• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 273 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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The puppet sister

In the neighborhood of a simple city, there was a regular house where a little girl named Sweetie Bell had just woken up from her sleep.

“Today is the day,” she said excitedly as she went to take a bath and put on her clothes in a quick manner before heading to the dinning table to eat her breakfast her with her sister . She was very excited since today was the day she finally got to spend time with her big sister, Rarity. Due to her sister's work with designing new outfits and her work in the boutique, she rarely has time for herself. But today, rarity had promised to spend time with her, especially since today was the release of the new superhero movies, and rarity had promised to go with her and her friends.

As she sat at the dining table to eat her breakfast, she noticed her big sister rarity sitting in front of her, talking on the phone.

“Yes, I am sure I get it done by evening,“ Rarity said before hanging up the phone. Sweetie Bell frowns upon hearing that.

“Rarity, do you remember what day it is today?” Sweetie asks her older sister.

“Of course, sweetie,“ Rarity said. ”Today is the day of my dateline, and I need to work until the evening to get my new dress ready.”

Hearing that causes my sweetie to get angry “No rarity today is the day you promised to go with me to the movies,“ the young girl reminded her older sister.

“ Oh” Rarity said as she realized that today is that day, ” I am sorry, sweetie, but I need to cancel since...“ However, the girl never gets finished as the young girl slams her hands on the table in frustration.

“That is what you said last time and the time before that." The young girl said it in anger as she left the room.

“ Sweetie I am sorry, please come back. Rarity pleaded with the young girl, “We can talk about it.”
Sweetie Bell is currently walking down the street in annoyance that her sister has cancelled on her again. As she walked, she heard her phone ring. She picked it up and answered it.

“Hey, sweetie, where are you right now?“ her friend Scootaloo said. ”The movie is about to start.“

“Go ahead without me; I am not in the mood,” Sweetie Bell said before hanging up her phone before her friend could say anything back. She continued walking on the street.

“I wish there was a way to get my sister to spend more time with me,” Sweetie said.

“Maybe I can help,“ a voice said, causing her to turn and see a teenage girl around her sister age standing behind her. The girl is dressed in a black leather jacket, a dark pink shirt with a red and yellow shimmering sun on it, an orange skirt with pink and light yellow lines, and black and pink boots. However, what caught her attention was the ventriloquist puppet she was carrying, which resembled a red-skinned demon wearing a red and yellow dress with hair of similar color.

“I can’t help but hear your woes and decided maybe I can help with your little problem,“ the teenager said through the puppet .

“Um, excuse me, but who are you?” Sweetie Bell said as she backed away from the girl a bit, as she was a bit creepy.

“Oh, where are my manners? , I am Sunset Shimmer,” the teenager now known as Sunset said, still talking through the puppet. “And as for what I said early, if you want help getting your sister to spend more time with you, all you have to do is go to my little shop.” Sunset had the puppet move its hand to the inside of her jacket and pull out a business card. She had the puppet give it to Sweetie Bell, who looked at it.

On the card was the name of a shop called Sunset Miracle Puppet Shop, as well as the address for the shop. Sweetie looked up and saw that sunset was gone. She looks around, but she can’t find her anywhere. She was about to throw the card away but stopped because she didn’t know why, but some part of her was telling her to check the shop out while another part was telling her not to. Eventually, she decided to at least check the shop out.
Sweetie Bell went to the address that was written on the card and found it leading to a puppet shop. She saw puppets being put on display in the window. She hesitated for a minute on whether or not she should go in, but her curiosity about the shop caused her to go in. Inside the shop, puppets of every kind were placed on shelves, hung on walls, and on tables. She walked onto the front counter, where there was a bell, and next to it was a sign that said ring for service. Sweetie bell rang the bell, and out through the door came a sunset dress in a puppeteer outfit, still carrying the ventriloquist puppet.

“Oh, hello, so you did decide to come to my little shop,” Sunset said, still talking through the puppet.

“Ah, right, I did,” Sweetie Bell said, unsure of what she was doing here, especially talking to this weird girl.

“You say you want a way for your sister to spend time with you? Well, I have the solution for you,” Sunset said, still talking through the puppet. She went to the back of the shop and came back out, carrying what looked like a wooden doll which she put on the counter. “This little beauty here can help make your sister spend time with you. All you have to do is put a piece of your sister's hair on its hands and reach this phrase, “Sunset,then hand her a small card with the phrase on it. She looked at it then look at sunset.

"What are you playing at here?“ Sweetie Bell said, looking at sunset suspiciously.

“I am not playing anything,“ Sunset said through the puppet. "I am just trying to help you, and all you have to do to get your sister to spend time with you is do as instructed, and you will get your sister attention forever."

Sweetie Bell looks at the wooden puppet, then at the card, and then at sunset, unsure. On the one hand, all this sound crazy to her, and on the other hand, this might be her best change to get her big sister to spend time with her. After much thought, she eventually decided to at least give it a try.

“So how much do I have to pay?” Sweetie bell asks Sunset.

“If you're thinking about how much money you have to spend, don’t worry since I don’t take money. All I want in exchange for my service is another puppet,“ Sunset said.

“Another puppet,” Sweetie Bell said.

"Yes,"Sunset said through the puppet.

“Where am I going to get another puppet?" Sweetie bell asks.

“Don’t worry about it; you can pay later." Sunset said, "So why don’t we seal this deal with a handshake?” sunset, then have the puppet extend its hands to Sweetie Bell.

Sweetie Bell then looks at sunset weirdly before shaking the puppet's hand. For a second, Sweetie Bell thought she saw the puppet eyes glow red but quickly brushed it off as she took the wooden puppet and left the shop.

That afternoon, Sweetie Bell had reached home. She immediately went upstairs and saw Rarity working on her dress in her room before walking towards the bathroom, removing a piece of hair from Rarity's hair brush, and going to her room to tie the hair on the wooden doll. She then looked at the card and said the phrase.

“By the power of life and death, I demand control of this puppet till the end of time,” Sweetie Bell said, and she saw nothing happen. Disappointed that nothing happened, she tosses the card away.

"I should have known it was too crazy to work,” Sweetie Bell said as she walked out of the room in a huff, but when she walked by the rarity room, she noticed something was wrong. There was no sound, so she decided to check on her.

“Rarity,” she asked, and she saw rarity sitting down next to her sewing machine motionless.

"Rarity," Sweetie Bell said again as she walked towards her sister and placed a hand on her shoulder. Rarity immediately stood up and turned towards her. Sweetie Bell was shocked at seeing her emotionless face.

“What can I do for you?” Rarity said it in an emotionless voice.

“Um, get me ice cream,” Sweetie Bell said, uncertain of what was going on.

“Ok,” rarity said as she began walking out of the room with sweetie bell following her and into the kitchen, where she took the ice cream out of the freezer and gave it to sweetie bell, who took it as she looked at rarity uncertainly.

“Are you ok, rarity?” Sweetie Bell asks, concerned for her sister's weird behavior.

“Define ok,” Rarity said in a still emotionless voice.

Sweetie Bell was scared of rarity weird behavior before remembering the wooden puppet and the phrase from before.

“Could it be?" Sweetie Bell said before looking at her older sister, “Rarity, can we spend time together today?”

“Affirmative,“ Rarity said.

Sweetie bell was happy to hear that.
For the rest of the day, she and rarity spend time together, from going to the mall to going to an amusement park to earring ice cream in an ice cream shop. Both sisters were currently in a park playing catch.

“All right, rarity catch,” Sweetie Bell said as she tossing the ball towards rarity, who just raised her hand and let the ball hit her on the head.

"Rarity, you are supposed to catch the ball?” Sweetie Bell said, sighing. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be; they were supposed to have fun together, but the entire day it felt like she was the only one having fun, as rarity just simply did what she said.

“Rarity, do you have any suggestions on what we can do now?" Sweetie Bell asked, hoping that rarity would for once give out her own idea or suggest something and not just do whatever she said.

"What do you suggest we do?” was rarity only answer.

“That it,” sweetie Bell said, “we are getting you back to normal.“

Both girls then left the park to go back to the store.
Sweetie bell burst through the door with rarity walking behind her. She rang the bell on the counter, and sunset, still holding the puppet , came walking out.

“Oh, back already,“ Sunset said, still talking through the puppet.

“This isn’t what I wanted,” Sweetie Bell said. ”My sister is mindless, and I want her back to normal.“

“ Ah,Ah,Ah” Sunset said, “You want your sister's attention, and you got it.”

“Well, I changed my mind, so turn her back to normal,“ Sweetie Bell said angrily. However, before anything else was said, she heard what sounded like rarity voice.

“Help me,” rarity voice said.

Sweetie Bell, turn behind and look at rarity.

“Rarity,” Sweetie Bell asks. However, she heard the voice again and realized it was coming from the back room of the shop.

“What's going on their“ sweetie bell said as she began walking towards the back room. However, before she could go in ,sunset stood in front of her.

“No peaking,“ she said through the puppet.

Sweetie Bell, angry, just pushes sunset towards the side and walks towards the back room of the shop. She saw in the back room a workshop of some kind where puppets were made. In the room, there were all kinds of puppets; some haven’t finished being made, and some have finished being made. However, the one that stood out the most was sitting down on a table. This puppet resembled her sister rarity.

“Sweetie Bell, is that you,” the puppet asks.

“Rarity,” sweetie said in surprise. “Is that you?”

“Yes, it me." Rarity said, ” Please help me,” she pleaded.

“Ah, what a lovely family reunion,“ Sunset said behind her, causing her to turn.

“You, what have you done to my sister?“ Sweetie Bell asks in anger.

“Just adding her as my new puppet in my collection,“ Sunset simplied replied. Hearing that sweetie bell, remembered her deal with sunset and realized that the puppet she was referring to was her sister rarity. This caused her to be extremely angry.

“You won’t have rarity,” Sweetie Bell said angrily.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Sunset said, laughing through the puppet.

Sweetie Bell was more furious now, and she was getting annoyed with how Sunset was still using that puppet to talk.

“Stop talking through that stupid dummy,” Sweetie Bell shouted as she grabbed the puppet, threw it off Sunset's hands, tossed it aside, and turned to glare at Sunset, who immediately fell to the ground, much to her surprise.

“What the heck ?” Sweetie Bell said as she walked and examined the prone form of sunset body.

“Who are you calling a stupid dummy?“ sunset voice was heard. Sweetie Bell looked at her body and saw that the voice didn’t come from her.

“Over here,“ the voice said.

Sweetie bell turned, and to her horror, the puppet was standing up and looking at her.

“What are you?“ Sweetie Bell asks as she backs away in horror.

“I already told you I am sunset shimmer,“ the puppet said. “And now is time for my payment.“

“You won’t have rarity.“ Sweetie Bell said, ” I won’t let you have her as your puppet.“

Sunset, just simply laugh. “Did you think the payment I was referring to was Rarity? No, she was simply a bonus.”

“What?“ Sweetie Bell said in fear.

“My payment is actually you,” Sunset said, pointing to sweetie bell.

“What?” she said in shock.

“Get her,” Sunset said, snapping her fingers, and immediately all the puppets in the room quickly came to life and surrounded her. Their wooden arms grab onto her body, preventing her from running and holding her in place.

“Let me go." The small girl cried as she tries to desperately shake off the puppet, but to no avail. Her struggling stopped when she saw sunset in front of her. Sunset opened her wooden mouth, and out came a green smoke heading towards her.

“Ahhhhhhh!” sweetie bell screamed so loudl that it could be heard outside the shop, but sadly, no one was around to hear it. it.
Three months have passed, and no signs of sweetie bells or rarity have been seen so far. Their parents and friends have been placing missing posters all over the city and have organized a search party, but no traces of them have ever been found. In another town across the country, a puppet shop received a customer in the form of a young girl with a hair clip that resembled a tiara.

As she walked in, she hit the bell, and out came sunset shimmer, still controlling the teen.

“So you decided to come seeking my service after all,” Sunset Shimmer said.

“Is it true you can help me with my problem with my parents?“ the girl asks.

“Of course, my dear,” Sunset Shimmer said, and unknown to the little girl in the store, there was a storage room with puppets filling up the shelves. On the outside, they were normal-looking, but on the inside, the puppets were mentally calling for help, and on one shelf, two certain sisters were sitting next to each other, now trapped and helpless in their puppet bodies, forever forced to watch as more puppets were added to the collection.

“I am sorry, rarity.“ Sweetie Bell mentally said, “I am truly sorry.“

“It's okay, Sweetie,“ Rarity mentally said to her sister.

The end

Author's Note:

Author note : What you think of my first attempt of a scary story. Leave a comment on what you think.

In case it isn’t obvious the puppet that was the villain of the story was base on sunset demon form and the little girl in the end was supposed to be diamond tiara.

Fun-fact I base the ventriloquist puppet base on slappy from goosebumps.