• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

More Blog Posts1284

  • Tuesday
    ?You Pay?, I'll SUFFER III: Estee (Potentially) Takes On Morbius

    ETA: The target percentage increase was met. At 6 p.m. EDT on July 4th, we Morb.

    The last time I made this sort of announcement, it was noted that I was apparently trying to slide into Tokyo on a trail of my own blood. This may not be a completely viable strategy. For starters, this moron would follow me in. Licking up the blood.

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    8 comments · 230 views
  • 1 week
    Medical billing update: the first two emergency room bills are in

    ...I know. I said 'first two'. So before we get to the numbers, I have to explain how this works.

    Earlier today, I got a text message from not the emergency department, but University Radiology: an imaging service which does a lot of work in the state. I've dealt with them before, as my mother went through a lot of scans. And they were sending me a bill -- for $370.

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    6 comments · 478 views
  • 2 weeks
    Medical update: Hi, I'm Estee, And I'm An Idiot

    ...well, if that title doesn't bring in some blog views...


    Give me a few minutes. In terms of describing my own perceived stupidity, this is gonna be a rough one.

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    28 comments · 660 views
  • 2 weeks
    'About Saturday night...': personal medical update, financial status & the state of any potential June story postings

    This is going to be a very long blog, I think. It has a lot to cover. It's going to ramble -- I'll probably miss some things and if questions are posted in the comments, I'll answer what I can -- it'll have a lot of embedded guilt, and it contains nearly 100% of my worries about whether I can get through the rest of this month on the writing side. But I have to explain what happened, what's

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    21 comments · 567 views
  • 2 weeks
    Galacon charity donation help needed: is ANYONE going to Galacon this year?

    I know. This isn't what you were waiting to read about. I'm aware that I have to write a very long blog updating my medical situation today, and I'm going to do that next. But I didn't want this new problem to get lost in the shuffle or buried in the verbiage of the main post. So it's getting a separate entry.

    Let me explain the situation.

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    4 comments · 285 views

Medical billing update: the first two emergency room bills are in · 6:28pm June 26th

...I know. I said 'first two'. So before we get to the numbers, I have to explain how this works.

Earlier today, I got a text message from not the emergency department, but University Radiology: an imaging service which does a lot of work in the state. I've dealt with them before, as my mother went through a lot of scans. And they were sending me a bill -- for $370.

...I haven't been in their offices for several years.

So the natural conclusion was that my E.R. was outsourcing. But I needed to be sure, because I am a very good target for medical scams right now. The bill and payment service looked legitimate, but I needed to know where the charge had come from. And as the hospital is in walking distance, I steeled myself for the heat wave, put on my I Am A Reasonable Person Who Just Wants To Talk About Things In A Calm Manner outfit, and went over to find out in person. Because you can't be disconnected for excess time on hold if you're in the room.

I spoke to the billing department. Several billing departments.

Here's how it works.

There will be at least three bills. (It's possible to see a fourth or more, but I don't know where that one would be generated from.) They are:

* Radiology tech service. That's the one I got this morning. A University Radiology employee is assigned to the emergency department. The CAT itself is a separate charge, and you're about to see it.

* Emergency Department fees. I got this today, because -- I walked into the hospital and asked if they could print it out for me. It was ready. (I still haven't gotten a copy in the mail.)

* Physician's Consult bill. As with the radiology, someone from another service is assigned to the emergency area and charges separately. I will not see the total until at least July 17th. I know this because I called that billing service and asked if they could give me the cost. They told me that bills take thirty days to generate, and then the result has to be mailed. Until then, I can't even get an estimate.

Again, it's possible that there could be another charge from someone else, but I don't know what its origin would be.

So I saw the E.R. total.

I did not scream.
I did not berate anyone, yell at them, or blame the billing department for things which aren't their fault.
I did not faint.
Because if I'd fainted, they would have taken me into the emergency area and the whole thing starts all over again.

Let's get to it.

I've posted receipts to #medical in the chat server. Anyone who wants to see them is welcome to come in. This is because Discord image links used on FIMFic break within a day. Sometimes in much less than a day. I could post pictures here, but Discord is my only current storage and everything will turn redbar in hours.

So the receipts will stay in #medical until/unless I get another picture host. However, even with the link breakage, I am going to post a picture of the emergency department bill here. And because the link will break, I am then going to type up all the charges and reproduce them underneath the picture.

Before I start: I want to remind everyone that when this started, I based my desperation goal on the average cost of an emergency department visit in my state, as quoted by Google. $3300. Just... keep that in mind. And if you've never seen the American medical system in action before... I'm sorry.

* CT abdomen & pelvis w/o contrast material: $3740
* Metabolic panel, comprehensive: $650
* Urinalysis, auto, w/scope: $107
* Assay of lipase: $132
* Complete cbc & auto diff wbc: $149
* Urine culture colony count: $143
* IV infusion hydration each additional hour: $440
* Ther proph/dx njx IV push single/1st sbst/drug: $715
* Theraputic injection IV push each new drug: $1383
* Emergency department visit moderate mdm $3025
* Pharmacy: $5.25
* Pharmacy: $24
* Hydralazine hcl injection: $15.63
* Ketorolac tromethamine: $8.45
* Oridansetron hcl injection: $1.37

Billed amount: $10,538.70
Insurance payments & adjustments: -9,361.02 (This is the discount I was given for having no medical insurance of any kind, and was the lowest number which could be negotiated.)
Deductible: $0
Co-insurance: $0
Patient payments: $0 (Advance deposit, required for some non-emergency services, plus previous payments, which had no chance.)

Account balance: $1177.68

Before we go any further: I want to once again thank everyone who saved me from my own (perceived?) stupidity. I wish I had stronger words than 'thanks', but... English. Also, the writer is a known hack.

I still tell myself that I should have waited. I know it's not a logical reaction. I can't exactly stop the emotional ones. I can't get rid of the guilt from spending other people's money either.

But... remember that average cost for an E.R. visit. $3300.

And now look at the base total on that sheet.

That's why I was afraid.
Why I did everything I could to stall.
The reason why I don't want to visit a hospital.

That is terror expressed as integers.

I was in the emergency department for less than four hours.

The base total of the bill is five digits.

I had reason to fear.

...still do, possibly. After all, there's at least one more bill coming.

The emergency department and radiology bills have been paid. I can't do anything about the third until it shows up. I don't know if there's going to be a fourth. Or more.

The total amount of money paid out to date, including urgent care, scrips, and urology, is under that which was fundraised. However, I can't say we have an actual remainder just yet, because there's bills to come. I will keep everyone updated. If the next bill(s) go over, I'll say something. If it all finishes under, I'll tell you and then ask for advice.

However, because I have faint hopes that it may be possible to bring this in within the tipped budget, I am going to reinstate the Ponicon drive. This will happen later today. I have to calculate exactly where it was before the disaster started -- I'm sure that last tip before the switch was meant for urgent care and it just arrived before I could formally change the goal -- but I think it'll relaunch at 60% to 64% of the target amount. Accordingly, unless the billing situation changes or there's another crisis -- *actually knocks wood* -- all Ko-Fi tips from this point forward once again go towards attending Japan's MLP convention in Tokyo next year, tentatively set for May. Goal must be met by January 31st.

Thank you.
I couldn't have done this without you.
I know it could have been so much worse.
(It could still be worse.)
But I still feel like I should have waited...

The art prints are now on their way to Galacon. We'll review that fiasco under separate cover, after/if the prints actually arrive. Let's just say that I didn't know about having to bribe a package out of Customs before this. And this was not a good way to learn.

Report Estee · 478 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
Noobblue #1 · 1 week ago · · ·

Since just saying ostensibly kind things to assuage your guilt literally does nothing, because emotions don't care about the truth; I'm just going to completely ignore that because I can't be bothered to reinvent communication for the sake of comfort.

It's not your fault, and most importantly, don't let it get to you. If the issue turned out to be something life altering (And not just in the cost way *rolls eyes*), the relief of knowing you wouldn't just keel over would have been in the opposite position of the "Oh ~fiddlesticks~ I did a serious oops"

Move on, I for one, despite not knowing you personally, am glad that a person who (as far as I can tell) does good works and cares about others is safe and sound, at least physically. Time passes, we got you.

Have a good day my Friend :twilightsmile:

artofwar77 #2 · 1 week ago · · 2 ·

The $9,000 discount without insurance just shows how arbitrary the whole cost really is.

It's like selling somebody an gallon of milk for $100, then telling them they get $90 off because you like their hair.

I'm glad it was ultimately below your estimate, still.

The United States pays more per capita for Healthcare than any other nation on the face of the Earth. It ain’t even close.

Dependis on your measuring standards how bad we are but by most metrics we are, by far, the worst DC in the world. You have to go to the third world or a Communist country to get less.

You'd have done far better in Italy.

Bad News
Based on probable election results, it will very likely get worse in 2025. Possibly a LOT worse.
Good News
You are uninsured & will thus see little effect (probably).


Felt like that $10,000 number was an inappropriately placed "sike" moment. At the very least, they should've bolded the final amount and/or circled it with a ballpen to say "This is what you're actually paying." Though, from the little that I hear about US healthcare, it seems at best a very mixed bag, and that's being quite optimistic.

Still, it's great to hear that it's not as expensive as everyone thought, and that you'll be doing better than expected physically and, perhaps, financially. Know that everyone here's rooting for you, Estee!

Stuff like this is why I’m glad I live in Canada. Just finished about a year’s worth of cancer treatments, with no insurance, and only spent about $100 out of pocket, for 4 CT scans worth of contrast dye. That said, I hope everything works out for you!

Thank you to everyone who donated and here's hoping that no more bills are sent to you for this! You don't deserve that jumpscare.

It may be that the real amount is simply the amount that the hospital thinks that they can get out of you- as other people have said, stated medical prices often have little to do with real prices and costs.

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