• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024
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Tape Deck

I'm a big time Reader/Commenter, Music Fan, and Weirdo. I'm also the number one fan of Carrot Top (the pony).|Music Recommendations|

More Blog Posts91

  • Sunday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 50 (Yes #6)

    Now this one, I would not be surprised if you, the listener, choose to pass over.

    This is a single song that is a full 20 minutes long.

    From an album that only has a single song per side of vinyl, across two records.

    (I will not spend the next four days on this album, you have my word.)

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    5 comments · 19 views
  • Saturday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 49 (Yes #5 CTTE#3)

    There, the last track on Close To The Edge.

    This one is definitely more of a "rocker".

    Sort of.

    (9 minutes.)

    "Siberian Khatru".

    3 comments · 6 views
  • Friday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 48 (Yes #4 CTTE#2)

    This next track on the Close To The Edge is also excellent, but is simultaneously unique.

    (This one's ten minutes.)

    "And You and I"
    I. "Cord of Life"
    II. "Eclipse"
    III. "The Preacher, the Teacher"
    IV. "The Apocalypse"

    14 comments · 38 views
  • Friday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 47 (Yes #3 CTTE#1)

    Okay, I'm going to be insane.

    I'm pushing back the blog schedule further, and am going to post an entire album over the course of today, tomorrow, and Saturday.

    Don't worry, only three songs.

    However, this one is 18 minutes and change long.

    But's it's entirely worth it.

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    10 comments · 40 views

Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 47 (Yes #3 CTTE#1) · 2:30am Last Friday

Okay, I'm going to be insane.

I'm pushing back the blog schedule further, and am going to post an entire album over the course of today, tomorrow, and Saturday.

Don't worry, only three songs.

However, this one is 18 minutes and change long.

But's it's entirely worth it.

If you can make it through the first three minutes, which might take some repeated listens to truly appreciate, this is one of the best single compositions you can find.

Front of the Vinyl (which I own; but not my pic)

Inner gatefold artwork.

Art I compiled basically on the day I joined Fimfiction using the inside gatefold cover art of the album. Vectors came from who knows where.

Seriously, it's worth it. The bass in this song is something else at times.

And one of the best parts? Nothing to do with bass, and you'll know it when you hear it.

"Close To The Edge"

  • I. "The Solid Time of Change"
  • II. "Total Mass Retain"
  • III. "I Get Up, I Get Down"
  • IV. "Seasons of Man"

by Yes from the 1972 album Close To The Edge.

Personnel (No lineup changes, just showing what instruments were used.)

Comments ( 10 )

The bass is amazing and I still love Jon anderson’s voice :pinkiesmile:

You are amazing. Please don’t ever stop making your mixtape blogs. :pinkiehappy:

As long as I'm here, the blogs will be here.

(And I intend on being here for quite some time, of at all possible.)

I really am not trying to force you to do anything at all, I'm just asking if you listened to the entire thing.

I can't help myself from wanting feedback on music things.

I did listen to it about the first half of it I totally admit I didn’t listen to all of it yesterday because I had actually did a ton of exercise yesterday, both baseball practice and mowing the lawn as well as preparing for my second interview today and I saw your blog here and listened right before mowing my parents’ really big lawn.

What I did listen to was good and surprisingly funky kind of. I liked it. I can listen to the rest in later today if you want, I’m practicing for my second job interview which is about an hour and a half. Hopefully I officially get my new job today but it seems like they want me from my first interview Wednesday but I can’t screw up badly today obviously.

Glad everything seems to be going well.

And while I definitely would want to try to listen to it sometime, I'd only ever want you to do it when you truly have time to.

Why are you so good to me

Because you deserve it.

And not just you, I try to be nice to everyone.

You’re an exceptionally nice guy

Well, thanks.

I'm probably a tad nicer on here than I am in real life, but I wouldn't say I'm not nice.

I'll admit that I got bored when the guy kept repeating "I get up, I get down," but then the organ kicked in. That was awesome.



I knew I should just let that part come without mentioning it. Simply wonderful.

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