• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,022 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 25

I kept things slow, slowly turning and flying through the trunks of the forest, turning back and forth, flexing my wings.

It wasn’t exactly a challenge. Vegetation was much thicker back home.

The bright sunlight makes it harder though, but day goggles or just closing my eyes made that easier to handle. I solved it by doing both.

I needed to practice my echolocation anyway and from the sound of it, Fade and Leaf were doing the same as they followed me closely.

Three weeks.

Three weeks of lessons and I felt like I had gotten so much done! Just three weeks and I learned so much already!

I really had to put some time aside to continue my magical education. Magic is so cool! I mean, I always knew that but I had been so busy to learn more than the basics.

I highly doubted I would ever be considered a wizard, but magic was cool and useful. I wanted to learn more!

Pulling up, I threw myself over a lower than normal branch, my wings folded before I dropped, spreading my wings again, circling around a thick pine trunk before doing a hairpin banking turn and continued back the way I came.

On the way back, I beat my wings harder, flying as fast as I could.

Might as well give my shadows as much of a workout as I co-


I hit something hard, it hit me across the front of my chest and I felt myself tumbling, falling. I clicked and squeaked frantically, orienting myself and flaring my wings, beating them hard against the air as I pulled up.

I made it.


My hooves hit the ground at too high a speed, I tried to run it into a gallop, but my hoof hit a root and I went tumbling until I came to a half upside down with my back against the trunk of a tree.

Coughing, I tried to get air back into my lungs.

“Your majesty!” Leaf or Shade exclaimed and hooves hit the ground next to me, “Are you alright!?”

Reaching up with hoof, I pushed my now half twisted day goggles up my forehead, looking up at the two worried looking guards.

“...I’m fine,” I said and groaned, slowly pushing myself over, “I think,” I added, carefully testing my wings and other limbs, “...Everything works, so I’m fine. What did I hit?”

“Branch,” Leaf said with a small frown before glancing back, “It was very narrow, it barely had an echo at all.”

“Teach me to fly distracted,” I said and rubbed my chest. Yep, that’s a collection of bruises. And quite frankly, if I had not been an alicorn with at least earth pony toughness, I’d likely have broken bones if not worse.

Shade pulled a cloth from a pocket in her armor with her hoof before starting to brush me off, “Are you sure you alright, Prince Page?”

“I’m sure, Shade. Thank you.”

“I’m Leaf.”

“You’re Shade,” I said with a small smile, “That may work on other ponies, but it won’t work on me.”

She looked at me, one eyebrow raised as she put the cloth away, “How do you do that?”

I checked that the feathers were still where they should be in my mane before I smiled at her, “We should head back, break over.”

“A bit slower this time, please?” Leaf said, stretching her wings.

“A bit slower,” I agreed but reached up to push my goggles back down over my eyes before closing them. I chirped and turned my ears, locating my position before taking back to the air again, heading back towards the clearing.

As we left the trees, I opened my eyes to spot Celestia pretty much where I left her, in the shade of a pavilion set up against the bright sun and resting on a spread out blanket.

Sweet Slice was to the side with a portable kitchen, getting some tea ready and half a dozen guards were waiting to the side. Two standing guard, keeping watch but the rest were relaxing and talking.

Coming down to land, I folded my wings and trotted over to her after giving Shade and Leaf a nod in thanks.

“Nice flight?” Celestia asked with a smile before giving Sweet a nod, “Thank you,” as her teacup was refilled.

“It was,” I agreed as I settled down next to her, “I try to get some flying time when I can and I have very admittedly been slacking on it since I arrived here. It’s not really practical.”

Flying from the fort could be done, but it would not be fun. That icy wind really was annoying to deal with.

Down was one thing, I would not like to fly back up against it however. Not to mention would turn me into a icecube.

“Thank you, Sweet,” I then added with a smile as Sweet passed me a cup of hot tea. She simply gave me a small bow before retreating back to the portable kitchen.

Taking in the scent of the tea, I then took a careful sip. Mmm, green. Very high quality too.

“Back to work?” Celestia asked with a smile, sipping her own tea.

“Back to work,” I agreed and took another sip before putting my cup to the side to focus on the large bowl of water sitting before us.

Water magic.

At least it was easier than fire magic and was less likely to set me on fire. Worst I could do was get us wet.

Which I did a moment later.