• Published 14th May 2023
  • 4,994 Views, 1,432 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 33

Walking out between the trees, I saw Luna watching a pair of squirrels jumping through the branches of a tree, their wings, while not capable of true flight, letting them glide between the branches in their chase.

"So what do you think?" I asked as I walked up to stand next to her.

Luna flicked one ear and then looked at me, "I think it is amazing. How long did this take?"

"Years," I admitted, "On and off. It was hardest at the start, but there were so many details. How does it look?"

Luna smiled, "I found a few details in how magic works that's not the same and I'm pretty sure real blueberries aren't that sweet, but it's very accurate."

"I like sweet blueberries," I protested before I smiled, "And I can adjust whatever isn't right with the magic if you show me later. But what do you think, safe to show Sparks and Sunny?"

Luna looked around thoughtfully, shifting her wings before she nodded, "I believe it is," she finally said, "It feels so..."


"Real," she admitted, feeling the soft grass with a forehoof, "Almost enough to fool me it is."

I frowned, "Almost? What did I miss?"

She smiled, "Other than some small pieces of how magic works, not really anything. I can just feel traces of the dream realm beneath it all. Not sure there is any hiding that fully from a dreamwalker."

I considered that for a moment, "...I think there may be ways to hide at least part of it, but it's just the two of us. Doesn't seem worth the trouble to be honest. I didn't make it to be completely perfect. Just a sanctuary for us to be able to get away whenever we wanted."

Luna smiled and lowered her head, giving my ear a small kiss, "Which I think is a nice sentiment. So..."

I moved closer, leaning softly against her as I looked up at her, "You're wondering about me and Celestia."

Luna smiled, "I do."

"...We agreed to take things slow," I told her, "We both like how our relationship is now. Having it be more would be nice, but we don't want to lose anything in the process."

Luna smirked playfully, "And how long will that last?"


"...Possibly until one of us takes the flirting too far," I admitted as I tried not to blush, "But we're trying at least. Has to count for something."

"I'm satisfied as long as you two are happy," Luna said and leaned in, giving me a soft kiss, "It's been difficult watching you two, My Page. Too stubborn to be happy."

Well, if that wasn't a description, I didn't know what was.

"I guess we were a little silly," I admitted and gave her a kiss back, "But she worried about you more than anything else. I know she.."

"My sister was terrified of doing anything to lose me again," Luna finished for me, her wing settling across my back, "Terrified of doing anything that might cause me to feel like I did before my exile."

I nodded, "I am your husband. No matter how we do things, even the matter of having less time with you while I spent time with her..."

Luna smiled and hugged me closer with her wing as we started to walk through the dark forest, lit only by the moons and stars above, "You two are very smart and very kind ponies. And also very dumb."

"I know which part is smart and which is dumb."

"Hush," Luna chided me, "While I am not in favor of spending less time with my stallion, I greatly dislike seeing him and my sister miserable even more."

"I guess I understand that," I admitted and sighed, "But she worried and I think too much like a human sometimes still."

Luna gave me a squeeze with her wing as we walked into a small clearing.

I kissed her cheek and then slipped out from beneath her wing, starting to use my magic to gather fallen branches and clearing grass away from a spot in the clearing. Using cutting spells, I separated the branches into suitable pieces before piling a good bunch into the cleared area of dirt before using a firespell to light them, without setting myself on fire even.

Luna waited patiently for it before laying down next to the fire. I slipped in next to her again, keeping between the fire and her as I got comfortable.

"Why all that?" Luna asked as her wing settled across my back once more, "Why not just create it?"

"Because why spend all this time creating rules of this place just to bypass them?" I asked and rested my head against her neck with a smile, "Do you know what this reminds me of?"

"Evenings in our quarters spent by the fireplace," Luna agreed softly, her head resting against the top of mine, "and..."


"Thousands of evenings when I was young," She said softly, "I can't tell you how many times this is how they were spent."

I smirked, "Cuddling a handsome stallion by a fire?"

Luna laughed softly and nipped at my ear, "It happened. But mostly a mare. When one could be found that didn't mind me and my sister's strangeness," she admitted, "But mostly sleeping beside a fire beneath the stars. Only thing missing is the other fires and the rest of the tribe around us."

"We should pick a day," I said, "Or a night. Just a time where all of us could be here for a while. Just spend time together. I do know Sparks misses Celestia. They haven't really talked for... a year or so."

"That does sound rather enjoyable," Luna admitted, "I do miss spending time with Twilight and Sunset. While I can meet them one by one in dreams, it is not the same."

I shook my head, rolling onto my back to look up at her, "It's not," I agreed, "Hence, this place."

Luna smiled and leaned down to kiss me softly before she rolled onto her back next to me, looking up at the night skies, "It is strange. Looking up and seeing stars that's not mine."

I scooted a little closer, "Want me to show you the constellations?" I asked.

"I would very much like that," Luna admitted, resting her head against the side of mine, "What are the moons called?"

"Luna and Celestia."

We never did get around to constellations.