• Published 24th Jun 2023
  • 3,093 Views, 132 Comments

Dawn of a New Day - Nugget27

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Meeting Cadance

The sun was just beginning to set as I finally found my way out of the castle. I sighed. I’m going to assume I walked into a trap, because there is no way Luna was somehow still awake at this hour; she doesn’t even wake up until seven or nine depending on the season. And it was still way too early for her to be awake. I would know; I only followed her sleep schedule for a bit in order to spend more time with her. Of course, I nodded to the night guards, before coming face to face with Chrysalis, who was disguised. “Howdy Sunny,” that was Chrysalis’s disguise name. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Come on, we’re talking to Luna.”


“You heard me. Lovebutt is in town, and I want to talk to Luna. I have reason to believe that the Princesses were trying to keep you in the Castle until Lovebutt got to speak with you. So come on, I have a Lunar Princess to yell at.”

“So where’s Blaze?”

“She’s hiding in a bush right now.”

“Just outside the wall, Ostri. I believe you and Chrysalis can handle Luna, Celestia, and ‘Lovebutt’ at the same time. Especially if you aren’t planning on being violent.”

“But I want to go home and go bed-” I didn’t get to argue, because Chrysalis threw me on her back, and started to drag me back into the castle. I still made no effort to fight back; she has magic, and I don’t think she’d let me get out of this. “C’mon, Chrysalis, I don’t wanna talk to the Princesses, I just got done talking to them!”

“And I want to make something very clear. Because if they don’t understand what I am going to tell them, I will drill it into their thick skulls and make sure they understand that they should leave you alone. I cannot do anything to them, but I will let them know that I am not completely socially inept. All Celestia and Luna think is ‘try again and maybe he’ll accept our apology’ when they both probably don’t even mean it. So I am going to tell them to give you some space and let you heal, because the longer that they do not, the longer it will take for you to heal. And you best be damned if I am letting my friend hurt the way you are.”

Chrysalis led us right back to the same sitting room I was in, set me down with her magic after taking her disguise off, and bucked the door in. Three alicorns slowly looked up towards us. On the coffee table was a cake that Celestia was helping herself to, Luna had gotten out of her sleepwear and was staring wide-eyed at us, and the Pink One was glaring at Chrysalis. “Ladies, I come in peace. No, I’m not mind controlling Ostri, as that would be a pretty poor thing to do to my best friend. I am simply here to chat, as… I am here to renounce my evil ways.” Chrysalis bowed. Chrysalis led me over to a chair, sat in it, before tucking me up against her chest. It… felt nice honestly.

I rested my head on one of Chrysalis’s forelegs, and sighed. I would probably take a nap if it weren’t for where we were.

“How can we believe that you’re not mind controlling Ostri into hating us?”

“His irises would be tinted green. Secondly, I do not cuddle with anypony I am mind controlling; I don’t wish to get attached to them, as I probably need them for a mission. I am willing to get attached to Ostri purely because he is one of the ponies that has treated me nicely, I don’t need him to complete any missions; I want to be close to him, and he has yet to have the chance to treat me harshly… Celestia. Do not think I forgot about how you tossed me out, shunned me, and denied my Hive provisions after your guards wiped out half of it. I am not here to be friendly or giddy about potentially becoming your friend again. Don’t even bucking try it. And Luna, do not think that we are going to be friends again.” Chrysalis sighed. “I am here on behalf of Ostri, because he doesn’t seem to want to tell you two to buck off.”

“Well, I would, and told Luna to fuck off. And in all fairness, I came to Celestia earlier.”

“I know you came to Celestia, you stupid, stupid little stallion. I bet she had something out to emotionally draw you in, and then cry about how she missed her younger days? Because that is a very typical way of trying to keep somepony around to manipulate them; I would know as it is only what my kind has done for centuries… Then King Thorax took over. I no longer care for my Hive, I know that they hate me, and understandably so. So I am not here to yell at you for that,” Chrysalis bowed to Pink. “And I have no Quarrels with you, Mi Amore Cadenza, even if you and I hate each other. And I do apologize for what I have done for you, even if I can not compensate you for the emotional trauma you’ve been put through.” Chrysalis gave me a nuzzle. Hey, at least Chrysalis was being civil, so she hopefully won’t get murdered.

“So… Ostri,” Celestia had finally opened her mouth. “I did not know you managed to reform Chrysalis.”

I shook my head. “It’s more like she’s behaving because I’m a good pillow.”

“Your back is quite nice to use as a pillow, you are correct.” Chrysalis had a more… playful glint in her eye. “Care to have me be more than a cuddlebug? I can please you way more than Luna has.”

“Nah, not yet at least. Though I do wanna test how good the side of your stomach is as a cushion. You are surprisingly soft for having an exoskeleton.” We both chuckled. “Anyways, Chrysalis is trying to improve on herself, and has been doing a pretty good job at it; she’s been lovely around me at least. So please don’t kill her, send her to Tartarus, or whatever the fuck.”

Celestia nodded. “...We won’t touch her. You two are not dating, are you?”

We both nuzzled each other, before laughing our asses off. I was actually crying by the time Chrysalis recovered. “No, we aren’t dating… Yet. I can understand that Ostri is still getting over getting dumped, and letting him recover before making a move. He is quite attractive, and quite friendly; I would not mind taking him as a mate.” She actually kissed the back of my head. “However, I am refraining, and will not make a move unless he asks me out on a date.” I blinked a couple of times, before looking up at her. I was still wheezing, but that took me by surprise. It took everyone else in the room by surprise given that they flinched. “Ostri, I want you to know that if I overstep any boundaries, then yell at me. I am your friend, and I would like to dive deeper into our relationship. But I will not make any moves if you are not searching for love.” Chrysalis nuzzled the back of my head.

God damn, Chrysalis, way to touch my heart… Fuck, Chrysalis is borderline psychotic, and she’s been more considerate about how I am feeling than Luna was. A small smile etched its way onto my face, hummed, and I went and nuzzled Chrysalis back. I didn’t wait to see how the Queen reacted, as she immediately shut up after I nuzzled her. “So, what’s with Princess Cadance being here? I know it’s not a coincidence that she’s here, not after probably having received word that her aunt’s old lover was ‘back from the grave’ or whatever. So, what’s up with you?” I nodded to Cadance. The mare was all too happy to begin talking when I gave her the chance to.

“Hello Ostri! My name is Cadance, you probably heard of me if you somehow knew my name. So you were alive a thousand years ago?”

“Yeah. And now I’m here, in the future, wondering why the fuck I haven’t thrown myself off a cliff while keeping my wings closed already. Then I remember that I have a kitsune that would somehow bring me back to life, yell at me for killing myself, and then kill me again for making her cry. Anyhow, you never answered my question, and I don’t like being toyed with; your aunts don’t get that though.”

“Well, when I got word that you dumped Luna, after she was so worried about you, I had to come to meet you in the flesh. Why did you dump my auntie?” I blinked a couple of times. “She told me in her letter that she dearly missed you, and that-”

“Luna,” I turned to the Princess in question. Cadance opened her mouth again in the corner of my eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Cadance, the adults are talking.” Wow, she has a brain, because she slowly closed her jaw. “Luna, how fucking stupid are you? Because as far as I’m aware, you dumped me, and I turned you down after you tried to make me feel bad about you dumping me. Did you seriously decide to lie to your fucking niece, the princess of love, to try and get her into talking me into dating you?” I hummed. “That was a dumb way to phrase that, but you…” I facehoofed. “You know what? Fuck it, I’m done. I’m done with you, Luna. Celestia, you can also go fuck yourself, since you probably had a hoof in this. Chrysalis, let’s grab Blaze, and let’s go find a hotel.”

I hopped out of my chair, and gave one last glimpse of Luna. She was actually crying. “Save yer feckin’ tears, you stupid cunt.” I led Chrysalis out, but it seemed the Queen still needed to have the last word.

“Luna, you disgust me. Learn how to treat your mate, you heartless bitch,” The Queen spat.

Chrysalis lifted me up, and we were suddenly melting into the floor… And we were in front of the gates. After we retrieved Blaze, we quickly found ourselves sleeping in a cheapo hotel, which was only twenty bits a night. Sure, the bed was shit, but that’s what Blaze was for. However, I was in the mood for a shitty bed, so I laid down on it, and grabbed my head with my forehooves. God, this fucking sucks. Why can’t Luna and Celestia let me live my goddamn life? I thought we were getting somewhere again, when Celestia claimed to be trying to earn my trust again, and nah, nah… Sick the motherfucking Princess of Love on me, you fucking pricks. I give up on dealing with them. If they fuck with me again, they will not find me, ever. No one will find me. I will happily fly to some secluded island and live my life out in isolation.

I rested my head on my forelegs and started crying. Then something laid on top of me. “I can tell that the Princesses managed to make things worse for you,” that was Chrysalis. “Worry not, they will not bother you again. I will make sure they can cause you no more heartache.”

“I’m just sick and done being a fucking emotional punching bag! One moment, me and Celestia were actually beginning to understand each other again. One moment, me and Luna were happily going about our lives separately, and I was actually beginning to be happy again! And then what? What do my old friends do? Nah, medal with my life, fucking bug me at every god damn turn. When I came to yell at Celestia, that was on me, this? This fucking shit? Nah, nah, nah. I am so sick of ponies. I’m so sick of being a pony. Fucking god- at least when I was a human, I expected to hate my life. Here? Nah, it’s just been an emotional shitshow for no goddamn reason!” I could feel my eyes begin to sting as my tears began to stain the bed.

Chrysalis nuzzled me. “I know, I can sense how you’re feeling… Do you wish to continue venting? I'm here for you, Ostri. Blaze is here for you. We won’t make fun of you if you want to cry. What Luna and Celestia are doing to you is… Simply terrible.” I raised my head, before letting my head hit the mattress. Hopefully… Tomorrow will be better.

So the next day, I figured it would be my turn to explore Canterlot, while Chrysalis makes sure we have enough bits to buy a wagon. It was decided that a wagon would be cheaper, in the long run, than paying for train tickets constantly, and probably more fun; I always wanted to go on a road trip, and that was as close as I was getting to a road trip. So Chrysalis stayed in the motel, counting my bits, while Blaze stayed in her company. Now, Blaze’s eyes didn't have a green tint, so I’m assuming Blaze just wanted to spend time with Chrysalis. I heard giggling after I left. One peek in the window told me all I needed to know.

Chrysalis was getting tickled by Blaze as soon as I left the motel room.

So Canterlot… it’s nice looking. It’s not that big, because it’s stuck to the side of a mountain, but it’s pretty big despite that. Though in terms of area… It probably wasn’t much bigger than Everfree City was. And there were probably less ponies living in Canterlot. There were fewer, larger homes in what is basically the same footprint of the old capital. Not that it mattered, since these ponies are no longer ponies I need to tend to. After all, I only slaughtered a battalion of griffins for my friends, not because of Equestria. And those… Friends are shitty friends, so these nobles won’t get any protection from me. Like it matters anymore.

Anyways, I found myself sitting outside of a cafe, sipping on some water, because I didn’t wanna waste money on a coffee(it was five bits for just a small cup of that shit!). And water was free. So there I was, happily humming away at a tune. Oddly, now that the Princesses are probably gonna leave me alone, I felt way better. And this left me with my thoughts on Chrysalis. Now on one hoof, I don’t want to get hurt again. On the other, we’re both lonely and want love for one reason or another. Chrysalis needs love to live, and probably wouldn’t mind being loved… I just want to love somebody and feel appreciated. Chrysalis… is pretty, that’s for god damn sure. Like… I dunno, she’s got nice legs, she’s fucking tall. Tall mares are cool. Also she’s adorable when she gets excited… Hm.

Yeah, when I get back I might ask Chrysalis if she’s down to start dating. We both could probably be a really good couple, and we could tell our beloved Diarchs to go fuck themselves together! Of course, because my thoughts are stupid, I shook my head. Ain’t no shot in hell Chrysalis would… She has been nuzzling me and even said she wouldn’t mind being my mate. Yeah, I’ll go tell her how I feel once I’m done exploring. I was just about to get up and go explore some more of Canterlot, until I heard the chair across from me whistle as it was scooted back with some light blue magic.

“I knew I’d be able to track you down,” I looked up from the newspaper I was reading… How the fuck did Cadance find me? “The Guards in Canterlot were ordered to keep an eye out for a stallion matching your description, and to report your every move. I think it’s a bit creepy, but I’m not one to question why my aunts do what they do. I’m only here to ask you one question. What actually happened between you and Auntie Luna? From what I heard, you two were sweethearts. And after talking to Auntie Luna… She admits to genuinely missing you, or how you so adamantly defended her when given the opportunity. You clearly also loved her, and… It seems like you hate her now.”

“Cadance, I am not going to yell at you; you were just told the wrong shit. I just want to ask… Why should I date somepony that has wholeheartedly told me that our relationship was just a front to them? That there was never really ‘love’ between us? Luna…” I told her. I told Cadance what Luna did to me. When I was done, she had hopped around the table and draped a wing over me.

“Why the buck is Luna not giving you space? I know, I know she knows what she’s doing; she’s just as clever as Celly. Yet she decides…”

“I believe you know of my role in history?” Cadance nodded. “I think Celestia still thinks I am excellent with war, even if I don’t know what I’m doing. All I did was introduce guerilla warfare to Equestria, have a tussle with a griffin general, and blow up his army with fireworks. So I have two theories and neither makes sense to me. She either missed me and genuinely sucks at making me want to stay in Equestria, or she thinks I still hold value and wants to keep me anchored- Get the fuck down!” I tackled Cadance after seeing a flash in my peripheral vision.

The sound of glass shattering filled my ears. Luckily, me and Cadance rolled away from the window, so I don't think we caught any shards of glass, but I won’t hold my breath. Standing before me was… a Griffin, an angry looking one with a crossbow clutched in one of his claws. “Move aside, pony, I just want the Princess.” He had a few knives strapped to his side.

“Hmm…” I hummed. Now I have an idea, a bit of a violent one, but an idea. “Sure,” Cadance, who was still lying on the ground stared up at me in awe. “What? I have zero loyalty to Equestria; I don’t give a shit about what happens to any of its Princesses either.” The griffin happily tried to shove me aside, thinking I would happily let him do whatever the fuck to Cadance. That was his mistake. I quickly used my teeth to swipe a knife off his little strap, before shoving it in the back of his head. He had zero time to think, before crashing to the ground, and was definitely dead. I slammed my hoof down into the pommel of the knife, driving it deeper into his skull; I’m making sure he’s dead.

“O-oh m-my! What in Equestria!? You just killed somepony!” Cadance shouted. “And… you also saved my life in doing so. I thought-“

“I was lying. Whatever the fuck he was gonna do to you probably wasn’t going to be pretty. I’m not a sociopath; I wouldn’t let somebody get dragged off to get murdered, tortured, raped, whatever the fuck he had planned for you. What matters is that somebody, for whatever reason, probably wants you dead.” I kicked the griffin’s corpse. “And this won't be the last attempt on your life, if watching shitty movies is anything to go off of.” I tapped my chin.

“So what do we do?”

“Go tell your aunts, don't leave the castle unless you got a fuckload of guards. Hell, if you can, you’re probably allies with changelings now. Ask if one is willing to act as your doppelgänger. Then when you leave, send them out first, and then sneak out a backway if you have to go do Princess things. That’s all my advice, c’mon, let’s get you somewhere safer than out on the streets.” I looked at a guard who was staring at me. I don’t know where the heck he came from.

“Sir I would-“

“Would you rather have Princess Cadance dead? Or would you like this assassin to be dead instead?”

“I was just saying, on behalf of the Royal Guard, thank you. You acted faster than any of us could, and you did it so… cleverly. I think the captain would be happy to hear that his wife is safe, and would be even happier to hear the methods used to keep her safe. I sure as buck wouldn’t have thought to ‘give up’ anypony I was guarding in that situation.” We started heading towards the castle. Because standing around in the open, while knowing somebody wants you dead is a really solid way to wind up dead.

I simply started chuckling. “I didn’t do shit. That fucker just made the mistake of showing himself too early. Probably some rookie or some shit, but that’s whatever.” I nudged Cadance. “How are you feeling? You did just watch me kill a guy?”

“You feel no remorse for killing that griffin?” Cadance shivered. “I can’t imagine going out like that.”

“Oh, I feel bad, but I chose the lesser of two evils… I’ll probably have nightmares over this; sometimes I have nightmares over the Battle of Everfree City. I just do what’s necessary to keep somebody safe.” I looked at the guard, and noticed that the guard following us was also a pegasus. An idea sprouted in my head. “We have wings, let’s just fly to the castle.” Nopony had any argument against that, so me, the guard, and Cadance took to the sky, and we were off to go deliver the news.