• Published 26th Jun 2023
  • 6,616 Views, 453 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Magic in Manhattan - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms seek to capture Abigail Finn who's partnered up with dangerous allies. Luckily the ninjas have their own allies from a Dragon and a Witch-in-Training

  • ...

Rescue Gramps

Outside Lao Shi's shop, a very short person with a hood up walked up to it and looked up at the sign before going inside. Inside Lao Shi heard the bell to the shop door ring.

“Welcome to Canal Street Electronics, how may I help you?” he greeted the customer who answered with a old woman's voice.

“Oh, don't mind me. I'm sure I can manage.” she answered kindly before walking around and looking at several objects on sale.

As the lady looked around, Lao Shi kept an eye on her and started to grow suspicious of this customer who while acting like they were looking at the items it looked like they were actually stalling. He started to walk over, and spoke up.

“Pardon me, madam, but would you care to tell me your name?”

“Oh, yes, of course. But first...” the woman suddenly whipped around and threw a potion vile on the ground in front of the old dragon master, engulfing him in a mist.

“Waahhh! What was that stuff and... why do I feel so... sleepy all of sudden...” Lao Shi trailed off feeling drowsy.

“That was a sleeping nettle potion, great for helping one fall asleep,” She chuckled darkly as Lao Si began to lose consciousness. She pulled down her hood to reveal she was Kikimora, “Pleasant dreams, you old fool!” She sneered as Lao Si finally passed out.

Later down in the lair, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and Trixie were in the dojo getting some ninja training in. While off to the side, Luz and her friends were doing some exercises.

Mikey spoke over to them, “You know, you guys could always come join us in sparing.”

“Thanks, but we're good here,” Luz answered, “Even though we're not training to be ninjas. We still need to keep our bodies in tip top shape.”

“Agreed,” Amity replied, “Our magic is one thing, but unless we're in perfect physical condition it won't be enough.”

“And you guys are really keeping me entertained.” King said, as he and Spike were eating from a bowl of popcorn.

“Won't Jake and the others be joining us?” Fluttershy asked, Donnie, while dodging some bo-staff hits.

“We texted him, and he said they'd be here.” Donnie answered.

Suddenly Jake rushed in with his friends, “Dudes!”

“Perfect timing.” Edric said.

“Jake, what's wrong?” Sunset asked in concern.

“Did something happen?” Leo wondered.

“Something happened alright.” Fu Dog spoke up.

“Gramps is missing.” Jake explained worried.

“Huh?” they asked in confusion.

“How do you know?” Rarity asked.

“He's not picking up the phone. And that's not like him to not answer.” Jake explained.

“Fu Dog, don't you live with him?” Raph asked the guardian dog.

“Yeah, I was kinda out late last night, so I haven't been home yet.” Fu Dog explained sheepishly.

“We figured we'd come here because we have a bad feeling this is bigger than simple disappearance.” Haley explained.

“It wouldn't hurt to check it out.” Twilight admitted, as she picked Spike up.

“I'll let April and the others know to meet us there.” Donnie offered as he sent a mass text message.

They headed up top and reached Lao Shi's shop at the same time, April, Casey, Karai, Shini, and Chaplin.

“Hey, we made it.” Chaplin greeted.

“Where's Keno?” Rainbow saw no sign of their pizza delivery boy pal.

“He's got a day shift.” April explained.

“So it's just us,” Casey added, “Now let's check this out.”

“What he said.” Eda agreed.

They entered the shop seeing it was indeed vacant, “Look around for any clues.” Leo instructed, as they did so.

Everyone looked high and low for any sign of what could've happened to Lao Shi. Finally Edric looked at the floor and noticed something, “Hey, check this out!”

The group gathered around looking at the spot on the floor, “What is it?”

“Ain't it just a drink stain?” Applejack asked feeling it wasn't important.

“Not likely,” Edric inspected it more, “This is remnants of sleeping nettles potion.”

“Sleeping nettles?” Karai wondered.

“Something found only on the Boiling Isles,” Eda began suspiciously, “And since we're here, there's only one other person from the Boiling Isles in this universe that could've done this.”

“Hey, I found a note!” Pinkie called out while bringing said note over.

Jake took the note and read it out loud, “Dear American Dragon, we have your grandfather. Come to the junkyard in Jersey to watch his demise.”

“He was taken to Jersey?” Mikey asked.

Trix spoke up, “Only one person we know would kidnap Jake's grandpa.”

“And if sleeping nettles were used here...” Amity put in.

“Chang and Kikimora.” Luz suspected.

“Dudes, we gotta get over to Jersey's Junkyard ASAP!” Jake ordered.

“Agreed,” Leo nodded and ordered, “Everyone, move out!” they all hurried off.

Meanwhile as evening rolled in, Lao Si woke up, trapped under a net, and locked inside an old car, with the terrible trio before him and the coven scouts on standby.

“Hello, Lao Shi, it's been quite some time.” Chang greeted her former partner.

Chang!” Lao Shi frowned, as he tried to transform into his dragon form but soon realized that he couldn't.

“Do not bother trying to transform, that net is made of sphinx hair, rendering you powerless!” Chang noted.

Lao Si turned to see Kiki remembering she was the one who knocked him out, “You! You must be Kikimora?”

“Correct. I assume the Owl Lady and her brats told you about me?”

“That they did. But I have to say, you are much shorter than how I pictured you.” he smirked.

Kiki growled, “I'd hold that tongue of yours if you know what's good for you!”

Abigail spoke up to the former member of the dragon council, “You know, Chang, I'm actually quite fascinated that hair from the legendary sphinx can neutralize a dragon's abilities.”

Lao Shi turned to the last lady, “You are Abigail Finn! The self-proclaimed monster hunter!”

Abigail frowned at his words, “That's THE Monster Hunter to you! Or I was until those Turtles and Rainbooms ruined me! If only we didn't have to annihilate you, I could've used you as proof that monsters exist.”

Lao Shi frowned at what she said, “People like you Ms. Finn are the reason why monsters remain hidden to the world. They only want to be left in peace.”

“And I want to cease being a laughing stock to the science community and the world in general! But we both can't have what we want now can we?” Abigail asked rhetorically.

Lao Shi turned to Chang, “I know why you broke out of jail. All for the sake of revenge.”

“On the contrary, revenge is only part of it,” Chang replied, “My true plan to free my master from the thousand year temple, you and your family banished him into!”

Lao Shi was shocked, “That's impossible! You know as well as I do the temple cannot be accessed for one thousand years.”

“How very true,” She admitted, “But ever since Kikimora and the witches of the Boiling Isles have come to our dimension it's opened my eyes to a new perspective. As a former member of the dragon council I know that the temple exists in a pocket dimension. After Kikimora's explanation of how she and those other witches arrived here, I realize dimensions like that can be reached through means of other portals. That's why with her help I will create my own portal to the temple and bring the Dark Dragon back so that we can have our revenge on the American Dragon!”

“No.” Lao Shi gasped.

“But first, I'm going to devastate him emotionally by destroying his beloved dragon master.” Chang smirked at Lao Shi.

“Great plan, Chang. Except you forgot the part where we kick your butt!” came a familiar voice.

The trio and scouts turned around to see Jake, his friends, the Ninjas, and the Hexsquad had arrived.

“Kiki.” Eda frowned.

“Owl lady.” Kikimora hissed.

“Finn.” Leo frowned with Twilight.

“Ninjas.” Abigail frowned back.

“So you three are in cahoots.” Mikey called it.

“Indeed, turtle.” Chang confirmed.

“Kiki, your choice in partners and allies never fails to prove how desperate you really are.” Eda called Kikimora out, as King laughed.

“You're one to talk about desperate when you are allying yourself with human children and freaks!” Kiki pointed accusingly at the Rainbooms and Turtles.

“Is there ever anybody who won't refer to us as freaks?” Raph asked annoyed.

Chaplin spoke up, “Okay, Terrible Trio, here's an idea: hows about you three step away from the nice old man and then we settle this like women,” The heroes gave him odd looks, especially the female members of the group, “What? There's more of you girls here, just stating the obvious.”

“Very droll, human!” Kiki said dryly.

Abigail looked over at Chaplin and was shocked, “Wait... Chaplin Gomez?!”

“Dr. Finn?! Well, long time no see?” he asked nervously.

“YOU!!!” she declared before she began shooting multiple laser blasts at Chaplin, who barely dodged each blast.

“I take it your still mad at me for that Bigfoot prank?” Chaplin asked frantically.

“Prank?! YOU RUINED ME!” She was about to blast at him again when her guns were levitated out of her hands by April and Twilight.

“Thanks girls!” he said while hiding behind the two.

Karai turned to her head scientist, “What was all that about?”

“You two know each other?” Donnie asked him.

“Pretty much...”

“Indeed we do!” Abigail explained, “Long ago, back when I was a senior at the University, this pretentious whelp was an honor student.”

Twilight looked to Chaplin in shock, “You were an honor student?!”

“At the age of 10. Try not to be jealous Donnie.” Chaplin told the smart turtle.

“Oh I'm not. In fact, I once plugged in a working lamp... when I was a baby. And I actually remember it!” Donnie replied smugly.

“Hold up. What prank?” Mikey asked curiously.

“Allow me to explain,” Abigail began, “One day while working I happened to spot the legendary Bigfoot.”

“You don't say?” Donnie asked dryly.

“Oh, yes. So using my genius entrapment devices was able to catch him.”

Her.” Mikey interrupted only for Raph to hit him in the back of the head shutting him up.

“But when I presented the beast to my colleagues and the media, it was none other than Chaplin dressed up in a costume!”

“Hey, that's what we did with the Green Man, only Casey was the one dressed up.” Mikey recalled.

“Yes! And that only reminded me of what happened before!” Abigail then shouted to Chaplin, “My reputation was utterly shattered, all because of you and your twisted prank!”

“Is that true, Chaplin?!” Luz asked in surprise.

“Low blow, dude.” Spud shook his head.

“Okay, pause and rewind, before you continue to make yourself the victim, doc, let me share my side of the story,” Chaplin said before speaking to everyone, “Everything she said was true, but... it wasn't without justification. You see, during my honor student days, Ms Finn here always looked down on me and wrote me off as a dumb kid amateur, even when I wasn't showing off. Then one day, I asked her for help in building a special kind of drone and she agreed. But when we showed it to the whole campus, she took all the credit, claiming she did all the work, when in reality, I did most of it, and she had the gall to say I slacked off the job!”

Everyone gasped, “What was the invention?” Donnie asked.

“Her sortie drones. They were originally my design. I had created them for helping injured animals from a far. But Finn here, weaponized them for her monster hunting ambitions. Once I discovered that, I decided to get even with her. And you all know the rest.”

“So she used you?!” Gus asked in surprise.


Fluttershy shocked expression started turning into a frown, “And she turned an invention meant to help animals into a weapon to hurt innocent creatures?!” she turned to Finn and yelled, “YOU MONSTER!!!”

Jake spoke up, “We'll make this simple for you ladies. Let gramps go, and give yourselves up.”

“Not this time, child,” Chang replied, before turning to one of the coven scouts, “Start it!” The scout pressed a button on a control board and the crusher they stood before started moving in surrounding the car Lao Shi was trapped inside.

“Grandpa!” Jake and Haley gasped.

“You are welcome to try and save him, American Dragon.” Chang beckoned him.

“But you'll have to get past all of us to do it!” Kiki warned them.

“Your move!” Abigail finished.

“Uh, in case you forgot, we got you all out numbered.” Rainbow reminded them.

“True,” Chang admitted, “So how about we even the odds?” she pulled out a pendant and held it up as it glowed summoning shadowy dragon creatures making their side even.

“What're those?” Luz asked in concern.

“Shades.” Fu Dog answered.

"They were the Dark Dragon's flunkies." Trix recalled.

"That pendant Chang has gives her the ability to summon them?" Spud asked in disbelief.

Kikimora announced, “Attack!”

The coven scouts and shades went into battle, as the heroes split up to take on their enemies. Jake, Haley, and Luz went for Chang, Leo and Twilight headed to fight Kikimora who mounted her Abomaton, Sunset, Rose, Eda, Rarity, and Fluttershy engaged Abigail, while everyone else took on the scouts and the shades.

Jake and Haley flew around Chang shooting fire at her, but the traitor slipped around their flames and tail whipped Haley down to the ground. Jake snuffed smoke from his nostrils and flew in grappling Chang.

“Your days of threatening my family are over!” Jake warned her.

“Wrong, child!” Chang replied, as she started overpowering Jake, “It is you who is over.”

"Booyakasha!" Luz came out of nowhere and jumped onto Chang causing her to break her grapple with Jake, until the dragon lady threw her off. Just as she got up, Chang punched the human girl into a car.

"Foolish human!" Chang sneered, "Did you really think you could attack me?!"

Luz stood up and shot back, "I'd be careful if I were you! Because I'm training to be a witch!"

Chang just laughed, "You? A witch? Ha!" She scoffed, "You are just a weak, inferior human!"

"Inferior?!" Luz growled, "You think humans are inferior?!"

"I don't think," Chang stated, "You humans are all inferior!"

"You're working with a human!" Luz pointed out.

"You mean Abigail Finn," Chang inquired, "She is only of use to me. As far as I am concerned, she's as much a lesser being to me as all humans. Though from what I've heard from Kikimora, you are an even lesser being!"

"Wow, Jake was right, you are the worst!" Luz snapped, before Chang smacked her to the ground and pinned her down.

"Pathetic human, who are you to define me?!" Chang replied haughty. "You are nothing! And one more thing, how can you possibly be a witch, when you have no magic within you?"

Luz smirked as she took out a light glyph, "I'll show you..." and flashed the glyph in Chang's eyes.

"Argh!" Chang cried. Then Luz punched her in the face, making her get off, "I'll destroy you for that!" Chang spat a blast of fire at Luz, but the girl used an ice glyph to summon a wall of ice to block her attack.

Then Luz used a glyph combo to create a shroud of fog. Chang looked around but couldn't see Luz anywhere. Then she suddenly found herself wrapped in vines. When the fog cleared she saw that Luz had used a plant glyph. Chang broke free just as Luz used a fire glyph to send a blast at her, knocking her back. Chang spat a jet of fire at Luz but the girl used an invisibility glyph and disappeared minutes before the fire hit her.

"Where are you, human?!" Chang demanded.

Luz reappeared behind her with a gasp, "Here I am!" And stuck a rocket glyph on her. Then Chang went blasting all over the junkyard, bouncing off scrap heaps. Then Luz used two more ice glyphs, one to launch her at Chang as she came toward her, and the other to make an ice bat which she smacked the dragon lady in the face with, knocking her down. Luz landed on her feet just as Chang stood up, now furious.

"You wretched human!" She snarled, "You will be sorry!"

"Not as sorry as you're gonna be, Chang." Luz rebuffed.

"And why do you say that?" Chang asked her.

"Because my girlfriend heard those nasty things you said about me," Luz explained, "And she does NOT appreciate me being insulted."

Before Chang could question that, she was punched away by an abomination fist. Then punched by a second one. Then punched into the second one by the first fist and the second fist grabbed Chang and smashed her down on the ground three times.

Chang looked up to see a glaring Amity, "Don't EVER slander my girlfriend!" The youngest Blight warned, before having the first fist grab Chang by the tail and swung her around before tossing her into the air where Jake and Haley knocked her down with a double roundhouse kick.

“Oh yeah!” Jake said giving a thumb's up.

“Way to go you two!” Haley called down below as Luz and Amity nodded before smiling at each other.

As Sunset, Rose, Eda, Rarity, and Fluttershy engaged Abigail, who used an electronic bo-staff, Rose was using her own staff weapon against her, and spoke.

“I used to be like you, Finn. I used to be a monster hunter and thought it was always my destiny to hunt and slay them. But I learned I am who I am, not what those who raised to be like. In fact, you're even worse than my old master who was also obsessed with exposing magical creatures!” Rose pushed Abigail back.

Fluttershy jumped in and maneuvered around the monster hunter's attacks, “I still haven't forgiven you for what you tried to do to the Green Woman, and my friends too!” she spun kicked Abigail off her feet landing on the ground.

Sunset tried to drop kick Abigail, only for the woman to roll away and get back on her feet, “You know I'm surprised you're working with those two, considering how obsessive you are to capture and prove those sorts of creatures exist.” Sunset told Abigail.

“I have no choice now. After I was arrested, all of my equipment and research had been confiscated. And my show was canceled. Even my PhD has been revoked!” she responded angrily.

“Guess that makes you, Miss Abigail Finn, now.” Sunset mocked.

“I now have only one purpose in life: getting revenge on you and your friends.” She replied.

“Well that's not gonna happen.” Sunset replied, as she, Fluttershy, and Rose got ready for another round with Harpy Eda ready to go.

The rest of the turtles, and the Rainbooms minus Twilight, Karai, Shini, Casey, April, Chaplin, Trix, Spud, Trixie, and the rest of the Hex Squad and King were dealing with the Coven scouts and the shades.

Raph was punching and kicking shades right from left, “Jeez, and I thought Dusk Ninjas were tricky fighters.”

Mikey spun kicked two scouts, “And these Coven Scouts sure are no Foot Ninja.”

Applejack used her clawed gloves to slice through some shades making them dissolve while Rarity slid in and used her sickles on another that almost jumped A.J.

“Hey, guys!” Pinkie called to some of the scouts, “I got a surprise for you!” she threw her sprinkles at them and they exploded in their faces. As the scouts were distorted Pinkie swung her weight and chain half of her weapon nailing each in their heads.

Gus and the Blight Twins used their illusion spells to make it look like the junk piles came to life and tried terrorizing more scouts.

“This is so funny.” Edric told his sister.

“I know.” she agreed.

Karai and Shini who were fighting against some shades saw a single coven scout tried to attack them, only to get double kicked by the two knocking him against a pile of car parts.

“Nice teamwork.” he groaned.

“Thank you.” Shini replied.

“I'm Steve by the way.” he continued.

“Well, Steve, why're you working for these crazies?” Karai inquired, “You can't honestly be all for their crazy plan.”

“Believe me I'm not all for this.” Steve replied.

“You're not?” Shini wondered.

“No. I mean I wish I wasn't working for these people, but I'm stuck with it.”

Karai spoke, “You're only stuck if you let others make you feel that way. But it's never too late to join the good side.” she and Shini were them jumped by more shades leaving Steve to think about what they told him.

As Willow used her plant magic to conjure vines from under the ground to grip the shades they managed to slip out, until Chaplin armed with a blaster opened fire on the shadows making them dissolve. King unleashed his sonic howl on some shades only to see they kept coming back.

“Jeez, these things are like a bad itch! How do we get rid of them?” the little demon asked.

“Dudes, they hate bright light!” Spud called, as he and Trix were defending themselves against more scouts.

“Bright light?” Chaplin wondered, as he looked and spotted a searchlight on a tower, “There!”

“I'll give you a boost.” Willow offered, as she used her plant magic to make a giant leaf for Chaplin to mount as the vines extended up allowing Chaplin to reach the tower.

Chaplin moved the searchlight down in the direction of the shades, “Ok, boys, time for you to see the light!” he turned on the searchlight shining it right on the shades making them hiss and dissolve.

“Alright, Chaplin!” Rainbow called, before zipping around knocking more shades into the light as they dissolved. Soon everyone was knocking the shades into the light watching them dissolve.

Chang saw this and growled, “I'll show them!” As she was about to breath fire, Jake flew in tackling her away.

Leo and Twilight fought Kikimora who was using her Abomaton to attack the two. Leo accessed his magic covering his swords with energy and started fighting back against her robot.

“Once I destroy you, your friends and this place for the Emperor, he'll finally see me for my worth.” Kiki declared.

“Is that all you care about, impressing this Emperor Belos guy?” Leo asked in disbelief.

“I'll do ANYTHING to be in Belos' good grace! To get the recognition I deserve!”

Leo frowned, “You're real pathetic, Kikimora, you know that?”

“What?! How dare you!” the short woman growled.

Twilight jumped in using her weapon against the Abomaton, “He's right, Kiki! Eda told us all the evil things Belos has done. You're craving the approval of a tyrant!”

“Ha! The Owl Lady is a fool! And anyone who believes her is a fool!”

“Oh, really?” Leo asked rhetorically, “Luz told us how she once staged a kidnapping so you could go see your family. Only for you to throw them aside for a supposed promotion!”

“My family was nothing more than an obstacle, and I'll get rid of any obstacle to get Belos' recognition.”

Leo couldn't believe she would say that about her own family, but was prepared with a comeback, “Obstacles like the Golden Guard, your supposed teammate?” Kiki got irked at the mention of that person.

“Luz also told us how you tried to feed him to you're pet finger dragon!” Twilight added.

That brat is the biggest obstacle for the Emperor's approval!”

“Like I said, you're pathetic, Kiki!” Leo declared.

“I'll show you pathetic!” Kiki attacked the two who fought back.

Back with Eda, Sunset, Rose, Rarity, and Fluttershy, Abigail had disappeared into the junkyard.

“Keep your heads up everyone.” Sunset instructed them.

“She could be anywhere.” Rose added.

“I hope she doesn't get the drop on us.” Fluttershy worried.

"Don't worry, there's no way anyone's getting the drop on old mamma." Eda boasted.

Suddenly, Abigail appeared behind her with her energy sword, "That so?!" She said, giving a sharp swing.

Before Eda could even blink, her head was instantly sliced right off her neck and fell into Rarity's hands. The fashionista gave a horrified gasp when something unexpected happened.

"Ow!" Eda's head exclaimed, "Dang it, not again!"

Rarity shrieked and tossed Eda's head, which went soaring over to where Leo and Twilight were still fighting Kikimora and was caught by the turtle leader as he and Twilight looked in shock.

"Yeah, Luz pretty much had the same reaction," Eda said casually, before the two also screamed and Leo threw her head, bouncing it off Kikimora and knocking her down, "Strike one!" Eda cheered before she was caught by a wide eyed Raph, "Hello."

"You're creepy!" Raph tossed her head over to the Coven scout he had been fighting.

"Boo!" Eda said and the scout screamed, throwing her head over to April, who also screamed and threw Eda's head to Trix, who did the same and tossed it to Donnie, who tossed it to Sunset, who threw it to Haley, who threw it to Casey, who threw it to Chaplin, who tossed it to Applejack, who threw it to Rainbow, and she threw it to Jake.

"Yo! Nasty!" Jake threw Eda's head to Mikey and Spud, who began tossing the head to each other in a panic.

"Aaahhh, take it!"

"No you take it!"

"I don't want it, you take it!"

"You take it!"

Finally Spud threw Eda's head to Trixie as Eda said, "Wow, you're all easily freaked out." Trixie screamed and tossed Eda's head over to Pinkie.

Panicked, Pinkie bounced Eda's head from hand to hand like she was holding something hot, "Ew ew ew, disembodied head! Get away!" And she threw Eda's head to Abigail Finn.

Unlike everyone else however, Abigail looked more in disbelief than in terror, "What? This isn't possible! How are you still alive?!"

"Oh, well that's an excellent question," Eda replied,"Just bring me closer and I'll tell you." Abigail held her closer, "Closer... closer... there we go. So the reason for this is..." Then without warning, she blew a raspberry right in Abigail's face. The mad woman cried in disgust while Eda laughed, "That still cracks me up!"

"You disgusting little!" Abigail growled.

"Oh that's nothing compared to what's coming next, Dr. Freakenstine!" Eda smirked.

"What are you implying?!" Abigail demanded, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and was punched in the face by Fluttershy, knocking her unconscious and making her toss Eda's head which the shy girl caught.

"That was for the Green Woman, you meanie!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Nice one, kid." Eda congratulated.

"Why thank you, Eda." Fluttershy smiled, before her eyes widened as she just realized that she was holding Eda's head.

Eda gave a dry look as she knew what was coming, "Scream and throw my head," And Fluttershy did just that, "And off I go." Eda mumbled dryly.

Back with Lao Shi, he saw the crushing pieces were starting to crush the car he was held captive inside making it tighter for him. Until suddenly Trixie appeared before him in a puff of smoke, "Fear not, Lao Shi! For the Heroic and Noble Trixie shall rescue you from being crushed!"

"I'm doomed," Lao Shi deadpanned.

Trixie chuckled, "Oh ye of little faith," Then she took out another smoke bomb, "Behold, the Magician's Exit!" And she threw it down, engulfing herself and the car in smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Lao Shi was no longer in the car, but sitting right next to Trixie! Though he was still under the net.

The fight stopped, as everyone had witnessed the whole thing and stared in utter disbelief.

"Yo, whaaaa?" Jake gaped, still locking claws with a shocked Chang, while Haley looked like she was about to punch the evil dragon lady in the face.

"Impossible?!" Chang exclaimed.

"Did not see that coming." Luz said, as she and a surprised Amity looked like they were about to hit Chang with the ice bat and an abomination boxing glove.

"Yo, how'd she do that?" Trix asked aloud, having a scout in a headlock.

"Not a clue?" The scout shrugged.

"This day is full of surprises." Shini noted.

"No kidding." Pinkie popped up next to her.

"How the heck did you pull that off, Trixie?" Eda asked, her head laying on it's side.

Trixie looked back with a smirk. "A magician never reveals her secrets."

“That's nice,” Lao Shi began calmly before shouting, “Now get me out of here!”

“Right, sir!” Trixie agreed, as she and Fu Dog helped undo the net freeing him.

The old man shifted into his dragon form and flew up to help his grandchildren fight Chang. As the traitor fought the three she spoke, “I will see to it you all perish!”

"Excuse me, Chang?" Chang looked back and was punched down on top of a car by Harpy Eda who got her head back on.

"Nobody tells my kid she's nothing," the Owl lady glared. Luz smiled at Eda.

Chang woke up and looked around seeing the shades were driven away, her partners, and the coven scouts were losing. She flew down to her partners, “The plan has failed, we must retreat and regroup!”

“Works for me!” Abigail agreed, before pulling out a smoke grenade.

“See you all another time!” Kiki warned them, as Abigail threw the grenade releasing smoke allowing the ladies and the scouts to escape.

“They got away!” Casey grumbled.

“Well at least Lao Shi's safe.” Spike noted.

As the three dragons touched down they reverted back to human along with Eda. Everyone gathered around the old man, as Jake spoke, “Are you alright, gramps?”

“I'm fine, thank you. You all fought well and hard. I'm grateful for you coming to my rescue.”

“Anytime, sir.” April replied.

"Also, Eda, DID YOUR HEAD COME OFF YOUR BODY?!" Donnie asked, totally freaked out.

Luz gave a nervous laugh, "Uh, yeah, forgot to mention. Eda can remove some of her body parts. Including her head. Yeah, I totally freaked when I found out too."

"Want me to show ya?" Eda asked mischievously.

"Oh no no, we believe you!" Sunset waved off immediately.

"We're good!" Jake added.

"Totally!" Rainbow said.

"Absolutely!" Rose agreed.

"You don't need show us more!" Leo said.

"We got the gist of it!" Karai stated.

"Don't ever do that again!" Raph said, still freaked out.

"Seriously," Trix agreed, "That was creepier than Fu pretending to be that pirate puppet!"

“Alright, alright. Buzzkills.” Eda grumbled.

“I can't believe Chang tried to use you to get to me again!” Jake growled, until Lao Shi calmed him.

“What matters is you succeeded with your friends, and believe me, this won't be the last we see of Chang or her partners.”

“You sound like you know something, Lao Shi.” Emira noted.

“Do you?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. I know what Chang is planning.”

“What is it?” Haley asked.

“She's going to release the Dark Dragon from the temple.”

“WHAT?!” Jake and his friends shouted.

“Wha-wha-what?!” Fu Dog asked in shock.

“That's not possible!” Jake replied, “The temple can't be accessed for a thousand years.”

“That's what I believed to. But the temple exists in another dimension, and with Kikimora helping her she intends to find a portal spell that could reopen it ahead of time.” the old man explained.

“That's crazy, yo!” Casey said.

“Whatever do we do?” Rarity wondered.

“Whatever it takes to stop Chang from carrying out this plan of hers.” Lao Shi squinted his eyes.

Meanwhile the Trio of ladies and the scouts had retreated to their hideout in the city, “This is unbelievable!” Kiki growled, “It's bad enough that human and those little witchlings stood in my way, but now more humans and freaks as well?!”

“Those humans and freaks are not something to sneeze at, Kiki,”Abigail replied, “I remember warning you about them when we started this alliance.” Kiki just frowned, until Chang spoke up.

“Enough! Our enemies together are much stronger than when they're alone. We'll need to remember that for next time.” her two partners nodded in agreement, as Steve the coven guard spoke to the dragon lady.

“Pardon me, Mistress Chang, but how exactly do you plan on making a portal to this temple?”

“Not to worry. I already found a way and sent an old acquaintance to retrieve the tool I needs.” she smirked.

Meanwhile at the Natural History Museum, a figure was climbing up the building before slipping in through a window getting inside. The figure removed their hood to reveal it was a monkey who spoke.

“Yo yo, dawg! Bananas B is in the building!”

Author's Note:

Chaplin calling the trio on they should all settle this like women because there were more ladies than guys there plays reference to the first crossover between Super Girl and the Flash when they teamed up against Livewire and Silver Banshee.

The scene of everyone panicking and tossing Eda's head around is comparable to the scene in Frozen where Anna and Kris are tossing Olaf's head around completely shocked he's a talking snowman.