• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 792 Views, 35 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

To be, or not to be... blasted







Digimon Analyzer

As Crowmon flew towards Claymore Burg, the human troop were conversion with their Digimon companions.

"So, you're saying there are eight countries in the Digital World?" Twilight asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Indeed so." Mercurymon responded. "Each one is based on the eight DigiMemories, ancient powers that were said to be the cause of NEO's creation."

"DigiMemories?" Sunset asked with a perplexed look.

"Forces that are intertwined with concept of a Digimon's Family, or also known as Species." Nohemon chimed in. "A Family an overarching group that a Digimon can belong to."

"These include Nature Spirits, which consists of Digimon who are animal or monster-like Digimon, or those who dwell in desert-like areas." Leomon explained. "Then there are the Deep Savers, which are Digimon that are aquatic or polar."

"Next is the Nightmare Soldiers, which are derived from Digimon that are demonic or undead Digimon, or those who dwell in haunted areas." Mercurymon explained, making the humans scared a little. "Then there's the Wind Guardians, which consists of avian or flying Digimon, or those who dwell in grassy or lofty areas."

"Next up is the Metal Empire, which consists of mechanical or mutated Digimon, or those who dwell in urban areas." Mercurymon continued, "Then there are the Virus Busters, who are comprised of sacred or angelic Digimon, or those who dwell in holy areas."

"Angels?!" Rarity asked with a big grin. "Real angels?!"

"Indeed." Leomon replied with a chuckle upon seeing Rarity's reaction. "Next we have Dragon's Roar, which is composed of draconic Digimon, or those who dwell in volcanic areas. And lastly is the Jungle Troopers, which is composed of insectoid or vegetation Digimon, or those who dwell in tropical areas."

"The eight DigiMemories includes Holy, Dark, Dragon, Beast, Aquan, Bird, Machine, and Insect-Plant." Leomon listed of to the young humans. "I'm sure you can figure out which DigiMemory represents which Family."

"So, these eight continents represent the DigiMemories." Applejack spoke while she rubbed her chin. "Is Avalon one of them?"

"Of course." Mercurymon spoke. "Each continent is named after various mythical cities from your world. Avalon of course represents the Dragon DigiMemory."

"Representing the Aquan DigiMemory is Lemuria," Nohemon chimed in, "Alfheim represents the Beast DigiMemory, Aaru represents the Bird Memory, Agartha represents the Dark DigiMemory, Elysium represents the Holy DigiMemory, Shangri-La represents the Insect-Plant DigiMemory, and El Dorado represents the Machine DigiMemory."

As the conversation continued, Thrill Ride was looking at his device, which according to Leomon was called a Digivice, examining it while he was remembering his fight with Gigasmon.



A red hexagon seal with the same symbol appeared beneath Thrill Ride as he was then engulfed in a column of fire.

Eventually, the flame column vanished to reveal a new figure taking Thrill Ride's place.



"What's this?!" Gigasmon asked incredulously while the others watched on in awe.

"Oh... my!" Fluttershy uttered in a whisper.

"So glorious!" Rarity spoke in amazement.

"So this is the power of the of the relics." Leomon uttered, just as awestruck as the others.

“You killed Knightmon, and I am most definitely not going to let you claim another innocent life!" FlameKnightmon drew his sword, the blade encased in brilliant flame. "Prepare to bathe in the flames of Hell!"


"Oh no! Nonono!" Gigasmon uttered, panic setting in as he looks to FlameKnightmon. "Please! Have mercy! I'm begging you!"

"Too late for that!" FlameKnightmon declared as his word emitted a bright red glow. "Wrath Of The Fallen Greymon!" And with a single thrust, FlameKnightmon fired a blast of crimson energy shaped like a dragon at Gigasmon while the troll-like Digimon roared put in pure agony.

"This... can't.... be...!" Gigasmon declared as he slowly lost monochrome in color as he began to lose tangibility. "NOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!" And just like that, Gigasmon had vanished, leaving an egg-shaped ball of light before it flew upwards, the same fate that befell upon Knightmon.

End Flashback

"Thrill? Yo Thrill!"

Thrill Ride snapped out of his thoughts before looking to Rainbow and Fluttershy looking to him.

"You alright, dude?" Rainbow asked with a hint of concern. "You kinda zoned out there for a sec."

"Oh... sorry." Thrill Ride said as he puts his Digivice back into his pocket. "I'm still wrapping my head around how I managed to take down Gigasmon."

"I'm quite surprised on that myself, Thrill." Nohemon said. "I've heard the Relics were capable of such power, but I didn't think they allow a unique style of Digivolution."

"Is that what that was?" Sunset asked with curiosity. "Didn't you say only Digimon could Digivolve?"

"Yes, I did." Nohemon nodded. "I'm still puzzled on how what Thrill Ride here achieved was even possible."

"Regardless, Thrill kicked some serious ass!" Rainbow said with excitement. "If that's how Thrill Ride can beat down baddies, then imagine how the rest of us can do it!"

"Wait!" Leomon said before looking to Thrill Ride. "Thrill Ride, remember when before you Digivolved, you've obtained a sword?" Thrill Ride nods in response. "I believe when you obtained Omnimon's Grey Sword, that may have played a key role in you becoming FlameKnightmon."

"Omnimon?" Twilight asked.

"He was a noble warrior with quite a reputation, my dear." Mercurymon explained. "He managed to take down not one, not two, but five Leviamon all by himself. He was even the lead knight of Goldramon’s royal guard."

"Wait! Goldramon? One of the four lords you told us about?" Sunset asked, scratching her chin with a puzzled expression, "Perhaps this Omnimon serving under Goldramon might serve a connection to how Thrill became FlameKnightmon."

"Is he around?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Sadly, not anymore." Leomon answered with a solemn look. "I mean physically yes, but odds are he may not have any recollection of his past life."

"Past life?" Fluttershy asked with intrigue, "You mean like reincarnation?"

"In a sense, yes." Leomon replied. "You see, since Digimon are composed of Data, we can never truly die like any life forms form the human world can. When a Diginon is mortally wounded, or when they've reached old age, a Digimon will lose all of its data it has aquited throughout its life, while the remaining that it started off with is reverted into a DigiEgg."

When Twilight heard that, she recalled something.


"Worry not... my final hour is upon me..." Knightmon spoke weakly before he began to lose color saturation and opacity while an egg-shaped orb of light appeared in his midsection, "I bid you all fair well.... and please.... save the Digital world..."

Everyone watched as Knightmon vanished completely as the egg-shaped ball of light floated upwards.


"This... can't.... be...!" Gigasmon declared as he slowly lost monochrome in color as he began to lose tangibility. "NOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!" And just like that, Gigasmon had vanished, leaving an egg-shaped ball of light before it flew upwards, the same fate that befell upon Knightmon.

"And like a phoenix, from the ashes you shall be reborn anew." BurnKnightmon declared, placing his sword downward with his head bowed in a gesture of supplication before reverting back to Thrill Ride in a flash of red light.

End Flashback

"Like what happened with Knightmon and Gigasmon back at Strokghold Fort!" Twilight spoke in realization, making her friends look to her.

"Indeed so, my dear." Mercurymon replied. "Digimon exist for two reasons; to fight and to advance in strength. When one Digimon slays another, the winning Digimon claims the data the loser has acquired throughout its time."

"Wait, really?" Thrill Ride brings out his Digivice again, and with a press of a button, he sees that a image of Gigasmon was displayed onto it. "Huh. I guess when I took down Gigasmon, I robbed his data without even knowing."

"So... what are ya going to do with it, sugar?" Applejack asked.

"Beats me." Thrill Ride replied with a shrug. "We've just got these things, he hardly know how these things even work."

"We're here!" Crowmon spoke, making the others look ahead. From the distance, they saw what looked like a medieval town, full of towers, aqueducts and homes.

"Wow...!" Pinkie Pie muttered in amazement.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash said just as awestruck as her friends were.

"Is it not?" Mercurymon replied with an amused smile, "my friends, it is with greatest pleasure to welcome you all to Claymore Burg!"

Once Crowmon began to descend, she landed at a clear area full of green just a few feet away from a sign that reads "Welcome to Claymore Burg".

"Man, this place is freaking sweet!" Thrill Ride spoke as he and the others hopped off of Crowmon's back.

"Thank you for the lift,, Crowmon." Leomon thanked Crowmon, the bird Diginon nodding before flying off further into the town.

The gang then walked into the town, the humans staying close to their Digimon companions. As they walked, a bunch of Digimon in the area were looking to the children with shocked expressions, many of them murmuring to one another.

"And we have company." The figure spoke with pure fascination he looks at the humans. "Human company no less."

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Wisemon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Demon Man
Attribute: Virus

Wisemon! True to his namesake, his intellect s second to none. With the Space-time Stones he holds in his hands, he is capable of preserving every event or object of the Digital World within space and time!

"Yes, Wisemon." Bohemon said with a hint of melancholy. "But unfortunately, Knightmon has..."

"Fallen at Stronghold Fort." Wisemon finished for Nohemon with a sorrowful sigh. "I'm aware. But his sacrifice was not in vain." Wisemon said as he looks to the humans, "For he has ensured the safety of the heroes destined to save the Digital World. And one even has already unlocked his power." Wisemon leans forward to Thrill Ride. "A strapping young lad you are, my boy. You surely avenged Knightmon's demise."

"Wait! You know?!" Thrill Ride asked with bewilderment. "But.. how did... you weren't even..."

"I can see all , my boy." Wisemon interjected with a raised index finger. "I have witnessed every event. Past, present, and future. Both from the human world, and the Digital World?"

"Really?" Pinkie asked in a challenging way with a big grin. "Ok, then what color is my underwear?"

"White, with blue stripes and pink frilly lace." Wisemon replied, making Pinkie gasp in shock before looking into her shirt.

"Wow! You're good!" Pinkie said in amazement.

"What is the square root of five?" Twilight asked Wisemon, wanting to test his knowledge.

" Approximately 2.2360679775. " Wisemon replied with a chuckle before interrupting Twilight before the girl could even speak her next question. "Before you ask, 1000903 multiplied 10000 10009030000, your a huge fan of classical music, you're parents names are Twilight Velvet and Night Light, your favorite food is green leaf salad, and your sister-in-law is pregnant with a girl."

Twilight's jaw just hung open, her eyes widened in total disbelief as Wisemon answered her next questions before she could even say them. Even the other humans were bewildered by this.

"Man." Thrill Ride uttered out in shock. "No wonder your named Wisemon."

"Indeed my boy." Wisemon responded with a chuckle, "As I have said, I can see anything no matter whether on if it has happened before, if it is currently happening, or if it has yet to happen." Wisemon spoke with a small hint of pride. "And I also know that you youngsters are here to get some insight as to the reasons about the power you currently possess."

"Yes, actually." Leomon replied as he stepped forward. "You see, Thriller here..."

"Was able to Digivolve by melding the power of the Burning DigiPendant with Omnimon's Grey Sword." Wisemon finished for Leomon. "Again, I already know."

"Burning DigiPendant?" Thrill Ride asked before pulling out his Digivice. "You mean the red relic I have?"

"Indeed." Wisemon responded with a nod. "As I'm sure you kids know by now, you each hold the remnants of NEO. The same one who defeated Dexmon alongside the Four Lords."

"So that's what these thing are called?" Rarity asked as she brought our her Digivice. "And they're the remains of this NEO?"

"Indeed." Wisemonr replied as he conjured holographic projections of the DigiPendents. "The DigiPendents you hold include: Shadow, Sacred, Burning, Marine, Aerial, Cyber, Floral, and Terra. Think of them as enhanced forms of the DigiMemories."

"You mean the ancient powers that possibly made NEO?" Nohemon asked, earning a nod from Wisemon.

"As for how you, young man," Wisemon said, pointing to Thrill Ride, "were able to Digivolve through Neo Evolution, I'm a fraud I do not have the answer to that."

"What?!" Rainbow Dash asked with shock. "You're the smartest guy around, aren't you? Shouldn't you know how this Neo Evolution thing works?!"

"I may be intelligent, but I'm do not know the answer to literally everything my dear." Wisemon responded nonchalantly. "Not everything is easily rationalized and analyzed. Im sure that your bespectacled friend here can attest to that."

Sunset was confused before looking to Twilight, gasping in shock. "You mean the events of the..."

"Friendship Games, yes." Wisemon finished for Sunset woth a nod. "Also, before you even ask, Miss Shimmer, I know not the location to your geodes. But let us find out."

Wisemon grabbed a hold of the yellow atom-like orb that hovered at his left. And suddenly, the yellow orb in the middle glowed as it showed the pendants that the girls had worm before arriving at the Digital World. But they then see the pendants were encircled by eight menacing silhouettes.

Wisemon had a look of terror. "Oh dear, this is troubling. My dears, I'm sad to say that your geodes are currently under the custody of the Eight Dark Lords."

"What?!" The girls asked credulous.

"What would those guys want with the geodes?" Thrill Ride pondered.

"I assume they are aware of the magical power the geodes provide." Wisemon replied with a troubled look. "Whatever plans they have with the geodes, I doubt it is anything pleasant."

"Can't you see into the future or something?" Applejack asked.

"Let us see." Wisemon replied before g4abbing the red orb on his right before said orb glowed. But surprisingly, nothing seems to be showing on it.

"Odd. I'm not getting anything." Wisemon responded in confusion. But then a scream was heard, making everyone jump in terror.

Just outside, many Digimon were running in fear our gang if heroes rushed out to see what the ruckus was.

"Seems we have trouble." Mercurymon said before raising his left mirror shield, deflecting a blast of electricity.

The others looks to see the source of the attack, which was a humanoid sharing composed of red and black metal armor, piercing yellow eyes, and a tuft of silvery hair appearing on the back of its head.

"Privet! I'm here to get a little something!" The mechanical humanoid spoke I'm a deep computerized voice with a thick Russian accent.
(AM: Privet is “hello” in Russian.)

Digimon Analyzer

Name: BlitzGreymon
Level: Mega
Type: Cyborg
Attribute: Virus

BlitzGreymon, a mechanical Digimon armed with electric weapons. With the Plasma Stakes on both of its arms, it can destroy even the sturdiest of structures by sending a surge of electricity through them!

"BlitzGreymon!" Leomon growled as he drew his sword. "What is it you want?"

"I think you know, Leomon!" BlitzGreymon shot back with a scowl. "I know you have the DigiPendants! Now you will either hand them over, or so help me there will be casualties!"

"Then come and get 'em, you walking scrapyard!" Thrill Ride said before raising his Digivice. "DIGIREMNANT SYNCHRONIZE, NEO EVOLUTION!" The familiar red hexagon seal appeared beneath Thrill Ride before he was then engulfed in a column of fire. And after a few moments, the column vanished as FlameKnightmon appeared with bisnsword brandished. "FLAMEKNIGHTMON!"

BlitzGreymon was surprised upon seeing the sudden appearance of FlameKnightmon, but he then chuckled. "You want to tussle, knighty boy?"

"You bet your chrome coated ass I do!" FlameKnightmon declared as the blade of his sword was encased in flames. "Have at thee! Smoldering Slasher!" FlameKnightmon swung his blade horizontal, sending a wave of fire at BlitzeGreymon.

BkitzGreymon only clicked his tongue... if he even has one, before dodging the attack with ease. "As they say in the movies, don't bring a knife to a gunfight!" BlitzGreymon declared before the weapon on its back aimed at FlameKnightmon "Thunder Vernier! And with that, BkitzGreymon fired immense blasts of lightning from the weapon on his back at FlameKnightmon.

"Lend me thine strength!" FlameKnightmon declared as he brought out his Digivice and extended forward.

//DigiSoul, Manifest!// The Digrix's AI spoke, and from the Digivice's screen emerged a red and yellow version of Gigasmon. Gigasmon blocked BlitzGreymon's attack by crossing his arms.

"Whoa!" Sunset declared in awe. "He can summon enemies he defeated?"

"Quagmire Twister!" Gigasmon cried put before spinning around, heading towards BlitzGreymon.

"Elec Guard!" BlitzGreymon cried out, releasing plasma particles into his surroundings, causing an electric barrier to surround him while blocking Gigasmon's attack. "Thunder Vernier!" BlitzGreymon the fired another blast of electricity from the weapons on his back, the attack striking the Gigasmon summon as said summon roared in agony as it turned into red energy and was sucked into FlameKnightmon's Digivice.

"You've fought admirably, comrade." FlameKnightmon spoke softly before readying his sword.

"You're next, flaming one!" BlitzGreymon retorted before charging at FlameKnightmon. "Plasma Stake!" BlitzGreymon thrusts his machinegun arms forward and fired multiple bolts of electricity at him, making him roar in pain as he got to his knees.

"No you don’t! Fist of the Beast King! " Leomon exclaimed as his fist was encased in a golden yellow aura before punching the air, launching the aura in the shape of a lion's head at BlitzGreymon. The attack did hit, but it hardly left a scratch on the mechanical Digimon. "I have plenty to serve up! Hyakujūken!" Leomon then launched multiple golden aura lion heads at BkitzGreymon, though this seemed to annoy BlitzGreymon.

"William's Arrow!" Nohemon cried out as he fired a set of arrows at Mercurymon, the mirror Digimon absorbing the arrows with one shield before aiming the other at BlitzGreymon.

"Offset Reflector!" Mercurymon declared before firing the absorbed arrows through his other mirror shield at BlitzGreymon.

As this occurred, the girls were watching the fight go down.

"What are we going to do?" Pinkie Pie asked he friends with concern. "We can't just sit by and watch."

"But what can we do against thunderhead over here?!" Rainbow Dash declared while motioning towards BlitzGreymon.

"Shockwave/Wrath Of The Fallen Greymon!" Leomon and FlameKnightmon roared out, Leomon firing a blast of golden yellow energy from his hands while FlameKnightmon sent a dragon-shaped stream of fire with a thrust of his sword.

"Thunder Vernier!" BlitzGreymon cried out as he fires another lightning blast from the weapon on its back to counter. The attack sent send Leomon skidding on the ground while FlameKnightmon crashed into a nearby building before changing back to Thrill Ride in a bright flash.

"What?!" BlitzGreymon asked in shock. "A human?! In the Digital World?!" BlitzGreymon then had a look of realization. "So it is true... the warriors chosen by the Four Lords have come!" BlitzGreymon then chuckled as he slowly advanced toward Thrill Ride. "The Dark Lords are certainly going to reward me handsomely."

"Thrill Ride!" Sunset cried out before she heard her Digivice emit a series if high pitched beeps.

BlitzGreymon aimed his right gun arm at Thrill Ride and was about to fire, but them a purple energy shockwave occurred out of nowhere and knocked him back.

Thrill Ride was surprised as he looks to his right, seeing what looked like a pair of teal colored blasters floating awhile emitting a feint purple aura.

Thrill Ride watches in amazement as the blasters float towards Sunset.

The blasters started to emit bright purple energy before it was absorbed into Sunset’s Digivice. Once every last bit of it was absorbed, the screen showed the same symbol Sunset’s Shadow DigiPendant bore, that of a crescent moon withb a ghost beside it.

//DigiRemnant Acquired.// Sunset’s Digivice before Sunset emits an intense teal glow as she floated several feet off the ground.


A purple hexagon seal with the Shadow DigiPendant symbol appeared beneath Sunset as she was then enveloped in a column of black and teal energy.

The others watched on in awe for a mere few moments before the energy column vanished to reveal Sunset's new form.

The form Sunset took resembled a rather mature woman who appeared to be somewhere in her late twenties to early thirties with red eyes and long curly raven black hair.

The top half of her head was obscured by a red and black headdress that looked to be styled like a cowboy hat, around her neck was a white scarf, she wore an olive green vest with a dark violet corvette underneath, she also had black leather pants with olive green steel toe boots.

In her hands she held what looked like black versions of the Desperado blasters, only they now had five barrel instead of just one. On the sides they had pictures of flaming red eyes and sharp-toothed grins while further down thy had pink kiss marks. But they also now had handles with triggers, the weapons she now held somehow resembling a hybrid of guns and tonfas.


Digimon Analyzer

Name: Calamitymon
Level: Unidentified
Type: Mutant
Attribute: Virus, Free

Calamitymon, a gunslinger Digimon with an itchy trigger finger. Beautiful yet lethal, with her handy tonfa blasters she names Jessie and James she can fire up to a thousand rounds per minute. Get caught in her line of sight and you’re done for.

"Sunset?!" Twilight asked in utter shock, and her friends shared the same sentiment.

"Whoa Nelly!" Applejack muttered in awe.

BlitzGreymon was more so in disbelief at what he had just seen. But he shook it off before getting back up. "Don't think you've got the upper hand, little lady!"

"I wouldn't be so smug if I were you!" Calamitymon shot back before aiming her tonfa blasters at him. "Dance for me! Manic Barrage!" And with a pull of the trigger, Calamitymon fired a barrage of purple energy blasts at BlitzGreymon, this time BlitzGreymon actually sustained some significant damage from the attack.

"You little bitch!" BlitzGreymon roared out in rage before aiming his gun arms at Calamitymon. "Plasma Stake!" BlitzGreymo then fired another barrage of electricity blasts.

"Shadow Thruster!" Calamitymon cried out before dashing at BlitzGreymon in a dark purple streak, jabbing him with her tonfa blasters before sending him back with a purrle energy blast.

The others were watching with pure amazement as Calamitymon continued to fight BlitzGreymon.

"Alright! Say goodnight!" Calamitymon declared before she conjured a series of purple hexagons around BlitzGreymon, "Ebony Firestorm!" And with that, countless laser bullets began firing from the purple hexagons and at BlitzGreymon.

The attack proved to be too much for BlitzGreymon as he collapsed onto his knees, his body turning a mix of black, white, and gray as he began to lose tangibility. "Damn... you...!" BlitzGreymon groaned in defeat before he vanished, leaving a DigiEgg the only thing left before it then hovered off into the sky.

"And stay down!" Calamitymon said with a smirk, blowing at the barrels of her tonfa blasters. And in a bright teal flash, Calamitymon reverted back into Sunset Shimmer.

"That! Was! AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in awe a sshe and the others went to congratulate Sunset. "The way you took down that metallic thubderhead was freaking sick!"

"Thanks for the save, Sunny." Thrill Ride said gratefully as he walked towards Sunset. "You really saved my ass."

"Just glad to see that you're alright." Sunset replied, patting Thrill Ride on the back before shenpulled out her Digivice, seeing the image of BlitzGreymon on the screen. "And it looks like I get to summon beaten enemies too."

"Well done, young ones." Wisemon spoke as he hovered towards them. "That was a splendid display I've ever seen one."

"What were those things that I've picked ked up, anyway?" Sunset asked as she looked at her Digivivice screen, the image showing the blasters.

"Paildramon's Desperado blasters!" Nohemon replied, making the humans look to him. "Like Omnimon, Paildramon served under Goldramon. He was one if the most skilled marksman to ever exist.'

"First Omnimon's Grey Sword, and now Paildramon's Desperado blasters." Mercurymon said, humming in though as he rubbed his chin. "Miss Shimmer, perhaps your theory on you and Thrill Ride's DigiRemnants linked to the four lords is probably solid."

"DigiRemnants?" Wisemon repeated with a puzzled expression. "Well, there are bound to be more of them. Perhaps the remaining DigiRemnants could have belonged to those who served under the Four Lords."

"Do you know where they are?" Twilight asked, but Wisemon shook his head.

"I'm afraid I do not, child." Wisemon replied. "But I'm certain your D-Gens will guide you to them."

"D-Gens?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The name I came up with for your Digivices." Wisemon replied with a soft chortle. "Short for Digital Generation, as your Digimon forms are sort of a new generation. Pretty clever, hmm?"

"Eh... I guess it's shorter to say than Digivices." Thrill Ride said with a shrug when Sunset’s stomach began to growl.

"Uh... can we get something to eat?" Sunset asked, rubbing her arm in a bashful manner. "That fight kinda got me famished."

"Say no more, luckily I have just the culinary delight that will make your tastes sing in elation." Wisemon said with pride. "Come along, you're going to love it." Wisemon replied as he hovered off as the others followed. "It's both delicious and nourishing for the brain."


In a dark room that resembled a throne room, a Digimon composed of a shadow-like miasma resembling a wing dotted with bright red eyes and a wolf-like head hovered towards eight thrones.

"My lords, I come bearing bad news." The shadowy Digimon spoke with its head bowed. "BlitzGreymon has fallen."

"My finest general?" A deep computerized voice spoke with shock. "How?!"

"You will not believe me when I say this, but BlitzGreymon was bested by human children." The shadowy Digimon responded.

"Human children?!" A voice with an English accent repeated in disbelief. "Surely you jest, Shademon!"

"I'm afraid not, my lord." The Digimon named Shademon said as he conjured a red orb displaying the fight. "As for how BlitzGreymon, well..." The orb then showed Thrill Ride Neo Evolving into FlameKnightmon, then showed Sunset Shinner Neo Evolving into Calamitymon.

"No! It can ot be!" A deeper booming voice spoke in disbelief. "These children must have the DigiPendants!"

"And as for the boy, I believe he is the reason for Gigasmon's downfall as well." Shademon spoke as the orb showed FlameKnightmon summoning Gigasmon's DigiSoul.

"So it seems." The English accented voice spoke with intrigue.

"What are your orders... my lords?" Shademon asked.

"Hmm...." The English accented voice hummed before chortling. "Why not let them have their fun for a little while. So far, only two have achieved Neo Evolution. I'm curious as to how the others will get theirs."

"You're saying ya want to test 'em?" A gruff voice spoke with an Australian accent. "Should we send some of our men after them, mate?"

"We could, but that would dampen the fun." The English accented voice replied. "Besides, we don't want to waste any of out troops, and just sending out our weakest cannon fodder would make it too easy for them."

"In that case, we should keep surveillance on them at all times." A deep voice with a Japanese accent replied.

"Of course we should, you dimwitted dung beetle!" The English accented voice replied. "Otherwise we wouldn't be able to know what it is were dealing with!"

"And what if these feeble sacks of flesh prove to be a nuisance?" The computerized voice asked.

"We have those pendants we robbed of those fiar maidens, do we not?" The English voice replied with a sinister chortle. "What better way to assess with a threat than to fight fire with fire?"

"What do you have in mind?" The Australian voice asked.

After a brief silence, the English voice echoed chuckled. "Go get seven of our finest troops, would you boney? Shademon!"

"Yes, my lord!" Shademon acknowledged with his head bowed.

"Go fetch the Datamon!" The English voice commanded.

"At once!" Shademon bowed again before hovering off.

Author's Note:

Looks like we have a small glimpse of the bad guys in the story.

Who are these Eight Dark Lords? What do they plan with the geodes? How big of a threat will they be with our heroes? I guess we'll know as time progresses.