• Published 6th Nov 2023
  • 358 Views, 6 Comments

partisans of Eqwuestria - Ferencelvtars

  • ...

Iranian Connections

Ferkó found the story very intriguing and thought that it would be useful in the future. Ferkó and Rumble slowly reached the base, and Ferkó was relieved that he could finally eat and drink. However, his joy quickly dissipated with a loud noise. The small team rushed to the base and found a massive mounthicorn, its eyes glowing so green that even a blind pony could see Sombra's influence on it. Ferkó immediately shot it, hitting it with a sleep-inducing ray, and then hurried back to the others.

"Twilight, Ocellus, what happened?" asked Ferkó in a worried tone.

"We don't know. Sombra unleashed that monster on us, and he's likely on his way here," replied Twilight, lifting Sweetie Belle's bag while packing.

"Okay, then I think it's time to disappear from here," declared Ferkó, putting Scoutalut down and reaching for his bag.

The others hadn't returned yet, but they signaled that they were nearby, Sweetie Belle said while putting apples on her back.

"I know, I know, I also have a radio. However, we need to get to the Diamond Dogs' cave immediately if we want to survive this," shouted Ferkó angrily while putting Scoutalut back on his back.

Ferkó and the others quickly set off, and thanks to the radio, Starlight and the rest soon joined the small escaping group. When a large black cloud blocked their path,

"You cursed partisans," echoed an evil laughter from the cloud.

"Sombra! Back, back quickly," yelled Ferkó.

"Not a good idea," stated Starlight.

"We're surrounded," added Twilight.

Ferkó, desperate, tried to find a way out. The others transformed and armed themselves, ready for battle. At that moment, Ferkó saw a cave not far from them, and it seemed that Sombra's minions were not coming from there.

"Let's go there!" shouted Ferkó, directing the small group toward the cave with two covering shots.

The team managed to get into the cave, and Ferkó sealed the entrance with well-aimed shots, using the ceiling.

"Great, we're stuck here. Are you happy now?" asked Twilight angrily.

"Shhh, can't you feel the pleasant breeze?" replied Ferkó, silencing Twilight.

"But why is it important?" asked Starlight, puzzled.

"Because caves with only one exit don't have air circulation," explained Ocellus.

"Exactly, which means there's a way out from here," finished Ferkó Ocellus's train of thought.

"Let's go then; I don't want to spend time in this cave," said Sweetie Belle, looking down.

The small team almost unanimously lit some light and set off. The cave was dark, deep, and eerie. However, for Ferkó, it reminded him of Aggtelek and Tapolca, so he wasn't too scared. After a while, everyone fell asleep suddenly. Ferkó attributed it to magic-swallowing stones and continued. Suddenly, light attacked from the end of the cave, and intense heat flowed in. Ferkó thought it was just the cold cave making the sun feel hot, but he quickly realized it wasn't.

"What? Have we come this far?" he asked in disbelief.

As far as the eye could see, there were rocky deserts and mountains. Everywhere were sand, rocks, and in the distance, massive mountain ranges. Ferkó looked down, and suddenly, he understood why it was so hot.

"Huh. Ferkó, you didn't mention that you can shape-shift," said Ocellus, looking at him angrily.

"Oh, so we just came through a portal, great," declared Ferkó, putting the pieces together.

The others realized one by one that they had turned into humans. Except for Smolder and Ocellus, they turned into a dog and a fox.

"Okay, this is mildly weird," remarked Twilight.

"What? What happened to me?" asked Scoutalu, still groggy from waking up.

"Well, this is a long story," replied Rumble to his girlfriend.

"Now that we know we're in my world, let's find out exactly where. Explain, Ferkó," said Ferkó, explaining the map on his phone that marked their location in Iran, near the city where his sister's boyfriend worked in journalism.

"Yay! We're saved!" exclaimed Ferkó joyfully.

"How can I be saved in the middle of a desert in another world? We're hiding, for crying out loud!" Phoenix inquired.

"Fortunately, we're not far from the city where one of my relatives lives, so I just need to call him and find some explanation for you. We're in trouble, though," said Ferkó as he realized it.

The phone rang, and Ferkó wondered what to say to his sister. Why are there a fox and a dog in the group who can talk? What are they doing here? How did they get here? Etc. At that moment, a male voice came from the phone.

"Hello, this is Emese Stonivics's phone," greeted the voice in English.

"Oh, hello, would you be so kind as to give me to Emese?" asked Ferkó, hoping the person would say what he wanted, as he wasn't very good at English.

"Ferkó, don't force the English; it's not working, hehe," said a voice in Hungarian.

"Oh, hi Ármin! Listen, can you come to the coordinates I sent?'" Ferkó asked, desperately hoping the guy wouldn't hang up.

"Yes, but why?" inquired Ármin, sounding puzzled.

"Well, um, we'll leave it at that. I'll be waiting for you there," said Ferkó and hung up.

About 15-20 minutes later, a large Jeep stopped not far from them, and a man got out with his girlfriend.

"Do you know what Ferkó is doing here again, dragging us into the middle of the desert?" grumbled the man.

"Hey Ármin, Emese, I'm here!" shouted Ferkó at the top of his lungs.

"Ferkó! Oh, I haven't seen you in so long," said Emese as she ran over and hugged him.

"Okay, Em-Emese, I'm glad to see you, but compared to this hug, the straitjacket is a loose Hawaiian shirt," gasped Ferkó as he gasped for breath.

"Okay, okay! Hey, and who are they?" Emese asked, pointing to the small group.

"Uh... that's a damn good question, and you'll get the answer, just not in the middle of a 50-degree desert," Ferkó hinted.

Emese and her boyfriend took Ferkó and the others with the Jeep to the city where they lived. Tatar-modern glass-roofed skyscrapers and ancient sandstone houses alternated as they went deeper into the city. The house where they lived, however, was just a sandstone house with a door using rainbow-colored beads. When Ferkó, who was more worried about when he would get a heatstroke than when he would get a hot goulash, started telling his story, Emese didn't believe him at first. But after everyone was there, confirming the story, she reluctantly gave some credit to the story. The story continued.