• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 6,623 Views, 453 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

Friends from the Bronx

In the Turtles lair one morning, the Hex Squad had gotten up and got ready along with the Rainbooms. As the group was enjoying a morning breakfast courtesy of Applejack and Pinkie, Leo spoke up to their guests from the Boiling Isles.

“So how you all enjoying your stay in the lair?”

“Well, despite the smell it's not so bad.” Gus answered.

“And at least it's comfy.” Willow admitted.

“Yeah, we felt the same way when we first stayed down here.” Rainbow said.

"I had to stay down here for awhile myself." April added.

King sighed, “It's ok, but I miss waking up to Francois and Jean Luc at my side.” Luz patted his head in comfort.

“Who're Francois and Jean Luc?” Rarity wondered.

“Francois is King's stuffed bunny.” Luz explained.

“Oh, that's so cute.” Fluttershy cooed.

“He's the only one who truly understands me.” King added.

“And Jean-Luc is... well, King's servant.” Luz finished.

“Servant?” Twilight asked.

Eda spoke up, “That's quite a story. You see I discovered King several years ago when I ventured into this old lair. Where I discovered him. At first I assumed he was just some abandoned dog so I decided to take him home with me. That's when this creature attacked me.”

“Dear me.” Fugitoid gasped.

“We escaped and I had been raising King since.”

Luz spoke, “When King talked to me about it, we traveled there as well to find answers surrounding him. We sort of ran into the same creature.”

“So what happened?” Sunset wondered.

“We found out that the place Eda found King was where he was born,” Luz explained, “Before he was hatched, King's father used magic to animate the creature into being his servant and protect him.”

“What about King's dad?” Mikey asked.

“We don't know what happened.” Luz sighed.

Eda continued, “The thing wasn't attacking us because it was violent. It attacked us because it thought we were a threat to King.”

“But I managed to take control of Jean-Luc making him stand down. When we tried taking him back with us, he lost it's mobility and became lifeless since the magic surrounding the lair was the thing keeping him alive. So I just kept him around as a friend.”

“So why call you King?” Raph asked.

Eda explained, “When I found him I saw him building these little rock sculptures and I thought he was like a King and they were his subjects. That was actually his first word so I stuck with it. Over time I played along with his claim that he was supposedly the king of demons.”

“This little guy, a demon king?” Raph scoffed.

“Hey, I'd make an excellent ruler!” King protested, but calmed down, “Since I learned the truth I still had no idea what type of demon I really was.”

“Type?” Pinkie wondered.

“Yeah, there's lots of types of demons where we're from. Hoot-hoot.” Hooty explained.

“Hooty tried to help me find out what kind I was, but I wasn't exactly proving to be any of the classes we knew. But I thanks to him I discovered I have a power of my own.” the little demon explained.

“What kind of power?” Spike asked.

“I can create a super sonic howl just by-” Luz clamped his mouth shut.

“King! Let's not use that in the lair.”

“Yeah, the last thing we want is the house getting brought down on us.” Donnie put in.

“Eh, I'll have my chance to use is anyway.” King shrugged.

“Alright, you guys eat up. We got some friends up top we want to introduce you to.” Rainbow explained.

“What kind of friends?” Edric asked.

“You'll find out.” Sunset replied, as the Hex Squad continued to eat.

Afterward they went up top and met up with April, Casey, Keno, Karai, Shini, and the Am Drag Crew. Soon they headed off to another part of New York.

“So these other friends you guys know live all the way here in the Bronx?” Jake asked.

“They sure do.” Raph confirmed.

“This place is called the Bronx?” Gus asked.

“New York is divided up into five major districts, and the Bronx is one of them.” Keno explained.

“Then what're the other four?” Amity inquired.

Twilight explained, “There's also Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.”

“And they all make up the whole city?” Willow asked surprised.

“Precisely.” Fugitoid confirmed.

“That's incredible.” Emira admitted.

“That's NYC for ya.” Trix replied.

“I wonder in which district would I get the biggest audience for my show?” Trixie wondered, as April and Karai rolled their eyes.

Soon they stopped before a warehouse, “What's this place?” Spud asked.

“This is where our other friends live.” Leo explained.

“Some place.” Fu said sarcastically.

Ignoring Fu's sarcasm, the group walked to the side door and looked up at the security camera with Mikey and Pinkie waving hi to it. When they heard the door unlocked they were permitted inside. The Hex Squad and the Am Drag crew looked around seeing the place had computer monitors, a training area, a kitchen, etc.

“Not a bad set up.” Eda admitted.

“So who're these friends who live here?” Willow asked the turtles and Rainbooms.

“That'd be us.” came a new voice.

The newcomers saw the Mutanimals appear on scene. When the Hex Squad saw Slash among them, they flashed back to their encounter with Hun when they first arrived in the city.

“Giant turtle mutant!” Luz shrieked, as she and Amity were prepared to attack only for Raph and Fluttershy to block them.

“No don't!” Fluttershy pleaded.

“They're our friends! You can trust them!” Raph assured them.

The two looked to the Mutanimals who nodded, as the girls stood down, “Sorry, but the last time we saw a big mutant turtle like this guy here he tried to attack us.” Luz said while motioning to Slash.

“You must mean Hun.” Slash suspected, “Well, I assure you, I'm nothing like him.”

"I can attest to that." Keno confirmed.

“So who are you guys?” Jake asked.

“We're the Mighty Mutanimals. And I'm Slash. And this here is my team.”

“Leatherhead. Delighted to meet you.” the gator mutant greeted.

“Dr. Tyler Rockwell. Charmed.” the monkey mutant said with a few monkey noises.

“I'm Pigeon Pete!” Pete said before taking a bite out of a baguette.

Hooty gasped at the sight of him, “A fellow bird!” he stretched from his birdhouse pack and circled around Pete a few times much to the mutants surprise.

“Well, and who're you?”

“I'm Hooty, nice to meetcha!”

“Aw, Hooty made a friend.” Luz cooed.

“Great, another one of him.” Eda said in sarcasm.

Mondo spoke, “What up dudes and dudettes, I'm Mondo Gecko!” he started shredding on his skateboard while making guitar riffs.

“I like his style.” Spud told his friends.

“I'm Bandit Raccoon; greatest B-Ball playing mutant in the city.” Bandit said while twirling a basket ball.

“Are you a ninja too?” Gus asked.

“Not really, why do you ask?”

“Well, you're wearing a mask aren't you?” Willow asked.

Bandit realizing what they referring to explained, “No, this ain't no mask, this area's just part of my look. It only makes me look like I'm wearing a mask.”

“It's true.” Luz confirmed.

“Name's Hokum Hare.” the hare mutant took a bite out of a carrot.

“I think I saw you in a cartoon once.” Luz squinted.

“I'm Ray Fillet; former aspiring marine biologist.”

“Marine biologist?” Edric wondered.

“Someone who studies aquatic life.” April explained.

“And I am Mona Lisa.”

“Mona Lisa?” Fu asked, “Like the painting?”

Mona nodded, “Raphael gave me the name as it is the name of the most beautiful woman in a painting.”

“Well he sure wasn't wrong.” Fu admitted, “In fact if not for me, the painting might not even exist the way it is today.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked.

“I've been around for quite a long time, A.J. I was there when the Mona Lisa was being painted. That supposed smile she sports I ended up creating.”

“That was you?” Sunset asked in disbelief.


Slash spoke to the others, “Leonardo and the others told us all about you guys. Luz and the Boiling Isles witches. And Jake Long the American Dragon and your crew.”

“Well, it's nice to meet you all.” Rose greeted.

“So you're all mutants too?” Haley asked.

“Actually I'm an alien.” Mona corrected.

“A real alien?!” Trix gasped.


“Wild!” Spud gasped.

“So we gonna get some back-stories on you guys or what?” Eda inquired.

Slash nodded, “A lot of us started out as regular animals or such, while some used to be human.” he motioned to Rockwell, Mondo, Bandit, Hokum, and Ray, “I used to be a regular turtle like these guys. In fact I was Raphael's pet turtle.”

The groups blinked, as Trix spoke to the turtle in red, “You a mutant turtle, had a pet regular turtle?”

“Yeah, so?” Raph asked.

“Nothing.” Trix replied.

“Back then I was known as Spike.” Slash continued.

Haley looked down at Spike, “Like you.”

“Eh, it's a popular name.” Spike admitted.

Raph explained, “Slash or Spike was my pet before Chompy. And whenever I needed someone else outside my brothers to talk to, it would be to him.”

“Slash was his venting buddy.” Mikey put in.

“Then one day while I was having a very aggravating day, one of Donnie's experiments almost got Spike. Angry I took the canister of mutagen he was working with and put it in my room. But when I left the room the canister must've fell over releasing the mutagen and Spike jumped into it. When I came back I saw he turned into this.” Raph motioned to Slash.

“He must've got a big dosage if he turned out this big compared to you guys.” Jake told the four bros.

“With new intelligence I convinced Raphael to join forces with me so we could be a crime fighting duo without Leonardo and the others. But secretly I had ulterior motives to destroy Raphael's brothers.”

“What?!” Amity and her sibs gasped.

“You tried to destroy them?” Gus asked in shock.

“But why?” Rose asked in confusion.

Slash sighed, “Back when I was a regular turtle I took all of Raphael's gripes with his brothers too seriously. And when I mutated I decided to spare him from having to put up with them anymore. It also didn't help the mutagen partially affected my mind as well.”

“It's true. Mutagen can have that affect on the brain.” Donnie confirmed.

“Not wanting to abandon my brothers I fought Slash and defeated him with a technique I saw Splinter use and he fell off a building but disappeared.” Raph told them.

“Since then I went into hiding. Even got captured by the Kraang a few times, but escaped. One time with the turtles help. Last time I was helped by someone I thought made a better partner. An alien assassin called the Newtralizer.”

Mona spoke up, “He is of my species. On our homeworld he is called K'Vathrak and like Slash he too was imprisoned by the Kraang and vowed to destroy them.”

Slash continued, “I truly thought he would've made a good partner because we both wanted to take out the Kraang, but Newtralizer didn't care about casualties and was willing to destroy people in the city as well.”

“And you didn't?” Eda asked.

“I only wanted to take out the Kraang, not hurt people.”

“Sounds like even when not working with the turtles you still had some sense of honor.” Rose noted, as Slash nodded and continued.

“Realizing Newtralizer was insane and willing to sacrifice anybody I turned on him and helped Raphael and the others defeat him. Though they gave me the offer to join them I felt I had to go alone for awhile, but promised we'd see each other again. And when we did I forged a real team of heroes who wanted to fight bad guys and not the innocent.” the Mutanimals nodded.

“And he's proven to be the kind of hero and friend we love having as an ally.” Fluttershy smiled at Slash who smiled back.

“I'll go next,” Leatherhead volunteered, “Back when I was a normal little alligator I was the pet of a kind human boy until his parents found me and flushed me into the sewer.”

“Way to enforce the belief of alligators in the sewers.” Jake told his friends who nodded.

“Eventually I was abducted by the Kraang who brought me to their home dimension where they mutated and tortured me. Eventually I escaped and came to earth with their power cell.”

“Power cell?” Luz asked.

“It's what the Kraang used to power the portal they used to travel from their dimension to ours and vice versa.” Donnie explained.

“When the Kraang found me, I gave it to the turtles for safe keeping.”

“But we unintentionally lost it, and with Leatherhead's help tried to get it back by infiltrating their base.” Leo explained.

“It didn't work out so well, and Leatherhead ended up going back to Dimension X with one of the Kraang's flunkies.” Raph added.

“We didn't see Leatherhead for awhile, until we got a distress signal from him warning us about the Kraang's plan to invade planet earth.” Donnie said.

“We went through another portal and found Leatherhead only he looked paler than we remembered.” Mikey said.

“Yes. I used to be much greener than this.” Leatherhead showed them.

“Because of time working differently in Dimension X, to Leatherhead it felt like he was there for several years as opposed to our time which only felt like months.” Donnie noted.

“We managed to escape with Leatherhead but we knew the Kraang Invasion was underway.” Leo said.

“When the Invasion began, I roamed the sewers taking out any Kraang droid I could find, until I ran into Master Splinter where we both hurried to try and find my friends. But we would up facing the Shredder instead. He beat me and I fell back into the sewers before being founded by Slash and was recruited into his team.”

“Well, big guy I know how it feels to be caged like an animal. Believe me, I do.” Eda patted his shoulder.

Rockwell levitated over, “Allow me to take my turn. Unlike Slash and Leatherhead I was once a human scientist. But my former partner turned me into this using monkey DNA, and mutagen. Eventually I was captured by the Kraang where they too experimented on my mind, but doing so they unintentionally gave me psychic powers while also restoring my vast intellect that had been lost to me since my initial mutation. And since then I've been the brains of this team.”

“You're psychic just like April here?” Luz asked.

“Exactly.” he confirmed.

“Oh, me next! Me next!” Pete announced, “I first met the guys and April when I was sent to deliver a message from her father.”

“Your dad, April?” Haley asked.

April nodded, “At the time my dad was held prisoner by the Kraang. He sent Pete to warn me that the Kraang were planning something and warned me to get out of the city.”

“I really had since then been hiding out from the Kraang and other dangers until Slash inducted me into the team.”

“Despite him being useless.” Raph snarked.

“Ignore the peanut gallery!” Pete told the others.

Mondo stepped forward, “I'll take the next one. I used to be human. In fact I was planning to be a pro skateboarder. One night I was doing some gnarly moves on a ramp I constructed myself with my pet gecko Lars at my side. But then this canister of mutagen came down from the sky and hit me turning me into this. My parents kicked me out because of that and I wound up on the streets.”

"Your parents kicked you out?!” Emira gasped.

“That is whack!” Jake gasped.

Amity hearing how Mondo became a mutant looked to Donnie who nodded in confirmation that it was the same mishap they had on a Kraang ship with mutagen, and Mondo was one of the casualties.

The gecko mutant continued, “I was taken under the wing of someone I thought was a chill dude, but he was actually an enemy of the turtles who taught me committing crimes was good.”

Casey spoke, “Mikey and I met him first and while Mikey hit it off with him more than me, I was skeptical when he was planning to steal money that the Purple Dragons stole. I left not wanting to be part of it, until I was captured by Mondo's former boss Fishface.”

“Fishface?” Gus asked.

“An old enemy of ours.” Sunset explained.

“Mondo ended up leading me into a trap as well, and when Mondo got a change of heart he tried to free me and Casey but caught too.” Mikey said.

“Then the three of us had to literally race for our lives against Fishface in a race course.” Casey added.

“It didn't help Fishface cheated a lot,” Mikey added, “But we worked together and not only defeated him but won the race as well.”

“Since then I've joined the Mighty Mutanimals and havin' a good time doing good.” Mondo finished.

Bandit went next, “I used to be a high school basket ball player until a canister of mutagen hit me and turned me into this. Since then I ran away from home and at first tried stealing to survive but gave it up. I met the Turtles and Rainbooms when the girls were having a class trip here. Despite me getting off to a rocky start with someone,” Raph rolled his eyes, “We ended up working together to take down a former partner of mine. And thanks to another friend of the Rainbooms I returned home to reconcile with my family. And they accepted me mutant and all. And I'm relieved they allowed me to remain part of this team. But I still go over to see them when I can.”

Luz hearing this thought of her mom and hoped she'd be able to see her again. Hokum hopped over and explained his origin, “I was a carrot farmer until I found a canister in my patch. After I opened it, a jack rabbit jumped out startling me and I ended up mutatin' myself into this.”

Twilight continued, “We met Hokum during Easter time where our school's principal was in trouble with some thugs, but he jumped in and saved her.”

“Wasn't gonna just let some pretty lady be fodder for some varmint goons. Afterward she asked me if I could play the part of the Easter Bunny in their school's Easter Egg Hunt. After that I joined the Mutanimals. And let me tell ya this here life's even crazier than my last one. And yet it ain't so bad.

Ray followed up, “As said I was an aspiring marine biologist, until I discovered a lonely stingray swimming in a barrel of some greenish gunk on the beach. I reached in and pulled it out, unaware that I got infected by the stuff that I would discover would be mutagen. After I sent the creature back to the ocean, the Kraang attacked me and my only means of escape was the ocean, so I dove in, unaware that I was mutating into a stingray myself until I escaped. Because of this I remained in the ocean not wanting anybody to see me. To show I wasn't heartless I would save anyone who fell in the ocean from shipwrecks to over boards. Luckily, they were all unconscious when I saved them.”

Rainbow spoke up, “We first met Ray during a yacht cruise.”

“You were on a yacht?!” Luz gasped.

“Dang, lucky.” Jake said envious.

“A young girl we knew there fell overboard and he rescued her.” Sunset explained.

“We offered Ray to come on board since we're no strangers to mutants.” Karai added.

“And we offered him a place on the team.” Slash finished.

“And it beats living in the ocean for life. I did miss dry land.” Ray confessed.

King looked to Mona, “So what's your story scaly?”

Mona frowned, but answered none the less, “I first met Raphael and his brothers while they were traveling out in space. We wound up on a frozen planet, and despite the rocky start we got off to. We ended up working together to help one another survive. We parted ways but I had hoped to one day cross paths with Raphael again.”

“We first met Mona when we joined the guys in space and helped them rescue the Utrom Queen.” Pinkie noted.

“So why're you here on earth?” Rose asked.

“I first came here with my commander to pursue the criminal K'Vathrak, and also helping them defeat another enemy of ours Lord Dregg.” Mona explained.

“After both were defeated I offered Mona to stay on earth and join the Mutanimals. And so now we're together.” Raphael said, as he and Mona stood side by side.

Luz gasped, “Oh, don't they look like a real power couple?”

“Yeah, they actually do.” Amity admitted with a smile.

Later on the groups were getting to know each other more, as Mondo and Jake were doing skateboard tricks, “Not bad, Jake. Ya got some sweet skills.” Mondo commended him.

“Not so bad yourself, Mondo.” Jake admitted.

“I think Jake finally met his match.” Spud said, as he and Trix watched their bud.

The other Mutanimals were discussing with their friends and the Hex Squad, “So Karai, you and Shini actually stayed with the Mutanimals for some time?” Amity inquired.

“Yeah. After Shredder made his debut as the Super Shredder and came after us Shini and I felt it was too risky to stay at the Foot's HQ so we came to stay with Slash and the Mutanimals for safety.” Karai explained.

“Unfortunately, Shredder discovered where we were and came and attacked burning the place.” Shini sighed.

“Afterward we rebuilt the place,” Rockwell added, “Making sure it was more fortified than before.”

“Sometimes we'd meet here if the lair wasn't quick enough to get too.” Leo explained.

“Well, it's nice to know there are more safe places to go to. Especially with what's out there.” Luz noted.

Slash nodded, “ That Finn lady's a crazy nut.”

“And with this Chang and Kikimora helping her, we'll need to be prepared.” Leatherhead added.

“So can we count on you guys?” Luz asked, as Jake, his friends, and Mondo came back over.

“You betcha, Luz.” Bandit confirmed.

“You want us, you got us, little lady.” Hokum agreed.

“The Mutanimals never turn away from helping friends.” Slash added.

“The turtles and Rainbooms were right to call you guys allies.” Jake said.

“Even if you're different,” Luz said, before motioning to Eda and King who smiled at her, “But I learned us weirdos gotta stick together.”

“Quite so.” Rockwell agreed.

The teams smiled and knew with more additional help from the turtles and Rainbooms friends they'd stand an ever better chance against their enemies.

Author's Note:

King and the others explaining his origin references from the episode of Owl House Echoes of the Past. While King learning his new sonic howl attack comes from the episode Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door.