• Published 7th Feb 2023
  • 483 Views, 5 Comments

Solar Force: A Legend Awakens - Streak Aireoso

When worlds collide what will happen when ponies, pups, digimon, mobians, pridelanders, and skylanders encounter each other for the first time. Soon to be legendary heroes such as Sonic, Tails, the Paw Patrol, and many others are thrown into trials.

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Lands Beyond One's Own

“Um… hello, anyone here?” the recycling pup asked before seeing large blocks of ice.

As he got to the stage in the center he got a close look at an ice block that seemed to look like there was a green human-like creature in it which blinked and shocked him.

“Woah! Okay that is wrong!” Rocky said before the iced old man in a blue robe and helmet spoke up.

“Greetings little one.” The man said as Rocky jumped in shock again. “I am Eon, and these are the Skylanders.” The old master said as the terrier looked around the area seeing the other statues.

“How did you all get like this?” The pup asked as the green elf spoke up.

“Kaos, he cast a spell on the Book of Skylanders and froze us.” The elf said as Eon added.

“A magical artifact that connects everyone in it.” The old master explained.

“Well isn’t there anyone who can help?” Rocky asked before the lava-like creature spoke.

“Well Spyro might have been able to, but Master Eon says he isn’t with us anymore.” He explained. “He was hoping to become a Skylander like me and Elf but…”

“He didn’t make the cut and… we think he’s lost.” Elf replied in a sorrowful tone.

“Well if what happened to me and the others, this Spyro is probably fine, just in another world.” Rocky explained. “And if you need help, I could try finding that book to free you guys.” He added before racing off to find this Kaos guy.

“Hey!” Elf spoke up as the pup turned towards her. “See if you can find Spyro too, okay?” She asked as Rocky nodded in response before racing off.

Back in the Out Lands Shoutmon and Bunga were looking for the Fusion Loader and baobab fruit respectively.

“Ugh, the Fusion Loader couldn’t have fallen this far could it?” The red dragon said as the honey badger shrugged in response.

Up on the cliff overlooking the Out Lands Kion, Skye, and the cheetah were seeing what those two were doing.

“So what’s the lizard up too?” The cheetah asked only for the lion cub and cockapoo to jump in surprise.

“Oh! Fuli! It’s just you, okay, well this here is Skye and her friend down there Shoutmon and he’s looking for something called the Fusion Loader.” Kion explained as the three kept looking down the cliff.

At the base the duo walked into a wider area with rocks to which a hyena den. Just then the digimon found the Fusion Loader.

“Ah ha! Found it!” He shouted before jumping into a large pile of rocks to which he got stuck in. “Um… Bunga… Skye… Kion… uh Fuli was it… a little help?” Shoutmon asked to which the cheetah up top looked at the other two.

“Fuli, you know I don’t think going into the Out Lands is a good idea.” Kion explained before Skye spoke up.

“And you really think I can pull him out?” The cockapoo explained before the cheetah growled.

“Ugh, fine if you two aren’t going in I’ll help him.” She said as she jumped in.

As she got to the area Shoutmon was stuck and Bunga was searching for the baobab fruit three shadows popped up.

“Chungu, Cheezi, bring them to me!” The lead shadow said before the other two went out there as the sound of lip smacking was heard.

Back in Equestria Twilight, Ballistamon, Chase, Marshall, and Spike all looked towards the book.

“‘The Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about nighttime eternal.’” Twilight read aloud with Ballistamon speaking up.

“Huh, it shouldn't be that bad, right?” Ballistamon asked.

“The longest day is tomorrow, the Summer Sun Celebration!” The unicorn said with worry.

“So you're saying that little pony’s tale might come true?” Spike asked in a sarcastic tone.

“Well me, Marshall, and Ballistamon all got sucked here from other worlds so I’d say the possibility is on the table.” Chase said before the other two nod.

“He’s right, Spike, take a note please.” Twilight said as the little dragon picked up a pen and paper. “‘My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster.’” She said as Spike stopped writing.

“Hold on, preci… preci…” Spike tried to spell before Balistamon took the paper.

“May I?” The robot digimon asked.

“Please do.” Spike replied as the robot took off from where Spike stopped.

“‘For you see, the mythical mare in the moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she’s about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night, something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true, I await your quick response, your faithful student Twilight Sparkle.’” The unicorn finished as the robot finished writing.

“Alright, time to mail this.” Ballistamon said before Twilight gave it to Spike.

“Great, send it Spike.”


“Of course.”

The pony and dragon to each other.

“Uh, I don’t know Twilight. Princess Celestia is working hard to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration.” Spike said before the unicorn spoke up again.

“That’s just it Spike, tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration, it’s imperative that the princess is told right away!” Twilight replied before the fire pup stepped towards her.

“Um… what is the Summer Sun Celebration?” Marshall asked.

“A day celebrating when Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon into the moon, it’s the longest day of the year and it’s tomorrow!” Twilight said as she had Spike send it via fire breath.

“There it’s on its way.” The dragon kid said. “But I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

“Oh I’m not worried Spike, the princess trusts me completely.” Twi said with confidence. “In all the years she’s been my mentor she’s never once doubted me.” She added before Spike burped up a new scroll. “See I knew she would want to take immediate action.”

“Think you could teach that fire mail thing to Shoutmon someday?” Ballistamon asked.

“Shout-who?” Spike said with slight confusion.

“Red, lizard-like,” The robot started before the shepherd cut him off.

“And a V-shape on his head?” Chase asked.

“Yeah, how did you know?” The robot digimon replied.

“No way, he was the glitchy red guy we met!” Marshall said with joy before Twilight spoke up.

“We can go over all this later, Spike.” The unicorn said as her assistant opened the scroll.

“Ehem ‘My dearest most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely’” The dragon read with the unicorn looking proud on account of that. “‘But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.’” He continued which shocked Twilight.

“Woof.” Ballistamon said as the two pups nodded in agreement.

As they went off we go back to Skylands where Rocky is searching for the villain.

“Why am I doing this? I’m a fix-it pup not a fight-it pup.” The gray terrier said as he hopped on pieces of land. “Oh, but those guys are counting on me, and I never let people down so…” Rocky said, trying to still himself before nearly getting run over by a hovering podium.

“Move it mutt, for I KAOS am driving here!” A short bald man in a black robe complained.

“Apologies little gray terrier!” The goblin in tan pants and a brown vest said as they both flew off with a frozen book.

“Well, I found them, kinda.” Rocky said as he pulled his claw out. “Now to get that book back.” He said as he jumped on some floating rocks to catch up with them.

“Now Glumshanks, where should we dispose of this wretched book, and the Sky-losers ONCE AND FOR ALL!” Kaos said before laughing maniacally.

“Well, not unless someone who isn’t a Skylander tries to stop you like that dragon did, sir.” Glumshanks replied before the pup got within earshot.

“Hand over the book!” Rocky said, jumping across floating rocks.

“And why should I, you aren’t in the book like that dragon, no book, no Skylander, no threat.” Kaos said with a cocky tone.

“Oh yeah?” Rocky said before jumping onto the podium.

While flying Rocky tried to get the book out of Kaos’ hands and pulled a fast one by using his claw to get it and jumping off and making the mini man scream in anger.

“Um, Master, we might want to focus on where we’re flying!” Glumshanks said with worry in his voice.

“And why” Kaos asked before they crashed into a giant rock.

Rocky then got to a large area of land and took a breath.

“Okay I have the book, but how do I unfreeze it?” The fix-it pup asked before the sound of the flying podium was heard.

“You dare steal my stolen book dog, then prepare to feel the wrath of Kaos!” The short wizard then sent a spell that nearly hit Rocky who jumped and ran off.

Back in the Pride/Out Lands Fuli just got to the ground and grabbed Shoutmon by the tail trying to get him out of the rock pile.

“Havi Kabisa, get out of there guys!” Kion shouted as the pup vigorously nodded.

“Please, remember what my uncles say, hakuna” Bunga started before he bumped into a hyena who gave an angry look towards him, “matata.” He finished nervously before Shoutmon used his legs to push himself out.

“Relax, we’ll take him as soon as I…” Shoutmon started before the Fusion Loader started glowing.

“Is that light good?” The cheetah trying to yank him free by the tail asked.

Just then the device opened a portal and Shoutmon started getting sucked in again.

“Depends on where I end up, woah!” The dragon digimon replied as he and Fuli both got sucked into the portal.

Back on Mobius Spyro, Sonic, and Tails were trying to find a portal opening and sucking the fox in.

“Sonic, help!” The two-tailed fox yelped.

“Tails no!” Sonic said as he tried to grab him but was too slow and the fox got sucked up leaving the dragon and hedgehog.

“That… he… he’ll be fine… I mean, if I can survive world travel, Tails should too, right?” Spyro said trying his best to comfort the hedgehog even though this kind of thing wasn’t in his wheelhouse.

In Equestria another portal opened up in front of the unicorn, dragon, robot, and pups.

“Oh no, another one.” Marshall complained as Ballistamon got sucked up. “NO!”

“Marshall, keep calm… I’ll get him.” The police pup explained.

“But what if…” The fire pup said with worry.

“I promise I’ll find a way back to you, and bring Rocky, Skye, Ballistamon, and Shoutmon with me, then we all get home, okay?” Chase said as the dalmatian nodded woefully before jumping in after the robot.

“I’m sure Chase and Ballistamon will be okay.” Twilight said as the fire pup nodded again.

In the Skylands Rocky was still being chased by Kaos but eventually saw a portal open.

“Another one of those portals…” Rocky turned to see the short wizard and his goblin punching bag coming in fast.

“You cannot escape me forever, mutt!” Kaos shouted with the pup turning to see the portal again.

“*gulp* Please don’t drop me off somewhere in the sky.” He said before diving into it, with Kaos looking ticked as heck.

“He thinks he can escape me by falling into a portal, well he better hope he can fall faster then this!” Kaos said as he hit a button and the hover-y noise from the podium stopped. “Eh… what happened, Glumshanks what did you do!?” He said angrily.

“Nothing master, but from the sound of it you turned off the podium so…” The goblin replied before they too fell into the portal screaming all the way down.

In the vortex Tails, Rocky, Baillistamon, Chase, Shoutmon, and Fuli all flew through it with five out of six crashing into each other and all of them getting sucked into a vortex in a direction none of them came through this time, and Chase ended up flying through the vortex Shoutmon and Fuli came through.

When Kaos and Glumshanks flew into the area they saw no sign of Rocky.

“Drat, that dog got away with the Book of Skylanders, now how will we destroy them!?” Kaos asked with rage in his voice as the goblin spoke up.

“Well Master, I’d say our top priority is figuring out where the vortex we came through is, with the Skylanders frozen taking over will be fairly easy and we might not even need the book to…” Glumshanks was instantly cut off by his master.

“It isn’t just about that book anymore Glumshanks, that green geared gray terrier made a mockery of me, we will now go looking for him so I can get my revenge!” Kaos said as he drove off into a random vortex and Glumshanks sighing in response.

“Whatever you say, Master.” The goblin said in a deadpan tone as he awaited the high likelihood of his master taking the fact they didn’t find Rocky and went into the wrong vortex out on him.

Author's Note:

Where have Shoutmon, Fuli, Ballistamon, Rocky, and Tails end up? What will Chase find? Will Bunga be okay? Did Kaos take the wrong portal when in search of revenge on Rocky?! The answer to that last one is "no" Kaos did not take the right portal, but the answers to these other questions next time!