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They Don't Throw Her a Parade · 11:31pm Saturday

ETwilight Sparkle is Moving Back to Ponyville
A thousand years passed and she's come full circle.
RB_ · 1000 words  ·  335  3 · 1.8k views

This marks the last of the five 1k contest entries for this year! Wasn't sure if I was gonna hit all five, but we made it in the end.

This was actually the hardest category for me—the other four I kinda knew what I wanted to write, or at least it came to me pretty easily (especially Begins Anew, that, uh... kinda came tumbling out, whew), but Slice of Life ended up proving tricky. I went through maybe three different ideas before this one. It's a hard genre to write something that's artistically satisfying in for me. But I like the end result!

Don't know when next I'll put a fic out. I have a game that needs working on which I'm taking a break from because I burned myself out on it, and I'm in the middle of putting together my third video essay on my fledgeling Youtube channel (how many times can I plug that before people get mad at me?). It's about writing this time!

Anyway, I guess you'll hear from me when next you hear from me.


Comments ( 3 )

Delightful to hear from you. n_n

congratulations on getting to five entries with two weeks to spare!

RB_ #3 · Monday · · ·

Thank you! I will apologize preemptively for the comedy one.

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