• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 274 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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The admirer part 1

Shinning armor had just opened his locker to pick up his book for class when he saw a bouquet of flowers in it, and next to it was the letting that have word from your secret admirer.

“Another one.” Shinning said, as he had already expected to see it when he opened his locker. This had been happening for months by now. He didn’t know who it was, but he was beginning to get annoyed since he already had a girlfriend.

"Hello, darling," a familiar voice said, causing him to turn and see that it was his girlfriend's rarity. She saw the flower and sighed. ”Another one.”

"Yeah,"Shinning said.

“Just ignore it,” Rarity said. ”I am sure whoever sends them will eventually stop. Anyway, let go. We have class soon, and don’t forget, we have a date tonight, so don’t be late.”

“I won’t,“ Shinning said, smiling as he kissed rarity on the cheek, and after that, the two left to go to their class. Unknown to either of them, however, is that a figure is watching them. The figure stared at shinning for a moment before leaving the area.

Shinning was in his room getting dressed for his date with rarity. Just as he was finished spraying perfume on him, he heard his phone ring. He picked it up and answered it.

"Hello,"Shinning said.

“Shinning, this is rarity, mom,” the voice said between sobs. ”Something terrible just happened.”

“What is it?” Shinning said in fear. What rarity mom said next caused him to freeze up in shock.

"Rarity is dead," Rarity mom said.

“What?” Shinning said in surprise.

“There was an accident,“ Rarity mom said. "She crashed her car and died.”

Shinning dropped his phone in shock.
It has been months since rarity funeral, and Shining is trying his best to continue with his life but has found it difficult. He opened his locker and saw an envelope that said it was from his secret admirer. He opened the envelope and read the contents. It said that she wants to meet him and has written down the place and time where she wants to meet him.

“Maybe I should set them straight.“ Shinning said, thinking maybe he should talk to this person and make it clear that he is not interested. Especially since he is still not over what happened to rarity.
Shinning armor was sitting on the bench in the park, waiting for the person who sent him the letter.

“Oh, good to have you here.” A voice spoke, causing Shinning armor to turn, and he froze for a second, as standing not far from him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. One who could rival his late girlfriend rarity.

“Um, hi,” Shinning said, still trying to get over the girl's beautiful appearance.

“Hi Shinning armor, my name is Cadance.” The woman said happily.

“Hi cadance, so you've been sending me those flowers?” Shining ask.

“That is correct.” Cadance said. ”Longer than I can remember, I always had a crush on you but never had the courage to talk to you.”

“I am flattered,“ Shinning said. ”But I am not in the mode to date again since..”

“Ah yes, I heard about what happened,“ Cadance said sadly. ”Quiet tragic. But can I ask you to please give me a chance?”

“I don’t know,“ Shinning said.

“Look, can we at least date for a while? You know, start small and see how things go from there." Cadance ask.

Shinning said nothing as he thought about it.

“Please” cadance beg. Shinning sighs before talking.

“I suppose I don’t see any harm in trying first.” Shining said much to cadance joy.

“Thank you, shinning.” Cadance said happily.
Since that day, both Shinning Armor and Cadance have been dating. It started small, such as small talk or having lunch with one another, but as time went on, shinning armor began opening up more to her as they began going to actually date or sharing kisses with one another. Shinning armor was currently driving his car to cadance home as he had a date night with her. He parked his car in the driveway of the house and got out of it. He walks to the front door and knocks on it. After a few more knocks and cadences, open the door. She smiled happily upon seeing him.

“It's good to see you shining armor.” Cadance said as she motioned for Shinning to go inside the house. He went into the house and immediately noticed the lack of presence there.

“Is there anyone else here?” Shining asked. ”Because I don’t hear or see anyone else.”

“Oh, my parents are currently at work overseas, so it is just me for the weekend.” Cadence said as she closed the front door. “Now why don’t you make yourself at home while I get dinner ready?” She then walked to the kitchen to start cooking, leaving Shinning alone in the living room. He began walking around to take a look around the house since this was his first time in it. However, while walking around, he saw a door left slightly open and was about to close it, but stopped when he smelled something bad coming from the room behind the door.

He was about to close the door and tell Cadance what he smelled in the room, but a part of him was curious. So he opened the door and saw a staircase leading downstairs to a dark room. Curious, he went down the dark staircase, and when he reached downstairs, he began to feel around the wall until he found the light switch. He turned on the light and almost screamed at what he saw. There were two dead bodies. He looked closer and saw it was of a man and woman, and by the state of the decomposition, they had been dead for a long time.

He quickly walked up the stairs and closed the door. He quickly took a deep breath to calm his breath before backing away.

“Shinning armor,” Cadance said from behind him. Shinning armor, jump, and turn to see Cadance standing not far from him.

“Hey, cadance,“ Shinning said, trying to act calm. ”I just got a call from my mom, and she needs me back. Family emergency and all.”

Shinning slowly and calmly tried to walk to the door, only for Cadance to block his way out as she glared at him.

“I don’t think so, dear; you are staying for dinner and that final,” Cadance said as she pulled out a gun from her pocket and pointed at him. Scare shining stop. ”Now why don’t you go to the dining table and wait while I get dinner ready?”

Seeing no choice, he walked to the dining table and sat on the chair, scared for his life. Cadance then stood next to him.

“Now why don’t you close your eyes?” Cadance said, and out of fear, he obeyed her. He suddenly felt a sting in his neck, like a bee sting.

“What was that?“ Shining asked, already afraid.

“Just a little poison I make.” Cadance said.

“Poison,” Shining said in shock as he opened his eyes.

“But don’t worry, if you take the antidote daily, you will survive.” Cadance said. ”And don’t think of going to the police or the hospital since only I have the cure and only I know how to make it.”

"Why?" he asked in a fearful voice.

“Just insurance to make sure you don’t tell anyone or try to escape.” Cadance said, petting his head. Shining can’t help but look at Cadance in fear as the once kind and beautiful woman he came to love becomes a murder monster.

Shining sat on his chair in fear as Cadance went back to the kitchen to make dinner. After a few minutes, she returned with their dinner. After Cadance had placed their food on the table, she went and sat across from him. Both sat in silence as they ate. Eventually, shining worked out the courage to speak.

“Um, Cadance, about the cure.” Shining ask.

“Oh, don’t worry, I will give you the cure after dinner,“ Cadance said.

Seeing no choice, shining continues to eat. After they were done, Cadence took the plates and put them in the sink. After that, she went to shining side and pulled out an injector, and injected him.

“Their now you had you today cure.” Cadance said, smiling.

“I guess that was my cue to leave.” Shining said as he was about to leave, only for Cadance to grab his hand to stop him.

“Say who,” Cadance said. ”You will now call your parents and tell them you are spending overnight, or I will pay them a visit.”

Seeing no choice, he texts his parents that he is staying overnight, and after a while, they agree to let him since it isn’t a school night.

“Now why don’t you take a bath while I prepare your clothes?” Cadance said as she led shining to the bathroom. Shining went into the bathroom and closed the door. He quickly took off his clothes and put them in the basket that was in the bathroom. He then filled the bathtub with water and took his bath. He wanted to stay there as long as possible, but out of fear of angering Cadance, staying inside caused him to leave the bathtub after 5 minutes. He quickly put on his bathrobe and opened the door to see Cadance waiting for him.

“Come, let me show you to your room.” Cadance said as she led him to a spare room. Once he entered, he saw a pile of clothes on the bed. No doubt, this was his to wear. ”Good night, dear, and see you in the morning.”

Cadance left the room, leaving Shinning alone. He wanted to leave; he wanted to call the police. But the fear of the poison inside his body makes him scared, making him afraid to leave. So out of fear, he went and put on the clothes that were provided to him and went to bed. However, even though he lies in bed, he can’t sleep as he is full of fear as well as questions. Questions such as why is she doing this to him or who were those bodies he saw. He closed his eyes and try to sleep and slightly hopping that all this was just a nightmare and he will be in his bed when he wake up. But deep down he knew that will not be true.

End of part 1

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update but I haven’t think of anything good so far. People who do honor story for living