• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

More Blog Posts1284

  • Tuesday
    ?You Pay?, I'll SUFFER III: Estee (Potentially) Takes On Morbius

    ETA: The target percentage increase was met. At 6 p.m. EDT on July 4th, we Morb.

    The last time I made this sort of announcement, it was noted that I was apparently trying to slide into Tokyo on a trail of my own blood. This may not be a completely viable strategy. For starters, this moron would follow me in. Licking up the blood.

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    8 comments · 229 views
  • 1 week
    Medical billing update: the first two emergency room bills are in

    ...I know. I said 'first two'. So before we get to the numbers, I have to explain how this works.

    Earlier today, I got a text message from not the emergency department, but University Radiology: an imaging service which does a lot of work in the state. I've dealt with them before, as my mother went through a lot of scans. And they were sending me a bill -- for $370.

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    6 comments · 477 views
  • 2 weeks
    Medical update: Hi, I'm Estee, And I'm An Idiot

    ...well, if that title doesn't bring in some blog views...


    Give me a few minutes. In terms of describing my own perceived stupidity, this is gonna be a rough one.

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    28 comments · 660 views
  • 2 weeks
    'About Saturday night...': personal medical update, financial status & the state of any potential June story postings

    This is going to be a very long blog, I think. It has a lot to cover. It's going to ramble -- I'll probably miss some things and if questions are posted in the comments, I'll answer what I can -- it'll have a lot of embedded guilt, and it contains nearly 100% of my worries about whether I can get through the rest of this month on the writing side. But I have to explain what happened, what's

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  • 2 weeks
    Galacon charity donation help needed: is ANYONE going to Galacon this year?

    I know. This isn't what you were waiting to read about. I'm aware that I have to write a very long blog updating my medical situation today, and I'm going to do that next. But I didn't want this new problem to get lost in the shuffle or buried in the verbiage of the main post. So it's getting a separate entry.

    Let me explain the situation.

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?You Pay?, I'll SUFFER III: Estee (Potentially) Takes On Morbius · 10:50am Tuesday

ETA: The target percentage increase was met. At 6 p.m. EDT on July 4th, we Morb.

The last time I made this sort of announcement, it was noted that I was apparently trying to slide into Tokyo on a trail of my own blood. This may not be a completely viable strategy. For starters, this moron would follow me in. Licking up the blood.

...yeah. This one's gonna hurt.

So here's how this is going to work.

As before, I am basically trying to reach Ponicon by selling my own pain. At the time of this writing, the convention fundraising attempt, which is being conducted through my Ko-Fi tip jar, is at 64% of goal. If, by midnight Eastern Daylight Time tomorrow (July 3rd), the goal is showing 68% or higher, then the deadstreaming session will be activated.

Should the target increase amount come in, I'll go live in the chat server within #deadstreaming on July 4th at 6 p.m. EDT. That'll be my form of fireworks. Complete with cheap F/X smoke coming off the characters' skin and clothing. (Or as Morbius devotees might know then, the Power Fart Lines.) And we keep going until the movie is complete -- although there will be a ten-minute intermission at the halfway mark. The movie is 104 minutes, so I expect the deadstream/liveblog commentary to take about four hours.

The recovery time, based on the reviews, may be four days.

I do have a physical and digital copy to work with. (This is not entirely my fault. If you open a postal dropbox, you have to accept that some people are going to send items while under the belief that they're being funny.) However, I believe the -- 'film' -- is on Netflix and anyone wishing to simul-suffer knows where to look.

I'm aware that for the prior two sessions, I set the necessary goal percentage increase as 3%, and this is a minimum trigger gain of 4%. Why? Because it's Morbius. The movie's reputation preceded it. Also, I could have gone for a 5% bump and thus set this off at 69% of goal. I didn't because A. I know my audience and most of you are already smirking, plus B. let's not associate this film with anything pleasurable.

So once again, there's your offer. You can take me up on it -- or not. But if the gain is reached, then we're all gonna go Morbing. However, I won't post a second blog to announce whether the target was hit: I'll just edit this one on the morning of the 4th.

Shall we do the Sony Dance? Twitch to the left, bleed to the right...

You can find the Tip Jar Of Future Agony here.

...recently, Sony announced that they are going to gradually shut down all hardcopy releases for their films. No blu-rays, 4K, or DVDs. Some might call that a move towards digital-only and the ability to revoke a purchase at any time. Personally, I do feel that's part of it.

But given their recent history, I suspect they're also trying to cut down on the evidence.

Report Estee · 229 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
Georg #1 · Tuesday · · ·

You have a strong spleen, young one. I'm still only half-done with Madame Web, and I've found the best part so far is how many times the hack actors can be killed on screen as it goes on. It's kinda like Ladybug and Cat Noir, in French, starting several seasons in, with minute-long chunks chopped out at random.

(I wonder if Morbius will have a Directors's Bite version instead of Cut...)

Morbius hype! (Poor Estee)

If I may ask, are you considering holding a mental palate cleanser on standby for afterwards? Perhaps something along the lines of Azumanga Daioh might help (or, if you follow the "hair of the dog" philosophy, some Plan 9 from outer Space)

I'm planning on being in Japan next summer for the World Expo, and I might be in Tokyo for the con as well, depending on exactly when it is.

Also I've been to Japan before, so if you want any tips and advice, fell free to ask.

If ever there was a Marvel movie that desperately needed a cameo appearance by Wesley Snipes, this is the one.

MST3K, it's the only thing strong enough to wash the filth of Morbius from Estee's brain.

circs #6 · Tuesday · · ·

:looks at tip jar:

LOL. Of course it's at 69%.

Don't do it.

Run far, run fast...

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