• Published 26th Jun 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

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Raid the Huntsclan Base

At the Terrible Trio's hideout, the coven scouts were busy training against each other for the next time they would battle against their enemies. As the trio of ladies watched from aside, Chang spoke to the shorter woman.

“Your emperor's coven scouts are truly committed to their mission, Kikimora.”

“Yes, at least those who are truly loyal to the emperor.” she replied.

“No offense, but fancy combat skills won't be enough against those turtles and Rainbooms.” Abigail reminded her.

“They were lucky last time. But their luck will run out.” Kiki promised her.

“I agree with Finn,” Chang voiced up, “Skills alone will not be enough against all our enemies combined. We still need more of an edge.”

“I'd recommend stronger weapons, like the ones I carry,” Abigail suggested, “Problem is I don't have enough to go around after most of them were confiscated.”

“So where else can we find enough weapons for my scouts?” Kikimora inquired.

Chang spoke up, “I may know of a place where you can find some.”

“Where would that be?” Abigail asked.

“You are familiar with the legendary Huntsclan, Finn?” Chang asked.

“I am.” she confirmed.

“What is this Huntsclan I keep hearing so much about?” Kiki asked them both, as Chang answered.

“The Huntsclan was a notorious clan of beings born to slay magical creatures, especially dragons. Their former leader the Huntsman was bent on slaying all of us. Even came close to slaying me, had it not been for... the American Dragon.”

Abigail could just laugh, “Oh, the irony in it!” Chang squinted at her, “The very boy you've been trying to sway to join you and your master had to save you from a common enemy.”

“My cover at the time remained strong and no one suspected of my true allegiance.” Chang answered.

“So what happened to this Huntsclan?” Kikimora asked.

“They were wiped out thanks to a wish on the Aztec Skulls.”

“So they're extinct.” Kiki said.

“Not so much. One survived after the American Dragon altered her past.”

“That blonde girl.” Abigail called it.

“Correct, and it was because of her aiding the American Dragon my master was banished.” Chang scowled.

“Right. Where are you going with this?” Kiki asked wanting to get to the point.

“Though the Huntsclan are no more, they've had multiple warehouses and lairs stationed around the world. And I happen to know of one here in the city.”

“That warehouse has weapons?” Abigail asked hopefully.

“All that and more.” Chang smirked.

“With their arsenal we'll be even stronger.” Abigail said excitedly.

“I will give you the directions to it, and take this to summon the shades.” Chang gave Finn her pendant.

Abigail gazed at the pendant, “I'm gonna enjoy me some looting.” she snickered.

The next day out in the city, Rainbow Dash, Karai, Rose, and Amity were out in New York taking a walk, while Amity took this as another chance to see more of the city with the girls.

“Nothing suspicious so far.” Rainbow sighed.

“For now at least.” Karai replied.

“Well, I'm just glad I can see more of New York,” Amity said before looking in a bookstore window, “I wonder if they got any good book series in this universe?”

Rainbow slid by, “If you're looking for a new book series, you should read Daring Do.”

“Daring Do?” Amity asked, “Is she a great sorceress?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then what is she?”

“She's this awesome explorer who travels to all sorts of locations to recover lost artifacts and treasures while facing dangers of many kinds!” Rainbow explained in excitement.

Amity blinked, “Wow. I might have to check that out.”

“I have the entire works. I even brought them to New York with me if I got bored.”

“Thanks for the tip, Fu Dog,” Came Rose's voice, as she was currently on the phone with said guardian, “Might wanna save book club for another time, girls.”

“What's up, Rose?” Karai asked.

“Fu Dog just spotted Abigail Finn. She's on her way to an old Huntsclan base.”

“What's she going to find there?” Amity inquired.

“The clan has multiple hiddenbases throughout the world. And one of the other bases here in the city is loaded with Huntsclan weapons and more.”

“Figures Finn would be looking to loot for more weapons in her arsenal.” Karai scowled.

“Or for the trio's army of scouts.” Amity noted.

“Either way, we have to head over there,” Rose instructed, “This could be our chance of apprehending one of the trio.”

“Then let's move it!” Rainbow declared.

“Lead the way, Rose.” Karai instructed, as the former Huntsgirl nodded and lead the way for them.

Rose led her friends to the Bronx where they spotted Abigail Finn enter a building, “There she is.” Amity whispered.

“Let's follow her, but don't make a move until I say.” Rose instructed, as the other three nodded.

So they tailed her into the building while noticing her enter an elevator and noticed it was going down further than the building goes. When the elevator came back up, the girls entered as Rose pressed in a code on the floor buttons before it started taking them down further.

“I'm surprised Finn came alone.” Amity noted.

“I wouldn't be surprised if she came here with some trick in mind.” Rainbow suspected.

“I agree. Finn may be a nutcase, but she's not stupid.” Karai added.

“Right,” Rose agreed, “Be prepared for anything, girls.”

When the elevator reached its destination, the doors opened. The girls stepped out and found themselves in the Huntsclan base underneath the building.

“We're here.” Rose said.

“Wow, you Huntsclan members sure know how to pick lairs.” Rainbow looked around.

“Any sign of Finn?” Amity asked, while glancing around.

“She can't be far,” Karai noted, “Come on.” they proceeded cautiously.

As they walked through the lair, they suddenly heard Abigail's voice, and they hid around a corner before peeking out and saw the lady standing before an assortment of Huntsclan weapons on display.

“Yes! These are exactly what we need,” Finn marveled, “With these in our arsenal nothing can stop us from crushing our enemies!”

Rainbow frowned, before looking to Rose waiting for the ok to move. The former Huntsgirl nodded, as they ran out.

“Hold it, Finn!” Karai ordered.

Finn groaned, “You girls?”

“Why surprised?” Rainbow asked smugly.

“Everything in this base is property of the Huntsclan,” Rose began, “And as the soul survivor of the clan it all rightfully belongs to me.”

“Well, I thought I'd take some off your hands,” Finn smirked, “And by some, I mean it all!”

“Not if we have anything to say about it.” Amity readies her abomination slime.

“Luckily, I'm not alone,” Finn replied, as she used the pendant to summon a swarm of shades, “Get them!”

The Shades took off fighting the girls, as Rainbow ran circles around some shades and used her weapon to slice some down, "Yeah she came prepared alright."

Karai using her tanto cut some shades down, before one grabbed her from behind. The kunoichi struggled before shifting into snake mode and struck at it with her snake hands, before shifting back to human.

Amity was using her abomination magic to coat her hands in slime boxing gloves and fought some shades, while Finn took the chance to try and collect some of the weapons. Rose flipped over landing before Finn blocking her way towards the weapons display.

“I don't think so.” Rose told her.

“If it's a rematch you want, kid, then it's what you'll get.” Finn said while summoning her hi-tech bo-staff and twirled it.

Rose grabbed one of the staff weapons from the display and started fighting Finn one on one.

As Rainbow fought some shades she called out to Finn, “If you're weapon looting you obviously are low on arsenal.”

As Finn knocked Rose back she answered the Rainboom, “I'd have more if my equipment wasn't confiscated!”

“You can join them back in prison!” Karai called, as she cut down another shade.

“Never!” Finn answered, as she blocked another strike from Rose, before some shades came to her defense.

As Rose was getting blocked, Finn hurried to the display and started grabbing some weapons. She then started stashing them in a magical bag supplied by Chang. Rainbow seeing this knocked away the shades she fought and zipped over tackling Finny away.

“Oh, no ya don't, Finn!” Rainbow called, as Abigail got up and fought Rainbow.

“I'll be taking the rest of these weapons no matter what!” Finn promised.

Rose hearing that frowned, “Then we'll have to make sure you or anybody else doesn't.” he rushed to a control board by a monitor and typed some things in before the monitor rang.

“Self Destruct Sequence Initiated! T-Minus Ten Seconds until thermal detonation!”

“What've you done?!” Finn cried.

“Set this place to blow.” Rose smirked.

Finn growled, “You won for now, but I'm not through!” the shades surrounded Finn and they disappeared through shadows.

“Rose, you better have a plan to get us out!” Amity called.

“There's an escape hatch here!” Rose ran to a hatch and opened it, “Go-Go!” Rainbow, Karai, and Amity ran to the hatch and went down it followed by Rose who closed the lid before the base started going up in flames.

The girls made their way down the escape hatch before winding up back in the sewers, “Warn us the next time you try to blow a place up!” Karai told Rose.

“Sorry, but I had to make sure Finn wouldn't get everything.” Rose apologized.

“How much did she grab?” Rainbow wondered.

“Not as much as she could've grabbed.” Rose answered.

“Well, at least that's something.” Amity told them looking at the positive.

“Still we should let the others know what happened.” Karai said, before looking down the tunnel of the sewer, “Assuming we find our way back to the lair.”

Meanwhile Finn returned to her own base where the others waited, “And how did it go?” Chang inquired.

Finn sighed, as she pulled out what she collected from the magic bag, “This was as much as I could salvage.”

Kiki looked at them, “This is almost nothing! What happened?!”

“That Huntsgirl and some of the others tailed me to the base, and she set the place to blow to keep me from getting any more of the weapons.”

Chang growled, before calming down, “No matter, we'll just have to find other ways to increase our arsenal while still trying to find a way to open a portal to free my master.”

One of the Coven Scouts picked up one of the spears Abigail managed to grab. He maneuvered with it a bit feeling proud and powerful, until he noticed one of the buttons on the weapon.

“I wonder what this does?” he clicked the button, as a small spray nozzle popped out from the handle and sprayed the scout through the mask. The rest of the scouts laughed as the one who got sprayed sighed from the embarrassment.