• Member Since 12th Oct, 2022
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Okie Brony

I'm here live; I'm not a cat. (Bask in the glory of my new profile pic.)

More Blog Posts16

  • Today
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIV

    Berry Punch Presents: How to Become an Alicorn.

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  • Tuesday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XIII

    Welp, here's my lucky 13th music blog. I'm opening it with a blatant attempt to get more views. Here's an awesome picture of a Fluttershy cosplayer.
    Edit: Of course, the pic isn't showing up in the preview window thing. Boo. Trust me, it's awesome.

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  • Monday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XII

    I could post another "Monday" song today, but I found an awesome griffified album art image last night, which inspired today's blog.

    Here's the original:

    Finally, here's a somewhat "disturbing" video. :derpyderp1:

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  • Sunday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. XI

    My day-of-the-week themed blogs are back! Yay! I was looking for a funny "Celestia" meme for Sunday, and thought this would be a great image to post from church.

    As a 90s kid, most of my favorite songs are from the 90s and early 00s. One of my first "favorite" bands was No Doubt.

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  • Saturday
    Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. X

    Wow, I actually made it to Vol. X! I would say "It's time to party like Pinkie Pie," but I've already used that joke. Instead, I'm posting one of my favorite memes, followed by a comic that I just found.

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Okie Brony's Mixtape, Vol. VII · 7:11pm June 26th

It's been one week since I started my music blog, so here's an appropriate song:

"One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. When it was released in 1998, it spent one week at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. The album, "Stunt," was one of the first CDs that I ever bought.

I couldn't find any good MLP "hump day" memes, so here's a comic that made me lol:

I miss CSI: Miami. :fluttercry:

Comments ( 5 )

Love One Week. I have it on my iPod. It’s so late 1990s like alt/pop rock which is great lol. I’m guessing you remember when it was a big hit.

comic was funny

I'm a pretty big BnL fan, and I do own Stunt.

But I prefer Gordon and Born on a Pirate Ship, with Brian Wilson and The Old Apartment

You callin' me old? I hate being old. :trollestia: It's so hard to believe that this song came out over a quarter of a century ago.

I'm glad that you liked the comic. I really did laugh out loud when I first found it.

Seriously, thanks for the comments! :yay:

I never said that. Who cares about age anyway. I’ve noticed that by the time you reach your late 20s like I’m in now more and more people in general stop caring about age. I was just curious if you do. I was only about 3 years old when that song topped the charts so obviously don’t remember music from that time too well :rainbowlaugh:

You are welcome. Always happy to do so.

Thank you for the comments on my stuff!

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