• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 274 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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The girlfriend

In the room of a young teen was a girl named Twilight Sparkle. The girl was currently on her bed, holding a picture of her crush's sunset shimmer. She first met Sunset Shimmer when she was ten years old, after she saved her from a group of bullies, and they have been friends since then. However, as time went on, she began developing a crush on Sunset. She had fallen in love with her beauty, smarts, and kindness. Sadly, Twilight never got the courage to tell her feelings to her, as she was afraid that sunset might not feel the same way.

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and she has been trying to work out the courage to tell her. Twilight sight before walking out of her room. ”Maybe some walking might clear my head,” she said.

As she walked on the street, she saw a flyer on a lamppost that said, "Madam Pinkie Gypsy Shop, make your dreams come true." Twilight just rolls her eyes at this before walking away as she continues to think. However, while she was walking, she saw something that shocked her; it was her neighbor, Iron Will, and he was walking. This was a surprise since she remembered that Iron Will's legs were paralyzed after an enemy soldier shot him in the spine during his time serving in the army. She instantly walked towards him to question him about how it was possible for him to walk again.

“Hi twilight,“ Iron will greet Twilight when he sees her.

"Hello, Mr. Iron will” Twilight said, "If you don’t mind me asking, but how are you walking again since I thought your legs were paralyzed?”

Iron will just smile as he reaches for his pocket and pulls out the flyer Twilight saw early. ”It's simple; I went to this shop right here.” He handed her the flyer. "What their offer really works as you can see,” he gestured towards his legs to empathize with this point. ” You should consider giving this shop a little visit if you have any problems.“ He then walked off, leaving Twilight with her thoughts.

She wonders if she should visit the shop or not. On one hand, she admitted that it sounds crazy, but on the other hand, this shop looks very legitimate, as from what she saw, the things that they offer are real. She ultimately decided to check the shop out.
Twilight went to the address that was on the flyer, and after checking the shop name just to be sure she got the right place, she went through the door and into the shop. The inside of the shop looked plainly normal, and after she walked to the front counter of the shop, she saw there was a bell, and next to it was a sign saying ring for service. Twilight rang the bell, and almost immediately she heard a voice behind her.

"Hello,"the voice said, causing her to jump. Twilight turned behind and saw a girl who seemed to be around her age dressed in gypsy clothing, but what caught Twilight's attention was her pink puffy hair that reminded her of cotton candy.

“Welcome to my shop. I am Madame Pinkie but please call me Pinkie,” the girl said.

“Wait, you, madam Pinkie, but I thought you would be...” Twilight said, but was interrupted by Pinkie.

"Older,"Pinkie said.

"Well, yeah,"Twilight said.

“Oh, I just had a little accident with an age potion not too long ago,” Pinkie said. ”So what is you name?”

“Twilight sparkle,“ twilight introduced, “and I am here because I heard you can...”

“Said no more.“ Pinkie said, "Come follow me.“

Immediately, the two walk through a portiere that was behind the counter and into a room where the only thing in it is a table that has a cloth and a crystal ball on it. There were also three chairs in front of it and one chair at its back. Pinkie sat on the single back chair, while Twilight sat on the middle front chair.

“So what do you want?“ Pinkie asks.

"Well, there is this person I like,” Twilight said as she brushed

“Let me guess you are worried that they might not like you back,“ Pinkie said, and even though Twilight didn’t say anything, her silence was enough for her to confirm that was the case. ”I have what you need right here,” she said, then walked through one of the doors and came out with what looked like a pink potion. ”This is a powerful love potion. All you have to do is put a piece of your hair, blood, or spit in it and give it to the one you love, and that person will be yours.” She handed the potion to Twilight.

“Wait, so this potion will make sunset love me?“ Twilight asks, unsure.

“Of course it will. But it comes with a price” Pinkie said in an ominous voice.

“Which is it?” Twilight asks in a fearful voice.

"Thirty dollars," Pinkie said, stretching her palm towards twilight.

Twilight stared at her hand for a few seconds before pulling out thirty dollars from her wallet and handing them to Pinkie.

“Thank you; please come again,” Pinkie said as Twilight left the shop.
The next day, Twilight was in school and had just put her books in her locker. She looked at the top of her locker, and on it was the love potion, which was put in a water bottle. She did what was instructed and put a piece of her spit in it. She spent the entire day yesterday and this morning deciding whether or not to give Sunset the potion.

"Hi, twi,"a voice said, causing her to jump. She turned and saw sunset standing next to her.

"Are you okay?” she asks.

"Yeah," Twilight said as she took a deep breath. "Sunset, there is something I need to tell you.”

“Ok, what is it?” sunset asks in curiosity.

Twilight took a deep breath. "It is now or never,“ she thought.

“Sunset for a very long time, I have always loved you, and till now I have never had the courage to say, So will you be my Valentine,“ Twilight said. Silent fall between the two for a second before sunset spoke.

"Look twilight," sunset said. "I am flattering that you feel that way, but I don’t feel the same. I only see you more like a sister than a girlfriend, and I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship,” Sunset said as she put an arm on the girl's shoulder. Twilight just looked down on the floor in sadness before she remembered the love potion.

“It's okay, sunset,“ Twilight said. ”Can you at least give this drink I made a try?” Twilight then turned to her locker and brought out the love potion. “I made it for you, and even though you can’t be my Valentine, can you at least give it a try.?”

“Sure twi,“ Sunset said as she drank the bottle. “Not bad, “she said immediately after she said that she felt a headache as she put a hand on her head.

"Sunset, are you okay?” Twilight asks in concern for her friend.

“Yeah, I am okay,“ she said as she looked at Twilight. “You know Twilight, maybe I didn’t give you a change earlier. Maybe we should try being girlfriends instead of just friends.”

"Really,” Twilight said, happy to see the love potion had worked.

“Yeah,“ Sunset said as she kissed Twilight's lips, much to the girl's delight.
For the last few months, twilight life has been great with sunsets, now her girlfriend. But as time went on, it started going downhill as sunset went from sweet and caring to demanding and clingy as she kept demanding that Twilight spend more time with her and even started , forcing herself more into her life. She even began stalking Twilight and refusing to have her leave her sight.

Twilight was currently on her bed, trying to sleep. But she is unable to, as sunset keeps texting her every 5 minutes. She didn’t know what to do since sunset has become obsessed with her, non stop to the point where it has reached disturbing levels. She can’t help but remember how she got home and found sunset had broken into her room and was going through her underwear drawer . When she saw her, she ran out with one of her underwear. Her constant clingy behavior has gotten to the point where her father has had to force her to go away.

One thing she did know she must do is go back to Madame Pinkie Shop tomorrow and get her to undo the love potion. So after twilight muted her phone and closed her eyes she try to go to sleep. However, she instantly feels like something is wrong but shrugs it off as she tries to sleep. Unknown to Twilight, however, is that someone has just picked the lock off her back door and entered her house.
Twilight woke up and instantly knew something was wrong. She looked around as her vision began to clear. She found herself in a dark room, and the only thing that lit the room was the dinner candle on the dining table in front of her. In front of the table was an empty chair. Twilight tried to get up but found herself unable to. She looked around herself and found out the reason why: she was all tied up in the chair with rope.

“What is going on?” Twilight said in a fearful voice, “Where am I?”

“In my room.” A familiar voice said, and out of the darkness is sunset dress, like she was going on a date. ”I hope you have a good night's sleep.“

“Sunset, what's going on here?” Twilight ask.

“I simply didn’t like how you kept avoiding me, so I decided to take matters into my own hands,” Sunset said.

"What do you mean?” Twilight asks as her fear continues to increase.

“Well, I figured the best way for us to always be together is if you stay with me forever,“ Sunset said.

“Sunset, please let me go,” Twilight pleaded to her friend.

“And why should I do that when you are where you belong?“ Sunset said, ” I even decorated my place for you.” She then walked or switched on the light switch. The lights were instantly turned on, revealing that the wall in front of twilight have a painted picture of both her and sunset in wedding dresses in the middle of a pink heart, and under it were the words together forever.

"What do you think?” Sunset said as she placed both of her hands on her shoulder, making her fear grow more. "Beautiful, don’t you think?“ She then bent down and kissed Twilight on her lips.

“Please, sunset, I beg of you, let me go home,” Twilight begged as she struggled to get out of her restraints. This action, however just anger Sunset.

“Twilight, I love you with all my heart, but if you don’t behave, I will have no choice but to cut your arms and legs off so you won’t escape, “Sunset threatened as her grip on Twilight's shoulder tightened. This was enough for twilight to stop. Seeing that sunset just smiled happily. “Good girl,” she said, patting her head.

Twilight realizes that if she is to get out of this mess, she needs to think of a plan. An idea struck her. ”Sunset , why don’t you untie me so we can enjoy a nice warm bath together?"Twilight said in a suggestive tone, which gained the reaction she was hoping for.

“Really?“ she asks, hopefully.

“Yes, since what better way to strengthen our bond together?“ Twilight said. Sunset smiled as she began untiring twilight, and as soon as she was untie twilight, she quickly pushed Sunset to the ground and ran past the room door into the hallway, down the stairs, out the front door, and into the streets. Twilight looked up and saw it still night with the moon still up. The girl, however, just ignored it and continued to run.

“Twilight, come back here now,” Sunset shouted in fury at her as she ran after Twilight. Twilight ran in an alleyway and hid behind a trash can as sunset just ran past her. As soon as she was sure it was safe, Twilight left her hiding spot and went in the direction of Madame Pinkie Shop. She needs to undo this now before sunset finds her.
Twilight stood in front of the shop. She knows it was probably a waste of time since Pinkie was probably home and the shop was close, but she has no choice. She walks to the door and looks through the glass door and into the dark shop. It is not surprising that there was no one inside since the front door says it is close, but she is desperate. She knocked on the door in a vain hope that Pinkie was still inside, and after the fifth knock, she opened the door, revealing it wasn’t locked. Hesitating for a moment, Twilight walked in and went through the portiere, and what she saw shocked her. It was Madame Pinkie on the floor with her arms and legs broken, and it looked like she was dying from a stab wound in the stomach.

Seeing this twilight, screamed in fear and shock. Pinkie's eyes suddenly open as soon as she screams, and her attention turns to twilight. ”Hey you,” she said between coughs.

“What happened to you?” Twilight said as she walked toward Pinkie.

“Early today, a customer came to my shop and demanded that I give her something that I deem too dangerous to give her,” Pinkie said between coughs. "When I refused, she attacked me, and during our fight, she found the voodoo doll of myself that I kept hidden and used it to torture me until I told her what she wanted. After that, she stabbed it in the stomach.”

“Voodoo doll?” Twilight looked ahead of her and saw a doll that resembled Pinkie, not far from said girl. Like Pinkie, it has all its limbs broken and a stab wound in its stomach.

“If you are here, I would take it; it didn’t go so well,” Pinkie said as she coughed.

“Yes, but that is not important now. Right now, I need to help you,” Twilight said as she walked toward Pinkie.

“No, it's too late for me, but I can at least tell you how to undo the love potion,“ Pinkie said as she started to succumb to her wound. “Go to that door there.“ Pinkie gestured with her head. "There is a chest inside that contains many potions. Find the one that is labeled anti-love potion and give it to the person , and immediately their will turn back to normal.“ With that, Pinkie dies from her wound. Twilight walks over to Pinkie and closes her eyes before going through the door to retrieve the anti-love potion.
Twilight was currently walking home. The sun was almost up, and she was thinking of ways she could get sunset to drink the potion. As she was nearing her home, she noticed something strange: the front door was slightly open. This was strange since the door was supposed to be locked. wanting to investigate further, she went inside her house and instantly noticed something was wrong as she saw the lights in the dining room on. Which is odd since she knows that her family should be asleep now.

“Mom, dad, shining armor, is that you?” Twilight asked, but there was no response. Worrying, she began slowly walking into the dining room and went inside. She was instantly shocked at what she saw when she went inside. It was her parents and brother sitting down on the chair with their throats slit. Twilight almost screamed when a rag suddenly covered her mouth. She instantly felt sleepy, and she could feel her grip on the potion becoming weaker until she let go of it, letting it fall and break on the floor. Twilight's vision grows dark as she falls asleep.

Twilight woke up with a headache. She looked up and saw that she was in a basement of some kind and that she was on a bed. She tried to get up but found that she could not She noticed her arms and legs were in a position like there were ties to the bed post, even though there was nothing holding her arms and legs in place. While she was moving, she noticed something else that shocked her. She was in just her underwear.

“What's going on here?” Twilight asks, "Where are my clothes?“

“I took them off,” a familiar voice said, and Twilight turned her head to see sunset, who had stripped down to her underwear, glaring at her. ”Such a naughty girl, you were twilight running away from me.” She scolded her.

“Sunset, what did you do to me? Why can’t I move?” Twilight asks.

Sunset just responded with a smirk. ”It is all thanks to my new doll,” Sunset said as she motioned to table next to her and on it was what looked like a doll that resembled her on a doll bed. The limbs of the doll were tied to the bed post.”Anything I do to the doll will happen to the real person. Quite useful in controlling misbehaving girlfriends.“

“Where did you get that doll?” Twilight asks.

“I got it from someone named Madam Pinkie. She refused to give me what I wanted, and I attacked her. During our fight, I accidentally found the voodoo doll of herself that the idiot kept for whatever reason. I used it to torture her until she told me how to make one of my own. I stabbed her after that as revenge for not telling me what I wanted.”

Hearing that twilight, realized the customer Pinkie was referring to was sunset. Then horror struck the girl again as she remembered the last thing she saw before blacking out. ”Sunset, were you the one who killed my family ?“ Twilight asks, as her voice is now full of fear.

“Well yes, of course,“ sunset said, "they were getting in the way of us.” She then picked up a knife and walked towards twilight.

“Sunset , what are you going to do with that knife?” Twilight asked in fear as sunset got closer.

“Calm down, I'm not going to kill you,” Sunset said as she sat down next to Twilight. “I am just marking my property. How does the property of sunset sound?“ She then uses the knife to engrave the words on twilight stomach. Twilight feels the pain as sunset uses the knife to engrave the word’s. ”There with that , you will always remember who you belong to. Now let us have some fun.”

Twilight's face paled as she saw sunset take off her underwear, leaving her nude before doing the same to Twilight. She then got onto the bed and on top of her before bending down and kissing her on the lips before moving back. ”You mine now forever and ever.”

“Sunset, please don’t do this,” Twilight begs as she realizes what Sunset is planning to do. Sunset just responded by putting a finger in her mouth to shushing her.

“Now , twilight, just be quiet and try to enjoy the experience because I know I will,” Sunset said as she kissed twilight on the lips again before pulling back. "You mine now forever and ever, and I will never let you go.”

Twilight just wimpier knowing that she is now powerless to do anything as sunset now has her under her mercy. She always wanted sunset love, and now she has it in the worst possible way.
The end

Author's Note:

In case you couldn’t tell the part where sunset use a voodoo doll that pinkie already have to tortured and kill pinkie is a reference to child play where chucky use the voodoo doll that John strangely already have to tortured information out of him.

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