• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 142 Views, 6 Comments

Ciderfest BOAS APP Stories: 86?! - Janicethelight

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76. #FashionNightmares


“Pistachio, dear. Time to wake up! We gotta get ready to check on the nuts after that heatwave,” Butternut calls.

“Oh, it was a doozy.” Oak Nut sighs. “Hope the pegasi bring the rain here soon.”

Pistachio stretches, waking up to greet the day. He smiles as he sees his Fedora Felt original sitting next to his bed. The only time he took it off was when tending the field, often telling his parents, “I can NOT let it get a speck of dirt on it!” or when he slept, so he left it for now, promising that he would come back as soon as chores were done.

Nut farming was never Pistachio’s passion like his parents. No, instead he asked for drawing pads to sketch out ideas, and magazines to see what all of the ponies are wearing. Of course, these days, he has a favorite that he always looks out for these days: Rarity.

Yes, anytime Rarity is going to be in a magazine, little Pistachio always asks for two copies: one he can read, and one to keep in pristine condition in hopes that one day, when Rarity brings him to fashion month like she promised, he can show his collection to her, and ask her if she would sign a few for him. Thinking about it helps him keep his positive feelings while looking at each and every nut on the farm, despite the dust that settles on him.

As he helps his folks, he finds a strange, glowing page stuck in a nut tree. He stores the strange page away.

As soon as they make sure the nuts get the water and care they need, Pistachio runs to wash the dirt off of him before putting on his amazing blue hat. The moment he sees it on himself, he finally sees his future before him. He beams, “Thanks, Rarity. I just wish there was something, anything I could do for you!” he smiles, taking out the strange glowing page, “Maybe I can make you a special outfit on his neat paper!” At that moment, he gets a vision, seeing himself as the premier fashion pony, standing next to a proud Rarity. The vision stops as soon as it begins. “Wha-what was that?!”

A knock comes at the door. Confused, Pistachio stores the page in his hat. “Uh how may we help-you?!” He looks up to see a dark form resembling Rarity. The tall unicorn stares down at the slack-jawed colt with her piercing, dragon slit eyes, her poofy purple hair sparkling around her. On her flank, she supports three diamonds like Rarity, but with added sparkles around them.

“You’re beautiful!” Pistachio murmurs, jaw on the floor.

“Yes, young…Pecan…I know I look different, but it is I, Rarity!” she says.

“R-R-Rarity?! Is it really you? Why do you look so…different?” Pistachio asks.

“It is…” she looks up to the hat on his head, “a fashion choice!”

“Wow! It’s so bold, so daring! It takes a whole new take on Nightmare Night!” Pistachio marvels.

“Ah, yes…Nightmare Night. I even gave myself the best name for the occasion: Nightmare Rarity!”

“Nightmare Rarity. Sweet Celestia, that’s good. How did you even get yourself to look like that?! Did you use leg extenders of some sort? Body paint? Your hair looks amazing!”

“Yes, I am amazing. So good of you to notice.” Nightmare Rarity smiles.

“But, what are you doing here now? Fashion week isn’t for another week. I would know. I’ve been counting down the days!”

Nightmare Rarity sighs. “Yes, well…the thing is I’ve been tracking something of mine that I absolutely can not live without. Perhaps you have seen it, young…Peanut. It is a very special golden paper that I simply need.”

“Oh? What a coincidence. I just found a paper just like that yesterday. What are the chances you would come right after I found one?!” Pistachio takes the golden page out of his hat.

Nightmare Rarity tries to take the page, but the young colt pulls it back, “Oh, hey, before you take your page and go…would you sign my fashion magazines.”

Nightmare Rarity grits her teeth, “Oh, I am so sorry, dear…Pineapple, but I simply must take the page and leave right away. It is crucial! I promise to be back soon for the week of fashion, but for now, give me my page.”

“Are you sure you're okay? It seems like your Nightmare Night Fashion has gone to your head.” Pistachio trots back.

“Give. Me. The. Page!” Nightmare Rarity demands as the little colt retreats further into his house, unsure of what to do?

[CHOICE] What should Pistachio do?

> (Chaos) Use the page to make his own dream come true

> (Villain) Give it to Nightmare Rarity


Pistachio backs further and further away until he sees a quill on the table. Quickly grabbing it, he scribbles on the page hurriedly, “You’re not Rarity!” He shouts just as the page begins to glow a bright orange, covering both of them.

When Pistachio opens his eyes, he finds himself on the runway.

“Tell me, Pistachio, how did you ever think up these amazing fashion designs?” Hoity Toity asks.

Happily, Pistachio answers, “It’s all thanks to Rarity, the Real Rarity, who saw the real me!”

(+1 page for Chaos)


Pistachio backs further and further away, biting his lip. “Rarity, please you’re scaring me…if the page means that much to you, then take it.” He holds the page out.

Rarity takes the golden page and laughs, holding it up, “Finally, all of Equestria is mine! Thank you, young Penguin, for your help.” she laughs, scrolling her wish on the page.

“My name is Pistachio…and you aren’t Rarity…are you?”

“I was, but now I am Nightmare Rarity, a better version of my previous self, and everypony will know my name!”

The page glows orange, and when Nightmare Rarity opens her eyes, she finds the Kingdom of Equestria at her beck and call, no princesses to stop her, and everypony afraid as they should be!

(+1 page for Villains)

Author's Note:

If there is one thing that will always make me sad it's that we never got to see little Pastachio go to fashion week with Rarity, but I feel like this works too!

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