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This story is a sequel to Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions

Evil has returned to the universe, and heroes must rise again to stop it. But what happens when the heroes, are captured, leaving the dimensions defenseless? It's time for the Next Generation of heroes to take their place, and save them and the dimensions.

Chapters (12)

It's been a thousand years since the Elements of Harmony were last active. In that time, peace has reigned throughout the land of Unity. But all good things must come to an end. Evil forces have begun to stir. Ones that harmony alone won't be enough to defeat. Unity needs protectors to rise. It needs heroes. And it will get them. This is their story. And it all begins with a single promise.

Note: This story is a reboot of my old series called Elements of Heroism. Reading it is not required in order to understand what's going on, but doing so is appreciated. Thank you. And I hope you enjoy this new beginning.

Chapters (32)

Rarity's youngest daughter Jewel is a very successful high society fashion model in Manehattan. However, fame and fortune come at a price the teenage Unicorn is not willing to pay. After a brief visit home and reuniting with her two best friends, Zany and Applespike, Jewel realizes that Ponyville is where she belongs; with her family and her one true love.
Standing in her way is her powerful, bullying manager with an iron-clad contract that could ruin her and her family. Can the Chaotic Three, with the help of Twinkle Sparkle, save the day?
This story contains characters found in Disneyfanatic's Daughter of Discord series. Though this story contains these characters and takes place in the DoD Universe, it is NOT a sequel.
Cover Art is by LCpegasister75 (wish I could draw MLP this good!)

Chapters (21)

Jake Bolton was a lonely Otaku that has social anxiety. He couldn't stand looking at the couples around the school knowing that he doesn't have a girlfriend to talk to nor hang out with. He however one day, accidentally bumped into a cute, pink-haired girl that would make his heart beat quickly whenever he sees her. He then began to have feelings for this girl. Could she be the one for him?

(My 1st attempt of making a love/1st person POV story)

Chapters (8)

Jack backlash was a highschool student that doesn't have that much of anything interesting happening in his life. One day, these 'Dazzlings' show up and one of them caught his eye. She looked like a cute girl who seemed clumsy, but funny. Her name was Sonata Dusk. Ever since the battle of the bands, the dazzlings lost and were never seen again. It was a shame that he never got the chance to talk to Sonata before she and her sisters disappeared.

But it seems that luck was with him.

Three weeks later as he was walking home from work on a rainy afternoon, he heard a girl in the alleyway sobbing. As he looked into the alleyway, he was surprised to who it was. This is where his story begins…

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Six Two Six Two

Having escaped from Federation territory, a new formidable alien has found its way to Equestria, and the Six have had enough. Against their better judgement, the Bearers of Harmony are forced to call upon the questionably reliable 626, and even that may not be enough this time.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy has always had trouble finding her voice, confident only when surrounded by her animal friends. So of course she's eager to take in a small blue creature she thinks needs her help. But when her newest guest begins destroying everything, Fluttershy may have to find her a voice a little sooner than she expected.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Six Two Six

A few months after the events of Six Two Six, peace has returned to Ponyville, and things have returned to normal. But this is Equestria, and in Equestria, things never stay calm for very long.

After a mysterious attack on Canterlot, Twilight and her friends are determined to get to the bottom of it. But even their combined strength might not be enough, and they're going to need all the help they can get. Including help from a little blue alien they rather hoped they'd never have to see again.

Nothing could possibly go wrong.

*Human tag only due to Hawaii being a small plot device and making minor appearances. Disregard human, post pony.

**This story is dedicated to Silver Flare, as thanks for being such an amazing help during Six Two Six. Catching silly mistakes, grammatical malfunctions and continuity errors, I thank you.

Chapters (16)

A young bubbly earth pony filly filled with happiness and a wolf with serious mind helps this young filly find a home. As they travel all over equestria they stop at ponyville to find out that ponies don't take to kindly of a wolf they believe holding this filly captive.

Anthro ponies

Chapters (7)

Second Person story involving humanized characters.

You live a rather calm and unassuming life while wishing for something or someone to come around and change it. That was when a strange girl appeared at your door with an even stranger story.

Can you help her find her way home? Do you even want her to leave?

Chapters (18)