• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.


Axtara – Magic and Mischief Teaser – A Mysterious Letter · 11:32pm June 21st

Hey readers! Sorry for the late Friday post. It’s just been a day, if you know what I mean. We’re almost ready to open pre-orders for Axtara – Magic and Mischief, which is news I know you want to hear. How close?

I have seen the cover rough. You know, the thing that precedes the final cover itself. And it is awesome. I think you guys are really gonna like it. Next week is going to be exciting!

Oh, was that me offering an actual window? Yes, yes it was. Which reminds me: If you were an Alpha or Beta Reader, watch your email inbox tonight. I’m inquiring about the thanks at the beginning of the book and how you wish to be referred to in it.

Yes, we are close. So close that I can also say that this will be the last teaser. Starting next week, we’re going to see chapters.

We’re on the cusp. But until then, and to tide you over, hit the jump for a brief bit on a mysterious letter … and just maybe something else as well? You’ll have to hit the jump to find out, so hit that button!

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