• Published 6th Nov 2023
  • 357 Views, 6 Comments

partisans of Eqwuestria - Ferencelvtars

  • ...

"Christmas, or Heart warninmg?"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I apologize in advance if there are many errors in the chapter (it's not my fault). With this chapter, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Oh, and the songs in the chapter are in Hungarian, if anyone is interested. Well, I'm off to eat bejgli. Merry Christmas.

Postscript: Christmas starts for us today, just to clarify everything.

Winter had already arrived in Eqwuestria, and snow was falling in thick flakes. Ferkó decided who would let the sleigh madman lie dormant inside and made a small sledge out of a couple of tree branches. He and Sweetie Bell went up to the top of a small hill and started sledding. The others were snow-battling or sledding in similar ways, except for Flutershy, who moved away and began to sculpt. Sweetie Belle and Ferko enjoyed sledding so much that they didn't look over their heads. Suddenly, Ferko noticed a dark shadow, but by then it was too late. The sledge crashed into a tree with a huge battlenade as Ferko and Sweetie Belle flew forward about 20 to 30 meters until a tree stopped the frantic, impromptu flying show. Ferko quickly looked over the snowy, now bare trees, and saw none other than Princess Celestia herself.

Sweetie Belle run and don't look back. He said as he helped his Girlfriend to her feet

M-what happened? asked Sweetie Belle puzzled

Celestia shot at us. Ferko announced, a little panicked. Sweetie Belle didn't add anything to that, and they just ran and ran.
The foal is running, he knows where he stops, or in this case, what stops him. Ferkó's family ran into a canyon with a huge robe, which fortunately was not deep, but still not shallow. Ferko quickly swam up using his wings.

Sweetie Belle! Where are you?! Answer! He cried out in fright

I'm here (Cough) ! Endured Back Active Cough During Sweetie Bele

Climb on my back, I can swim! Ferko said and quickly tried to swim there

Sweetie Belle climbed onto her back and was happy that she didn't have to use her non-existent swimming skills to stay up in the fast and undulating river. Ferkó soon realized that there was no way out of here until the canyon widened, so their chances of surviving into cold water were drastically poor, given that the 0 degree water is hot by comparison.

Ferko swam for 2 hours and tried to climb to a wider snow protrusion, but all to no avail, He felt his legs cramp and move less and less, but he thought that he would save Sweetie Bellet even if he met the fate of the Titanic. Finally, with a little scramble they managed to make land. it wasn't big, they were still trapped, but here was everything Ferko needed: old, wet but combustible wood and solid ground. Sweetie Bele climbed off her back and saw how much the cold water had worn her.

Is everything alright? he asked, worried about his Friend

ju-ju-ju-just fi-fifire-k-k-k-put a-and I'll be l-l-down-well. Ferko replied with a chuckle

Alright, wait, I'll warm you up right away. Sweetie Belle said and hurriedly ran for the tree that had fallen into this part of the crevice.
Soon a small campfire was crackling and Ferko's frozen body began to warm up. The evening didn't help warm up intact, and Ferko slowly closed his eyes and breathed more slowly. Sweeite Belle hugged her tightly and tried to keep her warm, but she was wet too and couldn't help much. Ferko fell neatly together by the pleasant warm fire and fell into a deep sleep. Sweetie Belle stayed by his side all night, trying to warm him up somehow, until more than once his own limit caught up with him and slowly put her head to sleep next to Ferko.

The next morning, Ferko woke up with some ashes blown into his nose, thanks to the wind. When he woke up, he saw little Sweetie next to him, softly snoozing and lying on his warm fur, Ferko didn't have the heart to wake him up, and slowly put his head back and tried to think something meaningful. Sweetie Belle woke up about an hour later with a soft stretch

Uh-huh- good morning. He said with all kinds of sounds of good awakening

Good morning, you little sour sugar, am I comfortable? Ferko asked jokingly, as he slowly stood up:

Oh don't get angry, I guess it oppresses my chin. Sweetie Belle said as she blushed in embarrassment:

No, no, it's okay, after all, you're just my partner. Ferko declared as he matted into his wet bag.

Do you have a plan to get out of here? asked Sweetie Belle with interest

Unfortunately, there is none, because I did not dare to move so far. Ferko replied mischievously

Seeite Belle's mane looked like a load of hair had been sprinkled around her neck. Ferko doesn't look that way just because of his stiff wire-like hair. They ate the remaining apples that had been hidden in the bag and slowly debated how to get out.

Where can we go? The rock is unclimbable and the water is too cold for swimming. Sweeite Belle explained as she saw that Ferko couldn't cry or laugh

What's so funny? He asked irritably

Sorry, but your mane looks like you've been spat on by a hair monster. Feerko replied, trying not to be
offensive: Come on my wing, not a branded comb, but maybe it will. He said, then sat behind her and tried to make something out of the mane that looked good.

What if we left teleported anyway? You also have pure benefits for me. Ferko said as he picked out a bigger tangle

But I can only teleport with environmental magic. Sweetie Belle replied sadly

Why am I not enough? Ferko asked

But I don't want to suck magic out of you, it ended badly last time. He said, and then walked away:

Then I'll do it. Ferko declared, and before Sweetie Belle could react, she was already gone, and she was on the top of the hill, Sweetie Belle also went up with her pendant, and they slowly made their way.

There were few creatures on the Ever free forset, and the mere one seemed untouched. Ferko was reminded of his former lowland kalangya by the small clearing that widened into a huge meadow. The two ponies walked slowly and admired the snow- and frost-covered landscape. Suddenly, a house appeared in front of Ferkó's family in the field. Ferko and Sweetie Belle headed gladly towards the house, hoping it was uninhabited as night had passed. When they got there, they saw piles of wood and an old car indicating that someone might have lived here. Ferkó's family quickly went inside, and after a few minutes the fire was crackling in the fireplace, and Ferkó started making delicious dishes from the leftovers.
Sweetie Belle looked around for a line and marveled at how simple but great this humble shelter
was: Who do you think owned this hut before we got here? asked with interest

I have no idea, the last trapper. Ferko replied half-seriously

HOW ABOUT STAYING HERE FOR A WHILE. Sweetie Belle asked jokingly:

You know what, if we liberated Eqwuestria I will live here with you. Ferko stated as a joke

Why then, since we are very far from Eqwuestria? asked Sweetie Belle

I think you're right, but you don't want Sombra to rule all of Eqwuestria, right? asked Ferko Back

I think that's legitimate. Sweetie Belle said as she closed her face in a barely visible pink blush

Ferko took out his soaked phone and looked at the date and was shocked: Friday 12.24. Suddenly, he took out a small piece of wood and began carving it with his knife. He worked with it for about an hour before it was finished. Sweetie Belle was napping in the chair when Ferko Hirteln put the little ornament in her hair

Oh what's happening. Sweetie Belle stood up screaming as she quickly filled her horns

Hehehe's happy heart warmth. Ferko laughed. Sweetie Belle was amazed. During training, he forgot that there is a warmth of the heart evening. Suddenly, she blushed and took off the beautiful comb from her hair, which resembled a miracle, beautiful red flower.

Oh thank you, but I can't give you anything. He said and began to feel ashamed of himself

The greatest gift for me is that I like it. Ferko declared and hugged his Girlfriend tightly.

I think if someone like you is, it's not just a benign lie. Sweetie Belle then charmed a small piece of wood with her horn, which was a pine branch. Soon, with a little help, a half-meter small pine tree stood there.

Wow, you're going to have to teach me this magic too. Ferko came out and started creating something out of a small piece of magic. You know, Sweetie Belle, in my world the warmth of the heart is called Christmas, and even with you national, it's just a celebration of love, and it's a symbol of it. Then he finished creating and held a five-pointed red star with its horn inside the heart
Gee, it's almost like our top ornament. The little unicorn declared, then took it and put it on top of the tree.

Yes, I know, because it's just our ornament at the star bands, the heart is yours. Do you really have heartfelt songs? He asked with interest.

Well, I can't, but I can't sing, and I don't know any of them by heart. Ferko neatly put the comb ornament back in place as he answered, and now it was literally red because he had dropped a little red pine resin on it, which gripped it beautifully.

Oh I see, well, if you want, I know a song from my world, I can teach it if you want. He declared and rang his phone.

That would be fantastic! Sweetie Belle raised her hoof high and then reacted to herself with an awkward blush and scratching her neck. Then Ferkó's music started, and beautiful melodic music began to play from the small tape recorder. https://youtu.be/T1Mp7YduNTU?si=9otD9EotQ4cIfzRo As he had to, Ferkó started the song.

When the first snow falls, ice flowers grow again through
the window Sleigh bell, its voice rings, And the day comes what we dream of,
when we receive and can give love.
Nice holiday, take care of us.

White Christmas, we have been waiting for a long time,Today
we light a candle on the feast of love.
White Christmas, a hundred stars burn,Wherever on earth this melody accompanies us,
Sweetie Bell was completely mesmerized by this song, and when she saw her lyrics on the phone where the melody was playing, she began to read it. And what he read he really liked. A holiday is true if it lives in their souls,For at least one day a person hopes
only for good Real, true heartfelt phrases

Love is hidden everywhere in the windows.
The velvet blanket for us is the freshly falling snow
We wish the anniversary to be peaceful together,But today the smell of pine still fills the night
Tomorrow the enemy should also be a true good friend,When he got to the point where he saw the chorus coming and almost felt where the next chorus was coming, and he also started singing: "
White Christmas,

we have been waiting for a long time.
Today we light a candle on the holiday of love.
White Christmas, a hundred stars burn.
Wherever on earth this melody accompanies us, it accompanies us.
Then, as the chorus ended, a familiar melody came, and he just sang it and sang it.
When the first snow falls, ice flowers grow again through
the window Sleigh bell, its voice rings, And the day comes what we dream of,
when we receive and can give love.
Nice holiday, take care of us.
White Christmas, we've been waiting for a long time.
Today we light a candle on the holiday of love.
White Christmas, a hundred stars burn.
Wherever on earth this melody accompanies us, it accompanies us.
White Christmas, we've been waiting a long time.
Today we light a candle on the holiday of love.
White Christmas, a hundred stars burn.
Wherever on earth this melody accompanies us, it accompanies us.

When the song finally ended, he saw Ferko looking at him with sparkling eyes. Then it slowly comes closer. Sweetie Belle blushed because she didn't sing often in front of others.

Ferko was mesmerized by the beautiful voice in which Sweetie Belle sang, and hugged her tightly. Sweetie Belle reciprocated, and her little nose said just that. I think I already know what I'll give you next year. Ferko didn't hear this and just hugged and kissed his little mare, who couldn't believe what he had done to his sweetheart, this little singing.
The two ponies then learned a bunch of songs.


and countless others. Sweetie Belle, despite how many times Ferko's heart burst into song, there was both a cauldron and a bucket full of water dripping out. The two little foals had forgotten even about time, and only a cuckoo clock in the house signaled midnight to them. Then the two foals sensed how tired they were, and how good it was, but now it was time to go to bed. Sweetie Belle was still humming "Let's light a candle" here this Christmas as she led herself to the land of sweet dreams.
To be contined