• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 2,292 Views, 269 Comments

Forgotten Bygones - Catpaw616

Starlight, Trixie, and Discord are treated like enemies again, but how? And why?

  • ...

Chapter 17: Dawn



"Trixie wake up!"

Trixie slowly opened her eyes once she heard the knocking outside her caravan. She groaned in annoyance as she rubbed her eyes, and got off of her hammock. Even if it was necessary for the plan that Starlight had made last night, she still didn't like being woken up from her usual sleep schedule.

"Yeah yeah I'm getting up." Trixie said sleepily. She opened up her chest, and she groggily put on her usual cape and hat, and packed some extra smoke bombs for good measure. How could she forget?

Once she was ready, she slammed open the door. "I'm here now." she said in a tired tone, and while rubbing her right eye.

Discord loudly shushed her. "Don't be so loud! Do you want Twilight or Spike to catch us?"

"Your shushing is louder than the slam." Trixie retorted.

"We have no time to argue." Starlight told the two of them. As quick as a flash, Starlight teleported with them to the outskirts of Canterlot, and once they caught the sight of the bushes, they quickly hid in them.

Trixie, who was fully awake now, noticed that Starlight was sweating just a tiny bit.

"That must've taken a lot of power to teleport us here." Trixie noted to her.

"It was." Starlight responded back. "But we have no time to take a train. Especially right now." Starlight pointed her hoof in a direction. Trixie looked and saw that Celestia was on the balcony, raising the sun with her magic, completely unaware that three reformed villains were watching her.

"What about it?" Discord raised an eyebrow. "We can literally attack her at any time."

"It's good that we attack her while she's exhausted." Starlight told him. "I don't know how long it takes to regain that much power, but something tells me that it wouldn't be quick."

"Ok, but how will we do it without getting caught?" Trixie asked her. "I bet the castle will be filled with guards since our escape."

"We'll use the same invisibility spell I used when the Changelings were looking for us." Starlight told her. "If she does attempt to fight us, all we can do is slow her down, and make her tired."

"But once Luna hears the noise, she would surely be rushing to her sister's aid." Discord told her.

"Let's just hope that she's exhausted enough to not hear the noise." Starlight said.

"While we're on it, can we please get these off?" Discord pointed at his magic blockers. "If I have to go through one day without using my chaos magic, I'll lose my mind."

"Once Celestia is free, I'm sure you will be back to normal." Starlight reassured him with a warm smile.

Suddenly, Starlight's eyes flashed red, and Starlight let out a startled gasp. She was so startled that she lost balance and fell onto the bushes.

"Starlight!" Trixie, alarmed by Starlight's sudden shock, had rushed to her and offered her a helping hoof.

"What was that about?" Discord asked once Starlight regained her balance and got out of the bushes, thanks to Trixie.

"I... don't know." Starlight stammered fearfully. "I just had a sudden vision of darkness... with only red eyes staring at me. All staring down at my soul. With..."

Starlight turned her head to see Twilight's castle. "With her in the middle."

Discord and Trixie exchanged confused and uncertain glances. You could get visions?

"Maybe that was just a one time thing." Trixie told her nervously. "Maybe it was all because you're anxious." But Starlight didn't look convinced by her words, and soon, neither did it convince Trixie.

But let's just hope that it is.

With the help of Starlight's invisibility spell, they both scanned the castle without being noticed by the guards that were in every room, hallway, and every corner of the place.

"She have gone crazy with them since we've been here." Discord whispered. "I know Celestia is cuckoo, but you would think she would tone down on the security."

"As you have said before, she views us as criminals." Trixie whispered back. "Honestly, I can't blame her if three wanted villains were roaming around somewhere, possibly planning for revenge."

"She should be lucky it's just us." Discord scoffed.

Starlight groaned in annoyance. "Would you two be quiet? The guards would hear the two of you."

Trixie and Discord looked around. There were no guards in sight this time.

"Relax. For some reason this part of the castle isn't heavily guarded." Discord rolled his eyes.

"That is strange." Trixie agreed. "Wonder why."

But as they appeared behind the corner, Starlight suddenly stopped, and raised her hoof, making Trixie and Discord stop as well.

Starlight looked around the room, clearly alert. "Something is not right."

"Huh?" Trixie had no idea what Starlight was talking about. The hallway was completely empty, with no sign of the guards even close by.

"You're starting to get paranoid." Discord told her, both in an annoyed and concerned tone. "And for that matter, do you even know where we are going? It feels like we have walked around this castle for hours and I don't think-"

"Get them!" a voice shouted.

Right away, eight guards appeared right behind the trio, and instantly launched at them, making the spell disappear once the two guards tackled Starlight.

"Get off of me you idiots!" Discord commanded while hissing at the guards like a snake.

"What will you do about it? You're useless!" A guard retorted.

"Imagine having the Lord of Chaos himself being beaten by us guards." Another guard mocked, then lowered their ears. "That's... actually kind of pathetic."

"Don't worry guys, I'll save us!" Trixie declared, taking out a smoke bomb from her cape and immediately dropping it to the floor. However, this did little. The guards that were on top of her coughed a little, but somehow got hold of Trixie.

"We couldn't escape anyway, genius." Discord groaned as he pointed a bird claw at Starlight, who was already pinned to the ground, completely trapped. They had also put a magic blocker onto her horn, making her completely useless once more.

"But how did you even find us?" Trixie demanded at the guards. "We were as quiet as a mouse!"

One of the guards that pinned Starlight gave her an amusing look. "Well, for starters, you weren't exactly helping yourself since we would hear you whispering."

After they said that, Starlight gave the two a glare.

"Second, it is rather suspicious that we would hear hoofsteps in a silent hallway. So we followed the noise, and once he started talking," they continued while pointing at Discord. "We knew it was you three again."

"I told you be quiet and you didn't listen!" Starlight scolded her two friends. Meanwhile Trixie and Discord looked somewhat ashamed.

"Didn't you hear the second part? You were doomed from the start." a guard jeered.

"Oh, wait until Celestia hears of this!" A guard chuckled mischievously.

"No, wait until the three princesses find out!" Another guard joined in. "It's about time we finally have some justice here!"

All the guards agreed.

"Yeah, but you're so terrible at your jobs, that crime is easy to do!" Discord jeered. "Honestly, this may be the only time you were useful, you know?"

"Be quiet!" a white guard shoved his face to the ground. The stallion nodded to another nearby stallion, who was watching the whole scene.

"Tell Celestia that we have caught the criminals, and we'll bring them to the throne room." He ordered.

"On it!" said the guard as they ran off.

"Honestly, I never thought we would capture you that easily." A guard that was on top of Starlight jeered. "Normally it's us that gets defeated so easily."

"Not the time to bring it up..." the white guard facehoofed.

The trio sweated bullets once they arrived at the throne room. Each guard as at their side, with only a couple more group of guards behind them, all eyeing them like a hawk.

But it was only worse that they had Celestia glaring at them from below, giving them the coldest death glare that they had ever gotten, which was surprising for an alicorn that is usually calm and fair.

"I've seen Celestia mad, but not this mad." Discord whispered. He was even starting to get nervous.

"Silence down there!" Celestia strictly ordered.

After the guards were all situated in their positions, Celestia raised her hoof. "Before we begin this, I have sent a letter to Twilight about this. She should be here any moment now."

"Hah! Have fun getting her to be on your side!" Trixie mocked her without even thinking. "She's on our side now, And you can't do anything about it!"

Celestia raised her eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, we'll see who's in the wrong once she arrives, but we all know who that will be." she finished smugly.

Trixie now started to get nervous, and so did Starlight and Discord. Sure, what she did to them was obviously reckless and unforgiving... at least for now; but surely she was not that braindead that she would side with Celestia because she was her former mentor and teacher?

"Twilight would never side with you!" Starlight called out boastfully, while having hope in her voice. "I know her. And I know that she won't leave us in the dust just to favor you."

"You're claiming you know her more than me?" Celestia asked her, clearly unamused, and a little angry. "Remind me, how long have you've known her? Have you've known her since you were a filly?"

"Uh... no." Starlight stammered. "But I know that she wouldn't submit to you over us. You crazed lunatic." Starlight muttered the last words to herself.

"Repeat those last words again." Celestia quickly threatened. Just then, the doors opened. They all turned and saw the purple alicorn at the doorway.

"Just in time." Celestia smiled.

"Yeah, I had a certain wake up call." Twilight rubbed the back of her neck again. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the three. "Oh, you again."

"Twilight! Thank..." Starlight was about to say Celestia but stopped herself. "Uh, I'm so glad you're here!"

"Why are you so happy to see me?" Twilight asked her rather coldly. "You're the one in trouble."

"Uh..." Starlight looked confused by her hostility.

"Twilight, my prized pupil, come sit next to me. We'll discuss what to do with these criminals while they face us." Celestia grinned.

"Twilight you must've gone mad if you even think about sitting next to her!" Trixie objected. "She's not the same teacher you know and love. She's starting to act like Nightmare Moon!"

"She's not like her!" Twilight spat back. "How dare you say that?"

They stared at her blankly once she sat next to Celestia. It's official, she's braindead. Trixie said in her mind. But why was she acting this way?

"Honestly I'm surprised you even have the nerve to come here." Celestia scorned them. "After all, you rescued Discord, and assaulted Twilight from your own hooves." Celestia finished while glaring at Starlight.

"And I'll do again if I have too." Starlight stated, while giving Twilight a fierce glare, mixed with anger and hurt. "Especially right now."

But Twilight barely flinched at the threat. "How do we punish them?"

"I was thinking maybe two months in the dugeon." Celestia pondered. "But I think it should be longer, what do you think?" She asked the three. They gave her nothing but glares.

"Nothing? Excellent. Two months in the dungeon! Oh, and if you ever attempt to escape, I'll make the time extra longer." Celestia clapped her hooves. "Guards, take them away."

They started sweating as the guards marched towards them.

"Twilight! Have you've taken stupid pills today?" Discord asked the princess angrily. "Stop this!"

Twilight said nothing.

"You're picking her over us?" Trixie asked, dismayed. "What kind of princess are you?"

"A sane one." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Take them away before they try more of their pitiful attempts to guilt trip me."

As the guards touched the prisoners, Starlight smacked their hoof. "Oh no, I'm not leaving yet." Starlight said with complete bitterness in her tone.

She faced Twilight, with only hurt in her eyes, but only anger in her voice. "I've believed in you, Twilight. I wasn't as angry as Trixie and Discord when they found out you cast the spell. I was willing to accept your apology and forgiveness with open hooves, but instead, you broke my heart and threw us under the bus. You chose your own friends and pupil all in favor over your insane teacher!"

But Twilight's only reaction was a twitch with her right ear. "I don't remember having a pupil, or having you as a friend."

Starlight softly gasped at her words. She turned away from her. After clearing the tears from her eyes, she faced Twilight, all the sadness completely gone. Only anger. "Well, you don't have to remember anymore." she said with pure anger.

Discord and Trixie looked at her in shock.

"Ok, are we done?" Celestia rolled her eyes. "Chop chop! I wanted them out of here three minutes and 60 miliseconds ago."

The guards shoved the three out of the room, with Starlight being the only one not caring, as she kept her head up and her eyes closed.

"You're not the only one punished, you know!" Twilight called after her, but they ignored her.

"Another reason as to why you're my prized pupil." Celestia congratulated her. "Not afraid to punish the enemies who do wrong."

"Heh... you and me both." Twilight shuffled her wings, although for some reason, she didn't feel happy, not proud of what she did. But what could she do?

This was her crime.