• Published 6th Nov 2023
  • 358 Views, 6 Comments

partisans of Eqwuestria - Ferencelvtars

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Once again, Ferkó found himself in the in-between place with Sweetie Belle on the "shoulder" Ferkó immersed himself in Sweetie's consciousness, delving deep into her soul. What he "saw" was a frightened foal being besieged by an evil warlord, King Sombra. A piece of Sombra's dark magic, which attempted to break through the protective shield in his friend's soul, still lingered from that surreal night. Sombra's siege was interrupted by an impromptu barrage of gunfire. Sombra ceased the attack, grabbing a magical fragment resembling a scythe and charging at Ferkó. At that moment, Ferkó took an "invisible sword" into his "hooves" and cleared his mind of any distractions. In the depths of his consciousness, only a gentle melody resounded—a song sung by a nation upon returning to its homeland.

Once again, he felt his hooves gripping the sword's hilt. Ferkó managed to block Sombra's first strike, and a fierce exchange of blows ensued. Sombra defended himself with the scythe's blade, but he didn't stop there. He quickly grabbed his sword from the scythe's blade and continued the assault, unleashing strikes from various angles until Ferkó found an opening. With full force, Ferkó sliced through Sombra's twisted horn. Sombra let out a loud cry, dropped his scythe, and slowly lowered his head. Ferkó placed his sword against Sombra's forehead, ready to finish him off.

"Hahaha, foolish youth, you think you've won. But if you kill me, you'll seal your own downfall. You'll become the very thing you fought against—a creature driven by oppressive power and selfish desires," Sombra said triumphantly.

"You're mistaken. You may seek dominion and influence, but I, I am a member of the thousand-year-suffering Hungarian people. I seek good for everyone. The freedom of the people is more important to me than my own life, and you will never influence me," replied Ferkó arrogantly.

"Hah, you see your problem is that you're too merciful. Shouted Sombra, embedding his two massive fangs into Ferkó.

Ferkó felt the black magic slowly squeezing his own soul, losing himself more and more to everything he had done to stand against it. With his last strength, he grabbed Sweetie Belle, pushed her away with all his might, and closed the gate.

"What have you done?" Sombra asked angrily.

"This world may be my tomb, but you're also departing the realm of the living with me," declared Ferkó. He pulled all the remaining magical power into his horn and shot a massive blast beneath him. The world began to crumble into pieces as Sombra desperately sought an escape route.

Ferkó had accepted that this would be his final resting place when he accidentally reached for the medallion. The medallion began to glow, and in an instant, Ferkó found himself in a beautiful snowy field. The exhaustion he felt was beyond expression, but his soul was still not at peace. He felt the black magic slowly eradicating love from him—for his family, friends, and even Sweetie Belle. With his last strength, he erected a "barrier" around the remnants of his emotions and tried to hold onto them.

When Sweetie Belle regained consciousness, she saw Ferkó struggling not to completely break down. Sweetie Belle had slept through the ordeal but somehow sensed what had happened. She ran to Ferkó and did the only thing she could—pressed a heartfelt "kiss" on his face. Suddenly, Ferkó felt a surge of fiery power coming from outside, helping him. The effort eventually caused a magical explosion that completely expelled the Black Magic from him. However, along with it, he suddenly felt a profound pain where Sombra had bitten him. Still, he knew it was just a scratch compared to what could have happened.

Although his body was exhausted, he couldn't stay awake any longer and collapsed. When he woke up, he could open his eyes without feeling pain. Sweetie Belle was above him, casting a healing spell. Ferkó felt a bit weaker than a "Stalright" evening, but strong enough not to feel the burning pain in his chest. Little Sweetie Belle seemed very tired, and Ferkó didn't want to harm her.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle, you can rest now," he whispered.

"What? Ferkó, oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, hugging her friend tightly.

"Now I know what it's like to be in a grape press," Ferkó thought to himself but chose to hug her back to avoid causing any harm.

Sweetie Belle planted a small kiss on his cheek, and Ferkó knew that nothing was false anymore. The embrace with Sweetie Belle slowly came to an end, and Ferkó, carrying her on his back, headed towards the thousand-year-old castle. His "girlfriend" peacefully slept on his back, occasionally making a noise or snoring. Ferkó didn't mind; he didn't even mind that Sweetie Belle almost tore out his fur. The sun was gradually rising, and the shadows in the forest were getting narrower.

As they walked, a branch snapped, followed by the distinctive sound of footsteps in the snow. Ferkó halted, trying to locate the source of the noise, but it was too late. Ponies, yaks, and even dragons leaped out from behind the trees and bushes. Ferkó attempted to channel energy into his horn, but the attempt was met with a sharp, stabbing pain.

"We've got you. Don't even try to resist," a voice said from among the surrounding group.

"Shining Armor, if I'm not mistaken!" Ferkó shouted, annoyed.

"Your intellect is as sharp as ever," replied the voice.

Ferkó strained his horn, and a spell managed to emit a burst of magic that reached his phone. Ferkó took out his downloaded items and started playing the only thing within reach. The phone struggled for a moment, then began playing a deafening noise that had been programmed. "The word has been uttered, the anthem resounds." Taking advantage of the overwhelming noise, Ferkó used a hoof to open his knife and attacked the weakest defense line, where only a pony of Sweetie Belle's age was protecting the circle. Breaking free, he rushed forward before the recovering army could react. To be continued.