• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 224 Views, 6 Comments


A lonely boy who think he is alone in the world but turn out to be wrong

  • ...


With a wave, Kane bids goodbye to Twilight. Kane gets off the bus and heads home. As soon as he crossed the door his parents rushed to him.

Kane's dad said, "Kane what took you so long?"

Before Kane could answer his mom said "The school called us about a fight during lunch that you were involved in and that you tried to skip school. Kane, what is going on?"

Kane answered "Mom, Dad, I know you're concerned but it was a long day. And I don't know what is going on either but can I explain later, I'm starving and tired. I hope that's okay, and sorry again for making you worry." Kane went to the freezer and he grabbed a heaping amount of meats before heading up. Kane, unaware of the strangeness of his actions said, "Okay I am going to my room now."

His parents responded, "Okay." Kane went up to his room.

Kane's dad said, "Something is wrong with Kane."

Kane's mom answered dumbfounded, "I know, Kane just grabbed meat from the freezer."

His room is filled with posters and standing figures on the shelf filled with video games. Kane was playing a generic shooter game campaign on the tv when Sombra came out to watch Kane. Sombra grew bored and started to talk to Kane. "Your parents must really love you very much to be as patient as they are." Mused Sombra.

Kane snapped back, "Yes, because they know I don't like to hurt people."

Sombra, "If you don't hurt people then why is your class scared of you?"

Kane sassed back, "What, don't you know about that."

Sombra responded, "Your parents were born in Mexico City, Mexico, right?"

Kane paused his game and stood up to look at Sombra. "How did you know that, I wasn't thinking about that," Kane asked.

Sombra, "I'm in your brain, remember."

Kane, "Okay fine, give me proof that you know everything about me. Tell me everything you know about me."

Sombra, "You know the usual, your dad worked in the navy in Mexico. You have red eyes, which scare people from your school for some stupid reason. And we both know that they are scared of you and your dad, which I don't get; he seems like a big softie."

Kane sassed back, "Wow you are not kidding, you really know everything about me."

"And we just beat the shit out of them brats," Sombra laughed ignoring Kane's attitude.

Kane, "No, that was bad, we literally just threw a guy through a window."

Sombra indifferent, "I know but still crazy shit right." Sombra continued to laugh.

Kane said, "Everyone in the school saw us do that and now they are gonna think I'm crazy!"

Sombra stopped laughing, "Doesn't matter, between you and me we can do whatever we want."

Kane, "I don't know about that but for now, I'm gonna take a break. So, let's not do that again tomorrow at school, okay."

Sombra huffed, "Fine." as he returned back to Kane.

Kane's day started a bit better than yesterday as he woke up and got ready for school. He ran toward the school bus, stepping onto it as it stopped. Getting on the bus, he noticed right away that some of the people inside the bus were acting a bit more scared of him than usual.

Sombra, 'Wow we scare the shit out of them, didn't we.' Kane walks forward until he sits with Twilight.

Twilight, "I get that you made quite an impression yesterday, but the staring seems excessive."

Kane, "I don't know...", as he responds he tries not to think about it more than he already has.

Sombra, 'It's because we scare the shit out of them. haHaha.'

Twilight, "Kane are you alright?"

Kane, "Yeah I'm just tired of how people are acting."

Sombra, 'You mean tired from kicking so much ass.'

Ignoring Sombra, Kane continued, "I didn't get a lot of sleep but I'm okay, and I feel better."

Twilight was filled with doubt as she saw how he struggled to stay calm, "Kane, are you sure you are okay?"

Kane leaned back into his seat, "Yes." The bus driver started to drive as they got back into their rhythm. Kane enjoyed the quiet time they shared, that is what he liked about Twilight she is okay with just relaxing.

They walk off the bus heading towards the school when he looks at Twilight. Kane, "Hey, Twilight,"

Twilight responds, "Yes?"

"Do you want to hang out after school?", Kane asked.

Twilight beamed, "Sure we can hang out."

Kane is happy to have a cool friend, "Okay where do you wanna hang out?" As he never got the chance to spend time with friends.

Twilight, "Well, there is a coffee shop I like to go to after school, we can spend time there."

Kane said, "Okay, let's meet up after school to go there. Twilight happily said, "Okay, sounds like a plan."

They go straight to their classrooms. Kane sits down, while waiting for class to start he goes over his homework to make sure everything is correct. But he has the strangest feeling that someone is staring at him. He looks around and finds that he is right, except for the entire class that is staring at him. Kane quietly asks, "What?"

Those nearby quickly go back to minding their own business. Seeing as nobody was answering the boy Sombra speaks up, 'They shit themselves right.' Kane, realizing Sombra is talking to him, looks back down to his desk. Kane focuses on thinking about his answer so no one can hear their conversation.

'Sombra, this is not a good time right now, and learn some new words.'

Sombra, 'Why?', as he grins, how that is possible within Kane's head Kane had no idea.

Kane, 'They are scared right now, and I don't need you to make it worse.'

Sombra, 'So, as long as they are scared of us they can't fight, punch at us, or say anything to us. That's called respect.'

Kane, 'But at what cost.'

Sombra, 'Yes, and you just earned one.' The bell rang to start the class.

Kane, 'Let's talk about it later.'


The day went as usual, quickly came time to go to the cafeteria, and as he was about to enter a pale-skinned woman with hair color of pink blue, and green walked up to him. She was dressed in a golden jacket with purple pants and gold heels. to her right a pale purple skin woman with dark blue and violet hair. purple shirt with a white collar with a silhouette of a crescent moon on it, dark blue pants, and white heels.

"Oh hey? " Kane said

"Hello, Mr. Kane I'm Celestia and the principal of this school."

This took Kane a second to think "Oh you are that lady on the phone."

She smiled and chuckled a little "Yes and this is the vice principal and my sister Luna" she said while gesturing her hand to her sister.

"Hello Mr. Kane," Luna said while smiling "Oh hey nice to meet you."

This became an awkward silence until the principal broke it. "Anyway let's get back on track, I need your help with something."

"With what?" asked Kane.

"Follow us." They headed into a different hallway and Kane followed them, as they walked from the halls to the outside of a football field they saw a guy with glasses and a cape around his shoulders with a sword made of foam.


"His name is Augie Farks, he is one of the students who have a very special gift...and he has been bullied by hoops and his friends since he arrive at the school and of course, we put those boys in detention. And also he says you helped him." Luna said. Kane looked around nervously. Augie thrust his sword in the air, but as the group approached he stopped and paused his music speakers.

Augie embarrassedly said, " I am not gonna get in trouble, right? This sword is not gonna hurt anybody its made of soft foam."

Principal Celestia kindly said, " No worries my liege."

Luna continues, " This is Kane we hope that he can be a new friend for you."

Kane walked closer with a small smile as he raised his hand and said, "Hey." Augie nervously nodded his head as he didn't say anything back.

Principal Celestia, "I hope you guys get along. While we just fade into the mist." She shuffles backward as she waves her hands. Luna meanwhile just stared at her sister and with a shake of her head excused herself from the boys.

"So, you are the kid I save from those asshole," Kane said.

And Augie nervously says, "Yeah."

"Cool, Cool." Kane says casually. An awkward silence filled the space, Kane said, "So, what are you doing?"

Augie said, "I'm just practicing with my sword skills."

"For what?" asked Kane.

"For battles of adventure." Kane gave him a blank look. Augie embarrassedly explained, "I like to role-play in Larping."

Kane replied, "Ah, I get it."

Sombra, 'Oh boy, he is going to die in the real world ain't he.'

Kane mentally, 'Shut up.' Sombra grumbled about disrespectful kids. Kane said, "So how long have you been doing this battle practice?"

Augie says, "Since I was ten years old. The medieval times of history and mythical creatures interest me. From when I look at a picture of a unicorn in battle."

"Good to know", Kane said.

"And by the way thank you for saving me back there."

Kane smiled, "No need sire."

Augie chuckles, "We should probably head back to the cafeteria." Kane agreed.

They both entered the cafeteria, grabbed their lunch, and walked to a place to sit. Until Kane had an idea. Kane, "How about you sit with me?"

Augie looked surprised. He said nervously, " Really?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," replied Kane. Augie with a smile nodded his head. They go sit together at a nearby table. Kane started a conversation. "So what do you like to do in your spare time?" asked Kane.

"Well you see, I playing magic the gathering, dungeon, and dragons with a group of people who understand me and larping outside without anyone looking at me or judging me." Kane felt awkward at the last part. Feeling bad for the guy Kane knows how it feels.

They are suddenly surprised when Twilight arrives and sits next to Kane. Sombra laughed at Kane. 'Looks like loverboy forgot about his girlie.' Kane blushed with embarrassment.

"Hi, Kane. Who is this person you are talking to?" Twilight asked.

Kane, "Oh, this is Augie Farks. A new student in the school."

"Hi, nice to meet you," He said while he raised his hand.

Twilight Sparkle smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Augie."

Augie smiled back, and Kane suddenly stood up exclaiming "I need to go to the bathroom, don't worry I will be back Augie." Kane rushed out. "And don't worry about me I will be back Twi!" Kane said to Twilight. Before Twilight even responded Kane was gone. Augie sat there confused.

Meanwhile, Twilight with a deep sigh, "Can't we have at least one normal lunch together."

This became awkward until a group of girls headed towards them "Hey Twi what are you doing? " said the smiling pink-hair girl."

Yeah and who is this guy? " Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh that's right, girls this Augie Farks."

"Nice to meet all of you " said Augie shyly smiling.

Dash stared at him putting her finger in her ear to check if she heard it right. "I'm sorry did you say your last name was Farks?"

"Yeah why?"

Dash who not even trying to hold it burst out laughing at him making him frown in despair, Rainbow Dash laughing was interrupted.

"Rainbow Dash stop that!" The purple hair girl nugs her in the ribs with her elbow.

One of them in a cowboy hat says, "Sorry partner if you get to know her she can get like this sometimes."

"Nah that is okay" Augie replied.

"By the way I am Applejack," the girl in the hat says, "and this is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and finally Fluttershy." Applejack pointed at each of the girls.

Pinkie Pie said, "Why are you wearing a cape? Oh! Are you a superhero!"

Augie replies "Yeah I wish. No this is part of my battle attire for LAIRE."

Fluttershy said, "What is LAIRE?"

"It's this fantasy world where anything is possible. One minute you could be sparring with an elf. And the next you could be battling against a troll who wants nothing more to steal your gold and leave you penniless."

There was a slight moment of silence, Rainbow Dash flat out said "Sounds lame."

"Well, I think you misspelled fun, enjoyable, and carefree. And also you have to see it to really understand it for yourself. You can be anything, you can be an elf, an orc, or you guys can even be princesses."

Rainbow Dash says, " Barf, no thanks."

"I don't know about that darling, I think I would enjoy being one," Replied Rarity.

Fluttershy quietly, "Me too."

Applejack said, "Ah shucks."

Twilight speaks up, "I don't know about that."

And Pinkie Pie, "If I was a princess I would be the princess of all cakes, parties, and fun!" She said with excitement in her eyes.

Augie says, "And Kane can be the dark knight!" there is silence in the air as all but Twilight and Shy shivered. Not only at the name but also at the thought of him being a knight, a dark knight that conquered the land with his darkness and his wrath, nobody dare to be friends with him not even pinkie pie.

"wh-what's wrong did I do say something wrong?" Augie said.

"no it's just that him..." said Pinkie Pie who no longer smiled.

"Who do you mean, Kane?" asked Augie.

"Yes," Applejack replied.

Rarity says, "There are stories about Kane, that he has the eyes of a demon..."

"And the strength of a beast." Rainbow Dashed finished for Rarity.

"Heck he's practically a demon" Pinkie Pie said.

Augie replied "Is that really true, cuz I met him for five minutes and he's nothing like the things you guys told me. Actually, he's a pretty chill guy" All but Twilight and Shy were shocked at what he said.

"You met KANE in person and left without a scratch!?" Pinkie said.

"And you still in one piece!?" Dash said. Augie looked at her confused. Rainbow Dash continued, "Did he try to rip your arms off?"

Before he got a chance to respond Pinkie Pie said, "Did he try to knock your brains out of your head?"

Augie, "No! He actually saved me." The girls were surprised by what Augie said.

"Oh, is that why he knocked those jerks out in the cafeteria." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Wait, what about jerks?" Asked Twilight.

Augie says, "I was eating my food by myself as usual when Hoop and his goons bothered me and wouldn't stop until Kane took care of them."

Worried Twilight asked, "Define taking care of." "I mean he punched the bully out cold, bashed one of the goons with their skateboard, and threw Hoops so hard that the goon busted through a window. And it was awesome!" The girls were dead silent. Twilight was stressed out, she knew he got in a fight but didn't imagine that Kane had to fight like that, unlike the rest of the girls who looked petrified except for Fluttershy.

She looked confused and said quietly, "Um," the rest of the girls turned to her which made her jump, "Maybe he really hates bullies?"

Twilight, "Yeah, that's right...wait Augie you were the one being bullied at the science field trip, right? No wonder Kane was angry he felt terrible about what was happening to you."

Augie says, "Wow, I didn't know that he was trying to look out for me since the beginning. He is actually a very good guy."

Both Fluttershy and Twilight say, "Yeah, he really is." The rest of the girls looked at the two like they were crazy.
While the girls were questioning Twilight and Fluttershy Kane was having problems of his own. Kane rushed into the boy's restroom panting. Went to a stall and closed the door harshly. "Okay, why do you want me here in this stall?" Kane asked Sombra.

Sombra, "I wanna talk to you in private."

Kane yells, "You talk in my brain it is always private!"

Sombra, "But this is more personal."

Kane says, "What the hell do you want to talk about."

Sombra, "We cannot talk to any of these people.

Kane, "Do you mean the girls?"


Kane interrupts, "Why?"

Sombra replied, "Because we can't trust them to not turn us in when they find out about me and result in the people who caught me coming after us."

Kane, "People? What people? Also, they are friends of Twilight, if she trusts them there is no reason not to trust them."

Sombra grumbles, "Your love vision is blinding you but whatever"

Kane is fully red in the face, "For the last time it is not like that."

Sombra cackled inside Kane's head. Kane annoyed by this decided to walk out of the stall and slam it shut with a loud bang. Fuming he washes his hands because knows how gross bathrooms are and heads out back to the group.

Kane walked through the hallway in a moody way, everything that had been going through these past few days was running through his mind. His encounter with a spirit, gaining powers, beating up a bunch of bullies and nearly killing one of them. Kane realizes that sooner or later his life won't be the same. After walking through the hallways and into the cafeteria, he finally walks up to his seat at the table only to see a group of girls besides Twilight and Augie. Kane looked confused until he saw one of the girls with a butterfly hairpin.

Kane exclaims, "Oh Fluttershy, were you able to reach your classes without any trouble?" Fluttershy squeaked in surprise while the other strange girls looked petrified at him and shocked at her.

Fluttershy replies, "Yes, I have been doing very well. Thank you." Kane saw that the strange girls were petrified until the one with a hat spoke up.

"Fluttershy you met him too?" asked Applejack.

"Well, I met him in the hall after I bumped into him."

"I am surprised that he did not rip you into shreds," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash!" said Rarity.

Twilight stared at them with disappointment. "No, what made you say that" Augie asked.

"uhh...no reason" Fluttershy replies. There is silence in the air, and the scared girls feel fear in their bodies when Kane stares at them. He never noticed that to the girls he looked sternly at them.

Everything was quiet until someone said in a trembling voice "Uh...he-hello Kane was it, nice to meet you my n-name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. P-pinkie for short and this is Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash."

They nervously chuckle and Rarity says "M-my your eyes are red, they look very demonic"

"Different" Dash quickly says.

Rarity nodded quickly, "Different I mean so very different... we just going to leave you alone" Rarity said as she grabbed Shy's hand and the new girls ran to the hallway as quickly as possible leaving Kane with an unsurprised look while Augie and Twilight look speechless at the girl's actions.

Only thing Kane could say "They don't like me do they."