• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 107 Views, 13 Comments

My App Stories for Ponyville Ciderfest - ImThatGuy

A collection of small stories that I wrote for the Ponyville Ciderfest convention.

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A page from the Book of All Stories has been transported to the sewers beneath the comic book city of Maretropolis! The evil Mane-iac has set out to retrieve it for the purpose of doing….evil! You and Caramel Malt have entered into the comic book world of super heroes in order to retrieve it and halt whatever evil plans the Mane-iac may have for it. Along the way you have run into two of the Power Ponies, Masked Matterhorn and Saddle Rager, who have teamed up with you to help save the world!

“Wow, [USERNAME], I can’t believe that I’m teaming up with THE Power Ponies to help save Equestria.” Caramel Malt said, seemingly not minding that she was running through the sewers.

“Come on now.” Masked Matterhorn sternly interjected, “We’re on a mission, there’s no time for small-talk.”

“Oh Masked Matterhorn, they’re trying to help us, you could try to be a little nicer.” Saddle Rager said kindly.

“Please don’t worry, “Caramel smiled, “It’s all in a day’s work to save the world, right?”

The great, gallantly gallivanting group gallops further into the deep, damp sewer as sounds of an evil and maniacal laughter echo through the underground halls. The Mane-iac is just ahead, chasing a floating, glowing page through the sewer, grabbing at it with her evil mane of evil power.

“Halt!” Shouts Masked Matterhorn, “In the name of Maretropolis!” Masked Matterhorn blasts several energy beams from her horn but the sly villain curls her mane into a protective ball and blocks the blasts.

“Foolish little Power Ponies.” The villain laughs, “You will not stop me from retrieving this page of power and using it to release all my fellow Maretropolis villains from the League of Villainy from pony prison and unleash them upon an unsuspecting world!”

“Holy cavalcade of cantankerous criminals!” Cries the Masked Matterhorn, “If all those villains escape, it could spell doom for the world!”

“Don’t worry, Power Ponies.” Says Caramel, “[USERNAME] and I have got your backs.”

With that, the Mane-iac shoots down the sewer passage, chasing the ever-elusive magic page as you and the heroes give chase. Masked Matterhorn lets loose a flurry of laser beams from her horn, causing the Mane-iac to dodge and weave her way through the claustrophobic passageways. Along the way, the Mane-iac knocks aside a small and very adorable looking sewer gator, which makes Saddle Rager go full rage mode and transform.

“Go Saddle Rager!” Masked Matterhorn shouts, shooting a beam of ice which Saddle Rager slides on to gain speed and ram right into the Mane-iac.

The walls of the passage collapse onto the group, trapping Masked Matterhorn and Saddle Rager beneath the rubble. The Mane-iac narrowly escapes as she leaps towards the page piece, but part of her mane has been trapped in the rubble as well. The page piece gently falls onto a stone as the Mane-iac reaches out for it with the magical tendrils of her mane.

Caramel immediately turns aside to help the injured super heroes. The fallen rocks have knocked the two heroes’ unconscious as Caramel worriedly rushes to free them from being totally crushed.

“[USERNAME], help!” Caramel yells as she pushes and shoves at the rubble which is currently pinning the two Power Ponies down. “I can’t free them by myself.”

What should you do?

>Help Caramel free the Power Ponies. (Villain)

>Stop the Mane-iac from getting the page. (Hero)

[ENDING A: Villains]
“I can’t leave the Power Ponies like this.” You say with a split-second decision to help Caramel free the unconscious Power Ponies.

As you go to save the Power Ponies from the rubble, the Mane-iac reaches out with a strand of her mane, holding a pen, to the page. She is just able to scribble down that her fellow villains Pharaoh Phetlock, Long-Face, High Heel, Smudge, and Shadowmane were freed from prison with the page and let loose upon Equestria. The page then disappears in a flash before your eyes.

After a few more moments she pulls her mane free from the rocks and escapes into the dark
sewer, laughing evilly.

(+1 page for Villains)

[ENDING B: Heroes]
“I can’t let the Mane-iac get the page!” You shout as you run past Caramel and snatch the page moments before the Mane-iac can grab hold of it.

You run back towards the Power Ponies as the Mane-iac angrily rips herself free from the pile of rocks. A sudden and shuddering shaking grips hold of the sewer as the cave-in causes the walls around you to buckle, causing the wall to collapse, separating her from you, Caramel, and the Power Ponies.

“Good job, [USERNAME].” Said Caramel, “Now help me get Saddle Rager and Masked Matterhorn free.”

You run back over to assist the trapped heroes.

(+1 page for Heroes)