• Published 24th Jun 2023
  • 3,094 Views, 132 Comments

Dawn of a New Day - Nugget27

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I just spent the whole day with the Apple family at Apple Jack’s request, and I gotta say, even a thousand years later, and these guys were the nicest folks on the planet. Making sure I was comfortable, Apple Bloom, Jack’s sister, was adorable. Big Mac was a fucking hunk, like he was huge and gentle as hell. Granny Smith was a bit iffy, but she wasn’t too bad. I was kinda stuffed with apple flavored desserts and snacks. It was… nice honestly. It felt nice to have some people who don’t fully hate you in your life.

Now I was just lying under an apple tree, reading a book called Daring Do. It was some sorta Idiana Jones, but if it was by ponies. That being said, it was kinda fun, cheesy, but fun. Daring Do was also a bit boring as a character; just kinda boring no reason why. I happily hummed until something headbutted my shoulder. I ‘hmphed’ and looked up. Apple Bloom and two new fillies were sitting in front of me. Apple was the one who headbutted me. The three kids were just staring up at me, and I already knew who Apple Bloom was; how could I not when she helped cook some of the food I ate?

Also she is very adorable; she literally used puppy eyes to make me stay a little longer on the farm. The other two fillies, though, I’ve never seen. It didn’t take a genius to figure that they were her friends.

“Howdy, Ostri! I had a couple of friends who wanted you,” she got close to me. “Or specifically, Scootaloo wanted to see you. She heard about yer race with Rainbow Dash.” Oh great. “This,” Apple Bloom pointed to the orange one, a pegasus with a pinkish mane. No, I don’t think it’s actually pink, but it looks like a dark shade of pink. Maybe I’m color blind. “Is Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom pointed at the minty unicorn. “That is Sweetie Bell.”

“And we’re the cutie mark crusaders!” They were so loud that my ears were ringing. Ow. Jesus, my ears are in pain.

“Are you Luna’s coltfriend?”

“Did you actually beat Rainbow Dash in a race?”

“Is that a timber wolf?” Wait, what? The fuck is that? Apple Bloom was pointing somewhere behind me, low and behold, some wooden abomination, that looked like some sorta wolf, was standing there. Well, more like it was circling us to try and get closer. You know, I don’t need to check twice, think twice, or think for more than a minute, to know that it probably wanted to eat us. I hummed. And my money was betting on this thing being a ‘timber wolf’. So I got to my hooves and scratched at the ground a couple times, getting ready to spring into action. “Hey kids, run towards the barn. I don’t give a damn if you think it would be cool to stand around and watch it, just run.”

In all seriousness, I have never seen one of these things before, but I don’t wanna find out what it can do to a filly. So once the girls started running, the timber wolf started running after them, so I took to the air, zipped through a few trees and tackled it, pinning it to the ground. It did not take more than a moment for the timber wolf to recover and throw me off of it. I went flying and the next thing I knew, I was running away. I don’t want to go toe to toe with that thing, I don’t wanna find out what those fangs could do to me.

Now, I could easily fly away, but I needed to keep it distracted for the girls to get to safety. And unlike me, it cannot be bruised if it’s made of wood, so I had to keep running. Occasionally I would stop, grab a rock, and chuck it at the wolf, only to miss it and lose some ground. I ran around the outskirts of the field where the Apple Family’s home was. A small smile formed on my face when the fillies got back to the house in one piece. Now that they were safe, I could try and fight it.

I stopped, spun around, and got ready to give it the ol’ one two. Hopefully my self defense lessons with Luna will pay off. Or I die. Dying wouldn’t be too bad, honestly. Sure, it would suck, but it sounds peaceful to just be dead. Luckily, it seemed that those self defense lessons were the only good thing I got out of that old hag, since I used a trick she taught me, where you tuck half of your legs(so say both your left legs), to avoid getting pounced on. I skidded underneath the fucker, before breaking into a sprint again. You know, you stupid wood dog, you aren’t the only predator in these woods. In a moment, and with the help of my wings, I was sitting in a tree.

Oh lucky me, the timber wolf was barking up the tree. I hummed. The moment the wolf’s jaw closed, I dropped out of the tree, making my elbow come down first, hitting the thing in the head. The timber wolf’s body fell to pieces after it flinched from me literally body slamming it. I huffed, and puffed, the adrenaline fueling my dead sprint and subsequent flight up a tree had run out now that the threat was gone. The job wasn’t done though. I turned to face the remains… it fucking put itself back together.

“Oh come the fuck on-” it pounced on me, or it would’ve, had a green aura not stopped the fucking thing mid air. “I guess god just has to let me suffer.”

“No idea who ‘God’ is, but I was looking forward to seeing you. I have heard of somepony named Bald Ostrich appearing out of nowhere,” oh, that voice. Great. “I was originally in town to spy on a certain little rat. But the opportunity to visit a friend has risen,” Chrysalis, who had definitely changed a lot over the last few centuries. She was a lot skinnier, her hair was longer, so was her tail. There was now a crown on her head, and her horn was much more jagged. Now, I believe Chrysalis could stand at the same height that Celestia stands at. Her legs were nice, even if they were more riddled with holes. “I shall meet you in your motel later; somepony is coming and I would like to remain hidden.”

The timber wolf erupted into flames as Chrysalis literally melted into the floor… What the actual fuck?

“Ostri! Are you alright? Apple Bloom told me…” Apple Jack came to a stop as she watched me kick dirt onto the burning remains of a timber wolf. “What the hay… how did you light that thing on fire?”

“I dunno. I body slammed it, it put itself together, then some unicorn lit it on fire… Nah, that’s me poorly lying. No, an old friend came out and lit it on fire. A buggy, familiar friend.” AJ’s eyes narrowed on me. “Yeah, Chrysalis is somewhere in town. Don’t do anything about it; she’s clearly here to talk to me. Dunno if she’s actually batshit crazy, maybe I can talk her into calming her tits down, because I hope I can. I just want somebody I once knew to still live as a friend. I know what you said she did, but… I dunno. Starlight tried to rip apart the very fabric of time, whereas Chrysalis just invaded Equestria twice and tried to kill everypony that is deemed important. If you can forgive Starlight for doing that, you can forgive Chrysalis for doing something that is, arguably, far less worse. So please don’t tell anyone about Chyrsalis.”

“You just want one of your old friends back.” AJ, thank you for your subtlety.

“Course I do. I was hoping Celestia would, since Luna doesn’t seem to really give a damn. No, Blaze told me that Celestia didn’t even flinch when I flew off. Hell, she fucking admitted to not really even giving a shit, that she only sought me out because Luna asked her to.”

“...You do know that the Princess could have a reason for not showing much of a reaction to you being upset, right?”

“Blaze has telepathy and, while not on the level of a changeling, can feel what you’re feeling with that telepathy. Celestia didn’t really care that much. And if Celestia did, she didn’t really prove it. I haven’t even spoken with her since I left Canterlot.” AJ sighed.

“Well, Ah certainly won’t stop you from talking to that ol’ bug. You also have my word; I won’t tell anypony, even despite what my instincts are telling me. If you think you can talk her out of whatever she’s planning, then go for it…. Why is she in Ponyville anyways?”

“Said she was spying on somebody. Does anyone know who Chrysalis would want to murder?”

“Probably Starlight Glimmer; she is partially why Chrysalis is no longer the Queen of the changelings.” Oh. Yeah, that would make sense.

“Well, I’ll see you around, AJ, thanks for having me. If I don’t see you again, then know it was nice talking to you and your family. You look a lot like Red Delicious, just with a differently colored coat and mane. Hell, that’s probably her stetson that you’re wearing.”

“So I look like a dead corpse?” Aj’s smirk caught me off guard.

“I didn’t think you’d be one for that type of humor, but I’ll bite. You’re beautiful,” and there’s the blush. I chuckled and hugged AJ before sauntering back towards town. I looked back and chuckled; AJ was broken. Chrysalis was planning on speaking with me again, and it wasn’t wise to keep her waiting. And I don’t want to leave Blaze alone with that crazy bitch; I can’t do much, but it would make me feel better about my kitsune’s safety. In fact, I took flight and zoomed as fast as I could, crashing down in front of the motel without leaving a crater, surprisingly. I scampered to the door to see Blaze simply laying on the bed, staring up at me.

“Now Ostri, what have you been in such a rush for?”

“No bug horses?”

“No, but one is standing behind you right now.” Oh… I walked forward, before hopping up on the bed. When I spun around, there Chrysalis was, sitting on her ass, wearing the sweetest little smile you’d ever see on anything. She was just sitting there, smiling at me, I still couldn’t really get a good look in her eyes; she was on the opposite side of the room. I just hope they don’t look like something went missing in them a fucking while ago. Because… Yeah, then all my old friends are complete strangers, and this old friend had gone mad a while ago. “Greetings, Chrysalis, or is it Queen Chrysalis? What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

“Well, I happened to be in town while… on a business trip, and noticed somepony who should’ve been dead a thousand years ago. After you went missing… you made Luna quite distraught, and made Celestia rather upset. In fact, you made them so upset that Luna fell to her innerdemons and waged war against her sister. Hence why the Everfree is such a mess, and why my homelands were destroyed. All that dark magic oozing out of Nightmare Moon… was too much for the landscape. So, despite how perfect your relationship with Luna seemed, why did you disappear? I’m curious. Why did you leave?”

“I got dragged into a time spell by accident…. Wait, Luna started a fucking war?” Chrysalis nodded. “Jesus. So Luna thought I had abandoned her or some shit?”

Chrysalis nodded. “In fact, she dubbed you a traitor and declared you an enemy of the crown. A month later, with nopony to keep her sane, since Blaze also went and disappeared into the night, Luna waged a war. At least… it is not truly your fault. But I must ask, how did you get dragged into a time travel spell? Nopony even knew how to teleport at the time…”

“Starlight Glimmer.”

“Of course, that wretch ruins everything. Of course she would be the reason why a war started, by taking a Princess’s consort away from his time…” Chrysalis sighed. “So, may we talk? It has been a while since I’ve seen you, and we barely got to talk. I still remember the kindness you’ve shown me. It… it’s one of the few memories from those times that I hold dear. Everything else is sour. Luna turned me away and casted me aside once you disappeared, and Celestia deemed me a parasite after she learnt that I was feeding on love from her sister, which was voluntarily given to me.”

“Well, I have nothing to say; I more or less saw you four days ago, and then woke up in the future. I… reunited with Blaze, and now we’re gonna go traveling tomorrow. Equestria has… ran its course in four days. At least, Ponyville did. No Luna, she dumped me, no Celestia, since she became a very manipulative bitch. The Elements of Harmony aren’t too bad after they’ve been told that they've been treating me a little poorly. And even then, that’s just another reason to tie me down to this country. And despite what Celestia may be trying, since she told the Elements to be nice to me, I won’t have any loyalties to this country or any other country. I simply live where I live, but where I’m living isn’t home.”

“Interesting… perhaps I can join you on your travels? We could chat, you tell me a thing or two about your kind; Luna mentioned that you weren’t exactly a pony, and I am curious. I would also love to hear any war stories of your kind. For a pony with… your reputation is surely to hail from a race of warriors.”

“Well… I wouldn’t mind having a friend come along. Legitimately, it just sucks. Not a fucking week ago, for me at least, I was sitting with Celestia. She had pink hair, we were joking, and I was making jokes that took the complete piss out of her. Then at night, I would spar with Luna, learn how to fly, and then read a book by her side under a moonlit field. It was… wonderful, honestly. I played with Blaze or did an odd job when I wasn’t spending time with the Sisters, and when I was, it was always a pleasure… When I start traveling, I am going to find Celestia and make her tell me what the fuck happened after I disappeared. Because she is so distant, and has grown so much, that it’s hard to remember that she’s the same mare that I would occasionally use as a pillow while she reads a silly little play she wrote up.”

“...Now if we start traveling, we don’t have to go to Canterlot first. Perhaps somewhere more secluded?”

“Blaze, what are your thoughts?”

The fox simply didn’t respond. She just sat there, staring at Chrysalis like she was reading her. She cocked her head to the side, before shrugging. “She’s gonna murder you when you’re alone, and then assume your form, Ostri. She only hasn’t yet, because she wants to make sure nobody can find your body,” she slowly turned to Chrysalis. “Is that what you think is going to happen here? Because I may not be able to fight you, but I can easily run and get Twilight Sparkle or Starlight Glimmer who can easily kill you, Chrysalis. We may have been friends, once upon a time, but my loyalty to Ostri takes triumph over my loyalty to you.”

Chrysalis’ immediate change in her mood was noticeable. Now she was slouching, growling, and scratching the ground with her hooves. You see, now she was actually kinda close to me, and now I could see the dead look in her eyes. Her horn was now lit, and it looked like she was actually gonna murder either me or Blaze. “I suppose I can just burn you to a crisp. Nopony would know the difference if you were to die here and now. All I'd have to do is…. Wipe that kitsune’s mind. You will die tonight, Ostri. It was nice knowing you.” Somehow Chrysalis didn’t notice me getting closer to her. “Eep!” I wrapped my legs around her neck, before effectively pulling her into a hug. She let out a little squeak as she looked down at me.

“Look Chrysalis, I really do not want to have you as an enemy. Just ignoring how you could easily murder me, I just… Look, can we not do whatever is about to happen? I much rather have… just somebody as a friend. Somebody I can recognize, Chrysalis. I can’t have that if you want me dead, or if Luna or Celetia simply don’t give a shit about me.” Chrysalis slowly lowered onto the ground while I was hugging her, and she remained silent. “Can’t we just go back to being pals?” Chrysalis actually wrapped her own legs around me, and now we were laying on the ground together.

“I… It has been forever since anypony has genuinely wanted to hug me, or care about me.” Chrysalis sighed, resting her head on mine. “It feels nice. Even with the adoration my Hive once provided, or the many stallions I have had in my company, none of that truly matched having a companion in life. None of it felt truly personal. I was on too high of a pedestal, and those stallions only loved who I was pretending to be. This feels nice… I suppose I can forgo my current plans; it would be nice to have somepony to talk to, somepony who cares about me, and not what I am pretending to be. I’ve…. Been lonely since my Hive has abandoned me. It…” Chrysalis sighed. “This feels lovely….”

“It does, doesn’t it?’ I snuggled into that surprisingly soft carapace of hers. “Wanna still come with me and Blaze? This time, not to murder me, but just to come along for the ride and you know, be buddies rather than enemies.” Chrysalis hummed, having somehow moved me so we were side by side, her tail curled up over me. “Whaddya say, Chrysalis?” Chrysalis hummed some more, and now she was grooming my mane.

“I think you just made a friend for life, Ostri. She is genuinely happy right now.” Oh. “I think you two might get along nicely.” Blaze walked over and laid her tails around us. Chrysalis actually started to purr while we calmly enjoyed the serene silence surrounding us. We were all once alone, but hopefully, together, we’ll be a lot less lonely.

Author's Note:

so i changed the title, lemme know if it’s stupid, or not.