• Published 24th Jun 2023
  • 3,094 Views, 132 Comments

Dawn of a New Day - Nugget27

  • ...

Luna and I Finally Talk

After the sun rose, I found very little reason to get out of bed. There really was not much of a reason to get out of bed. Sure, I was alive, but I had no reason to really want to live. I grumbled and groaned, rolling onto my stomach, figuring there really was not a point in lying around and moping over how my thousand year long relationship wouldn’t last. Sure, Luna was stuck on the moon, but I guess people change. Even if they were stuck on the moon, basically dead for years. It’s just a shame that she never really even thought to give me a chance, and just immediately dumped me after seeing me for the first time in forever.

Given that this was my room, there was a pretty solid chance that some of my stuff was still around. For instance, the nightstand on my side of mine and Luna’s old bed. My body felt numb and tired from the severe lack of sleep I had, but I kept going. I opened the drawer and found a bag of bits and a necklace of some sort. I chuckled, recognizing what this was. It was practically yesterday since I saw this thing, after all; I just woke up and apparently a thousand years had passed. You see, this was gonna be an idea I brought from my old world.

Ponies did wear jewelry, especially if those ponies were royalty. Now, the main thing with that jewelry was that none of that included rings. So I figured a wedding necklace could be something like a substitute and some sort of homage to me not exactly being a pony. Beside that necklace was another. One had my cutie mark etched into it, and the other had Luna’s. Luna would wear the one with my mark on it if we got married, and I would wear the necklace with her mark etched into it. I stared down at the necklaces, admiring how pristine they both looked in the sunlight.

God I spent so many bits on these things. May they never see the light of day again. I closed the drawer shut after grabbing the bag of bits.

I left the necklaces.

I looked in the lower drawer and found a knife, an old bone that was probably Blaze’s, and nothing else. Man, I really didn’t have shit, did I… I found my old medal, the one I got for defending Everfree City. I quickly pocketed that, hoping to either sell it, or just keep it for the memories it brought.

“You know, Ostri, I figured you of all ponies wouldn’t loot historical ruins,” Celestia’s voice came from behind me. From her tone, I could tell she was joking. “Ostri? Are you even going to respond? Emote? Pretend to be scared that I caught you doing something that would be illegal if you literally didn’t own everything in that nightstand?” I let out a deep breath. “By the harmony, I think that you and Luna breaking up has done more to you than I could imagine.”

“Of course it did. We were basically family, Celestia. I may joke about my lack of one, but I genuinely sometimes yearn for one, either through adoption, marriage, anything. I just want a family, and if I could get one in this horrible life, then it’s a bonus. It was… nice to be dating Luna; it was like having somebody who actually gave a shit about you. Then I wake up, in the future, and boom, alone all over again! Woohoo! Man am I glad I spent the last fucking year of my life on fucking nothing! I took literal arrows for Luna, slaughtered an army for her safety, and then I learned that Luna ‘didn’t love me’ or some shit. I was hoping to marry her in a few years, but some purple shithead…” I sighed. “I shouldn’t get mad at Starlight; she didn’t know she would accidentally drag me into the future with her. I shouldn’t be mad at anyone. I-It just sucks, you know?”

“It… Ostri, do you wish to talk about it? I’m sure I can-”

“No. I know what you’re gonna say, and I can probably guess why you’re here. Luna said she was sorry about what she said and wants to give me another shot?”

“Well… Yes. How did you know that?”

“You wouldn’t have sought me out, Celestia. I know you and I ended off on us being friends, but we were never exactly close. I wish we did get closer; I was genuinely enjoying your company up until I disappeared. But uh… yeah, you wouldn’t have sought to comfort me, especially when Luna was probably crying after what I said to her…” I hummed. “You know what, fuck it, take me to wherever Luna is, I’ll… give her a chance.” I wasn’t going to. No. I was going to tell her to stay the flying fuck out of my life.

Celestia didn’t need to know that though.

“Would you rather fly, or would you like to experience modern magic?”

“As in?”

“Teleportation, it was discovered sometime after you left. I believe Starlight might’ve accidentally kick-started the magical revolution when she showed up.”

“I’d rather fly then. I don’t know how ready I am to see Luna again.”

“We’ll be flying to Canterlot, and I know that Sonic Rainboom took a lot out of your wings. The only pony I know that can do it, without needing to stop for a rest, is Rainbow Dash.”

“...Teleportation wouldn’t be too bad then.” Celestia’s horn lit up and reality blinked around me. The next thing I knew, I was in a throne room. Luna was sitting on the throne, and Twilight and some of her friends were sitting in front of the steps up to it. I looked around for a couple seconds and couldn’t stop myself from grinning. “Man, magic is bullshit, but I have to admit, being able to teleport is cool. It’s a thing humans want to do, and basically never could manage to do due to the lack of magic…” I hummed. “Well, I did something that the rest of humanity can’t do, which is teleport. That’s cool.” I concealed that little giggle with a wing.

“Ostri,” Luna spread her wings and lept to the air. She gracefully glided down, landing right in front of me with equal grace. “I… I believe I owe you an apology.”


“Ostri, this is serious. We could… be ‘a couple’ again.”

“Okay, cool. You weren’t even planning to do that until you saw how borderline suicidal I got after you dumped me. Hell, I’m still considering letting myself starve to death.” I tapped my chin a couple times. “So, Princess, what truly made you think ‘maybe I shouldn’t dump my boyfriend after finding out he’s still alive’? I’m curious. Because yesterday you were all ‘I don’t think we were ever in love’ or some stupid shit.”

“Ostrich! You can’t speak to a Princess like that!” I slowly leaned to the right to give Twilight a ‘really, muthafucka’ look, before standing straight.

“Well… I know I should’ve given you another chance. Golly, even with a thousand years of living-”

“Cool. Luna, I am going to tell you something and I’m going to want you to make a promise about that something.” Luna cocked her head to the side. God dammit, Luna-no, your ex being adorable is not a good reason to kiss her ass. “I want you to promise me that you’ll leave me alone. I don’t care about how much time has passed since the end of this conversation. I don’t give a shit if you suddenly love me again. I don’t give half a damn if you want to date me ever again. Just leave me alone. I don’t want anything to do with you right now.”

“But I-”

“Dumped me. You dumped me, Luna. I literally got shot with an arrow for your well being before. I’ve slaughter dozens of griffins who wanted your stupid fucking head. Despite that, you dumped me.” I started walking towards the balcony I finally took notice of. “As I said, I am going to go find a new path in life, one that hopefully leads me away from you. If, somehow, you gain my good graces again, cool. You probably won’t though, Luna.” I sighed. “I love you, I still do. God all i wanna do is nuzzle and kiss you like a guy with puppy love, but you… I don’t trust you, Luna.” With that, I hopped off the balcony and started gliding down towards Ponyville.

By the time I landed, my wings were hurting like a bitch, but I knew I had to get Blaze before I did anything. If nothing else, she would at least keep me emotionally stable, and she was probably my best friend. And so far, she’s been the most loyal to me, sticking by my side while facing down a whole army, and literally waited in my room for a thousand years just in case I was somehow still alive. You can’t buy or get that kind of loyalty anywhere else. Of course, by the time I turned around, Blaze was sitting in front of me, tongue panting, looking adorable.

“I… Assume you’re going to tickle me until I stop frowning?” Blaze nodded. “Well, I won’t complain about spending more time with you. You had to be lonely while I was gone, right.” Blaze nodded.

“I thought you died, Ostri. And then when it turns out that you’re still alive… I was so happy. Can I tickle you like old times, and then we can go play fetch? I know that last one feels a bit demeaning to me, but… I liked playing it with you despite that. It felt… nice to have you around, a thousand years ago, to have a friend. I never properly got to tell you this, not without it seeming sarcastic but… I loved you. Not in the romantic way, but I loved you, and I still love you. You are my favorite stallion in the universe, and I would give anything to spend another day with you.”

“You know what, Blaze? You can tickle the shit out of me. We can play fetch…” I couldn’t help but feel a whole lot better now that Blaze had voiced how she felt about me. It was… heartwarming to hear that. To know that I was at least actually cherished by somebody. “Once we get a place to stay first; we need a roof over our head. I know this bag has to have at least a month’s worth of rent and food; my first job paid enough for me to get a house, a thousand years ago, apparently. Then we can play, cuddle, do anything you wanna do. I’ll do it.”

“That would be nice. We can sleep under the stars; I can keep us dry with my shield, and I know you liked using me as a bed.”

“Okay… yeah, I did. You are stupidly soft, which is great because of how much fluff is added when you ball your tails up.”

“It would also save us money until you can get a job. That way we won’t be running on borrowed time; your bits can only last so long if we’re spending twenty a day in a shitty hotel room.” And so we started casually walking towards the center of town, where I thought the town hall would be, and if towns and cities haven’t changed, there should be a map along with a bulletin board near the town hall. The map’ll be helpful for finding us a hotel, and the board will be helpful for finding a dead end job to bury myself in.

So there were four main attractions in Ponyville, looking at the map here. One was obviously Twilight’s castle, as it was fucking huge, and y’know, the home of a princess. The next point of interest was Sweet Apple Acres, the most popular apple orchard in all of Equestria, and owned by the Apple Family… the same bunch of folks who helped me when I first came to Equestria. New generation, but same folks. Maybe they told stories about me? Probably not; I was apparently pretty obscure in history if only Starlight and Twilight knew about me. Or two nerds. I doubt the Apple Family would even bother to remember me after a year of me disappearing.

The third thing was Rarity’s home and clothing store. What ponies would need for clothes? I don’t fucking know. Apparently clothes are almost exclusively for work uniforms, fancy parties, or if you were a rich person. I didn’t see a need for it; I had fur. Fur that got thicker in the winter and thinner in the summer. Fur kept you warm, or cool during those seasons respectively, and so, clothing was not a need for me. Also, since I’m no longer dating Luna, I don’t need a suit to show up at whatever stupidass, fancy party I was gonna have to go to if I were still dating her.

So being single has some perks… Not good ones, but life with Luna had long since left my mind after I closed that drawer with the necklaces.

Lastly on the list of important buildings was something called the School of Friendship. I slowly looked down at Blaze and back at the name of the School. “Why the actual, flying fuck…” I hummed. “Blaze, can you, somehow, someway, explain to me how the fuck somebody would struggle so hard with being friends with people that they actually have to attend a school about friendship?”

“You’d have to either be stupid, or incredibly socially awkward…” Blaze chuckled. “The motel is not too far from here at least.” Blaze’s ears flicked. “Twilight Sparkle is standing behind you and she is not very happy.”

“...We could go on a train, or run into the middle of nowhere and just build a house.”

“Ostri…” I slowly turned, and yup, angry alicorn. “You do know you just made Luna cry, right?” I nodded. “Do you even care?”

“Twilight, I don’t care that much. I love Luna, still do, still wish I could be with her. Does it matter though? She broke up with me, not the other way around. I just made it clear that I do not want to even give Luna another chance. She didn’t give me that second chance, so I’m not giving her one. Y’all didn’t seem to give a shit when I was very clearly upset when Luna dumped me, so why should it matter now that it’s the other way around? Because I made a cute girl cry or something?”

“Ostri, this could potentially drive Luna into becoming Nightmare Moon again!”

“Damn bro, that sucks…” Hold it. “Ain’t that like… Luna but evil?” Twilight nodded. “Mmm, yeah that actually sucks. Though on one hoof, I can keep Equestria from going to shit by being in a relationship that has no love in it. On the other hand, I could be happy… and not in a relationship with the same woman that wronged me.” I hummed and tapped my chin. “So how likely is Luna gonna become Nightmare Moon over this? Because she didn’t seem to care all that much when she first saw and dumped me.”

“I don’t know! Would you want to risk it?”

“Eh, yeah. I don’t wanna date Luna again. Kay, bye Twilight! Thanks for letting me stay the night at your castle and whatever!” With that, me and Blaze booked it towards the hotel. The two of us curled up on the bed as soon as we had a room booked, and quickly fell asleep. The bed was shitty, but Kitsunes make for excellent substitutes, and mine was more than willing to sub in for a bed.

Anyways, I became aware that I was human again, playing Call of Duty on a Gameboy. I rubbed my chin. First, that game sucked, secondly, a Gameboy would probably explode if it ran a modern Call of Duty game. I chucked it, not caring for it, before looking down at my hands. Did I manage to become human again? What about Blaze? I didn't really have much going for me when I was human, just a dead end job and a really shitty apartment I couldn’t enjoy because I had to work sixty hours a week. I sighed.

“You aren’t human, Ostri, you are merely dreaming… You humans look odd. I know Twilight has described them after going through the Crystal Mirror, but it is a bit surreal to be seeing one. Especially… you.” Luna’s voice was immediately recognizable. I groaned, turning to face the Lunar Princess, who for some stupid fucking reason, thinks talking to me now would be a good idea. “Can we actually talk? I know what I said was harsh, but you won’t hear me out at all after we broke up. Not even for a chance to possibly be my consort again.”

“Yeah. There isn’t much more that needs to be seen.” I focused really hard and… Cool, I’m my pony-self again. Good, being human didn’t bring good feelings. “Why do you even want me to be your consort after literally just dumping me?”

“Ostri, we may not be dating, but we can still be friends at a minimum. If I spend more time with you again, I may even fall in love with you all over again; I still certainly find you attractive.”

“Cool. So what was Twilight talking about, you know, you going ‘Nightmare Moon’ if I don’t accept your apology and start dating you immediately?”

“Well, I was upset that you didn’t even bother hearing me out. You simply left before we could properly have a conversation. You were at least my friend, and I clearly made you upset, yet you won’t allow me to apologize. Please, Ostri, accept my apology and at least allow me to make you my consort. Not as a coltfriend, but simply so you do not have to work. I know how hard it is to adjust to a new time. You do not even need to look at me, just stay in the castle until you grow accustomed to newer times..”

“And I’ve adjusted to a new body, new diet, a different dimension, and still did fine. I don’t need your help, Luna. I’ve got plenty of bits to go through, and I do not want to have to deal with you anymore. Sure, maybe one day we can have tea and laugh at the time I thought I was gonna marry you, but that someday ain’t today, tomorrow, or any day in the next year. Luna, let me give you advice so you don’t piss me off and make me hate you. Because I still do love you, I really do.” I sighed. “Just give me my space, alright? Let my wounds heal, and before you know it, I’ll happily want to chat and have tea with you. But I don’t think I would want to date you again; not after being discarded without a second thought.”

Luna nodded. “Can you at least be civil and allow me to finish what I was going to say before you flew off the first time?”

“I could. I could not. I could just have Blaze wake me up because she wants a morning walk, you never know.”

“I wanted to tell you that it was nice to see you again, and I was hoping I was wrong, that our paths should cross and join into one. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, you would tell me I was wrong, that you did love me, and that you weren’t just sticking around to make me happy. I wanted to say that, and the pure look of disappointment and depression in your eyes when you thought I was breaking up with you… It hurt me, Ostri. I still love you, and I always have.”

“Luna, I literally fought an entire army for you, because that army wanted you and your sister dead. Did you seriously think I didn’t love you after that?”


“Plus I assume you just pulled a lot of what you just said out of your ass.”

“...I did, but not the part about still loving you. I still do, but I didn’t know if you truly felt the same way.” Huh. “I also wanted to tell you that I don’t know how fair it would be for me to have a relationship when I could barely give you any of my time. I don’t know how, but ruling seems to be even more hooves on than it was a thousand years ago, and it’s a miracle if myself or Tia can even get an hour to ourselves. I could barely give us the time our relationship needed, and I wanted to free you from a mare that’s always busy with doing what she loves.”

“...That makes some actual sense. Well Luna, hopefully in a year or two, we’ll be friends again. Maybe you can find some way to retire and maybe we can properly give a relationship a shot. But that’s a lot of maybes, and… even then, I put being romantically interested in you behind me. I think you’re beautiful, gorgeous, but I don’t think I could be attracted to you ever again.” I hummed. “Again, please just leave me be, Luna. I have to do a lot of job hunting in the upcoming weeks.” Luna nodded.

“Oh! I sent a letter to Twilight, so she shouldn’t be angry at you anymore!” Luna quickly said.

“Cool. Cya,” we shook hooves and I woke up. A small smile formed on my face; trying to hate Luna was hard. And actively resenting her was getting hard to do…

And that whole shit show was behind us now.

Sunlight faintly shone through the curtains, the sun had just risen, meaning it was time to get started with my day. I patted Blaze on the head, and she quickly got up. “Jeez, I was gonna tell you to just sleep in; I was just gonna find a job or two to do.”

“I am coming with you; you are not leaving my sight, Ostri.”

“Because the last time you did, I disappeared?” Blaze nodded. “Fine, I’ll enjoy the company anyways.” I walked into the bathroom to take care of my business and hopefully brush my teeth. The motel was generous enough, for how cheap the room was(just ten bits a night), to give you a full-sized tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush. In a few moments, I took care of my morning routine and was tailed by my kitsune out of the hotel room.

“So, Ostri, I was hoping to ask you about if I could study Blaze and ask you a few questions about early Equestria; there aren’t a lot of records and you are a pegasus.” Twilight was sitting out, in front of my room’s door, wide awake, and probably a bit sleep deprived. I slowly turned to Blaze. “Well, Ostri?”

“Blaze, how fast can you run?”

“Very.” I spread my wings, and neither of us needed to say a word to communicate what we must do. I took to the sky and flew as fast as I could, making a Sonic Rainboom, while Blaze did her best to follow me from the rooftops of Ponyville.

We never managed to escape the Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

so, I entirely rewrote this chapter. When I wanted Luna and Ostri to actually be adults and properly end off their relationship. Next chapter, there might be a certain demon spawn making an appearance