• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 792 Views, 35 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Genesis - Prince Dustin Hogan

A fanfic where an OC and the Main 7 get transported to the Digital World.

  • ...

Wolf Quest part 3







Digimon Analyzer

It was now nighttime at Lupis Town, and Rainbow Dash was sitting in a chair in the infirmary with bandages wrapped around her midsection while a blanket was draped over her.

"You're awfully lucky to survive an attack like that." Leomon spoke, ruffling Rainbow Dash's hair. "Had that Whamon and MegaSeadramon not come and help, you would have been a goner."

"So it's up to Applejack and Thrill Ride now." Nohemon replied said as he pulled out a pocket watch. "Its now officially 9:02 now. Hopefully the gang arrive before midnight."

"One of the Cerberusmon told them to take Aquila pass." Rainbow Dash said. "They should get to the checkpoint faster."

"Let's pray they do." Fluttershy said as she loomed over Lucreciamon who was asleep, humming a soft lullaby to the sleeping angelic girl.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Thrill Ride were sledding, taking the path Cerberusmon told them to take.

"How much farther, AJ?" Thrill Ride asked.

"Just five more miles!" Applejack said with a smile on her face. "We're gonna make it!"

But suddenly, a howl was heard, making the sled dogs stop.

"Oh now what?!" Thrill Ride asked, then he sees something flying towards them.

The thing in question was a black creature with a shaped like an eighth note. Its face has a red crest with a single white-and-red eye in the center. It was flying using two bat-like wings with red spots on them.

"What is that?" Applejack asked upon seeing the creature.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Soundbirdmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Avian
Attribute: Virus, None

Soundbirdmon! Small in size, but it packs some rather deafening sound-based attacks. It's Soundfinish and Giga Scream attacks will leave your ears ringing for days.

"Soundfinish!" Soundbirdmon cried out, emitting ultrasonic waves from the speakers of its wings.

The attack had the two mushers and their sled dogs cover their ears in immense pain.

"Whatever it is, it's not friendly!" Thrill Ride said as he brought out his D-Gen.

"Howling Burst!"

A blast of flame struck Thrill Ride, knocking him out of his sled and sending him crashing into a nearby tree.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: Helloogarmon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Dark Beast
Attribute: Virus

Helloogarmon is a newly discovered Digimon and a carrier of the X-Antibody. Possessing immense magical power, this powerful beast is composed of super-hot magical flames that will cause serious damage if you get too close. Its Howling Burst attack will reduce its targets to ashes and cinders.

"Just what we needed!" Seasarmon replied with a groan of annoyance. "Another roadblock!"


A bunch of foxes xomposed of black whispy energy struck at Applejack, knocking her out of her sled. She looks to see that Kuzuhamon had arrived.

"Hati Embrace!" Helloogarmon roared out as he the Caturamon with his flaming claws, knocking them off their feet.

"Energy Ray!" Seasarmon declared as he firs a solar ball of light ar Helloogarmon, only for the flaming beast Digimon to dodge.

"Giga Scream!" Soundbirdmon cried out, singing an ear piercing song at full volume, sending out a shock wave that knocked Thrill Ride's sled team back.

Fangmon hissed in pain, but the then sees Hellogarmon approach him.

"Inferno Claw!" Helloogarmon roared, his right claws emitting in bright flames as he went to strike at Fangmon.

"NO!" Garurumon called out as he ran to take the attack for Fangmon as Helloogarmon knocked Garurumon down to the ground in a loud thud.

"GARURUMON!" Kyubimon cried out before she got smacked by Kuzuhamon using her staff.

Garurumon was struggling to get up while Helloogarmon raised his right claw to deliver another Inferno Claw and finish him.

But luckily, before Helloogarmon could deliver the killing blow, FlameKnightmon appeared and blocked the attack with his sword.

"I think not, beast!" FlameKnight on declared as his sword was encased in flames.

"Frozen Claw!"

FlameKnightmon screamed in pain as something slashed at his back, making him fall to the ground before reverting back to Thrill Ride.

The figure that attacked FlameKnightmon revealed itself to a tall and thin Devil-like figure dressed completely in white clothing, fingers elongated into claws, devil's horns, tattered wings, and skulls on its shoulder and knee. It has a deep magenta symbol resembling a bat on its chest and on its left boot.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: IceDevimon
Level: Champion
Type: Fallen Angel
Attribute: Virus

IceDevimon is a Devimon variant thriving in cold climate. Having the cruelest hearts of all Devimon-species Digimon, this frozen devil shows no empathy at all.

"Dragon Wheel!" Kyubimon announced as she curled up and consumed herself in light blue flames, spin dashing towards Kuzuhamon.

Kuzuhamon however only smirked before swatting her away with her staff, sending her sister crashing into a nearby Boulder.

"Kyubimon!" Garurumon muttered, glaring to Kuzuhamon with rage before getting up charging at her. "Subzero Ice Fang!" Garurumon's fangs glowed a bright blue before biting down on Kuzuhamon's shoulder, earning an anguished scream from her.

Applejack was about to help the still unconscious Thrill Ride, but Helloharmon got in her way and grabbed her while Ice Devimon picked up Thrill Ride.

"Hang on guys!" Fangmon said as he and the others were about to help, but ten more IceDevimon came in.

"Avalanche!" The flock of IceDevimon announced, releasing a maelstrom of icicles from their wings at the pack of canine Digimon.

The attack proved too much for them to handle as they get knocked down.

Kuzuhamon said with a smirk and an evil laugh.

Mercury and the others were mortified upon seeing this on his mirror shield.

"Oh dear." Mercurymon replied with a worried expression.

"Dammit!" Merukimon growled angrily. "That lowdown harlot!"

Lilithmon Edem Mode was devastated, starting to fear that all hope may be lost. Lilithmon X however was not willing to give up.

Thrill Ride groaned out, fluttering his eyes open. When his vision cleared, he saw that he was in a dark dank dungeon.

"Wha-What the...?!" Thrill Ride muttered as he tried to move, but he sees that he was chained to a wall.

Thrill Ride sees that Applejack, and the canine Digimon accompanying them were all chained up as well.

Kuzuhamon had entered, a sinister smirk visible on her face.

"Come now you two. Why so down?" Kuzuhamon asked with a taunting smirk.

"Because you have us chained while many innocent lives are at stake. Why do you think?" Thrill Ride shot back with sarcasm, making Kuzuhamon snarl and punch him across the face.

"You won't be a smartass for much longer, not when midnight comes!" Kuzuhamon retorted before smirking. "When midnight comes, my curse will be complete and every brat in that wretched spit of land will perish! And just who will the townsfolk have to blame?"

"Damn you!" Fangmon growled furiously at Kuzuhamon.

"You won't get away with this!" Kyubimon growled furiously.

"Oh, I already have sister." Kuzuhamon replied with a sinister smirk before she walks out, leaving them alone.

"Dammit!" Thrill Ride muttered, depressed that the innocent children back at Lupis Town were going to perish, his eyes watering up. "God dammit! I can't believe it! Those poor kids are gonna die!"

"Come on, sugar." Applejack replied, "Don't go thinkin' like that."

"I didn’t cone all this what to see you give up, boy."

Everyone jumped a bit before Lilithmon X appeared.

"Just a bit! Nazar Nail!" Lilithmon X cried out, slashing at the chains with her claws hand and corroding them.

"X!" Kyubimon cried out, nuzzling Lilithmon X's leg with a relieved smile. "Are we glad to see you."

"Don't thank me just yet." Lilithmon X replied before handing Applejack and Thrill Ride their D-Gens.

"Yeehaw!" Applejack cheered.

"Madame," Hawkmon said as he flew towards them. "We should get going."

But before anything else, Applejack's D-Gen started beeping. As this occurred, a series of cracks began to form on a spot near them, bright light forming through the cracks.

And suddenly, a column of light erupted from the area, and within it appeared what looked like a disembodied mechanical wolf head with a large gun barrel emerging from its mouth.

"Incredible!" Kyubimon uttered in amazement as the item was converted into orange energy and observed into Applejack's D-Gen.

//DigiRemnant Acquired!// Applejack's D-Gen AI spoke as she her had a smirk.

"Alright!" Applejack cheered joyously.


They turn to see a SnowGoblimon had barged in.

"Intruders!" The SnowGoblimon cried out as he ran out. "Sound the alarms!"

"Oh boy! We better bounce!" Thrill Ride said as the Caturamon bust a whole through the wall.


Once the group were out, Applejack and Thrill Ride strapped the reigns on their sled dogs and rode off with Lilithmon X and Hawkmon trailing behind.

"Don't let them escape!" A Hyogamoj cried out as a bunch of IceDevimon flew after them.

"Oh no you don’t! Seventh Fascination!" Lilithmon X declared a she fires green energy beams from her eyes, striking each and everyone of the IceDevimon.

The eyes of the IceDevimon glowed green, flying towards a bunch of SnowGoblimon and Hyogamon and attacked with everything they’ve had. Giving our heroes the perfect distraction.

"Illuminator!" Kuzuhamon cried out as black foxes of flame struck the controlled IceDevimon, knocking them onto the ground and back to their senses. "What is going on...."

Kuzuhamon stopped herself as she saw the two now freed mushers running off.

"No! NO!" Kuzuhamon growled furiously. "Helloogarmon! Soundbirdmon!"


Applejack and Thrill Ride were getting nearer and nearer towards the checkpoint.

"We've got five minute... now four!" Applejack spoke as Lilithmon X and Hawkmon lead the way towards the checkpoint.

"I see it!" Hawkmon declared with glee. Applejack and Thrill Ride look up ahead to see the checkpoint, which was a tall lighthouse.

"Yes!" Thrill Ride exclaimed. "We're gonna make it!"

Suddwbly, Kuzuhamon appeared before then with Helloogarmon and Soundbirdmon by her side.

"Oh boy!" Thrill Ride exclaimed with a scowl.

"This has gone on long enough!" Kuzuhamon growled furiously as she, Hellogarmon, and Soundbirdmon emitted a feint violet glow. "DIGIFUSE!"

Kuzuhamon was then enveloped in a black mass of data, while Helloogarmon was enveloped in bright red data and Soundbirdmon was enveloped in dark purple data. The data masses combined together to form one massive deep crimson mass of data that resembled flames.


Eventually, a new Digimon emerged, laughing wickedly with a crazed grin while our heroes looked on in shock and terror.

Digimon Analyzer

Name: TamamoKuzuhamon
Level: Mega/Xros Wars
Type: Composition
Attribute: Virus, Unidentified

It seems that Kuzuhamon had DigiFused with her two pets to form TamamoKuzuhamon. Fueled by the vicious flames of Helloogarmon and armed with the deathly voice of Soundbirdmon, this beastly amalgamation is certainly a powerhouse.

"Oh dear!" Hawkmon muttered in fear.

"This is where it all ends!" TamamoKuzuhamon declared before taking a deep breath. "Basker Scream!" TamamoKuzuhamon unleashed a mighty scream that made everyone covered their ears.

"You're going down bitch!" Lilithmon X declared as she flew towards TamamoKuzuhamon with her clawed hand ready to strike. "Nazar Nail!"

"Hades Claw!" TamamoKuzuhamon exclaimed as her clawed hand was encased in flames before swatting Lilithmon X away like she were a fly."

"Thrill Ride, you press on!" Applejack said to Thrill Ride. "I’ll handle this flamin’ freak!"

"Like Hell you will!" TamamoKuzuhamon declared as she was about to attack her, but Lilithmon X scratched at her cheek with her claws. "AH! You bitch!"

"Alright. Good luck!" Thrill Ride said to Applejack, and with a "mush", Thrill Ride rode off to the checkpoint while TamamoKuzuhamon was distracted.

Applejack emits an intense orange glow as starts floating several feet off the ground, and TamamoKuzuhamon took notice.

"What?!" TamamoKuzuhamon asked if disbelief upon seeing this.


A bright orange hexagon seal with the Terra DigiPendant symbol appeared beneath Applejack as she was then enveloped in a tornado made if wind and sand.

TamamoKuzuhamon watched on in shock and terror while the Caturamon, Lilithmon X, and Hawkmon watched on in awe sand tornado died down to reveal Applejack's Digimon form.

The Digimon Applejack became was somewhat like a centaur, but the lower half was that of a canine instead of an equine like a regular centaur. Her lower half appeared to be more mechanical too, with colors ranging from purpleN grayish lavender, and bright orange. On various pars of her armor were red lines.

Her head was covered in a helmet that was shaped liked a wolf head, her hair was dark brown and appeared to be made of thick tendrils, and her eyes were an amber gold color. On her forearms were gauntlets that were shaped like wolf heads and had large cannon barely on the node area.

With a snarl and gnash of her teeth, the new Digimon raised her arms upwards and fired a fee blasts of energy grom the Blaster gauntlets.


Digimon Analyzer

Name: Adletmon
Level: Unidentified
Type: Beastkin
Attribute: Vaccine, Free

Meet Adletmon, a Digimon whose bite is just as worse as her bark. Her moves are dedicated to the Garurumon-species, she's at her most powerful when under the light of a full moon. Her Full Moon Blast attack is among her mightiest.


At the infirmary, Mercurymon and the others were amazed by the arrival of Adletmon.

"Whoa!" Sunset muttered in amazement. "Now that looks pretty epic!"

"Alright AJ!" Rainbow Dash cheered for her country friend. "Kick that freak's ass!"


"Bah!" TamamoKuzuhamon spat put with confidence. "I'll still take you down, along with..." TamamoKuzuhamon stopped when she noticed Thrill Ride was nowhere to be seen. "Wait! Where is... No!"

Meanwhile, Thrill Ride and his sled team were getting closer to the lighthouse that served as the checkpoint.

"Alright! We've got twenty seconds left! Hurry!" Thrill Ride said as his team were about to make it. But a buck of SnowGoblimon and Hyogamon got in the way.

"Out of the way!" Garurumon cried as he fired a Howling Blaster at the goblin and ogre Digimon, knocking them down as the team managed to arrive at the check point.

The moment Thrill Ride's sled team arrive, a purple magical seal appeared beneath them before shattering like glass, causing a massive beam of blue light to erupt.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" TamamoKuzuhamon cried out, knowing that her curse has officially been broken.


In the infirmary, Lucreciamon was now slowly waking up in her bed.

had woken up, feeling her strength return to her, and Flutterhsy noticed.

"Guys! Guys!" Fluttershy called out with a smile and watery eyes, making everyone enter the room.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Lucreciamon muttered, looking at her parents with a small smile.

"Lucreciamon!" Merukimon said in joy as he and Lilithmon Eden Mode went to hug their daughter, their eyes watering joy.


TamamoKuzuhamon was dumbfounded and shocked, but her shock quickly turned to rage as she turned to Adletmon.

"YOU! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" TamamoKuzuhamon roared out in haired as she raised her wings, the speakers emitting a bright violet glow. "Deathly Holler!" TamamoKuzuhamon fired violet sound waves towards Adletmon, but the canine centaur Digimon stood her ground.

"Bring it!" Adletmon declared defiantly as she aimed her blasters gauntlets at TamamoKuzuhamon. "Full Moon Blast!" Adletmon fired two beams of bright light at TamamoKuzuhamon, the attack not only canceled out TamamoKuzuhamon attack, but it struck her as well with devastating force.

"NO WAY!" TamamoKuzuhamon exclaimed in terror. "THIS CANNOT BEEEEE!!!" TamamoKuzuhamon then split up into Kuzuhamon, Hellogarmon, and Soundbirdmon before the three turned gray and faded. All that remained were their DigiEggs before they took off into the sky.

"Yeehaw!" Adletmon cheered, emitting a wolf howl before reverting back into Applejack. Lilithmon X, Hawkmon, and the Caturamon were amazed by what they had just seen.

"Incredible." One Caturamon spoke out in awe.

"Indeed." Another Caturamon reolied with a nod in agreement.

"I'm just sorry it wasn't me that took down that bitch." Lilithmon X said with an impressed smirk when she saw Thrill Ride and his sled team approach.


Applejack, Thrill Ride, and their Digimon allies had returned, and everyone was applauding for the town heroes.

"They did it!" A Rosemon declared in joy.

"They managed to break Kuzuhamon's curse." A Grumblemon spoke in elation.

"Guys!" Sunset cried out as she and the others embraced Applejack and Thrill Ride. "You did it!"

"Did you expect anything less?" Rainbow Dash asked, patting Applejack and Thrill Ride's backs in a congratulatory manner.

"Well, we did have some help." Thrill Ride said as he looks to the canine Digimon.

"And we all know who the big hero is." Kyubimon said as she nuzzled against Garurumon, making him blush bashfully.

"Got that right!" Doggymon replied as he gave Garurumon a noogie.

"Most definitely." Fangmon said with a nod of agreement.

"Come on, you three!"

Applejack and Thrill Ride look to see Merukimon with a proud smile.

"Someone wants to see you." Merukimon said, making the two humans look to one another.

"Come on, Garurumon." Thrill Ride said, the lupine Digimon nodding before following them.

The three enter, Applejack and Thrill Ride looked around, feeling proud of themselves as they saw the other adults come for the sick kids in rejoice. Garurumon then found Lucreciamon's hat was on a chair and decided to be the one to give it to Lucreciamon.

The three arrived to Lucreciamon, who was still in bed but was feeling much better due to being free from Kuzuhamon's curse.

"Garurumon..." Lucreciamon said as she took the hat fro. Garurumon, hugging the wolf-like Digimon as Thrill Ride and Applejack then walked to her with a smile.

"Hey there, princess." Thrill Rixs said as his eyes watered. "I told you we'd beat Kuzuhamon and break the curse." Thrill Rid was trying his absolute best not to cry. Key word, "trying".

Lucreciamon just hugged him. "I'd be lost with out you guys." Lucreciamon said, and that let the tears Thrill Ride was holding back loose as he returned thenhuh. Applejack joined in, and Garurumon nuzzled his leg. The others watched on with heartwarming smiles.

"Pardon me."

Thrill Ride and Applejack turn to see Korikakumon, who looked like he wanted to say something.

"Kid, I gotta admit, you really proved your metal." Korikakumon spoke in an apologetic manner. "I've misjudged you, my boy. And for that, I owe you my sincerest apologies."

Thrill Ride was stunned by hearing an apologetic from the grizzled Digimon, but Applejack knew he was being sincere.

"Well... I'm not one for holding grudges, man." Thrill Ride said, extending his hand for a handshake. "So, you're forgiven pal."

Korikakumon nods and accepts the gesture, the two shaking hands with Appkejack, Garurumon, and Lucreciamon smiling.

"And you," Korikakumon said to Garurumon, kneeling down and patting his head. "You're alright." Garurumon grinned bashfully upon hearing that.

The next morning, our heroes were getting ready to embark on their next location while all the residents of Lupis Town were giving their farewells.

"You guys sure you can't stick around?" Kyubimon asked with a sad smile. "You'll miss quite the celebration."

"We'd love to, but we've got a mission." Sunset said apologetically.

"Well, before you depart, we have something to give you as a token of out gratitude." Merukimon stated as Lilithmon Eden Mode presented a wooden statue of a wolf in a howling position.

"I've made it myself." Jijimon stated with a proud smile. "It's not much, but..."

"We love it, Jijimon." Fluttershy replied a she accepted the carving. "Thank you, very much."


The gang turn to see none other than Trailmon Buffalo arrive at the Lupis Town terminal.

“Somebody call for a ride, eh?” Trailmon Buffalo asked.

"Well, we better get moving." Thrill Ride said before placing a kiss on Lucreciamon's forehead. Lucreciamon hugged him while crying lightly.

"Thank you for everything." Lucreciamon spoke with tears trailing down her face. "You're like the big brother I never had." That had Thrill Ride tear up before he hugged her back. This earned a collective "aww" from everyone present as Lucreciamon and Thrill Ride separate from the embrace.

"Will we see you again?" Garurumon asked his human friend.

"Who knows, sugar?" Applejack replied a shrug. "Maybe someday."

With a final wave from everyone, our heroes board the Trailmon, and with a blow of the whistle the Trialmon took off.


In a dark room, where the familiar eight thrones are located, large television monitor was displaying the fight between TamamoKuzuhamon and Adletmon. And the owner of each throne was watching, each one being a Digimon of a different design.

One resembled a joker with rather slender limbs and pointy ears, a colorful, mainly purple coat with large shoulder pads and golden bells on each coattail. Underneath this coat is a white shirt with a green zig zag in the middle, also the same color as it's pants. His joker motif is further emphasized by a red and black fool's hat and crown with a star on one end and a moon on the other, as well as pointy, purple and black shoes. His face had the classic red and white clown makeup, with the rest of it's body being plain white. This is Jokermon.

She resembled a woman covered in armor that was black on thr left side and white on the right, she had long blonde hair, and her eyes were obscured by a helmet. She had twelve wings; six demonic wings on her left, and six white angelic wings on her right. This is Mastemon.

The third resembled a gray skinned dragon adorned in a black suite, a skull symbol on its left shoulder and three metal studs on its right, a red symbol on his left hand shaped like a bat, red claws on its hands, and what looked like a metal crucifix on its left knee. It had four wings on its back; the upper pair being bigger with holes in them, and the lower pair being smaller. His tail was wrapped in belts and was capped with what looked like two metal claws closed to for the tip. This is Devidramon.

The fourth resembled a skeletal Sabre Tooth Tiger with horns on its heads, red eyes, spikes on its back, a long tail and a pair of wings. This is SkullBalluchimon.

The fifth resembled a giant bird with a body wreathed almost entirely in black flames. The only parts that are not are its mouth with protruding teeth, its two feet that were each capped with five talons, and its eyes that were gold in color. This is Saberdramon.

The sixth was a humanoid designed as a robotic grim reaper with a scythe blade for the left hand and wields a gun on its right hand. This is Reapermon.

The seventh resembled the fictional Cthulhu, albeit with some differences. It's body was colored purple, it had a lower jaw armed with teeth, it wings were red with orange membranes, it's right arm was a single thick tentacle while it's left was comprised of many tentacles, both of its legs were also composed of tentacles, it's left leg adorned with belts while it's right leg was decorated with two golden rings, around its neck was a necklace of purple round beads, in its right "hand" it held a trident. This is Dragomon.

And the eighth was legless insectoid with large, spiked pauldrons and large forearms with chela-like blades above its clawed hands. Similar to a Hercules Beetle, it has a pair of horns that together resemble a dragon's head above its actual head, which has red eyes, with a cannon inside the pseudo-head's mouth. The thoracic horn has gray eyespots and a gray crest on top of it while its cephalic horn mimics a lower jaw. It has a sixteen pairs of glowing orange wings with eight that extend from its pauldrons and eight that extend from its waist. It is purple and black in coloration with blue muscle in the abdominal region. It has red eyes on its chest, an orange orb embedded in its abdominal region, and two small pairs of arms just above its waist. Its lower body is a long tail with two flail-like antenna on the sides under the wings and a stinger on the end of it. This is TyrantKabuterimon.

"Full Moon Blast!" Adletmon roared out as she fired two beams of bright light at TamamoKuzuhamon, taking out TamamoKuzuhamon as the eight Digimon watched with displeased looks.

"How pathetic." Jokermon scoffed with an English accent, snapping his fingers to shut off the TV monitor. "I knew this would happen."

"She was one of my best followers!" SkullBaluchimon exclaimed with an Australian accent and a snarl, "Not one has she failed me, mate!"

"And yet her spite and desire for retribution resulted in her downfall." Reapermon replied with a computerized voice.

"It seems that these humans are further advancing." Dragomon interjected with a deep voice, a slur in his speech with a low guttural growl heard when he spoke.

"You ever just now noticed?" Mastemon replied with sarcasm.

"I think now is a good time to intervene!" TyrantKabuterimon chimed in with a Japanese accent in his voice.

"I'm thinking the same thing, old chap." Jokermon responded before tapping a button on his thrones right arm. "How are things holding up."

"They're ready, sir." A voice spoke through an intercom system in the room. "They've all been tested, and they're working swimmingly. No glitches or malfunctions"

Jokeker smirks with malicious intent, "Excellent." Jokermon responded with a chuckle. "Bring them in!"

"At once, my lord." The voice replied before the intercom was shut off.

"Ya sure this will work, bloke?" SkullBaluchimon asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Don't worry yourself, bone bag." Jokermon replied with a dismissive wave. "I wouldn't have had the Datamon forge the tool we need to take down these nuisances if I wasn't."

"Besides, we have the finest of our men tasked fer the job, lad." Saberdramon chimed in with a Scottish accent. "If anybody can get the job done, it's them."

"I pray that they do." Reapermon replied. "Because I've got a feeling those humans are going to become a bigger nuisances at time progresses."

Author's Note:

And finally, that's part three done. And we've finally got to see our big baddies. Did I show them too soon? I dunno, DM your thoughts.

Also, for the Wolf Quest chapters, I took a bit if inspiration from Balto and Sleeping Beauty.