• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 142 Views, 6 Comments

Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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7. #FluttershyBranchesOut

You hear rumors of a page being seen floating towards Fluttershy's cottage. Caramel immediately imagines a scenario where Angel Bunny gets the page and, in a moment of sheer terror, nearly loses you as she races straight to the cottage.

Once at Fluttershy's cottage, everything seems normal. The animals seem fine. Angel seems, well, like himself. You begin to wonder if maybe your information was wrong.

You finish looking in the front of the house, and all around the rooms. Finally, you make it to the back of Fluttershy's house. In the middle of her yard you find a yellow tree with light pink leaves swaying gently in the wind. You swear that, as a gentle breeze blows through, you hear the tree give a quiet, and very subtle, "Yay!"

Caramel's eyes blink in shock and surprise as you both slowly walk around the odd tree. Caramel tentatively speaks. "Fluttershy… Is that you?!"

The wind blows again and you once again heat the familiar timid voice as if it is carried by the wind. "Yeah," it breathes.

"Why, of all the things you could change-why did you turn into a tree?" Caramel asks.

"I just like being a tree." The voice whispers in the breeze, the light pink leaves moving gently with each word.

Caramel sighs, "Well at least this will be easy enough. The page has got to be here somewhere."

Angel sees you starting to look. The bunny hops between you and the tree, holding its paws out, an angry look on its face.

You stop, trying to get around Angel, but every time you turn, Angel turns with you, anger and determination on his face. Caramel turns to you. "Great. The bunny doesn't want us to find the page to turn Fluttershy back. I wonder if he thinks he's protecting her. What should we do?"

[CHOICE] How should you go about finding Fluttershy's page?
> Forcibly getting Angel out of the way (Chaos)
> Talking Angel into helping you (Hero)


You walk over, finding a feed bag nearby that is mostly empty from feeding animals. You pick up the bunny, throwing him into the bag and hanging it on a hook outside Fluttershy's house used for bird feeders.

Caramel nods before you look along the tree. You eventually see the page stuck high between some branches. Caramel starts to decide the best way to get it down.

You feel a kick to your feet. You look down and Angel is at your feet again. The feed bag you had hung has a hole chewed through the bottom. Angel whistles and you hear a stampede of animals coming towards you.

"...We should run!" Caramel decides.

You try to reach for the page only to get attacked by a hummingbird. More birds fly around, pecking at your head. You fall, pigs squealing in anger. A beaver slaps your face with his tail. Harry the bear growls, leaning close to your face and roars, spit falling on your face. Squirrels run around Caramel's mane. Other bunnies kick her with their hind legs. Snakes make her trip. You and Caramel are run out of the cottage as the animals form a barrier to keep the tree safe.

"Well, I guess we're not getting that page." Caramel sighs.

(+1 page for Chaos)


You and Caramel whisper to each other.

Then she leans down. "You're right, Angel,” Caramel says.” This is what Fluttershy wants. We should let her enjoy this. Even if it means you and your animal friends will never get to see her, and she can't feed you when she's a tree. It really is too bad you will have to fend for yourselves from now on, but hey, Flutters gets to have her wish, and that's what matters."

Angel thinks about it, shock on his face from the realization. After a few minutes, he jumps around. You see an orange glow and Fluttershy is back to her normal self. Angel hands you the page, and waves as Fluttershy looks around for a moment, confused.

Angel squeaks in her ear.

"Oh. You are right, Angel,” Fluttershy replies. I suppose I couldn't feed any of you as a tree. I mean, I could have knocked down some seeds, but I would only have so many. I am so sorry I didn't think of that. Let's grab all of you some yummy food."

Fluttershy looks back where she was a tree just moments ago. A sad sigh escapes for before she goes back to caring for her friends.

As you leave, Caramel whispers, "You are so clever. Thanks for coming up with that idea to talk to Angel! Now. Let's go find the next!"

(+1 page for Heroes)

Author's Note:

I had to! You can't have super powerful pages without giving Fluttershy her chance to be a tree!

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