• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 107 Views, 13 Comments

My App Stories for Ponyville Ciderfest - ImThatGuy

A collection of small stories that I wrote for the Ponyville Ciderfest convention.

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Spared No Expense

“Where am I?” Fluttershy wondered as she timidly peered around at her foreign surroundings.

The terrified pony had absolutely no idea where on Celestia’s good Equus she happened to be at this particular moment. One minute she had been very carefully attempting to grab at one of the pages from the Book of All Stories, and the next minute she was here, in a strange forest, surrounded by plants and noises that were entirely unfamiliar to her. This fact terrified the little pony, causing Fluttershy to leap before she looked as she fled the scene in a moment of pure panic.

“This is awful, just awful.” Fluttershy sobbed as she galloped through the forest, “That’s what I get for trying to be brave.”.

As Fluttershy took to the sky, tears fell down her face blocking her vision. Just then she was suddenly halted in her flight by something large she had failed to see and bumped into. Fluttershy tumbled to the ground, her tears intensifying as the pain she felt from having hit the ground so unexpectedly flooded through her. Fluttershy’s eyes, strained as they were from her tears, retained enough of their vision to be able to look up at what she had just ran into. Fluttershy immediately froze in a moment of sheer and utter terror as standing right before her was a massive and terrifying monster! And worst still, the monster was standing right on top of the page!

It stood on two hideously massive hind legs. It had rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth, a large and intimidating tail, two puny arms.; and most shocking of all… the monster had… Fluttershy’s cutie mark!

“W-w-what?” Fluttershy mumbled to herself as her eyes made their way to the great beast’s flank, “How is that possible?” Fluttershy wondered.

As Fluttershy laid on the ground the monster turned, its great head lurching downwards straight towards the shy little pony. Its small dark eyes stared straight down at Fluttershy, seeming to peer straight into the pony’s soul before shifting towards Fluttershy’s own cutie mark. The eyes of the monster widened as it stared down at the cutie mark. Its head lowered down to just above Fluttershy’s level as its great and toothy maw opened before her.

“O-oh, I’m so sorry.” The monster whispered shyly into Fluttershy’s ear, “I didn’t see you there. I hope you’re not hurt.”.

Fluttershy paused, only just barely managing to fearfully tilt her head up to face the monster. “D-d-did you just talk?” She only just managed to whisper out.


What should Fluttershy do?

> Ask Fluttershy-rex for the page. (Hero)

> Befriend and stay with Fluttershy-rex. (Chaos)

> Be overwhelmed by fear and flee. (Villain)

“Did you just talk?” Fluttershy asked, some of her fear dissipating at the smooth and gentle voice of the creature.

The monster’s toothy maw turned into what Fluttershy had to assume was a smile, “Oh, I guess you aren’t used to ponysaur talking to animals like you. So, um…y-y-yes, I was talking to you…if that’s ok?”

Fluttershy’s gaze now lowered to the glowing page that the ponysaur was standing on, “U-u-um, if it’s not too much trouble…um…could I maybe have that page you’re standing on, please?” The Pegasus shyly asked.

The ponysaur looked down at her feet and noticed something glowing beneath them, “O-o-oh, you mean t-t-this thing?” She gently lifted her foot, “Here you go.” The shy ponysaur said meekly.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy wheezed out as she snatched the page up in her hoof and was magically transported back to the Equestria she knew and loved.

(+1 page for Heroes)


Fluttershy gazed up in total astonishment at what she had just heard. Her mouth hung open as the very large and very, very intimidating creature had just spoken. This upset and terrified her very much, but it also intrigued her.

“Who, or maybe I should say what are you?” Fluttershy managed to say.

The monster looked meekly at the Pegasus, “I-I-I’m Fluttershy-rex.” She managed to say, “And I’m a ponysaur. M-m-me and my friends live here in Saurestria.”

Fluttershy’s eyes suddenly widened in amazement and excitement, “A real ponysaur!? I’ve never talked to a real ponysaur before! Are there more of you!?”

“Um…yes.” Fluttershy-rex said hesitantly.

Immediately all of Fluttershy’s fear left her as a massive smile forced its way onto her face. Fluttershy immediately spread her wings, lifted from the ground, and glided gracefully onto the ponysaur’s back, “Oh would you please, please, please take me to see your friends?” Fluttershy squeed.

“Um…ok.” Fluttershy-rex answered.

The two headed out, leaving the page behind in the mud.

(+1 page for Chaos)


“Y-y-yes.” The creature mumbled.

As the monster spoke, Fluttershy only noticed the massive mouth of the beast, and the massive teeth that jutted out in unending rows from that mouth. The sight of row upon row of massive, razor-sharp teeth inching ever closer proved to be too much for poor, scared little Fluttershy.

All reason and logic left Fluttershy as her wings carried her swiftly away from the threatening monster. Her wings, weak as they were, went into overdrive and flew the timid Pegasus high into the sky and away from any danger. The tears of the poor pony were so profuse that they seeped into the cloud she now rested on and fell as rain. This rain then fell down and hit the torn page that had been abandoned in the mud.

The negative emotion of these tears was so great, that they seeped into the page itself and manifested as dark magic. The page darkened, shriveled up, and ultimately disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Fluttershy trapped in a world of monsters.

(+1 page for Villains)