• Member Since 28th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2014


A pony with a computer doing a thing for something. I only write with oc's, not canon ponies as I do not use the same boring personalities of canon ponies. No offense. Gtfo if that makes you mad :/

More Blog Posts4

  • 515 weeks
    I'm not dead!

    I'm simply waiting for actual dating sim to be released by Yoshi - K. I can't describe any areas until I see more of the game, so I'm waiting. If the sim comes up cancelled, I will continue without care of areas. I might move this story to my Fanfiction account:
    Luck and love to all.

    0 comments · 242 views
  • 532 weeks
    Time to seem more humane.

    Well to prove to you guys that I am defiantly an not an inkvader, here's some crap about me:

    I. My gender does not matter, but if you want me to be a gender, call me a female.
    II. I dislike vore, as it's basically cannibalism. You're eating somepony, whole or not. You can call it whatever you want to make yourself feel better.

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  • 532 weeks
    Deviantart (Not using for art)


    I'm using it as a seperate uploading site. I WILL be using this site still though.

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  • 534 weeks
    The many reasons I don't use canon ponies.

    I: Overused in fanfics. Give the OC's some love man! D:

    II: Their personalities can be trashed or changed in the blink of an eye.

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    0 comments · 224 views

Time to seem more humane. · 12:39am Apr 18th, 2014

Well to prove to you guys that I am defiantly an not an inkvader, here's some crap about me:

I. My gender does not matter, but if you want me to be a gender, call me a female.
II. I dislike vore, as it's basically cannibalism. You're eating somepony, whole or not. You can call it whatever you want to make yourself feel better.
III. I speak my mind. Hate me over what I say, I hate you for hating my opinions, and an opinion is what someone thinks.
IV. As everypony knows already, I only use OC's.
V. I'm actually friendly most of the time.
VI. I usually come up with the ideas for my stories while writing them, not taking some peaceful walk through the woods. Sorry, it's the only cliché I could think of
VII. My age? Ask Aaliyah's first album. For those who don't know, it's titles "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number."
VIII. Do I like humans and anthro things? Nope.
IX. Do I got time for dat? I ain't got time for dat, but typing dis I do got time for.
X. I like Roman Numerals. DUH
There is ten things about me. Why not post ten things about yourself? I dunno, maybe you don't... Forget typing that, consult IX for that.

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