• Published 23rd Nov 2023
  • 114 Views, 13 Comments

My App Stories for Ponyville Ciderfest - ImThatGuy

A collection of small stories that I wrote for the Ponyville Ciderfest convention.

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Find That Page

A page from the Book of All Stories has appeared in the comic book city of Maretropolis. You and Barley race through the streets of Maretropolis and run into Zapp and Fili-Second, two of the Power Ponies. A page had appeared in the downtown area of the magical comic book city and you and Barley were able to meet up with two of the Power Ponies in order to find it.

“Sure glad you two managed to find us so we can stop whatever nefarious plot the Mane-iac has cooked up for that page.” Zapp said.

“That mean old Mane-iac won’t trip up the fastest pony alive this time!” Filisecond speedily blurted out as she zipped around you.

As your group rounded the corner a scene of villainy most devious lays itself bare before you. The Mane-iac and her army of hench ponies have the BAS page in their evil clutches.

“HENCH PONIES!” The Mane-iac shouts, “It’s the Power Ponies! Get them you fools so I can write you into the outside world! MUAHAHAHA!”

“Oh no!” Shouts Barley, “If she gets her minions out of the comic world, it’ll be an absolute catastrophe for everypony!”

“She’s got a lot of hench ponies today.” Zapp gasped, “But we’ve handled them before, haven’t we Fili-Second?”

Fili-Seconds mouth curls and grows into a massive, heroic smile as her and Zapp bravely leapt forwards in a hurry to halt the evil plan of the dastardly Mane-iac.

Zapp used her magic thunderbolt amulet to whip up a tornado, throwing the evil hench ponies to the ground as Fili-Second galloped at great speed up to the Mane-iac. But the Mane-iac had an evil smile on her face as she scribbled onto the page.

“And then the two meddling Power Ponies fell asleep before they could stop my beautifully evil plan.” The Mane-iac said and wrote mere moments before the two heroes could reach her. Then and there, Zapp and Filisecond halted in their tracks, falling fast asleep to the ground. However, Filisecond was moving at such a great speed that she crashed right into the laughing villain, throwing them both, the page, and the pen the Mane-iac had been using to the ground.

“Hurry [USERNAME]!” Cried Barley, it’s up to us now to get that page!”

You and Barley rush towards the page as one of the evil hench ponies rises from the ground and gallops off towards the page. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, a second evil henchpony jumps on top of Barley, pinning him to the ground.

“Ah!” Barley cried, “They got me!”

“You better give up on that page or else!” The evil henchpony threatened, shaking his hoof down at Barley.

What should you do?

>Get Barley. (Villain)

>Get the page. (Hero)

[ENDING A: Villain]
You immediately turn around to help Barley, running towards him and freeing him from the grasp of the evil henchpony. Unfortunately, the other evil henchpony managed to retrieve the page and the pen and scribbled down something on the page.

“Real world here we come!” He shouted as all of the hench ponies and the page itself were suddenly sucked up into a wormhole and disappeared from Maretropolis.

“Darn!” cried Barley, “They got away.”

You help Barley up as the Mane-iac slips out from under Fili-second and escapes into the city.

You look down at Barley and say, “Go and wake those two up, there’s still more pages to find in the city.”

(+1 page for Villains)

[ENDING B: Hero]
You ignore the henchpony’s warning and head straight for the page. Fortunately, hench ponies aren’t very tough and grabbing the page and pen from him are not difficult.

“Time to turn the tables on these ponies.” You as you immediately write that all of the hench ponies fall asleep, thus saving Barley from some terrible fate.

“We need to wake up the Power Ponies now.” Said Barley, to which you agree.

You write the Power Ponies wake up but before you can write anymore the Mane-iac’s evil hair snatches the pen from your hand and nearly grabs the page as well.

“I’ll get you next time Power Ponies!” She yells as she flees into the city.

“Don’t worry about her.” Zapp, just waking up, says. “We have to get her hench ponies to jail while you keep looking for those pages.”

“I’ll help them.” Barley said, “I’m still a little spooked from that encounter, but you should go and find more pages.”

You agree and head off.

(+1 page for Heroes)