• Member Since 28th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2014


A pony with a computer doing a thing for something. I only write with oc's, not canon ponies as I do not use the same boring personalities of canon ponies. No offense. Gtfo if that makes you mad :/


I'm not dead! · 12:28am Aug 14th, 2014

I'm simply waiting for actual dating sim to be released by Yoshi - K. I can't describe any areas until I see more of the game, so I'm waiting. If the sim comes up cancelled, I will continue without care of areas. I might move this story to my Fanfiction account:
Luck and love to all.

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Time to seem more humane. · 12:39am Apr 18th, 2014

Well to prove to you guys that I am defiantly an not an inkvader, here's some crap about me:

I. My gender does not matter, but if you want me to be a gender, call me a female.
II. I dislike vore, as it's basically cannibalism. You're eating somepony, whole or not. You can call it whatever you want to make yourself feel better.
III. I speak my mind. Hate me over what I say, I hate you for hating my opinions, and an opinion is what someone thinks.

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Deviantart (Not using for art) · 11:53pm Apr 17th, 2014


I'm using it as a seperate uploading site. I WILL be using this site still though.

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The many reasons I don't use canon ponies. · 6:55am Apr 5th, 2014

I: Overused in fanfics. Give the OC's some love man! D:

II: Their personalities can be trashed or changed in the blink of an eye.

III: The personalities are rather boring. You can't come in with a canon pony saying that they have some dumb fetish, but with your own OC you can. With canon ponies, there's always that one guy who will start screaming "ZOMFG DAT NO CANON!!!!!!111!!!1one" if you make one mistake or decide to change something up about their boring lifestyles.

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