• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,022 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 37

I slowly drifted back to the land of the awake ponies and for once I didn't regret it for a second as I opened my eyes, looking into Lunas star filled form. The night sky, brought into the shape of a pony.

A most beautiful pony.

Just staying like that for a long while, star gazing before I yawned and slowly stretched and scooted out from beneath her starfield wing. I pushed myself up to sit, glancing around.

Well, the lack of light was a clear indicator that Sunshine had left. Last night had been amazing, a lot of which had actually been talking, but amazing. Perhaps more so because of it.

I snuck another glance at Luna.

Yep, I still felt a strong urge to build a temple in her honor. Then again, that had nothing to do with her looking like the night sky made manifest. I always felt like worshiping her.

Maybe tonight, I'll have another chance to.

Grinning at that thought, I slipped out of the bubble of dark silence covering the bed before recoiling at the burning midday sunlight that filled the room.


I quickly shaded my eyes with a hoof. Damn it, Sunshine, I love you but would it hurt you to at least have Canterlot be cloudy whenever I visit?

...Then again, then it would either be chilly or muggy. You know what, I can live with the horrible sunshine.

Reaching back onto the bed, I found my day goggles and hung them around my neck before I exited into the living room, finding a pile of small sandwiches as well as a steaming cup of tea waiting for me.

Speaking of ponies that should be worshiped... Maid, I demand you marry me at once!

Grinning to myself, I trotted over and jumped onto the couch, getting into my meal.

Life was good.

What to do today, Luna's going to be out until this evening. Maybe a bit earlier. Celestia I knew was going to be busy until the afternoon at least. She was still getting caught up on things.

Didn't envy her that task. At least I only had a village worth of events when I got back home, she had all of Equestria. Then again, she also had a much higher level view of things.

That still left me with most of the day to entertain myself.

I glanced towards the bedroom door.

...I had some ideas about that as well, but Luna would not thank me about waking her this early.

Maybe I could go help Midnight pack? No, I mean how much stuff could she have anyway? She was just going for a visit, she likely just brought a single bag. It would be very interesting to see what her expeditions found.

Were there really more hidden tribes other than thestrals?

You would have fought Luna and I would have run into them so far, but despite thousands of years she barely noticed the thestrals existed, so I suppose it was possible we just missed them.

They would all be welcome in Nocturnis of course, but I highly doubt many would come if they existed still. The reason we were in Nocturnis was primarily because we liked the climate in general.

If we had been... say an especially hardy earth pony tribe, I'd likely asked for land up by the Crystal Empire or something.

So I doubt Fire unicorns and water ponies would enjoy the middle of a jungle.

But they were welcome if they wanted to come.

Oh! I can visit Silver! I needed to set up some tea orders anyway and see if she wanted some samples of that locally grown not-tea stuff. It wasn't bad actually so who knows, maybe it'll sell in Canterlot.

...And I should likely visit my accountant as well...

I groaned at that thought as I finished my tea. A nice warm day was the last time I would like to spend looking at numbers, but I needed to know how my investments were doing and what bits I had that I could transfer to Nocturnis. They didn't do any good sitting around in accounts here when they could help feed my ponies.

...I really miss Flower. Making my own schedule sucks, it was so much better when she did it for me. Maybe I should stop by Raritys’ as well and pick something up. She more than deserved it and I was more than happy to keep up the bribes if it kept her happy and wanting to keep the job.

Because Nocturnis would turn into anarchy and chaos in a week without her efforts.

And at the same time, I should buy something for Sparks and Sunny. Something small and see through.

I glanced at the bedroom door again.

Let's do Raritys first. In case they had to do some rush alterations on something.

With a plan firmly in mind, I slipped off the couch and stretched before heading towards the door while putting my day goggles firmly in place.

Half walking, half gliding down the stairs, I stepped out into the sunlight, finding the two Night Guards I didn't recognize flanking the door alongside Shade and Leaf.

"Ready for a small excursion?" I asked them with a smile, "I need to meet some ponies and do some shopping."

Leaf and Shade saluted smartly and fell into formation behind me without a word.

I gave the Nightguards a friendly nod and then headed towards the Castle gates. About halfway there, I realized I didn't bring my satchel. I hesitated for a second before I shrugged and continued on.

Silver never let me pay anyway and I had an account set up at Rarity’s. And I could always visit the bank if I needed bits.

Exiting through the castle gates onto the square that held my statue next to celestias, I looked up at them for a moment. Wonder if I could hire three more made of Luna, Sunset and Twilight and how much that would cost.

One more reason to visit the accountant, damn it. Wonder how much a statue cost? Even just the marble can't be cheap.

Making a mental note to find out, I headed out onto the streets towards the district that held Raritys’ store. Today really was a bustling day, a lot of ponies out and about.

Yes, we got looks, but it was more 'oh, an alicorn' rather than 'ah, monsters!'

Which felt rather nice to be hone-

I stumbled to the side, missing a step as something slapped against my side. What the- I looked at what hit me, finding a wooden shaft with feathers sticking out of my barrel at the shoulder.

That's not right. Why would I have a crossbow bolt there? And red is definitely not my colour, I really should not be wearing that much of it.

Ponies were screaming and I felt my hooves starting to wobble. I had just enough time to see Leaf throw herself into the air before I sank down to the cobblestones.

My vision started to narrow towards a tunnel, quickly darkening.

I'm pretty tired actually, I think I'll have a bit of a na-