• Published 23rd Nov 2023
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Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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46. #RiptheFabric

It's another beautiful day in Equestria. You walk with Barley close to Ponyville, both trying to find pages of the Book of all Stories, as well as a nice snack. As you both make your way toward Sugar Cube Corner hoping for a delicious pastry, you hear an odd, and distinct ripping sound from behind you. You both turn to see a literal hole in the sky above the school with what looks to be dragons soaring across it before disappearing on the other side of the hole.. Above you is another world: the world of Equestria Girls. More holes open up around Ponyville. Ponies scream and run away at the sight of the foreign world. Barley, however, looks to you. "This has a magic page written all over it!" He nods, "Let's go!"

You nod as well, jumping through a rip in the fabric of space close to you and coming face to face with a bunch of highschoolers at some sort of event. The entire student body is either running or helping their friends before running. The only ones you see staying in the area are two girls, Sunset and Sci-Twi flying above a hole and one principal, Principal Cinch, holding a piece of paper. She yells up to the girls, "Twilight. This may seem bad, but it is what we wanted. Canterlot High has been cheating with the knowledge and use of this other world! Now that we have the same knowledge of it, we can find magic to use to our advantage and the playing field will be fair once again, and Crystal Prep will never lose an event in the Friendship Games again!"

"No. Twilight. This is wrong. These holes could completely change both worlds. Please, listen to me!" Sunset begs.

The page in Cinch's hands subtly glows orange as she laughs and then finishes, "And you will forever be remembered for making this discovery! You will have no shortage of scholarships after this!"

"All of this destruction over a game?" Barley gasps. "We gotta figure out what to do fast here. I don't know what's going on, but all of these holes piping up can't be good for either world. What are your thoughts?"

How should we go about fixing this mess?

> Try to talk Principal Cinch down. (Chaos)
> Help Sci-Twi realize her Principal is just using her. (Hero)
> Listen to Principal Cinch and get her side. (Villain)


"Let's try talking her down!" You nod to Principal Cinch.

Barley nods back, "Not a bad idea."

You both go over a bit closer to her before you speak, "Principal Cinch!" You call, "you realize that the more holes you make between worlds, the more you could destroy both of them?!"

"[USERNAME] is right." Barley agrees, "I'm sorry if another school did better than yours through unfair means, but that's no reason to take two worlds and use them as play things!"

"Please. You only want to stop this because your precious school will never win again. Besides, I don't have the device that is opening up the rips between worlds." Principal Cinch huffs.

"Maybe not, but you have a page to change the story and you're changing it to use these holes to your advantage!" You point out.

"How did you-" She stops herself, laughs, and continues, "My school has a reputation to uphold. I will do whatever it takes to make sure we maintain that reputation. I will not be the weak link that stains failure on us! Canterlot High has had one of these portals around for sometime, yes? Very well. I will help close…most of the portals! Twilight. Perhaps we are being a bit overzealous. Let's keep a portal at our school and close the rest of these!" The page glows again and the portals around the school disappear, as you also see Sci-Twi focus some sort of necklace around them, "There, now our school has one too. Fair is fair after all!"

As Cinch leaves, Barley sighed, "Well, she still has the page, but at least we kept our worlds safe!"

You nod in agreement.

(+1 page for Chaos)


You scan the area one more time before you speak, "Cinch has the page, but Twilight has the necklace. If we can get Twilight to stop using it, Cinch won't have anything."

"What if she just changes the story to her having the necklace?" Barley asked.

"If she wanted the necklace, she would have taken it when she got the page." You answer. "To Cinch, reputation is everything. She has to keep her hands dirty. What we have to worry more about is her changing it to where we can't talk to Twilight. We can't have her see us."

"Right. I'll keep her eyes on me while you help Sunset talk down Twilight!" Barley nods and races off. You climb up debris from the worlds, nearly missing holes along the way until you feel you can be heard by both girls and yell, "Twilight! Sunset is telling the truth. Cinch has been using you this entire time. All she wants is her precious win and she's willing to do anything to get it. Look around you! She's tearing apart your home and an entire world because she's a sore loser! Is that really what you want to be associated with?!"

Twilight looks at you and looks at Sunset. She takes Sunset's hand and the portals close. Cinch notices, "What. No. I changed it. This is my win!"

Twilight looks to her, "There is no way that I would ever help you destroy two worlds for the sake of one win. Do you want to lose with dignity or forever be remembered as the Principal who destroyed everything?"

Cinch growls and throws the page to the ground, stomping off. You take it, and an orange glow surrounds you sealing the portals. You look up to see Sunset floating down hand in hand with sci-Twi, and smile as you hear her murmur, "I'm sorry." You look back to see Principal Cinches angry face, but shrug it off, and move on, happy that things are back to normal.

(+1 page for Heroes)


"We should hear her out." You decide.

"Certainly it can't hurt to know the whole picture so long as we do it fast!" Barley nods.

You walk closer so she can hear you and shout. "Principal Cinch. What do you mean by 'Canterlot High cheated'?"

"I saw it myself. The rainbow one held magic and used it during the games! Canterlot High has been cheating this whole time because they know it's the only way they could ever hope to defeat our prestigious academy!"

"I agree that it wasn't right for them to cheat, but you are actively ripping apart your world and the world of magic. This won't help you win. All it will do is make sure you never get a chance to try again." You explain.

"You know what. You're right. I shouldn't be opening the magic world willy nilly." You sigh in relief before Cinch finishes, "I should simply call the magic to my other top students!"

Suddenly, magic surrounds the students of Crystal Prep and they all have ears and tails, but look dark and menacing. Cinch laughs, "There. Now we will see which school truly is the best!"

Barley takes you back, "Well, we saved Equestria…but I shudder to think of the kind of trouble those girls are going to be. We gotta go before they decide to go after us!" You nod as you both run off.

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

The moment you see the rip between the two worlds always leaves me breathless. Just the sheer implications is frightening.

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