• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 792 Views, 35 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

Ask not the sparrow how the eagle soars part 1







Digimon Analyzer

Our heroes were riding on the back of a rather enormous centaur-like Diginon. The Digimon itself was covered in black and red armor with flame patters on the arm guards, and it had a bow strapped to its back and a quiver of arrows on its right hip.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Sagittarimon
Level: Armor
Type: Mythical Beast
Attribute: Vaccine, Free, None

Sagittarimon is a superior species of the Centarumon family, and it is told that it is a mythical being. His skill in archery is ubmatched. His Judgement Arrow attack can snipe down any foe from even the greatest distance!

"How much farther?" Sunset asked Mercurymon, who was reading the map.

"Not much farther." Mercurymon elaborated. "It's a good thing the leader of Sleipnir Town recommended Inari Village."

"A perfect place to replenish in supplies." Leonmon replied with a nod.

"Inari Village, eh?" Noah asked. "What's it like?"

"A village that is practically markets galore." Sagittarimon explained. "It's one of the best trading places the Digital World has to offer. Anything you need, you'll find it there."

"Maybe we can grab a bite to eat along the way." Pinkie Pie suggested as she rubbed her stomach with a dismayed look. "My stomachs growling."

"Well, I personally recommend Benkei's Bento." Sagittarimon said with a chortle. "The noodles they serve there is simply divine!"

"Good thing I've pickpocketing those bandits back at Sleipnir Town." Thrill Ride as he held up a small sack. "They didn't even see it comin'!"

"Really? Stealing?" Rarity asked in a scolding manner to Thrill Ride. "Have you no shame?"

"Hey, to be fair Rarity," Applejack chimed in, "those varmin killed people and stole their cash. So, they ain't saints either."

"And we have the money generously bestowed to us by the head of Sleipnir Town." Leomon said as he held up a larger sack. "So, this should be more than enough to resupply on essentials."

"Well, here we are." Sagittarimon said, making his passengers look ahead. They see a village that looked like it was straight from Japan's Edo period. "Inari Village." Sagittarimon then got onto his knees for the gang to get off.

"Thanks for the lift." Sunset said as she and the others hopped off.

"My pleasure." Sagittarimon said as he then stood back up. "I wish you good luck on your journey." And with that, Sagittarimon then turned around and walked off, the gang waving goodbye.

"Alright, let's get a move on." Nohemon said as everyone entered.

The humans looked around, noticing that a majority of the Digimon present resembled anthropomorphic animals or other half-man, half-animal creatures such as centaurs.

"Say, what's with all the anthro animals?" Applejack asked.

"Inari Village is mostly inhabited by Beastkin and Birdkin Digimon, humanoid Diginon with beast or bird traits." Leomon explained. "But fret not. They're welcoming towards visitors, even those of different types."

"There it is! Benkei's Bento!" Pinkie declared while pointing, and others see the place, making the others notice the place. It resembled a large traditional Japanese-style building with a sign that read "Benkei's Bento".

"Ah, Benkei's Bento!" Nohemon spoke with a lick of his lips. "I haven't eaten there in years!"

"Then what are we standing here for! Let's go!" Pinkie ran towards the building while her friends gave off deadpan looks.

"Seriously?" Applejack asked out.

"Well, I'm a bit famished myself, so I'm going with." Noah replied as he followed Pinkie.


Inside, the gang were amazed by the architecture. It mirrored exactly that of the traditional Japanese style.

"Oh my." Twilight muttered in awe at the place. "I must admit, the founder has an eye for detail."

"I appreciate your praise, my dear."

The gang collectively look behind them to see a large humanoid resembling a samurai or a Japanese god with an electricity theme.

"Welcome to Benkei's Bento." The figure said with a bow. "I am Kazuchimon. You just be the humans that I've heard many a story about."

"Yep. That's us." Pinkie replied with a nod. "I heard this place has good food here."

"Indeed, it does." Kazuchimon replied with a nod and a delighted chuckle.

"And of course, It's on me." Leomon replied as he held out his sack of money.

"No need." Kazuchimon replied with a dismissive wave. "On the house. Now come with me, and I will escort you to your seats."

The gang were taken to a table, and moment later, the table was graced with a vast assortment of Japanese-style dishes. From sushi to noodles, steamed vegetables to rice bowls, hotpots to eggrolls, even fruit-based dishes. It was basically an all you can eat buffet on the table.

"Oooh!" Pinkie murmured with a starstruck look before grabbing an egg roll and munching on it. Her tastebuds danced and sang upon eating the delicate before grabbing a bowl of noodles.

The gang wanted no time in eating, each amazed by how delicious the food was.

"Ooh, Sagittarimon was not kidding!" Rarity spoke with glee. "Thess noodles are simply heaven!"

"The steamed vegetables are really good." Sunset Shimmer agreed as she ate a steamed broccoli.

"The seafood specials aren't too shabby either!" Thrill Ride said as he munched on a piece if fried squid. "Man, this place is awesome!"

"Hopefully you save some room for deserts, for our dessert options are to die for." Kazuchimon replied with a chuckle.


The group stopped eating and looked to see two Digimon. One was looked like a short, old woman with grey hair styled in a Japanese bun. She wore an old robe with a pink orb round her neck and carries around a broom.

The other resembles a yellow blob with a large mouth that wrapping around its entire cephalothorax, splitting it in half with a large tongue in the lower mandible. It has long arms with two belts on each wrist, a belt on the upper part of its right arm, and multiple metal rings on its long fingers.

"Alright lady!" The blonde threatened. "Hand over everything you've got!"

"Oh boy." Thrill Ride sighed out. "Looks like we've already got trouble."

"Hold it right there!"

The old woman and yellow blob looks to see two more Digimon. The first one resembled a small chick wearing an eggshell and a small katana strapped to its back.

The other resembled a small dinosaur-like creature dressed as a Ronin.

"Never fear, ma'am!" The bird-like Digimon said with a fearless look. "The dynamic duo are here! Hyokomon the brave!"

"And BushiAgumon the daring!" The newly named BushiAgumon declared as he and Hyokomon both struck a dynamic pose.

The yellow Digimon raised an eyebrow at the two before busting into laughter. "What's this? Some sort of side show?" The blob Digimon said in between laughter. "I suggest you two beat it!"

"You'd be surprised!" Hyokonon replied before drawing out his Katana. "Now why don't you leave the lady alone before you get trashed."

"Ooooh, I'm shivering." The yellow blob replied sarcastically. "What should I do? Oh, I know. " The blob's nails then began to emit a bright pink glow before extending. "This! Scar Nail!" The blob then lunged at the two. But suddenly, a pair of bright orange ribbons wrapped the yellow blob up before it could even attack.

"Modestly Stun!"

The blob then screamed in agony as he was zapped by electricity for a minute before the bandages released him. His body singed lightly as he groaned in pain. And moments later, a new figure appeared between the two and the yellow blob.

This one resembled a feline with a feminine humanoid appearance. It had scarf-like appendages jutting out a large tuft of fur around its neck, and its tail has a braid with a dark stinger at its end. Its fur is a golden yellow color. Its mane covers its back and torso, and its front paws now resemble human hands with four fingers each and short black claws. It has red claws retracted in its gauntlets. It also has black armor on its shoulders, thighs, hands, and feet. Its armor has white lights, and it also has white lights on its forearms, thighs, and on the cross-shaped cut under its eyes.

The gang were amazed by the rescuer.

"Whoa...!" Thrill Ride muttered in awe.

The yellow blob however was more terrified than amazed.

"You were saying, Sukamon?" The feline Digimon spoke with a threatening glare towards the blob named Sukamon.

Sukamon shook in terror before bouncing away. The feline Digimon then looks to the two with a worried look.

"BushiAgunon. Hyokomon. Are you two alright?" The feline asked as she picks the two up like a mother would carry her children. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"We're good." Hyokomon replied.

"You two should be back at the Vermilllion Palace preparing for the tournament!" Meicrackmon said, scolding the two. And with that, she lets onto the building and jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

The gang were just stunned by what had just transpired.

"Who was that?" Sunset asked.

"Meicrackmon." Kazuchimon replied. "She is one of the Fearsome Five. Five masters of martial arts under the tutelage of master Baronmon."

"And what about those two little ones?" Subset asked.

"Hyokomon and BushiAgumon?" Kazuchimon asked. "Well, those two also work at the Jade Palace, but they mostly just do the daily chores." Kazuchimon sighs out. "Those two long of becoming heroes, but all they do is just unintentionally cause trouble."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking to the distance Meicrackmon leapt to.

At a large building, Mercrackmon had landed in the courtyard and gently drops the two.

"There you two are!"

Hyokomon and BushiAgumon jump and look to see a rather strange looking Digimon that resembled a creature from Balinese mythology.

Digimon Analyzer

Level: Armor
Type: Wizard
Attribute: Free, VirusBaromon is a sagely Digimon believed to be a survivor of old generation Digimon and has several abilities of a lost technology not found in current Digimon. The third eye on its brow is said to forecast future events.

"Master Baromon!" Hyokomon and BushiAgumon collectively stuttered out in nervousness.

"I asked you two to sweep the floors five minutes ago!" Baronmon said as he tossed a couple of brooms to the two. "Now move it! This place needs to be ready! We have two minutes on the clock!"

"Yes master!" Hyokomon and BushiAgumon replied as they grabbed a broom and ran inside.

"Master Baromon!"

Baromon looks to see a Hawkmon fly towards him. "It's Grandmaster Majiramon! He wishes to see you!" Hawkmon said.


Baronmon enters into a room, bowing respectively towards Majiramon.

"Master Majiramon." Baromon spoke with a bow. "Youve summoned me. Is something wrong?"

Baromon looks to Majiramon. Majiramon resembled a green centaur-like Chinese dragon with long arms and large forearms. He has yellow antlers with bonji on them, long, grey hair tied in a short ponytail and a long mustache. It wears a purple vest and leather tassets with fur lining.

Digimon Analyzer

Level: Ultimate
Type: Holy Dragon
Attribute: DataMajiramon, one of the twelve Devas and the representative of the Dragon from the Chinese zodiac. Calculating and wise, it fights via the use of its "Bǎo Shǐ" arrows.

As for what Majiramon was doing, he was meditating while standing on his tail before opening his eyes. "Now why would there be something wrong to see my old friend?" Majiramon asked as he broke from his meditating stance.

"So... nothing is wrong?" Baromon asked.

"Well, I never said that." Majiramon stated as he walks towards an array of lit candles. And with a forward thrust of his arms, each candle was snuffed out at once.

"I've had a vison." Majiramon spoke, looking to Baromon with a grim look. "Ginkakumon and Kinkakumon will return."

Baromon went wide-eyed in absolute shock upon hearing that.

"But... that... that's not possible!" Baromon muttered in shock, hoping such a thing would not come. "They're both banished! They would never dare to return!"

But the look Majiramon had never faltered. "Nothing is impossible, my dear friend."

"Master... we must do something!" Baromon spoke in dismay. "If they escape, they will..."

"Your mind is like this water." Majiramon said, walking towards a pond that was rippling. "When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see." Majiramon then extended his tail to the pond. "But if you allow it to settle," Majiramon gently taps the tip of his tail onto the water's surface, causing the ripples to cease, "the answer becomes clear."

One the water's surface was a reflection of a golden four-winged bird with a scroll clutched in its talons. Majiramon and Baromon both look up to see the exact same thing attached onto the roof above it.

"The Scroll of Hououmon!" Baromon murmured in shock.

"The time has arrived." Majiramon stated.

"But who?" Baromon asked his master. "Who is worthy to be trusted with such secrets to become... the Champion of the Phoenix?"

Majiramon said nothing, humming in thought. Such a tough question.

Back with our gang, they were walking throughout the various markets the town had to offer.

"Alright, let us see here." Mercurymon held up a list of what essentials that they need restocking on. Eventually he stumbled across a vendor of various books. "Ooh. I could use a good read."

Thrill Ride and Rainbow Dash were doing some sightseeing at a nearby weapons vendor.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash muttered as she was eying up a large battle axe.

"Hey! You thieving vermin!" Rarity called out, making Rainbow and Thrill Ride look to see her chasing after a pink rat-like Diginon. "Give that back!"

"Try to get it back, priss!" The rat spoke, but Thrill Ride stepped on his tail when he got close enough, making him yell in pain while also dropping the coin bag.

"Not so fast, Mickey Mouse!" Thrill Ride said with a smirk as Rainbow Dash picked up the coin purse and handed back to Rarity. "Now you better scram before the next thing I stomp on is your head, cheese breath!" The rat-like Digimon yelped in fear before running off.

"Hey guys! Check this out!"

The four saw Pinkie Pie standing near a flier, and they walk to see what the sign was about.

"Tournament held at the Vermillion Palace." Thrill Ride read. "Everyone is welcome to see grandmaster Majiramon choose the Champion of the Phoenix." Noah looks to the others with a perplexed. "What's a Champion of the Phoenix?"

"The Champion of the Phoenix?!" Nohemon ran to the four and grabbed the flier, reading every word on it. "Incredible! After so many years, grandmaster Majiramon is passing the Scroll of Hououmon to a worthy champion!"

Leomon and Mercurymon arrivedN along with the others and read through the flier.

"Marvelous!" Mercurymon spoke with excitement. "This is a day I've wanted to witness!"

"Hououmon?" Twilight Sparke asked. "As in the same Hououmon who aided Neo?"

"What exactly is this whole event about?" Sunset Shimmer asked with curiosity.

"You see, when a Digimon is given the Scroll of Hououmon, that Digimon becomes the destined champion and guardian of Inari Village." Mercurymon explained. "It all happened roughly 1,000 years ago.

—1,000 years ago—

The silhouette of a humanoid with beast-like traits was squaring off against of monstrous silhouettes.

You see, a brave warrior was fought rigorously against a horde of demonic and over Digimon who threatened Inari Village.

Suddenly, a bright light shines from the sky, making the warrior look up to see Hououmon. The bird then sent a scroll towards the warrior, which the warrior accepted.

However, the great Hououmon came in and bequeathed the brave warrior a scroll filled with the knowledge he needed to reign victorious.

The warrior began to emit a bright yellow aura as he lunged at the monstrous army, chasing the scene to fade in bright light.

—Present Day—

"And so, ever 100 or so years, the Scroll of Hououmon is passed down to only those deemed worthy to become the Champion of the Phoenix!" Mercurymon finished his tale, and the human group looked on with awe.

"That! Is! AWESOME!" Rainbow gushed in excitement.

"Luckily, we've got everything we need." Leomon said, looking to his human companions. "Would you like to see the ceremony?"

Back at the Vermillion Palace, Hyokomon and BushiAgumon were watching many of the staff prepare the stage for the event.

"Wow!" BushiAgumon muttered as he watched. "Can you believe it? One of the Fearsome Five is getting the Scroll of Hououmon!"

"I know!" Hyokomon said while flapping his wings in utter excitement. "I wonder who grandmaster Majiramon is going to choose!"

Speaking of, Majiramon and Baromon were asking down a set of stairs.

"It is a historic day." Baronmon said, looking to his master and friend. "Is it not, Majiramon?"

"Yes." Majiramon replied with a nod. "One I feared I would not live to see." Majiramon then looks to Baronmon. "Are your students, ready?"

"Of course, master." Baromon answered with a bow.

"Let the tournament begin!"

And with a bang of the gong, the tournament has begun. Many spectators erupted in cheers and applause. And among the mass, our heroes were there as well.

A bunch of drum-like Digimon named Dondokomon banged on their heads, while frog-like Digimon named Gekomon played through their strangely curled horns.

Baromon approached to the center of the stadium, clearing his throat. "Welcome, everyone. It is my great honor to present to you."

Suddenly, Meicrackmon landed near Baronmon, crossing her arms in a pose. "Meicrackmon! The elegant!"

In a turquoise blur, a new Digimon appeared. This one was an anthropomorphic beast dressed as a Gladiator or Greek soldier. He held a spear in in hand and had yellow disks floating here his heels while they emitted wings Kade of turquoise energy.

"Achillesmom! The swift!" Baromon continued as another Digimon galloped its way and soon alongside Meicrackmon.

This one was a bestial Digimon with a human-like upper body and a horse-like lower body with six legs. It has an equine face with a red mane, and purple eyes. Its whole body is clad in red armor, which is decorated with a blue crest on its forehead and cuisses. It has two yellow wings on its back and a long, flowing tail. A large shield was held in its right hand and is red and decorated with eye-like patterns, while a large crossbow is held in its left hand and is almost as tall as itself.

"Kentaurosmon! The sharpshooter!" Baromon introduced as a fourth Digimon appeared beside Achillesmon.

This one resembled a humanoid monkey with silver fur, dressed in an open black jacket and black pants, and in its hand, he wielded a bo staff.

"Gokuwmon! The wise!" Baromon continued as the fifth and final Digimon landed was seen flying through the air before landing in front of Baronmon.

This one was a humanoid bird that resembled a mix of both a Karasu-tengu and Daitengu of Japanese folklore.

"And last but not least, Karatenmon! The nimble!" Baromon finished as Karatenmon drew his sword. "The Fearsome Five!"

The crowd went wild upon seeing the five, while our group were amazed by seeing them.

"Oh my!" Rarity muttered out in awe. "They're stunning!"

"They're badass!" Thrill Ride chined in with a smirk.

"They're awesome!" Rainbow Dash gushed in excitement.

Hyokomon and BushiAgumon were also thrilled as they watched from high up a ledge.

"Warriors! Prepare!" Baromon declared, as Karatenmon raised sheathed his sword. "First, Karatenmon will face the Dragon's Thousand Tongues!"

Some of the staff brought out a large Cannon that resembled the head of a Chinese dragon; the maw upon to reveal what look like fireworks. Karatenmon prepared himself, his wings spread as he flexed his clawed fingers.

And suddenly, the fireworks then fired at Karatenmon, the birdman Digimon taking flight and evading each one with fine ease. The audience cheered as Karetenmon landed and bowed.

"Wowie!" Pinkie Pie muttered in pure amazement as she saw Karatenmon take flight.

"Feather Flare!" Karatenmon cried out, flapping his wings to send a barrage if feathers at each rocket and destroying them while they were in mid it.

BushiAgumon and Hyokomon too joined in in the cheers.

"Aw man! That was so cool!" BushiAgumon declared with awe, clapping his hands rigorously.

"And it's gonna get a lot better!" Hyokomon said with a smirk.


Minutes have passed, and Achillesmon was the final one to showcase what he's capable of.

"And finally, master Achillesmon!" Baromon gestures to Achillesmon, earning a cacophony of cheers from the crowd. "For he will face a fellow master and colleague of mine, Samudramon!" Achillesmon readied his spear as his opponent Samudramon appeared.

Samudramon was a muscular black reptilian humanoid with orange eyes, silver spikey hair, three fingers on each foot, and bronzed claws on its hands and feet. It wears black tattered hakama, a bronze helmet with three white horns, bronze chest plate and leg armor, black and red layered shoulder, thigh, and groin armor, bronze leg armor, bronze and black gauntlets with a red wrist, and black fingerless gloves with an armored back. The back part of the gloves is black with a red outline with two bronze spikes on them. The shoulder and groin armors have a bronze spike on each side of the top of each layer, and each shoulder has a large white blade on its top. Each gauntlet also has a blade on the elbow. The helmet has red borders on the back and near the mouth and red stripe near each eye. The chest plate is connected to the shoulder plates through bronze track-like links, and to the thigh plates through red ropes. He wielded swords with blades curved inward near the hilt and outward near the top, and have brown hilts with another small, claw-like edge on its bottom. The frontal horn and shoulder blades of his armor are shaped similarly to his swords. His chest plate, frontal horn, helmet, shoulder blades, and the swords have As'ma Green on them.

Both Achillesmon and Samudramon bowed to one another before readying themselves.

"Cross Slicer!" Samudramon exclaimed as he swung his swords to send energy crescents towards Achillesmon, but said Digimon evaded with great speed.

"Asteroeidis!" Achillesmon declared, speeding towards Samudramon while delivering a powerful kick. Samudramon blocked with his swords, but the impact sends him back a foot. "Lónkhē Adistakto!" Achillesmon then tossed his spear as Samudramon.

Samudramon however acted quickly by changing fusing his swords together into a bow. "Rinkageki!" Samudramon roared out as he fired a blast of energy at the spear, the attacks colliding and caused a cloud of dust to kick up.

"Holy shoot!" Applejack spoke in amazement and bewilderment.

Once the dust cleared up, Samudramon was seen as the only one present. Samudramon looks around, trying to find his opponent.


Samudramon looks to see Achillesmon dash towards him with his spear and he blocks. But then shortly afterwards, Achillesmon vanished, leaving him confused.


Achillesmon dashed at Samudramon again, and the samurai Digimon blocks again. And just like before Achillesmon vanished.

Keeping his guard up, Samudramon closed his eyes, relying on his other senses to try and anticipate Achillesmon's next attack.


"Gaia Reactor!" Samudramon interrupted as a great explosion happened, chasing another cloud of dust while Achillesmon was knocked back a bit.

"Go Achillesmon! Go!" Hyokomon cheered while BushiAgumon whistled.

"Damn! Neither side seemed to be letting up!" Thrill Ride stated with excitement.

"Indeed." Mercurymon.

Majiramon then raised his right hand, making everyone look to him.

"I sense... our champion is among us." Majiramon spoke. Baromon looks to his students, and the five assembled.

"Citizens!" Baromon announced. "Grandmaster Majiramon will now choose the Champion of the Phoenix!" With that said, Majiramon slowly made his way towards the Fearsome Five. Everyone stood silent anxiously as Majiramon made his way further and further.

"Oooh! This is it!" Hyokomon spoke, struggling to contain his excitement. "I wonder who it will be!"

"I hope it's a Meicra-ah-ah.." BushiAgunon sniffled out, turning his head to the right before... "ACHOO!" BushiAgumon sneezed, a small plume of fire escaping him.

"Gesundheit." Hyokomon said, but then went white as a ghost hole stammering in terror.

"Hyokomon?" BushiAgumon asked with confusion. "What are you...." BushiAgunon then looks to see a lit fuse on a nearby stack of fireworks. "Oh, sweet mother of...!"


An explosion went off, surprising everyone while Majiramon was still walking his way unfazed.

"What was that?!" Nohemon asked in shock, but then he sees two objects flying. Those two objects were actually Hyokomon
and BushiAgumon and Hyokomon were sent flying.

"YOU NINROOOOOOOOOD!" Hyoko cried out as he and BushiAgumon both landed onto the ground with a thud. Both were covered in soot, coaching a bit.

"Ugh.... man, that's one way to go out with a bang...." BushiAgumon groaned out as he and Hyokomon got up, but then they see a clawed finger pointing at them. They look up to see Majiramon was the one pointing.

"G-Grandmaster Majiramon!" Hyokomon gasped out in terror as he and BushiAgumon both bowed. "We're so sorry!"

"How interesting." Majiramon said, a gentle smile gracing his face.

"Grandmaster?" Achillesmon asked, making Hyokomon and BushiAgumon look to him, "Are you pointing at me?"

"Them." Majiramon said simply.

"Who?" Hyokomon asked, looking to BushiAgumon.

"You two." Majiramon answered, confusing the two little Digimon.

"Wait!" Twilight pondered, looking to her team. "Is he saying that..."

"The universe has brought us not one, but two Champions of the Phoenix." Majiramon spoke, gesturing to Hyokomon and BushiAgumon.

"What?" BushiAgumon and Hyokomon asked out collectively.

"What?!" Baromon asked in shock in disbelief.

"What?!" The Fearsome Five collectively repeated.

"What?!" Our heroes asked out, just as shocked as the others.

The ginger then rang, the crowd cheered as many of the staff held the two chosen warriors upwards like the two were idols.

"Uh... BushiAgumon?" Hyokomon spoke, looking to his reptilian friend, "What's happening?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." BushiAgumon replied with a shrug, just as confused his avian friend.

"Master Majira!" Baromon spoke, earning his master's attention. "Those two can't be the answer to... our problem!" Baronmon whispered the last part. "You were about to point at Achillesmon and those two fell in front of him! That was a mere accident!"

"There are no accidents, my friend." Majiramon replied with a chortle. "You might not see it now, but you will in time." And with that, Majiramon then walked off.

Baromon slapped his forehead, groaning in dismay. But he knew better than to argue with his master, so he had no choice but to agree with Majiramon, as difficult as it was.

"Master, you don't seriously believe those two are Champions of the Phoenix, do you?" Achillesmon asked out in disbelief. "Since when can there even be two champions?"

"I'm just as against this as you are, Achillesmon." Baromon answered in defeat. "But the decision stands."

"Master Baronmon." A Shurimon spoke, approaching to Baromon. "You will not believe who is here among the audience."

Baromon looks to the audience, then sees our group of heroes. Upon seeing them, he was stunned silent. The Fearsome Five too were shocked upon seeing them.

"Humans?" Gokuwmon asked in shock.

"You don't suppose..." Karatenmon muttered to his comrades.


High up in the mountains, an enormous castle that appeared to be constructed out of obsidian is seen.

We see a winged imp-like Digimon fly towards it.

The creature flew through a window before landing to catch its breath.

"My... my lord!" The imp-like creature spoke in between breaths. "I bear news."

"And that is?"

"Two Digimon in Inari Village have both been chosen as Champion of the Phoenix!" The imp spoke.

The creature seemed to be talking to nobody but only darkness. But a pair of glowing red eyes then pierced through the darkness.

"You don't say?"

Author's Note:

Yes, I'm using a bit of Kung Fu Panda as a source of inspiration here. Did Majiramon make the right choice? How will our heroes help in this situation? Are Hyokomon and BushiAgumon capable of defeating the looming threat?

I guess we'll get some answers in part two.

Comments ( 2 )

Good old Kung Fu Panda, like how you took inspiration from it for the next chapter.

Can’t wait to see how it will go for the next chapter

just curious , when come next chapter ?

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