• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 2,292 Views, 269 Comments

Forgotten Bygones - Catpaw616

Starlight, Trixie, and Discord are treated like enemies again, but how? And why?

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Chapter 23: Regrets

"That's what I thought last time. But then we have been betrayed, captured, and almost killed." Starlight argued as she faced Twilight, who laid in her bed, tired and weak.

When she encountered the princess, she wanted to greet her with the same warmness as Trixie and Discord did. But there was something in her that told her to not trust Twilight. After all, she had been affected by the curse two times, and since the curse is pretty much unpredictable at this point, who knows what else it can do? The possibility of the curse controlling Twilight again, even now, seemed like a possibility; even though it should be long gone by now.

But I guess it still clings on to her, no matter what.

So instead of her usual gratitude and warmness, Starlight could only look at her former teacher in suspicion, and even anger. Her anger and suspicion increased when Twilight kept denying that she was controlled. As much as Starlight wanted to believe her, she wasn't taking any chances anymore. Her trust that she had in Twilight is now completely gone. At least for now...

"But the curse isn't in me anymore. It left!" Twilight told her in a desperate plea. But Starlight didn't believe it. In fact, how can she even believe a word that comes out of her mouth when it could be potentially the curse speaking to her, but with Twilight's voice? Starlight looked and saw that Trixie and Discord were staring at her. They may think that she may be crazy, or too superstitious, but she didn't care. She had been tricked many times. She isn't won't be fooled this time.

But eventually, Trixie started nodding in agreement. "She's right." Trixie told Discord. "How do we know if she's really better?"

Starlight was thankful that she wasn't the only one who was suspicious of Twilight.

While Twilight looked dismayed, Discord only shrugged. "As we know, there is still more to this curse that we have not known. Who knows what else it can do?"

Exactly. Starlight thought as she shot a glare at Twilight.

Twilight took in a deep breath. She looked at Starlight with her eyes half-closed, as if she was annoyed by the "false" claim. "Look, I know I may seem I'm being controlled by the curse. But I swear to Celestia, I am not—"

"Twilight! You're awake!" a voice can suddenly be heard in the room.

Starlight jumped a little by his sudden presence. She was too focused on Twilight that he didn't even hear him coming.

She looked to see Spike climbing up the bed, and hugged Twilight. She looked at Spike in pity. She wanted to feel warm about the scene, but all she could think about is what the curse is going to do near Spike. The last thing she wanted was for Spike to get hurt again.

Or worse... Starlight thought while she glared at Twilight again.

"I thought I lost you!" Spike wailed to her while he was hugging the alicorn. Starlight's pity for him continued to rise.

"Ok, ok, that's enough." Twilight winced as she pushed Spike away. Starlight continued to glare at her. It was as if she got annoyed by Spike's love. How dare she? Spike was scared and concerned about Twilight's health and state and she pushes him away?

"What's wrong?"


"Aren't you happy that she's awake?" Spike's question pierced through her thoughts.

Starlight had been taken aback by the question. She wasn't even aware that Spike was talking to her. After thinking of a response, she nodded. "Of course I'm happy that she's awake. But, I'm just worried about what comes next." Starlight said as she shot a glare at Twilight.

Twilight flinched by her gaze, which is exactly what Starlight wanted.

Discord and Trixie looked at each other, wondering what was about to happen next. Starlight realized that she was making a scene. Sighing, she turned to leave the room. I need to clear my head.

But before she could walk out, she turned around to glare at Twilight one final time. "Don't think about toying with me, 'Twilight'." she threatened. She shifted her gaze towards Spike, then back at her. "Because I will be watching you, and if I catch you slipping up around him, you'll be sorry."

Thinking that she said enough, she slammed the door and walked down the hallway.

While she was alone, she took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm down and lose the anger that was inside her.

But her alone time didn't last long. Because not even thirty seconds later, she heard a door open behind her, along with running hoofsteps.

"Starlight!" Trixie called out to her. Starlight turned to meet the blue unicorn, who looked shocked.

"What was that back there? You treated her as if she were an enemy!" Trixie told her in a shocked and confused manner. "I thought you would be happy seeing your friend."

Starlight sighed. "I am, I really am. But there is a chance that the curse has taken control over Twilight. You even said it yourself!"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "I may have, but you have to admit that that was a bit too much. You even said it in front of Spike. How do you think he feels when he listened to your threat towards a pony that he cares deeply about?"

Starlight was about to say something to defend herself, but she had to admit that she had a point. I really shouldn't have said that around Spike... she thought regretfully.

"I only wanted to make myself clear before I left the room." Starlight explained. "But you're right. I should've kept my mouth shut and left. My glares seemed to be doing the trick for me already." she joked.

"I can tell." Discord said while he finally caught up with the two. "But there is also a chance that you were talking to a non-controlled Twilight."

Starlight's eyes narrowed. "Key word: chance. We can't tell if that was a non-controlled Twilight or not. We have been fooled many times by this stupid curse. We can't play it safe anymore. I'm just not keeping my hopes up any—"


The three looked to see Spike running down the hall.

"What is it?" Starlight asked the dragon. What did she do now?

"May I talk to you?" Spike asked, then his eyes darted towards Trixie and Discord. "Alone?"

Starlight suddenly felt alarmed. Meanwhile Discord nodded in understanding, and he patted Starlight's shoulder with his lion paw. "You're in big trouble now." he joked.

Twilight stared at Trixie disapprovingly. She looked towards Starlight in a sympathetic expression as she followed Discord. "You'll be fine."

Once they were gone, Starlight and Spike were face-to-face.

Panting, Spike was face-to-face with Starlight. The unicorn looked at Spike with a emotion that was mixed with fear, and regret. Spike hoped that she didn't think that he hated her, which he wasn't. Only confused and concerned.

"Uh, hey Starlight." Spike greeted her weakly.

Starlight said nothing.

Feeling the awkwardness rising, he cleared his throat. "So, uh... what was going on back there?"

Starlight flopped her ears in deefat. "I don't know Spike. That was just me exposing my raw anger... I guess." she said regretfully.

Spike tilted his head. "But why? What did Twilight do that upset you?"

Starlight sighed as she closed her eyes. "Well, it wasn't Twilight herself that I was angry with. I'm angrier with the curse than her."

Spike quickly became alarmed. "She still has it?!"

Starlight looked taken aback by his sudden dismay. She waved her hoof quickly. "No, no. She doesn't have it. At least, I don't think..."

"But you believe that she does? I thought that the curse only goes away if you punch her in the face." Spike objected.

"So we thought. But it turns out that if you're guilty, then it somehow overpowers you. I don't know. This entire thing is stupid." she rolled her eyes.

"But what if Twilight isn't controlled?"

"Then I apologize. But I need more proof that she's not controlled first." Starlight responded firmly. But her expression softened as she sighed. "But, I will apologize to you though."

Spike's eyes widened. "Me? For what?"

Starlight started pawing her right hoof as she looked at him regretfully. "For threatening her in front of you. It was unnecessary and inconsiderate, and I should've had more control of what I say."

Spike hadn't even thought of her threat being rude or inconsiderate. But now that he thought about it, it did seem like it. But he simply shrugged. "It's fine, Starlight. I didn't even notice." he told her.

But it seemed like it didn't help. She still looked sad.

With the moment dying away, Spike decided to end the conversation. "Well, Starlight, I can't help with whatever you think about Twilight currently, but you can change how you act and say. Even if you think she is controlled."

"I know, but—"

Starlight was interrupted by a loud knock from the castle door. They both turned towards the door.

"Who could that be?" Starlight asked.

"Let's find out." Spike told her as he rushed down the stairs, with Starlight right behind him.

They both trotted to the golden doors. Spike also spotted Trixie and Discord walking cautiously to the door. Their eyes were perked up and alert, and as for Discord, he unsheathed his claws from his lion paw.

Before one of them says anything, Twilight flew down to where they were. Spike noticed that Starlight was staring at her, although not as fiercely as before.

"Who is it?" Twilight shouted at the door in a confused manner.

"It's Celestia and Luna," An eeringly familiar voice can be heard on the other side. "and we're here to ask if you have found the traitors yet."