• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 2,292 Views, 269 Comments

Forgotten Bygones - Catpaw616

Starlight, Trixie, and Discord are treated like enemies again, but how? And why?

  • ...

Chapter 29: The Light and Epilouge

After a long sleep, when the morning sun rose out of the horizon, Starlight gently opened her eyes. The light briefly affected her vision. She massaged her eyes while she yawned. She attempted to shift her body, but it made her wince. She scratched her head carefully, and she was feeling a bit tired.

Her gaze was lowered to her own body. She'd seen the bandages on her chest and arm. When she tapped one of her ears, she shivered in discomfort. She'd laid a foot on her ear that hurt the most. She let out a faint cry of pain as she felt a small piece of her ear gone, and the stinging feeling that came along with it. How? She questioned in her mind, startled.

Her thoughts went back to the fight that took place last night. She remembered the struggle she had with Spike vividly, including the agony she had each time the little dragon cut her flesh with his claws. My first battle scar. She mused wryly. It was a matter of discussion whether to heal her wound, and Starlight decided not to. It requires a lot of power to pull skin like that, which I'm not having at the moment. I mean, in addition to all this, does that make me seem a little tougher?

She was still surprised, though, by the fact that she had been scarred by this particular battle, no matter how many times she touched her ear. Not even her more vigorous battles with Twilight—including the ones from her days as a villain—had left a mark on her. My first battle scar.

Next to Starlight, Trixie slowly opened her eyes and gasped as she saw Starlight awake.

"Thank Celestia you're ok!" Trixie exclaimed as she tightly hugged her, which took Starlight by surprise. "I thought I'd lost you!"

The shock spread through Starlight's eyes. Was I that close to dying? In that thought, a chill went through her body.

"I'm here now." Starlight comforted Trixie as she rubbed her back, but it was all she could say. She felt almost unspeakably stunned by the shock.

"How are your injuries?" Trixie says, looking at the bandages on Starlight's chest, arm, and ear.

"It hurts," Starlight replied, rubbing her chest once Trixie stopped hugging her. "But I'm fine." She managed to smile.

Trixie smiled back. "Thank Celestia." She sighed in heavy relief.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed a slip of paper laying on the castle floor. Curious, Starlight levitated the paper to herself and began to read.

"What is it?" Trixie tilted her head once she saw the paper Starlight was levitating.

After reading the letter, Starlight looked at Trixie thoughtfully. "A meeting will be held outside Town Hall in Ponyville." She answered with a nervous glint in her eyes. "Twilight wrote this. She wants every pony from Ponyville and Canterlot to be there. Including us."

"Really?" Trixie muttered as she raised her eyebrows. "What could the reason be?"

Starlight sets the paper down on the ground. "It's not very clear. But maybe she wants to apologize?" She guessed.

"Yeah, she has too." Trixie rolled her eyes. "She has to set things right with the citizens first. She can't do that by sitting in her room feeling sorry for herself."

Just as Starlight was about to reply, she heard low muttering noises by her side. Both mares turned to see Spike shifting as he was beginning to wake up.

The purple dragon blinked his eyes sleepily and yawned. He looked at the two as he rubbed one of his eyes. "Oh, hey girls." Spike greeted with a drowsy wave of his hand. "What's—"

His eyes quickly widened in shock as he gazed at Starlight's bandages. As Spike stared at the injuries, memories of last night seem to hit him and before any of them could react, Spike rose to his feet and gave Starlight the biggest and tightest hug he had ever given in a long time.

Starlight felt breathless as Spike's claws wrapped tightly around her neck and chest.

"I'm so, so, so sorry!" Spike wailed as tears began to drip from his eyes.

"For... what?" Starlight asked, still feeling dazed. She rubbed Spike's scaly back to comfort the dragon.

"For letting the curse get to me!" Spike managed to speak through a mountain of tears. "I should've been stronger, but the curse got to me before I could do anything!" He broke down crying, not even daring to let Starlight free from his grasp.

As Spike said his words, and felt the pure, raw grief that was caked in his voice, Starlight couldn't help but feel hatred towards the curse as Spike's cries rang in her ears. Her hoof gripped the couch's cushion as these raw feelings surged through her body and mind.

That curse... Starlight thought bitterly as the mere image of the curse's sneering look entered her mind. That curse had caused her and her friends nothing but trouble since the very beginning. The events caused great damage to her; mentally and physically. She also remembered the curse taking control of herself for the first time. All the feelings... fear, anger, and hatred, seemed to give the curse great delight as he tortured her mind and used her like a puppet to do his dirty work. That was the last thing she remembered before she passed out.

If that curse was a living pony, I would gladly destroy it to smithereens after what it did to me and my friends. Starlight closed her eyes tightly so no one could see the smoldering rage that was shining from her lavender-colored pupils.

For the first time since she'd reformed, she wanted revenge. I never thought I would have the desire for vengeance again. She thought more to herself as the long-suppressed rage bubbled inside of her; the kind of rage that she kept inside for far too long. At least this time, my target is against a heartless, ruthless... thing. I could be doing the world a favor. I—

"Starlight, are you alright? You're shaking." Trixie spoke up, concerned.

Starlight opened her eyes and noticed that her hoof was shaking out of suppressed fury. Realizing that she was minutes away from exploding with rage, she took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She slowly unclenched the couch and looked down at Spike once more. The dragon was still crying his heart out, not even noticing Starlight's sudden change of mood. The reason behind her friend's pitiful wails made Starlight even angrier. This is all the curse's fault.

With her best attempt to calm herself, she tried to soothe the distraught dragon. "It's alright. It's alright." She said soothingly, although it was aimed at both him and herself. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't hide the rage that was tinted in her voice. Trixie noticed this right away.

"Starlight? Are you alright? I haven't seen you this mad since... well... ever." Trixie's hoof rubbed onto Starlight's uninjured hind leg. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I think so." That was all Starlight could say. It was true. It had been a while since she felt hatred towards anyone before; especially after she learned the hard way that revenge is not the best answer for anything.

Spike looked up at Starlight, tears still welled in his eyes, but his voice sounded more controlled. "Are you still hurting? All because of me?" He asked as he wiped his nose with his elbow.

Starlight shook her head. She felt her anger dying away and was replaced with her usual calm self. "Spike, it's not your fault. You could do nothing against the curse's power." She told him calmly.

Her words didn't help Spike at all. "I know, but if only I had been stronger..."

Starlight rested her chin on Spike's head as her ears lowered. "Listen, what you did last night was out of your control. Not even the strongest ponies like Celestia and Luna could control themselves from the curse." She advised him as she closed her eyes. No longer out of rage, but out of understanding and calmness. "I said it once and I will say it a million times: none of this is your fault. Stop beating yourself over it."

Spike didn't say a word. His grip on Starlight became less forced and he finally stopped the tears from flowing in his eyes.

Trixie, who watched the scene with sympathetic eyes, levitated the paper from earlier and began to read it. "If it makes things any better..." She spoke, not taking her eyes off the paper. "The curse is dead."

Starlight's ears immediately raised upwards and whipped her head to face Trixie. Brand new shock entered her eyes. "The curse is... dead?" She had no idea.

Trixie nodded. "For good."

Starlight wanted to exhale a sigh of relief, but instead of that, she stared at Trixie, her eyes narrowing. "Are you sure?" She asked her again, this time in a more demanding way. She wanted to be prepared if the curse was able to come back somehow, one way or another.

Trixie flinched at Starlight's gaze.

Noticing her friend's hesitation, she relaxed herself. "Sorry, I'm just very tense." She apologized. She let her gaze become soft again. "But are you really sure?"

"I am," Trixie said with a dip of her head. "You should've seen the way it screamed. Seemed like death finally caught up to him a second time. I don't think he's coming back anytime soon."

"That's a relief," Spike muttered as he lets go of Starlight and started to wipe his legs. "I don't want to be controlled by anything like him ever again." He shuddered at the thought.

Starlight could only nod. She couldn't help but feel a sting of disappointment that she wasn't conscious enough to see the curse's pain as it died a second time. Normally, she wouldn't wish anyone death. Not even on Queen Chrysalis, her new arch-nemesis. But the curse...

Starlight shook her head firmly. Stop it. she scolded herself. She was starting to think about her old ways once more: always angry, always hateful, and always vengeful. She tried her best to calm herself down, but she was too wrapped in anger to even think happy thoughts. She should be happy that the curse was gone for good... yet for some reason, it made her mad. I should've been the one to end that pathetic parasite. This feels unjustified.

"...it says that the meeting will be held at noon." Starlight could hear Trixie's voice once her attention snapped back to her. Starlight looked confused. Wait, what's going on?

Trixie's eyes turned to Starlight. "Well?"

Starlight blinked. Her mind was so boggled with rage that she wasn't paying attention. She darted her eyes in embarrassment. "Uh, could you repeat that?" She chuckled sheepishly.

"And you call me out for not paying attention," Trixie said in an exasperated tone as she rolled her eyes. "As I said, Twilight wants us to meet at Town Hall at noon, which is 15 minutes from now. Do you want to go or not?"

Starlight's eyes widened. She had forgotten about that somehow. "Of course, I'm going! This might be important."

"Your wounds though..." Spike says hesitantly.

Starlight looked at her chest and arm, which didn't hurt a lot. Her ear also stung, but she could easily block out the pain. If she could. "My injuries don't bother me."

Before Trixie and Spike could say anything else, Starlight got herself off the couch and began to walk towards the castle doors.

"Wait! You can't go to Town Hall looking like you just came from a warzone!" Trixie called back as she caught up to her.

But I was in a war zone. Starlight countered in her head, but she didn't try to argue as Trixie began to unwrap her bandages.

Twilight pranced nervously behind the curtain. She was breathing in and out of a paper bag.

She knew she had to make the announcement; it was the right thing to do. But if only it wasn't so nerve-wracking.

Twilight looked at the clock that was hanging from the wall.


2 minutes before she began her announcement.

Twilight had the entire speech written down in flashcards. She knows what she had to say, but the chatter she heard behind the curtain, however, made her heart pound with fear.

Twilight couldn't help but peek behind the red curtains. She saw the ponies that were assembled in the room. Confused, and dazed ponies. Princess Celestia and Luna were there too, along with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Their gazes were similar to the crowd's.

Then Twilight spotted Trixie, Spike, and Starlight enter the Town Hall's doors. The three didn't even speak to any of the assembling crowd as they walked by. After their little walk, they simply sat in the empty chairs that were slightly distanced from the crowd.

And then, Starlight noticed Twilight peeking out of the curtain. Their gazes locked in a split second before Twilight jerked her head back, completely hiding from anyone's view. The way Starlight looked at her made her feel... scared. Is Starlight still angry with her?

She looked at the clock again.


Then the clock chimed 12.

Twilight took in a deep breath. She put away her paper bag and made herself go in front of the podium. She hoped that no one could tell that she was sweating to death.

With the use of her magic, she pulled the curtains sideways, and she was now facing the crowd, which grew silent.

At first, Twilight was speechless. Her fear was taking hold of her, especially since Trixie, Spike, and Starlight were staring at her expectantly.

She managed to clear her throat and began to read from her notes. As long as she didn't look up, or even think of a thousand eyes staring at her, she felt slightly better.

She began her speech.

"Citizens of Ponyville and Canterlot, thank you for attending this meeting here at Town Hall." She started nervously. "I—"

Out of nowhere, questions and cries of confusion started to fly around the room.

"What's going on, Princess?" A male voice shouted.

"What happened to us?" Twilight recognized the voice of Bon-Bon in the crowd.

"That curse controlled our minds!" A female voice could barely be heard through the yelling.

Twilight didn't even stop them. She figured that after being controlled by an evil curse for so long, she figured it felt right to let them voice their outcries.

After what felt like hours of screams and cries entering her ears, the chatter finally began to die down. Twilight couldn't help but glance at Trixie, Spike, and Starlight, who said nothing the entire time. The trio seemed to be calm about the whole situation.

But Starlight's gaze was still piercing through her.

Trying to ignore her, Twilight looked down at her notes once more as the silence set in. She flipped through the pages with her magic.

Twilight closed her eyes and took another deep breath. These notes weren't going to cut it. So instead, she teleported the notes away, and began her speech again. This time, her words would come from the heart, not from little letters on a piece of paper.

"Citizens of Ponyville and Canterlot," Twilight began her speech again. She still felt fear, but she didn't let it get to her. Raw determination took its place. "I know what you are all thinking, and I will answer your questions." She took in another deep breath before continuing.

"A few days ago, or maybe a month ago, a curse had spread all over Ponyville and Canterlot. This curse? Well, we later found out that this entity used to be a pony from the ancient days of Starswirl the Bearded. The curse has been living in your mind; it forced you to forget the deeds of three creatures. Creatures who have been reformed from their past lives and saved us from the wrath of Queen Chrysalis herself."

The crowd instantly knew whom she was talking about. All of them turned their gazes onto Trixie and Starlight, who looked a little embarrassed. Twilight realized with a pang of sadness that Discord wasn't there with the unicorns.

I should ask Celestia and Luna to unstone after this. Twilight thought to herself before speaking again.

"And you may have been wondering what had caused this curse to suddenly burst into the air and control all of you. It wasn't Queen Chrysalis, as some of you may suspect. It wasn't any other villain that we haven't faced before. But alas, it is with a heavy heart to say that the pony who unleashed the curse... was me."

In an instant, cries of outrage began to form among the ponies.

"What?! This has to be a joke!" Ms. Cake cried out. Her voice was more of dismay than anger.

"I don't even know what to say." Mayor Mare added, shaking her head.

"Who else knows about this?" A light pink pony asked Twilight accusingly. The pony shifted their gaze towards Spike. "Had he known the entire time? Is he also a traitor?"

Spike's eyes widened. Starlight wrapped her hoof protectively around the dragon and shot the accuser a glare.

Applejack quickly rose from her spot and looked at the ponies that were seated behind her. "No one here is a traitor!" She managed to make her voice heard above the chatter and got the ponies' attention with her commanding gaze. "Now, why don't y'all be quiet and let Twilight speak? Perhaps she'll explain everything." She turned around and sat down in her spot. She gave Twilight a nod.

Twilight nodded back at Applejack, thankful for her friend defending her.

Yet at that moment, Twilight couldn't help but wonder where her five closest friends had gone since they had been freed from the curse's control. Since then, they haven't been seen since. It was unnatural of them to sit by while she was still controlled by the curse, along with Celestia and Luna of all ponies.

The curse probably took control of them again, just like how it took control of me and Spike for the second time. Twilight pondered.

Thanks to Applejack, the cries began to diminish. The ponies rested their gazes on Twilight once more, but this time, it was more out of betrayal than confusion. For some strange reason, Twilight couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She didn't like the looks they gave her, yes, but the fact that the truth is out made her speech somewhat easier. Now all she had to do was persuade them that she didn't mean to do it on purpose.

If they were willing to listen.

Twilight began to speak once more. "Yes, you heard it right. I was the one who unleashed the curse upon us. However, don't think for a millisecond that I did this on purpose." She insisted. "Would you really believe that?"

The crowd muttered anxiously to one another, as if not believing her words.

Twilight felt her heart sank. Aside from her friends and the Princesses, no one seemed to believe her. Do they actually believe I would do this to them on purpose?

Twilight looked below to see Rainbow Dash flapping her wings. She was about to challenge the crowd, but another voice beat her to it.

"I can't believe all of you!" Twilight's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Starlight get out of her chair and challenged the crowd with a fierce gaze. "How long have all of you known Twilight? Do you know how many times Twilight saved all of you from a villain? The fact that you easily believe that she would unleash this evil spell on all of you says a lot."

"And how dare you call her a traitor?" Trixie added in, her gaze was not as fierce as Starlight's, but she sounded equally angry. "If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be here right now!"

Spike said nothing, but he looked angry at the fact that he had been called something so cruel.

Twilight breathed out another sigh of relief. She was thankful that in times like this, Starlight, and even Trixie, would stand up for her when it comes to these kinds of accusations. I would assume she would still be mad at me. Twilight thought once she saw Starlight sit down on her chair. But then she flinched when she saw Starlight's same fierce gaze staring right back at her. Or maybe not.

Starlight and Trixie's words seem to hit the crowd. The chatter was filled with fewer accusations and instead with more considerable words. Even the light pink pony from earlier looked sympathetic about the situation.

When she got the crowd's attention again, Twilight spoke. "I know you are not happy with what I did, and you have every right to be. But I assure you, I will not make the same mistake again. So, from now on, I have decided to transfer the ancient books from my library to Canterlot. This fiasco has proved that I am not worthy of holding such ancient powers just yet."

"Twilight, you don't have to do that." Applejack objected, but Twilight raised her hoof to silence the earth pony.

"I have to. Who knows what kind of evil spell could be unleashed under my hooves? This curse has proven that ancient spells are unpredictable. So, they should be locked away. Locked away so we wouldn't have repeated events, and similar tragedies. We were lucky that no one died."

The crowd's eyes widened. Oops, maybe I shouldn't have added that. Twilight winced.

Twilight shifted her gaze back onto Starlight. This time, her eyes were closed, as if she were in deep thought. I wonder what she's thinking about...

Then Starlight opened her eyes to look at a space next to Trixie's chair, her eyes clouded with sadness. It didn't take her too long to know who Starlight is thinking about. And I have nothing more to say...

"This concludes the meeting!" Twilight shouted as she slammed her hoof on the podium, signaling that the meeting was over.

Twilight flapped her wings, and she descended into the air. She quickly flew over to Celestia and Luna, who watched the meeting in silence. She was hovering over them as she spoke to the two alicorns. "Can the both of you do a favor for me?"

"Of course, Twilight." Princess Celestia answered. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but Celestia raised her hoof to silence her. "And in case you were wondering, my sister and I have accepted your apology, and we agree with your decision to move the ancient books to Canterlot."

"And you chose a good pupil." Princess Luna added with a hint of respect in her eyes. "It's rare for a pony to challenge a big crowd with such ferocity. Her and Trixie."

"Really?" Twilight asked, surprised. She didn't expect to hear that.

"Now, what is this favor that you want us to do?" Princess Celestia asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Oh, finally! I can stretch!" Discord's triumphant voice echoed in the room. He flew off of the stony platform after Celestia revoked his magic-sucking rings around his neck and wrists. Discord snapped his fingers, and thousands of winged dogs appeared in the air. Discord laughed as a puppy landed in his paws. "The Lord of Chaos is back in action, baby!"

"And I'm happy about that," Fluttershy spoke softly to him. She was shining with happiness once Discord broke free from his stony prison.

"Hopefully things will get back to normal." Rarity said. She rubbed her cheek with her hoof. "My cheek is still sore, after all this time..." she mumbled to herself.

"That was a pretty awsome speech, Twilight." Rainbow Dash told her as she wrapped her hoof around her neck. "I bet the hardest part is getting rid of those precious books." She teased.

Twilight shrugged, unfazed by her teasing. "It's for the best."

"It's a shame that we missed out on the final battle! I would've liked to smack that silly old curse for making us gone for 14 chapters!" Pinkie said with a wide smile, which made a squeaking noise that came from seemingly nowhere.

Twilight stared at Pinkie, confused by what she said. "14 chapters? What—"

"Don't question it." Applejack put in with a smile. "We all know she says things that make no sense."

Twilight chuckled at Applejack's comment. She was happy that everyone was happy, for the first time in days. Discord has his chaos powers back, her friends are laughing again, and no one is being mind-controlled as far as she knows.

But as she looked around, she found out that Trixie and Starlight were nowhere in sight. She only spotted Spike entering the castle, his gaze happy and calm. "Hey, Discord got his chaos powers back!" He cheered as he saw the scene unfold in the distance.

Twilight trotted up to Spike. "Spike, do you know where Trixie and Starlight are? I thought they would be here to see Discord's unstoning."

"Oh, they're near the lake." Spike informed by pointing his thumb outside. "They'll be here in a moment. But if you want to talk to them now, I think they're sitting on the bench near the riverbank."

Twilight gave a thankful nod to Spike and flew out the door. It didn't take long to find Starlight and Trixie talking together on a bench, exactly like Spike said. Twilight noticed that Starlight's bandages were gone. Her ear and her leg seemed to be forever scarred. Twilight sighed as she saw her friend this way. Even if I am willing to forget about the event, Starlight's scars would remind me forever.

"Hey, you two." Twilight broke in with a smile. "You missed Discord's unstoning."

Trixie's gasped softly. "Oh, did we? Spike never told us that, otherwise I would've been there right now." She looked back at Starlight with a sympathetic smile. "You ok being here with Twilight?"

Twilight's gaze slightly narrowed in concern. What was wrong with that?

But Starlight nodded, not saying a word.

With a nod of farewell, Trixie jumped down from her spot and began to walk back to the castle.

Twilight sat next to Starlight. She didn't sit directly next to her like Trixie had. She sat on the ground in front of the seat while Starlight was staring at her reflection.

"Starlight." Twilight greeted her, trying to sound casual.

"Twilight." Starlight greeted back more nonchalantly.

An awkward silence was held between the two ponies.

"I... um," Twilight spoke, trying to break the ice. "I want to thank you for standing up for me at the meeting."

Starlight said nothing until she raised her head and gazed at the mountains ahead. "I had to do something. No one else was going to do it."

Except for Rainbow Dash. Twilight thought, remembering that the pegasus was about to challenge the crowd before Starlight stopped her, but she didn't say it aloud.

Another awkward silence was held between the two. Twilight wondered if this was a bad time to talk to her.

Twilight shifted her hooves along the grass. "If you want me to leave, I can—"

"You're not here just to inform me of Discord's unstonement, are you?" Starlight asked suddenly, not even looking at the alicorn.

Twilight's gaze narrowed. "How did you know? Do you have mind-reading powers now?" She asked, trying to make a joke.

Starlight didn't laugh. She continued to stare ahead.

Twilight cleared her throat awkwardly. "But, erm, yes. I came here because I wanted to apologize to you."

For the first time since she arrived, Starlight looked at Twilight in the eyes. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "But you already apologized. At the Town Hall."

"That was for the townspeople. This one is more personal." Twilight said as she sat on the bench. She put a hoof onto Starlight's, which made the latter flinch a little.

"I'm sorry, for everything," Twilight spoke. Her voice was firm and soft at the same time. "You have every right to be angry with me, and so do Trixie and Discord. I know you say that you forgive me, but do you mean it? Really?"

After hearing her words, Starlight closed her eyes and was again lost in thought. With a sigh, Twilight looked away and also stared at the mountains in the distance, patiently waiting for her answer. For a moment, Twilight couldn't help but worry about what that answer might be. I didn't think that Starlight would hate me again. No, she wouldn't do that... will she? Her mind was suddenly racing with fear. Did I say the wrong thing? Is this a bad time?

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. The tension was unbearable.

"Of course, I forgive you, Twilight."

Twilight opened her eyes wide. She looked at Starlight, who also opened her eyes. Her gaze was thoughtful.

"Starlight, come on—"

"I'm being serious." Starlight insisted. Her voice was firm. "If there is anyone I would never forgive, it's the curse. But it's dead now. Thank Celestia."

"But I was the one who brought this upon you. Surely, I deserve some sort of resentment from you?" She wanted Starlight to be completely sure before she got her hopes up.

But the unicorn merely shrugged. "I just don't have the heart to hate you for this, Twilight. I've hated you once and look where that took me."

"You don't feel angry at me? Not even a little?" Twilight persisted. After what she had been through, all the sacrifices, all the hate she felt, yet she feels nothing?

"I was angry when I found out," Starlight admitted. "Very angry. But it's like you taught me: holding grudges is not healthy. So, I am ready to forgive even you."

Twilight was speechless. She was expecting weeks of Starlight glaring at her with hostile and unforgiving eyes. Weeks of the silent treatment. Because she felt that it was justified. She still couldn't believe it. Not yet.

"R-Really?" Twilight stammered.

Starlight nodded. "Yes."

After taking the time to process her answer, Twilight slightly smiled. Starlight sounded confident in her answer. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad as Twilight thought.

Maybe things can finally get back to normal between the two.

Starlight jumped down from the bench. She winced when she put pressure on one of her hooves.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked as she also got down from the bench.

"Yeah, I think so," Starlight answered. "Now, I'm excited to see Discord again with his chaos powers again. It always felt odd to see him without his usual chaotic shenanigans."

Twilight nodded in agreement, smiling.

The unicorns both walked away from the river and headed for Twilight's castle. Ponies that were walking by still shot Twilight unforgiving glances. She figured that the meeting hadn't completely changed their hearts. She would just have to get used to it from now on. Twilight saw Starlight's expression from the corner of her eye. Was that affection in the unicorn's gaze?

I'll get over the stares and the glares. At least our friendship has mended. Twilight concluded with a smile.

For once in a long time, things will finally go right between the two ponies.

Author's Note:

Finally this story is now finished.

Somehow, this story became my most successful story so far during my time here on FimFiction. I did not expect it to be popular. At all. Funny how an idea I formed years ago could potentially be my most-liked story.

Thanks for all the support that went into this little story of mine. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing the chapters.

Comments ( 14 )

I'll get over the stares and the glares. At least our friendship has mended. Twilight concluded with a smile.

Perhaps even more? Huh, huh, huuuuuuuuuuuuuh.


Take that StarTrix shippers(love your work though).

The unicorns both walked away from the river and headed for Twilight's castle. Ponies that were walking by still shot Twilight unforgiving glances. She figured that the meeting hadn't completely changed their hearts. She would just have to get used to it from now on. Twilight saw Starlight's expression from the corner of her eye. Was that affection in the unicorn's gaze?

A gentleman would resist the urge to squeal…

I’m no gentleman.


Bahaha I think Starlight is happy that Twilight is back to normal, hence the affection in her gaze. She missed her so much

Doesn’t go against my point now does it?

Readers can depict whether it's shipping or not.

It's funny, actually. I've never seen you this excited when it comes to my stories

I hope there would be a sequel in the future

I'm not making a sequel out of this, sorry

That was a good one.

Thank you. I worked hard on it

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