• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024
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Tape Deck

I'm a big time Reader/Commenter, Music Fan, and Weirdo. I'm also the number one fan of Carrot Top (the pony).|Music Recommendations|

More Blog Posts91

  • Sunday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 50 (Yes #6)

    Now this one, I would not be surprised if you, the listener, choose to pass over.

    This is a single song that is a full 20 minutes long.

    From an album that only has a single song per side of vinyl, across two records.

    (I will not spend the next four days on this album, you have my word.)

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    5 comments · 19 views
  • Saturday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 49 (Yes #5 CTTE#3)

    There, the last track on Close To The Edge.

    This one is definitely more of a "rocker".

    Sort of.

    (9 minutes.)

    "Siberian Khatru".

    3 comments · 6 views
  • Friday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 48 (Yes #4 CTTE#2)

    This next track on the Close To The Edge is also excellent, but is simultaneously unique.

    (This one's ten minutes.)

    "And You and I"
    I. "Cord of Life"
    II. "Eclipse"
    III. "The Preacher, the Teacher"
    IV. "The Apocalypse"

    14 comments · 39 views
  • Friday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 47 (Yes #3 CTTE#1)

    Okay, I'm going to be insane.

    I'm pushing back the blog schedule further, and am going to post an entire album over the course of today, tomorrow, and Saturday.

    Don't worry, only three songs.

    However, this one is 18 minutes and change long.

    But's it's entirely worth it.

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    10 comments · 40 views

Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 48 (Yes #4 CTTE#2) · 3:19pm Last Friday

This next track on the Close To The Edge is also excellent, but is simultaneously unique.

(This one's ten minutes.)

"And You and I"
I. "Cord of Life"
II. "Eclipse"
III. "The Preacher, the Teacher"
IV. "The Apocalypse"

Comments ( 14 )

I will get to this after my subsequent second dog training interview (and hopefully getting hired today) in an hour and half, currently doing mock interviews with my girlfriend to practice. I’m sure this is great as usual because Yes is great.

Hey, take your time as always man.

Any time you need.

My interview went great I think I nailed it. I’m probably gonna have a new job next week.

But what if a dog kills me

It won’t happen lol. Trust me. That was a bad joke and I’m sorry

It's fine, I was just playing along.

I just wanted to be sure. It won’t happen because of a dog I love and know how to handle them but I didn’t want you to be sad at the thought of me just randomly disappearing out of nowhere :/

Another neat piece of music. It's a good thing I ain't got nuthin' better to do than listen to music today!

I like dogs, but I don't think I'd want to train them for a living. I ride my bicycle a lot, and there's nothing scarier than a loose dog running at me. Most of the time, if I stop, they don't attack me. A year and a half ago, a pit bull grabbed my leg. It hurt like a string of curse words. It bled like crazy, but only for a minute or two--although the wound kept leaking for close to two weeks. It's a good thing that my screaming scared it off. I'll always regret that I didn't call 911 and file charges against the owner.

Jeez sorry to hear that, that must have been horrible. I obviously acknowledge that not every dog is friendly. But the ones that are I think are quite awesome.


And really sorry about your dog attack.

You're welcome.

I definitely like dogs. I'd rather have a dog in my lap instead of a cat any day. My neighbor's pit bull is one of the friendliest dogs I've ever met. Having said that, this winter, I was wearing steel-toed boots when the dog that grabbed my leg came charging at me. I got one good kick in as I passed. That was satisfying.

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