy to have met you.”

“Me too!” agreed Sunset. “How often would I have a chance to work with anyone on a Stratos engine? That was a dream come true!”

“Always nice to meet a fellow tech geek. Care to keep me company until the end of my shift? We can talk shop and I can give you a quick tour of engineering at the end of my shift,” asked the vixen.

Sunset agreed happily. The Kitsune called in her report to the bridge watch officier, then showed Sunset how to use the watch communicator, punching in the code for her suite. A few dozen rings later a familiar voice was heard. “Hello?”

“Aiko? Hey, what took you so long to answer?” asked Sunset.

“Sunset? Is that you? Are you still in the brig?” asked Aiko.

“Yeah, it’s me! And no, they turned me loose as long as I promised to behave myself from now on. And I met the captain! He’s nice enough. He’s looking forward to meeting us for dinner with his other guests,” answered Sunset.

“So where are you now?” asked Aiko. “How come you didn’t just come back to the suite?”

“I got lost,” answered Sunset.

“Of course you did,” laughed Aiko.

Hey! Be nice!” exclaimed Sunset. “So how come the communicator rang so long before you answered it?”

“I had no idea what it was. Just this thing on the wall started ringing over and over, so I flagged down a porter in the hall and they explained how they work. Who ever heard of such a thing? Internship communications, that’s some nice tech.”

“That makes sense,” agreed Sunset. “So I ended up here in engineering, and the lead engineer let me help her out with maintenance on the ship's flight engine. It’s a Cloudsdale Industries Stratos 5000, Aiko! They are the latest marvel in magi-tech!”

“I have no idea what that is, but it sounds cool,” agreed Aiko.

“It is! And when her watch is over, she is going to give me a tour of engineering!” gushed Sunset.

Aiko laughed. “Wow! That sounds fun! Should I be jealous?”

“Wait, what? Why?” asked Sunset, oblivious.

“Just kidding. Have fun! I’ll see you when you finish,” teased Aiko.

“Don’t you want to come? It will be a blast! They have some really high tech stuff down here!” asked Sunset.

“Sure, if you want me to, I’ll come. We can have fun together,” agreed Aiko with a grin.

“Awesome! Wait, let me make sure that is okay,” said Sunset. She turned to the vixen, who was laughing and shaking her head in amusement.

“Sure, why not!” she said. “Tell her we’ll call her in an hour, and to let the porter know she will need an escort to the engine room when we call.”

Sunset relayed the information to Aiko, who promised to get the porter and let her know, then join them when they called back. Sunset placed the device back in its cradle happily. “She’s coming! This will be so much fun!”

“I’m sure it will,” agreed Kōshitsu.

Sunset continued asking her questions about the magi-tech on the ship, and together they spent the remainder of the watch discussing the tech used on the ship as well as Sunset observing as the engineer performed her watch checks and operational corrections, Sunset taking notes the entire time as she observed her work.

Kōshitsu finished the last of her shift end checks as her replacement showed up, knocking on the door and entering, then looking startled to find Sunset standing there taking copious notes.

“Hey boss! I didn’t realize we were having inspections?” asked the todd hesitantly as he entered.

“Nah, no inspections, just taking one of our guests on a tour of the ship. She’s an Equestrian Samurai, and knows her way around magi-tech. You know that feedback issue we’ve been living with on the Stratos engine?” asked Kōshitsu.

“Yeah, what about it?” replied the todd.

“She knew how to fix it. We got permission from the watch to make the changes during the shift, and already we’re seeing a seven percent improvement in efficiency. I can’t wait to try out some of the higher power moves and see this engine fulfill its promise,” bragged the lead engineer.

The todd looked at Sunset with new respect. “Really? Wow, that’s great. I never liked having to keep the engines limited like that. Thanks!” He reached out his paw. “Thaddeus Flavius, at your service. Nice to meet another techie.”

Sunset magiced her notes and quill away, taking his offered paw and shaking it. “Not used to that,” she laughed. “I’ve been in Nipony so long I forgot how to shake. Everything’s been bowing and smiling for the last few weeks. Pleased to meet you! Sunset Shimmer, Equestrian Battle Mage. I’ve been a fan of these engines ever since I first read about them, and am thrilled to have finally gotten to see one up close.”

“They are quite impressive. I know Nipony generally has the edge on tech and magi-tech, but these engines are an absolute marvel. I won’t lie, working with them is one of the reasons I volunteered for this service,” replied the todd with a smile. “Well if you have a tour to get to, I won’t keep you. Have a great time!”

“Oh we can’t start yet! I have to call my fellow mage so she can join us. She just joined up with the mages, and I know she would love to see this too!” Sunset moved over to the communications device, and lifting it from its cradle, held it in her magic near her ear as she dialed the number for their suite.

A moment later Aiko answered. “Is that you Sunset?” she asked.

‘Yup! We’re ready to start! Grab your guide and come on down!” said Sunset with a laugh.

“Okay! Be down in a few! Bye!” said Aiko, hanging up.

“She’s on her way,” Sunset said, hanging up herself. “So, Thaddeus, pardon my asking, but you're the first Kitsune I’ve met with an old Equestrian name. How’d that happen? Sorry if it’s not my business, just curious.”

“No worries. I was born in Mainhattan, second generation Equestrian. Both my parents were Kitsune, born in Equestria. My grandparents on both sides emigrated from Nipony. My parents grew up together, best friends since birth, and ended up falling in love and getting married. Had me and my five sisters. I loved Niponies culture growing up, and loved tech, so when I was old enough to pick a trade I picked engineering, and ended up getting an offer to work here, which I jumped at, thanks to the Stratos engines,” Thaddeus grinned.

“Let’s let Thaddeus get started on his shift. Come this way and I can start setting up for our tour,” Kōshitsu guided Sunset out of Thaddeus's way and over to a workbench at the far end of the engine. “Now where were those… hmm.” She scanned the enclosed bookcase next to the workstation, looking for the manuals she wanted. “System schematics, nope. Systems overviews, nope. Operational maps and schematics, bingo,” she opened the case and pulled the manual out, opening it on the workbench. “Okay, this has diagrams of the layout of the entire ship and the location of all of the engineering critical systems. Why don’t you poke through this while we wait for your companion to show? That way you can figure out what you want to see first, and we can plan accordingly. Do you have to be anywhere soon?” she asked.

“The next thing we have scheduled is dinner at the captain’s table at 1700 hours,” answered Sunset, already pouring through the book.

“Oh, nice! It’s my rotation at the table tonight, I’ll be there too! There’s always two of the department heads at the table with the captain to represent. I have seniority so I’m in the first rotation. It’s fairly formal, but still lots of fun. The captain likes to get his guests talking about themselves, so be prepared to share some amusing stories. It’s part of the table’s tradition,” said Kōshitsu as she sat at the workbench next to Sunset.

Sunset smiled at Kōshitsu. “It’ll be nice to have a friendly and familiar face with us. I’m glad to hear it.” There was a knock at the engine room door. It opened, showing Aiko standing there behind a porter, smiling and bowing as he pointed the way in.

“Here you go, miss! Just let us know if you need anything, and enjoy your tour.” He backed up, allowing Aiko to pass through the door which he shut behind her. Looking around, she saw Sunset and Kōshitsu sitting at the workbench.

“So there you are!” she said laughing, loping over to join them.

Thaddeus looked up from the watch station by the engine. “Hey, how are you doing? You must be Sunset’s friend!” he waved to her as she passed by.

“That’s me!” she smiled and waved back as she passed by.

“Sorry, for some reason I assumed you were a pony too,” responded Thaddeus.

“Really, why’s that?” asked Aiko, stopping to ask.

“Well, Sunset mentioned you were a new Equestrian Samurai, so I guess I just assumed you were a pony. I guess I of all creatures should have known better to assume,” said Thaddeus with a laugh.

“Why do you say that?” asked Aiko.

“I’m Equestrian, born and raised,” answered Thaddeus. “So if anyone should not assume Equestrian means pony, it should be me. Thaddeus Flavius, pleased to meet you,” he bowed.

“Really! That’s cool. I was born and raised here, educated and worked in Yokeo before taking an ambassadorial job in Equestria. And now, apparently on my way to becoming an Equestrian citizen and Battle Mage in training. My name is Aiko Adobaizā, pleased to meet you Thaddeus.” Aiko bowed back with a laugh.

“Sounds like you made a new friend, Aiko! Should I be jealous?” teased Sunset, returning her friend's taunt from earlier.

“Oh shoot! Your friend is onto me!” laughed Thaddeus. “So much for my plans on adding you to my harem of vixens in every port!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at the young todd from her place at the work table. “Seriously?” she snarked.

“Hey, you started it,” he laughed, giving her a sloppy salute, then grinned at Aiko and returned to his duties. Aiko laughed and joined her friend.

“So did you start without me?” she asked, taking a seat next to Sunset on the opposite side of Kōshitsu. “What did I miss?”

“Not a thing. I was just letting your friend Sunset look through some ships diagrams while we waited for you. We can start whenever you both are ready,” answered Kōshitsu with a gentle smile.

“Well this is Sunset’s baby, I’m just here for moral support and the fun of it, so whenever you’re ready it's fine by me,” answered Aiko.

Sunset nodded. “Let’s get this party started. I can’t wait to find out all about this baby!”

Kōshitsu nodded. “Okay then! Let’s start with the star of this show, the Stratos 5000.

The tour took the entire rest of the morning, and most of the afternoon. They took a break for lunch, joining the crew in the common mess, meeting even more of the crew as they shared meals and stories as they ate. Sunset was clearly in her element, regaling the crew with the antics of her and her sisters on their nighttime raids, while Aiko looked on fondly watching her friend hold the crew captive with her storytelling and theatrics. When lunch was over, they continued on their tour, seeing what felt like every span of the ship by the time they were finished and Kōshitsu dropped them off at their suite.

“See you both again in an hour and change! Don’t be late!” said Kōshitsu, laughing and waving as she loped away.

Opening the door to their suite, Sunset led the way in, flopping down on the bed. “Well that was the funnest getting lost I have had in a long time!”

Aiko shut the door, then flopped down next to her friend. “I swear, only you could get put in the brig, let out, get lost, and meet and entertain half the crew on your first day of our cruise.”

Sunset turned to her friend with a grin. “Don’t blame me! Mom cursed me. It’s all her fault.”

Aiko smirked. “Okay, I can’t wait to hear this one. How is any of that your mom’s fault?”

Sunset laughed. “She said, Sunset, may you always live in interesting times.”

Aiko looked dubious. “Really?”

“Nope!” laughed Sunset. “But it really is her fault. She told me, Sunset, go make some friends. And look what happened!”

Aiko grinned at her, then laughed as well. “Yes, look what happened. And is still happening. I’m liking your mom more and more.”

“She has that effect on everyone,” agreed Sunset. “Semi-formal, huh? I guess we should start getting cleaned up and dressed. I already missed my chance to make a good first impression. I sure as heck don’t want to make a bad one.”

Aiko agreed, so they bathed and performed their ablutions, then put on the attire they wore earlier, Sunset once again forgoing the veil and sticking with the simpler headdress.

Five minutes before 1700, there was a knock at their suite door. “I’ll get it!” she called out, heading over and opening the door.

She was expecting to see a porter there. She was surprised instead to see Kōshitsu in her dress blues. “Kōshitsu?” Sunset asked in confusion.

“In the flesh. Are you two ready? Don’t want to keep the captain and the other guests waiting,” she answered.

“Uh.. yeah. Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to be our escort. I was expecting a porter,” confessed Sunset.

Aiko entered the room from the bathroom. “Sunset, who is… oh, hey Kōshitsu! What are you doing here?”

“Picking up you two. Are you ready to go?” Kōshitsu asked, smiling.

“Sure!” Aiko answered, grabbing her purse and joining them at the door. “Let’s go,”

“Okay! Follow me,” said Kōshitsu, loping down the hall. Aiko fell in behind her. Sunset closed the door, warded it, then followed them.

“So where are we headed?” asked Sunset. Aiko turned and looked at her friend. “The captain’s table. You know that.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I mean, where is it? Is it off the galley? Is it part of the captain's quarters? I’ve never been to a captains table, so I have no idea.”

“You mean all the time you’ve spent with your princess, you’ve never been invited to the captain’s table when you traveled?” asked Aiko.

“No, never once. The captain’s always joined us at the princess’s table when they ate with us,” answered Sunset in complete honesty.

Aiko laughed. “Well I guess that makes sense. Sorry, I just figured being a protege of the princess you would know that.”

Kōshitsu laughed. “Yes, I can’t imagine any captain would want to pull rank on a princess. Good point. In answer to your question, the captain’s table is in his personal quarters. It’s a formal dining room attached to his suite, used just for these types of occasions.”

“Oh, so he doesn’t eat there all the time,” nodded Sunset.

“Nope. Except for these and formal meals, he mostly eats with the senior staff in the officers' mess. And most of the time he takes his meals on watch, so he eats in his office off the bridge. Don’t tell him I told you, he would not like his reputation tarnished. I think he thinks we all believe he just survives on grit and the occasional dinners,” Kōshitsu said with a laugh.

They came to a set of double doors at the end of the hallway. Staff Only was painted in white lettering on a red background on the doors. “This is the Captain’s suite. I’ll escort you to the table. One second.” Kōshitsu knocked on the door.

An orderly opened the doors. “May I help you?” she asked.

“Kōshitsu Kinzoku Hana, Aiko Adobaizā, and Sunset Shimmer, reporting as requested for the honor of the captain’s table,” replied Kōshitsu.

The orderly nodded, backing away and bowing. “Please, enter. You know the way. Please direct your guests to the table.” They entered, following Kōshitsu. The orderly shut the doors behind them.

“Almost there,” Kōshitsu called over her shoulder. “It’s in here.” She opened a set of doors, bowing and sweeping her paw before her to bid them enter. Sunset and Aiko entered, seeing the room filled by a large table, mostly filled with well dressed Kistune chatting together. A few heads looked up to see who had entered then went back to their conversations.

“Our seats are here,” offered Kōshitsu, leading them around the back of the table to three seats near the head of the table.

“Wow, top of the table, eh?” laughed Sunset, looking at Kōshitsu. “You must really rate.”

“It’s my seniority. Everything here is based on rank and seniority. And I asked that the two of you be seated with me, and that I be allowed to fetch you myself. I wanted to have a chance to personally thank you for what you did today, and the captain agreed. Hope you don’t mind?” asked Kōshitsu.

“Heck, no I don’t mind. I should be the one thanking you for letting me see the Stratos engine. That was definitely a treat,” said Sunset with a smile.

Aiko just grinned and rolled her eyes. “Sometimes you still surprise me,” she said with a laugh.

“What? That I would be grateful?” asked Sunset.

“No, dork. That you would be that much of a magi-tech geek. I think that’s adorable,” smirked Aiko.

Sunset laughed. “I guess I can’t complain about that. I’ve been called worse.”

They took their seats, nodding in greeting to the couples next to them and around the table. They sipped their tea while they waited for the captain and the rest of the guests.

At 1700 on the nose, the doors opened and the XO loped in, taking a seat just to the right of the captain’s chair. “The captain regrets that he is running a few minutes late, but will be here shortly,” she called out to the table as she sat.

The last of the guests entered moments later, taking their seats at the direction of one of the stewards in the room. After everyone was seated, the door opened again and one of the stewards called out. “All rise! Captain on the deck!”

Everyone stood, and the captain brushed in, taking his seat at the head of the table. “Please be seated,” the steward called out again, and everyone resumed their seats.

“Thank you all for joining me this evening. On behalf of myself and the crew of my ship, the Yūgana Ahōdori, I welcome you. We hope you enjoy your brief stay with us, and are honored by your patronage. Please, enjoy our company and repast,” he stated.

While he was speaking, the stewards began filling everyone’s wine glasses. When they were finished, the captain took his glass and raised it. “A toast! To your health, wealth, and success! May your journeys be fruitful, your harvests bountiful, and every hunt successful.” He raised his glass towards his guests, then sipped his wine. All around the table his guests and officers returned his salute and sipped their wine as well, including Sunset and Aiko.

Everyone started talking amongst themselves after that as the stewards began serving everyone their soup or salads. As the steward was about to leave a salad before Sunset, she leaned into him and asked. “Would it be okay if I had both? I really enjoy the soup, and I’ve burned quite a lot of energy today,” she asked. The steward nodded, and placed a soup on the table before her as well. “Thank you!” Sunset bowed quietly to him. He nodded, bowing slightly and moving on.

“You always do have a healthy appetite,” agreed Aiko, sipping her soup.

“Magic burns a lot of calories. Been a busy mare,” smiled Sunset as she forked her salad up and ate it. “Hmm. This is exquisite!”

“So is the soup,” agreed Aiko. “And yeah, I guess making yourself a pony cannonball then careening around the sky can take a lot out of a mare,” she snarked.

“I wasn’t careening . I was flying,” corrected Sunset with a grin.

“More like falling,” teased Aiko.

“With style!” clarified Sunset.

“Definitely with style. I’ll give you that,” agreed Aiko, finishing her soup. Sunset moved her plate aside and started on her soup. A steward cleared her plate.

“Oh wow, you weren’t kidding! This really is good! I wonder what it is?” Sunset said happily as she worked on her soup.

“It’s fish soup. But not the kind you would find in most taverns,” informed Kōshitsu. “It’s a personal favorite of the captain’s.”

“Mine too now,” agreed Sunset, finishing up the bowl. As she leaned back to wipe her muzzle, the steward cleared her bowl. “Wow, no moss growing under their hooves. Paws, I mean.”

The steward nodded and smiled as he leaned in, serving her spiced rice and vegetables with spicy noodles, miso and fish. “We aim to please,” he grinned.

“And you don’t miss,” said Sunset, smiling back. “My compliments to the staff and your chiefs. This is fantastic.” The steward nodded, pleased with the comment as he moved on to serving the others down the table.

The captain watched the exchange, grinning and pleased. “So Miss Shimmer. I hear you got into a bit of trouble again,” he teased.

“Sorry sir, I got lost trying to find my way back to my quarters. But while looking for anyone who could direct me back to where I belonged, I stumbled across your delightful engineering officer and the marvelous engine keeping us in the sky,” Sunset answered, returning the captain's smile.

“I hear you did more than stumble across my engineering first officer. My XO tells me you had some suggestions that have improved our engine’s efficiency? And you assisted my officer in applying the required changes?” suggested the captain.

“Not exactly sir. Kōshitsu made and triple checked all of the changes herself. I just provided her with the procedure for the hot fix. I’m a big fan of these engines, and happened to have studied the procedure before I was given my current assignment. I was happy to be able to have been of any help after the ruckus I caused earlier,” Sunset clarified.

“The best part is not just the increased operational efficiencies sir. The fix eliminates the magic feedback issue we were experiencing, allowing us to operate the engines at all magical load levels. No more rate limiters. We can now get full performance from the engine,” added Kōshitsu.

“Really! That’s wonderful. Not that we expect to have to dodge any storms, but it's always good to have the options there when they’re needed. Thank you, Miss Shimmer,” nodded the captain.

“Thank you, sir,” acknowledged Sunset, bowing her head. “It was an honor to be of assistance.”

The captain returned her bow, then turned to converse with the couple seated next to his XO.

Aiko placed a paw on her friend's back as she beamed with pride.

The dinner over, Sunset and Aiko said goodbye to the captain, his XO, and to Kōshitsu, who had to remain for an after-meal staff meeting.

Returning to their quarters, they performed their ablutions, then soaked in the tub together for a while before preparing for bed and snuggling up together in one of the beds. They both fell asleep quickly, tired from the day's activities and looking forward to the rest of the cruise, and their arrival in Equestria.

Author's Note:

Sunset and Aiko, sisters of the Zebrican Arts, returning to Equestria together at last..
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!