• Published 7th Feb 2023
  • 454 Views, 4 Comments

Solar Force: A Legend Awakens - Streak Aireoso

When worlds collide what will happen when ponies, pups, digimon, mobians, pridelanders, and skylanders encounter each other for the first time. Soon to be legendary heroes such as Sonic, Tails, the Paw Patrol, and many others are thrown into trials.

  • ...

Allies and Enemies

In the Pride Lands Kion and Skye see Shoutmon and Fuli vanish in a flash of light with Bunga facing a hyena.

“Alright hyena, you want to see what this honey badger’s made of?” Bunga said before a larger more stocky hyena came from behind him and picked him up by the scruff. “Hey, put me down so I can show that other guy what I’m made of!” He said before they both chuckled.

On the cliff top Kion and Skye looked towards the honey badger who were worried at what was happening.

“Bunga!” The lion shouted as the cockapoo gasped with worry.

Just then the rock pile Shoutmon and Fuli got sucked into lit up again as the Paw Patrol Police pup flew out and right into the smaller hyena.

“Chase?” Skye said in confusion as Kion gave a confused look.

“Wha… where am I?” Chase asked as he saw what the larger hyena was doing. “And what are you up to?” He said before the smaller hyena pinned him down.

“Hehe, nice one Cheezi.” The bigger hyena said as the lion and pup at the cliff top looked down with anger.

“Hyenas, leave them alone! You don’t want any trouble with my dad!” The lion cub said with anger.

“Oh, like how you’d get into trouble if ya came into the Out Lands!” Cheezi mocked as he and the other hyena laughed.

“He’s too scared to come down here.” The larger hyena said as both laughed.

“Uh, Kion…” Bunga said before the smaller hyena spoke up.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough, Janja needs his lunch.” Cheezi said, giving the shepherd and badger worry.

“Lunch?” Chase and Bunga shakily said.

“No!” Kion said before rearing up. “Let them GO!” The lion cub said before roaring as clouds formed into roaring lion heads leaving Skye, Chase, Bunga, and the hyenas jaw dropped.

As Kion kept roaring and ended with an image of a lion appearing on his shoulder and the big hyena dropped Bunga who in turn shoved the baobab fruit in his mouth and Chase thrusted Cheezi off his back before the two climbed up.

“See ya hyena! Wouldn’t wanna be ya!” Bunga teased before they all reunited at the top of the cliff.

“Havi Kabisa, what was that?” Kion asked before he heard a sneeze.

“Sorry, I’m allergic to cats.” The shepherd pup apologized.

“It’s alright, I’m just glad you're safe.” The lion cub replied before the two bumped paws.

“I’m glad you're okay too.” The cockapoo said before sitting next to Chase. “Chase, these two are Bunga and Kion.” She said while pointing at the honey badger and lion cub. “Bunga and Kion, this is my close friend and fellow Paw Patrol pup Chase.” She finished.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you two.” Chase said with a confident smile.

“The pleasure is ours’.” Kion replied with the same look as Bunga nodded in agreement with the cub. “So if you know Skye do you also know Shoutmon?” He asked.

“I met him, but I only recently learned his name, and I haven’t seen him like normal, but I did meet his friend Ballistamon.” Chase replied. “Who might be around here somewhere, do you know anyone who might have seen a big robot around here?” He asked as the two Pride Landers looked bewildered.

“Ro-what?” Bunga asked.

“Um… a big shiny creature made of metal?” Chase tried to clarify.

“We haven’t seen anyone like that, but you're free to ask our friend Ono if he’s seen anything like him.” Kion answered.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Ono can see everything! If this ro-bro or whatever is in the Pride Lands, he can find him.” Bunga explained giddily. “He normally hangs by Big Springs with his flock when he isn’t hanging with us, it’s just over there.” The badger added while pointing to the water hole’s location.

“Thanks, if we find anything I’ll be right back to tell you Skye.” Chase explained before walking off.

“Wait, why not have me find him, I know what robots look like.” Skye said wanting to keep an eye on him.

“Yeah but Ono knows the place better, and with Kion’s roar just then we might be better off splitting up.” Chase said before running to the water hole.

“Great, now where are Shoutmon and Fuli?” Bunga asked bluntly before he and Kion turned to Skye.

“With all that’s happened I have no idea where they might be.” She replied before the three walked over to Pride Rock.

In a grassy field Shoutmon, Fuli, Rocky, Tails, and Ballistamon were passed out on the ground before stirring.

“Whatever just happened, hurt.” Tails said before seeing pieces of land floating in the sky.

“Whoa.” Fuli said with awe.

“Is this the Sky Lands?” Tails asked in wonder.

“No, that’s where I was, but still, whoa.” Rocky replied as all three were unaware of each other for a bit.

“Um… who are you three?” Ballistamon asked as all three turned and jumped in shock.

“Whoa, is this a new Eggman badnik?” The twin tailed fox asked before preparing a spin dash with Fuli also looking ready to throw down.

Just then the red dragon stepped in between them.

“Whoa whoa whoa! Relax, he’s friendly!” Shoutmon shouted as Tails and Fuli stood down.

“Well then who is he?” The fox asked.

“And more importantly, where are we?” The cheetah added.

“For once today, I get questions I can answer.” The digital dragon added. “First off this big guy is my best friend Ballistamon,” He started while fist bumping the robot, “and second, we’re in the Digital World. Our home world.” He finished while turning to look out over the horizon.

“Okay, but who are you?” The terrier asked.

“That’s Shoutmon, and I’m Fuli, we met in my home world, the Pride Lands.” The cheetah explained.

“And that’s Rocky.” Shoutmon added while pointing at the pup.

“Um, how did… wait,” Rocky said before getting a better look at the dragon and noticing some familiarities. “It’s you!” He gasped. “You're the guy me, Chase, Marshall, and Skye helped!” He said with joy.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s me.” Shoutmon replied. “So, uh, where did you end up again?” He asked the pup.

“Sky Lands, a big area with floating pieces of land, I nabbed this from a bad guy there.” Rocky said before showing the Book of Skylanders.

“So you were sent to Spyro’s world, I met him with my friend Sonic before a portal opened up and sent me here.” The fox explained. “My name’s Tails by the way.”

“His suit kind of looks like the ones I saw these pups Chase and Marshall wearing.” Ballistamon said before Shoutmon spoke up.

“That’s because he, Chase, and Marshall are on the same team in the same world.” Shoutmon explained before turning to Tails. “But where in the apparent universe are you fro…WHOA!” He started before the five of them got blasted away by a large armored mammoth.

“What on Earth is that!” Rocky asked with worry and fear.

As they watched the mammoth digimon roared as more mammoths, a few jet-bird hybrid creatures, and finally a dark gray lion with a black mane and large arms jumped on top of it and roared leaving the three off-worlders in worry and the two digimon with serious looks on their faces.

Back on Mobious Spyro and Sonic were racing away from a big crab robot.

“Not a bad race big guy, but there’s no way we’re letting you trample that town.” The blue hedgehog said before the dragon flew up.

“I’ll slow ‘em down, you finish ‘em off!” Spyro said as he used his firebreath to superheat the crab-bot’s joints which led the hedgehog to spin through and bust it right before it reached town.

As the two landed they both landed the duo got cheers and praise only for the bot to come back to life.

“Looks like it’s time for round…” Spyro started before a pink hedgehog with a red dress wielding a giant hammer smashed it instantly. “Two…?” He said in bewilderment.

“You're getting sloppy Sonic.” She said to the blue hedgehog’s slight off-put mood.

“A-Amy. Fancy meeting you here.” Sonic said in a slightly disgruntled tone.

“I heard about what you, Tails, and that dragon did in the neighboring town and hurried over! I just knew you’d stop by here!” The pink hedgehog said with enthusiasm.

“Huh. Word travels fast…” Sonic said as he turned to Spyro and shook his head, “...ah nevermind. Looks like things are under control here. Thanks for the save! This is Spyro! Laters!” He said/introduced while dragging the dragon away with him.

“Sonic, wait! I came out here specifically to find you!” Amy said before the blue hedgehog zipped back letting go of the dragon and causing him to faceplant.

“I know, it’s kind of your thing.” Sonic teased.

“Not like that! I mean I’m always happy to see you and would follow you anywhere if you’d only let me but… oh! You get me so flustered!” Amy replied in a frustrated tone.

“Can one of those portals suck me up now? I’m feeling like a third wheel here!” Spyro said towards the sky after taking his face out of the ground.

Sonic just rolled his eyes before Amy grabbed his hand. “Sonic, I need you to come back to the resistance, and have Spyro join it.” The pink hedgehog asked, to the blue one’s confusion.

“Come back? I thought you were doing clean up duty now that the war is over.” Sonic replied in a confused tone.

“And I’m already on an evil fighting team. Well going to be someday… anyway, what’s going on?” The purple dragon asked.

“These leftover robots are everywhere. Even without Eggman to lead them, they’re still a constant threat, randomly attacking anyone they find.” Amy said with an urgent tone fitting for the matter. “The resistance is working to finish the fight. By working from a centralized, organized position, we can be way more effective.” She explained to the dragon and blue hedgehog’s non-care.

“Nah, pass.” The two answered instantly.

“Oh for the love of… why!?” Amy asked.

“One I gotta find a portal back home and finish a rescue I got zapped out of, and two Tails mentioned something that was bugging us before a portal zapped him out of this world.” Spyro started.

“Yeah, the badniks we faced when Spyro first showed up were way more organized. But Eggman hasn’t shown up to claim responsibility. Subtly is not his forte.” Sonic finished the pink hedgehog trying to wrap her brain around the idea of the otherworldly dragon.

“Wait, the dragon isn’t from this world? How… if not Eggman then…” Amy shook her head. “No, you're both right, I didn't think of that. But that’s all the more reason for you two to come to the resistance!” She exclaimed.

“No, it’s all the more reason for us to hit the road, find Tails, get Spyro home, and find out what’s going on.” Sonic explained before an evil laugh was heard.

“What was that?” Amy asked in confusion.

“No idea, but whoever is laughing it sure isn’t Eggman.” The blue blur added.

“Still… it sounds kind of familiar.” Spyro said before a sheep ran up to them.

“Sonic! Spyro! Msr. Rose! Emergency! We’re under attack.” A sheep girl said while out of breath.

“Say no mo… oh no!” The dragon said as he saw Kaos using his magic to try and control the badniks attacking from the west.

“The crab bot was a decoy!” Sonic said as he raced off as Spyro landed close to Amy.

“You and Sonic handle the badniks, me and Short Stuff have some unfinished business.” Spyro finished as he flew towards Kaos and Amy ran into the city.

In Equestria Marshall was looking at the scroll Celestia sent for Twilight.

“‘My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony’s life than studying. So I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year’s location, Ponyville.’” The pup read aloud as they saw the rural town coming up. “‘And I have an even more essential task for you to complete, make some friends.’ Which she already made three, so how many more will that take?” He asked as the unicorn sighed.

“Look on the bright side Twilight, the princess arranged for you to stay in a library, doesn’t that make you happy?” Spike said, trying to cheer her up.

“Yes. Yes it does, you know why? Because I’m right, I’ll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon’s return.” The unicorn said as the pup and dragon looked on with confusion.

“Then when are you gonna make friends like the princess said?” Spike asked.

“She said to check on preparations. I am her student and I’ll do my royal duty, but the state of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.” The unicorn explained as the chariot landed and the two pegasi neighed. “Thank you sirs.” She said to the two.

“Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about.” Spike said with a smile as a pink pony with a frizzy mane walked up to them.

Spike and Marshall both gestured for Twilight to talk to the earth pony.

“*sigh* Um… hello?” She said as the pink pony gasped and raced off.

“Well that happened.” Marshall said with a semi-confused tone.

“That was interesting alright” Twi said before the three walked off.

In the digital world the dark lion leaned down to sniff Tails, Rocky, and Fuli.

“That smell, you three do not hail from this world.” The creature said in a raspy voice.

“Am I crazy or is that weird lion talking!?” Rocky asked with worry in his voice.

“I don’t like intruders, especially those from off world!” The dark lion creature shouted as he lengthened his magenta claws.

He then tried to cut the three with Fuli trying to stand her ground but then suddenly out of the ground Ballistamon appeared and whacked the lion in the jaw.

“Ram Slammer!” Ballistamon said with Fuli on his shoulder. “Ha ha, take that!”

“Good move Ballistamon, so what do you guys think of that?” Shoutmon said as some small creatures, one of them a star with sunglasses appeared.

“Where are these creatures coming from?” Tails asked before Fuli spoke up.

“I think they're called digimon.” The cheetah replied.

“She’s right, you have nothing to worry about, these guys are all my friends, now time for some real action!” The red dragon exclaimed before jumping in front of his robotic bestie and summoned a microphone to his hand.

“You're all gonna pay for that!” The lion digimon said as he regained composure. “Pteramon, bring terror from the skies!” He commanded.

The armored pterosaur-like digimon then soared down towards them with malicious intent.

As Fuli, Rocky, and Tails looked at the oncoming threat, Rocky looking slightly worried while Tails and Fuli seemed ready to brace themselves they noticed Shoutmon was rather calm given the situation.

“I know what you’re thinking.” The red dragon said as the others looked at him confused. “You're all wondering why I’m still smiling, why I’m not scared of Madleomon.” He said with the cheetah and fox smiling wanting to see what their new ally has to offer.

“Yeah.” Fuli replied with her and Tails ready to see said action.

“Well it’s because I’m Shoutmon, the future king of the digital world! And I’ll make sure the ugly furball knows it.” The dragon said with confidence before powering up. “Bellow Blaster!” He shouted as a torrent of flame shot out of his microphone and completely evaporated the Pteramon.

In the distance an elderly humanoid digimon looked onwards. “I know that attack, Shoutmon is back! Whoo hoo, did you hear that, it’s good news and it rhymes.” The elder said as a flowery digimon was behind him.

“That was amazing Shoutmon!” Rocky said as the cheetah and fox nodded their heads in agreement.

“Sorry Rocky, no time for autographs now.” Shoutmon replied with a cocky smile. “But I’ll tell you one thing, you and the other three pups are the first non-digimon friends I ever had.” He added with the pup smiling.

“I will admit. You're tougher than I first thought.” The cheetah replied and got a smirk out of the red dragon who turned towards Madleomon

“Ballistamon, Starmon, Pickmons, let’s finish him off!” Shoutmon shouted as Ballistamon and the star-shaped digimon with his little companions raced into battle.

Back on Mobius, Sonic raced to smash up badniks while Amy was rallying the troops around town hall.

“Get all the unarmed inside! If you can fight, rally to me!” Amy commanded as the townsfolk got set to battle.

As that was happening Spyro flew up to the hover-podium.

“Kaos!” The purple dragon said with anger.

“Eh? Oh it’s just the loser that isn’t a Sky-loser.” The short wizard said before getting hit by a speeding and spinning blue ball.

“Need backup?” Sonic asked as Spyro nodded his head.

“Yeah, we can’t let Kaos control these bots!” Spyro explained as Sonic jumped on his back.

“We have a Chaos in our world but he’s way less crazy… at least now.” The blue hedgehog replied as the two of them struck the podium in unison.

As they did they noticed some more badniks getting in and a new portal opening up.

“Whoops.” Sonic said as he saw the robots.

“Sonic there's a portal! It might be my way out.” Spyro explained before his hedgehog friend wrecked some robots.

“Great, you drag Kaos and his lackey back through and get back home, me and Amy have things covered here!” Sonic replied before racing off.

Spyro looked at the portal before grabbing the podium and spinning with it. As he spun it Kaos and Glumshanks hung on for dear life before getting chucked into the portal. Spyro then looked towards the continuing battle in the town and then back to the portal before flying off.

Sonic was then smashing robots left and right before racing after some headed for town hall.

“Dang it! I let too many get past me!” He said before some of the robots got blown up by a fireball as his dragon friend was seen flying to his side. “Spyro!? The portal might close, what happened to you going back home?!” Sonic asked.

“Back in my world I learned the hard way I shouldn't just look out for myself, and I can help here! So until this town is safe I’m staying!” The dragon replied as the two of them fist-bumped and raced back into town for the rest of the rumble.

Back in the Pride Lands Kion, Bunga, and Skye all went to the large rock formation known as Pride Rock, once there the three of them stand before King Simba, his royal majuzi Rafiki, and his mate Queen Nala.

Skye gulped as she never saw an adult lion or lioness in person before, yet Bunga and Kion were far from worried.

“Hey dad, I have someone you should meet.” The lion cub explained before the King saw the cockapoo with intrigue.

“Yeah, this is Skye, and you won’t believe it but she came from another world!” Bunga explained with much wonder.

“I would’ve expected as much, I’ve never seen an animal like her but um…” Simba replied before

“Dad? What’s going on?” The lion cub asked.

“Son, we need to talk…” Simba said with the cub freaking out a bit.

“Oh no, dad, we already had that talk.” Kion complained. “;Can you feel the love tonight.; I know all about that mushy stuff!” He finished.

“Well… it’s not that Kion.” Simba said calmly.

“Most definitely not that, we heard your roar, yes, yes!” Rafiki said with enthusiasm.

“Uh… yeah it was kinda different today.” Kion replied.

“Different, different you say, it is more than different it was the Roar of the Elders! When you use it, the great lions of the past roar with you.” The mandrill explained explained.

“The Roar of the Elders is a great gift, Kion. It will make you the fiercest animal in the Pride Lands.” Simba explained. “But…” He started.

“But what?” His son asked as the lion king turned to Rafiki.

“No, no, Simba. It is you who must tell Kion about the Lion Guard.” The shaman said as the five looked confused.

“Wait, what's a Lion Guard?” The cockapoo asked.

“This way Kion.” Simba said as they all walked behind him.

They went to a wall of vines which Rafiki pulled aside to reveal a cavern that consisted of a lot of dust and not much to be seen.

“Everyone this is the Lion Guard lair, it’s the secret meeting place for members of the guard.” Simba explained as the dragon rubbed his finger along a wall.

“Well these Guard guys sure didn’t do a good job of keeping it clean, some light dusting would make seeing anything in here a lot easier.” Skye said as the monkey hung upside down next to his head which freaked the pup out.

“Hmmm… yes!” Rafiki said as he used a wind spell to blow away all the dust.

“That works too.” The flying pup said in blunt shock.

“Dad, enough with all the secrecy stuff, you gotta tell me!” Kion started with a joyful tone. “What is the Lion Guard?” He then asked.

“The Lion Guard is the team that protects the Pride Lands and defends the Circle of Life.” The lion king explained as they all turned to see paintings on the walls. “According to tradition the Lion Guard is made of the Pride Lands’ fircest, bravest, fastest, strongest, and keenest of sight.”

“So what happened to them?” The lion cub asked as the cockapoo stepped next to him.

“Yeah, from the looks of it the Lion Guard left this place abandoned for a long time.” Skye added which led the king to sigh.

“Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s a story without a happy ending.” Simba explained as Rafiki lit more paintings up with his staff. “When Kion’s grandfather Mufasa was about your age his younger brother Scar was the leader of the Lion Guard. Scar also had the gift of the roar, the roar made Scar feel powerful, but that power went to Scar’s head. He began to think that he should be king instead of his older brother Mufasa. So Scar ordered the Lion Guard to help him take down Mufasa. When the Guard refused Scar was furious, and then Scar used the roar to destroy the Lion Guard. What Scar didn’t realize was that using the roar for evil, he would lose the power of the roar completely.” The king told as the three young ones looked on in shock.

“Heyvi kabisa...”


“That just… woah…”

Kion, Bunga, and Skye said respectively.

“The roar is a very powerful gift.” The mandrill explained. “It can be used for great good. But it can also lead to terrible evil.” He finished while close to Kion’s face.

“Well, I’d never be like Scar. Ever!” Kion replied much to his father’s appreciation.

“I’m glad to hear that, son. Because starting today, you are the leader of the new Lion Guard.” Simba said with a confident smile.

“I’m the what?” Kion asked in confusion.

“He said you were the leader of the new Lion Guard.” Skye repeated for the king as the majuzi jumped in.

“It is right, the new leader of the Lion Guard, it is you!” Rafiki said with a chuckle while pointing at Kion. “Yes! It. Is. You!” He said with a joy filled tone.

“Dad?” The lion prince asked.

“It’s true, Kion.” The lion king replied with a smile.

“Wow… amazing!” Kion said before the pup wearing pink spoke up.

“I have to tell Chase this!” Skye said before racing out of the lair.

“It is amazing, and now Kion, it’s your job to assemble the Pride Lands’ bravest, fastest, strongest, and keenest of sight.” Simba said as his son ran out.

“You got it, dad! Don’t worry, I won’t let ya down!” Kion replied as he ran out of the lair.

“This is un-bunga-lievable!” The badger said as he raced out of the lair.

“You see, Simba? And now Kion will choose the best lions in the pride for the Guard.” Rafiki said to the king.

“I hope so, Rafiki. I’m still not sure he’s ready.” Simba replied to his royal majuzi before walking out of the lair.

“He is ready.” Rafiki said to himself.

Just then the winds whistled as the mandrill walked over to some gords full of paint to which he used to paint not just Kion, Bunga, and Skye at the lair but also Chase in a field, Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Fuli, Rocky, and Tails facing Madleomon, Spyro and Sonic fighting robots, Twilight, Spike, and Marshall walking through Ponyville, and five other ponies doing other assorted tasks.

“They are all ready.” He finished.

Author's Note:

What will happen next?

Will Chase find this Ono character?

What will happen to those in the digital world?

What will Sonic and Spyro face next?

Will Twilight except friendship?

Who are the other five ponies in Rafiki's new painting?

Oh who am I kidding it's fimfiction, you all already know the answer to those last two questions.

But most importantly, what he heck is causing these worlds to come together, and why is it that these 18 beings are caught in the middle of it?

Find an answer to all these questions, again excluding the questions about Twi's friendship and the five ponies because again fimfiction, but to the rest find out next time!