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Oh boy, how a normal day can change so quick. It's a wonder how I'm still a sane man, but I've got the people I surround myself with to thank for that, and one wonderful girl.

It'll be a while before I get passed what I had, but with what I've got now, I think I'll manage to make the transfer.

Chapters (3)

Michael Wilson lived for seven years as a normal, happy boy, until he had to go to the hospital for an operation to save his life. After falling asleep in the operating room, he wakes up in the ruins of a castle. But his location is not the only thing that has changed. He is now a strange horse-like creature with a mane and tail that seem to be made of stars. Just what kind of dream is that sleeping gas giving him?


Or is it not a dream at all?

Dark and gore tag for certain chapters. There will be warnings at the beginning of these chapters to let you know which.

Cover art from HERE by ClassicsAreDead


First Featured 17-20/10/2014 then again 27-28/11/14. And again 24/4/1016.Seriously, thank you, all!

Now with a reading by TripyVox

Also with audio reading by Tarot Duelwield

Chapters (31)

Based on Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper."

Twilight Sparkle is stressed with her new role as a princess and wishes she could go back to being a regular old unicorn.

Dawn Cracker, a unicorn living with her indebted father, wishes she had the life of a princess.

When the two meet, they discover they look a great deal alike and (of course) decide to switch places. What chaos will become of this?

Chapters (9)

Coverart from HERE

Set shortly after the season 5 premiere, but before episode three

Romance tag readded due to a lack of a certain mare having a ship in the finale.

Normally, Ken wouldn't have minded finding an excuse to get out of school. However, being hit by a car and suddenly waking up as a strange four legged creature with purple fur, wings and a horn is not something he'd have chosen just to play hooky.

Now in a world he continually doesn't understand and makes him... now a her, want to pull her hair out, Ken must learn how to coincide with the creatures of Equestria, while finding her place in this bizare world that defies all senses of logic she was raised with. On top of that, she's now apparently a princess and has to deal with nobles fawning over her, including one male who she knows is definitely just trying to get into her new female parts to breed, and she'll have none of that.

Of all the things she could've chosen to get out of school, this was definitely not one of them and she just wants to go back to normal. Sadly, that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

Though not pertaining to the main character, Romance tag does still apply to other characters in this story. It's just the Tag Limiter wouldn't let me keep Romance Tag after I edited the description a little, so had to remove the tag, even if it still holds some small weight on the story.

Featured Box 16-18/8/2015. Okay. Seriously did not see that coming.

Popular Stories 16-20/8/2015

Featured Box again 6/11/2016 if only for a few moments.:rainbowderp: I... I honestly don't know what to say:raritystarry:

Featured again? Really? Thank you guys, so much:twilightsmile::yay:

Chapters (26)

What happens when a girl from earth buy a pendant from a shady vendor at a video gaming convention? She ends up getting teleported to Equestria with the ability to transform into characters from her favorite video game.

Now that she has these powers what will she do with them? Will she use them for good or for evil? For the sake of others or for her own desires? Will she ever find a way to get home or is she stuck in Equestria forever? What will she do if she ever gets her hands on that vendor?

This fic is a crossover with League of Legends, one of my favorite games. To all the fans of League that read this story, I hope that I do the game justice.

This is a Displaced story.

Currently undergoing rewrites.

Chapters (2)

Lets never talk about this ever again

Three brothers go to a costume convection as the hedgehog trio. As you can guess they got what they deserve. Now in a world of techno colored ponies the three become who they are.'

We're Sonic Heroes

I thought we agreed never to call ourselves that!

Co-written with Jake Witt.

Chapters (2)

My name's Allan Rhodes and I'm just your average college student who decides to attend a convention. Only while I'm there, some creepy dude gives me a scroll that sends me to a world full of talking caballos that can do magic and fly! On top of this, some sort of magical do hickeys from a show I haven't seen in years are showing up, and apparently I'm the only one who can keep them out of the wrong hands.

Why the princesses chose me, I will never know.
This is a crossover with Xiaolin Showdown.
Is a Displaced fic.
Coauthor with DJSkywalker
Crossovers so far include:
Gravity of the Situation and Ten Against One by DJSkywalker
A Murder of Crows by Jsyrin

Chapters (21)

Telekinesis and pyrokinesis are both nice things to get out of a deal, no doubt about it. Due to some fine print finagling, though, we're now stuck here in Equestria, courtesy of 'the Merchant'. And by 'we' I mean Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat, or at least their lookalikes. No, I did not stutter. That sidewalk swindler of a 'wish granter' must think he's got a sense of humor, turning us both into characters right out of our favorite video games and then throwing us straight into the land of LITERAL sunshine and rainbows. We can't count on him to get us back, but since I can now bend spoons with my mind, that must mean the Emeralds should have the power to help us out... Right?

Well, there’s only one way to find out. If only the Royal Sisters weren't making this so much harder... Seriously, a thousand years in ice and they still can't forgive us for accidentally leveling their castle and afterwards causing a worldwide disaster? No biggie. That place was in dire need of renovation anyway; no plumbing, no fridge...

So, to put it short, I have Royal Guards after me (standard bit characters; useless), Mane 6 after me (tougher, like Agents from the Matrix out of a bag of skittles), Royal Sisters after me (more RAGEQUIT than Legend of Zelda’s water temple), and a sophisticated, irritable anti-pegasister loner turned Royal Cat with a fondness of slapping me in the face whenever I say something stupid (which means quite often).

Knowing my luck, next there'll be mind-boggling time-travel and epic boss fights with tons of QTE's along the way, all wrapped up in some big multiverse-evil-domination plot, with ground zero centered on this glorified gumball machine of a world that defies all logic. We've got our work cut out for us, especially since we seem to be the ones cast as the antagonists straight out of the ice. That didn't stop Sonic before, though, and it definitely didn't stop Shadow, and since I'm now the coolest (and only) hedgehog on the block, there's no way I'm letting it stop me!

Here we come, Equestria! You better have some brakes, because we sure don't!

Just for clarity, I accept crossovers. Also, here is Google Docs version.

A little exercise in English before exams and an attempt to break my writer's block. It's not my first story, but first written in English. Also, I will probably continue even after exams - Sonic fandom is in a serious need of good fanfiction. Readers of my polish fanfics won't be pleased... Anyway, here are my proofreaders: Setokaiva, 0_0 and roker12. You guys are great, you made this fanfic at least 50% cooler. :twilightsmile:

I chosed my favorite characters as heroes. Blaze will be a lot like an original version from Sonic Rush, except more aggressive. Silver is going to be silly and reckless (his powers are modeled after those from Sonic Generations, so yeah, he is much more powerful than in Sonic 2006). Picture made be I, me and myself, but only after entire day of looking for good poses in Google and comibining them in Inkscape - I'm terrible at graphics.

Chapters (4)

In a world where brony's, MLP, and anything MLP doesn't exist, one man must do his duty and help strengthen a seal over 2000 years old, but in his heart he wants nothing but friendship, will he give up on the mission to get it, and if so what will his group of friends endure to keep their friendship strong? What will happen to this rag tag group throughout this series.

First few Chapters are just story on how they all get together.

Written by a friend and myself, edited by both of us.

Looking for a better name for the story, the most liked name that both me and my friend like will be the name and your name will be featured in this longer description.

Rated teen for, Swearing, mild gore (bleeding, broken bones), mild dark tag in certain times, and sexy hijinkx, all characters under 18 are 18 in this fic.

Other tag's include:
NightMare Moon
Midnight Sparkle
Flurry Heart
NightMare Rarity
Tempest Shadow
Dark at some points
Minor gore

Chapters (13)

It's been two years since Sonic and Shadow defeated Discord and now thanks to Sonic's friend Tails they can return to the land of Equestria. But when they get there they learn that their old enemy Mephiles The Dark has returned and has the five of the main six under his control and Twilight and the princesses as his prisoners. Can Sonic and Shadow along with their friends stop Mephiles before it's to late? Or will Mephiles finally get his revenge?

*note* This story contains five of the six Elements of insanity and contains Nyx from Pen stroke's Past Sins. Although this story features Pen Stroke's Nyx (Past Sins), this story itself is not related to Past Sins, nor does it require a reading of Past Sins. And although this story contains five of the six Elements of insanity I don't own them all the credit goes to their creator theinvertedshadow.

Chapters (8)