• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
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Okie Brony

I'm here live; I'm not a cat. (Bask in the glory of my new profile pic.)

More Blog Posts18

  • Friday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XVI

    I made a meme.

    I found the blank image on Know Your Meme, beside the famous image of a creepy little girl looking into the camera as a house burns in the background. My favorite version of that meme says "There was a spider. It's gone now." I couldn't find that version, but here's one that's appropriate for my blog:

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  • Thursday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XV

    Happy Fourth of July! I found a perfectly appropriate comic the other day, and have been saving it for today. :yay:

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  • Wednesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIV

    Berry Punch Presents: How to Become an Alicorn.

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  • Tuesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIII

    Welp, here's my lucky 13th music blog. I'm opening it with a blatant attempt to get more views. Here's an awesome picture of a Fluttershy cosplayer.
    Edit: Of course, the pic isn't showing up in the preview window thing. Boo. Trust me, it's awesome.

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  • Monday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XII

    I could post another "Monday" song today, but I found an awesome griffified album art image last night, which inspired today's blog.

    Here's the original:

    Finally, here's a somewhat "disturbing" video. :derpyderp1:

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Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. I · 7:37pm June 20th

Welcome, one and all, to my first blog that I actually want people to read! I have been thinking about what to write here for too long, and have decided to go for it. About me: I'm a brony of the male persuasion, I'm over 40 years old, and I was born, raised, and live in Oklahoma. Any more questions? No? Good! :yay:

So, music. I am a massive fan of hard rock and heavy metal, but for my first Mix Tape, I want to spotlight a fellow Okie. Her name is Alexaundra Christine Schneiderman, but you may know her as AleXa. She had some musical success in Korea, before representing her home state (she was born in Tulsa in 1996) in NBC's American Song Contest in 2022. (She won, by the way.) Normally, TV singing shows don't allow professionals to compete, but ASC was an exception. Among the celebs who lost to AleXa were Michael Bolton and Jewel. I genuinely love her debut single, "Wonderland." As a general rule, I hate K-pop, but AleXa is an exception.

While you're here, how about a funny video? I downloaded this on my phone in March, and have watched it at least once or twice a week ever since. It may not be as funny if you've never seen "Futurama," but it stars Fluffle Puff, so it's a must-watch.

To conclude, here is the world premiere of an excerpt from my self-insert, "Flame Dancer." I started working on it in 2015, as a way to keep myself sane. I made a whole world for myself. I may eventually ask for help editing it into something that I can publish:

While I'd been up late drinking, my wife had stayed up even later, trying to finish the new "Griffinstone Academy" novel. Before I could wish her a good morning, I heard a clattering of hooves in the hallway. It was soon followed by "Daddy, daddy, daddy, dad, daddy, dad...."

I laughed as my daughter's scarlet red head and curly orange-and-black mane appeared in the doorway. I said "There's nopony by that name in here, kid. Try the next room."

"Daddy, I'm not a kid! I'm a foal! Kids are what goats and humans call their young!" I responded to that with a raspberry.

She approached the bed, so I raised a foreleg. She promptly hopped up into bed and snuggled next to me. I wrapped my foreleg and wing around her. I kissed the base of her horn before she nuzzled against my neck. I then said "Good morning, Anna Bunny."

"Mornin', Daddy!"

I hugged her tightly and asked her "What do you wanna do today, baby girl?"

"The same thing we do every day, Daddy! Try to take over the world!"

Comments ( 24 )

Hey, thank you.
Thank you.:pinkiecrazy:
I'll be back later to properly read/listen/watch/comment on all of this.

It seems everyone is doing mixtapes now :moustache:

I wonder why?:rainbowlaugh:

To be clear, I was not the first.

Check this guy's out if you want to, I got express permission from him to start mine.


Cool song. Did not like the video, but the audio itself was pretty decent.

I only know a little bit about Futurama, but I still thought that was a good video.

(Though Fluffle Puff's never really caught my interest.)

And your story excerpt?

The last line made it all the better.

Danks. There's just something about that song that makes me happy. Part of it is Okie pride, as AleXa throughly beat Michael freaking Bolton in a singing contest! It helps that she is smokin' hot. 😍

As for Fluffle Puff, I laughed like a maniac the first time I saw that video. Pbbbbbt!

I'm not kidding when I say that my story kept me sane for several dark years, before I became a regular on Fimfiction. It basically started as "What if I woke up in Ponyville one day, as a pegasus?" As I fumbled with the first version, I started experimenting with different timelines, and took off with the "Flame Dancer" version.

I never had children, so I love writing my fake daughter, Annabelle Flower. I honestly don't think I could love her more even if she was real.

I honestly didn't realize you were a pony in that fic until now.

And it looks very interesting.


I wrapped my foreleg and wing around her.

The closest that I get to writing Anthro is when the Humane 6 "pony up" when performing "Thunderstruck."

I didn't think Anthro, simply glossed over that part like a fool.:facehoof:


whatever I'm supposed to say

You’re still the best though

well okay but I love that guy's blog posts

eh. I dunno. He has a lot of great songs.

I'll settle for a tie.

Didn't you like my blog?:fluttercry:

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just meant between Tape Deck and that guy he’s talking about. Your blog is also tied for the best amongst my friends here now so tied for the best in the world in other words. Your catchy song definitely had a very fun video.

Please keep making mix tape blogs!

Or any blogs for that matter

M'kay. I can't promise this will be a daily thing, but I do plan on posting another blog tomorrow.

Your wait is over. Linky.

hey I just slap together a video and a few sentences of explanation, maybe a little more sometimes.

You put a lot more effort in than I do.

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