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When Discord escapes and the elements of harmony are no use against him anymore Princess Celestia with help of her sister Princess Luna use a spell to go to an Alterate Universe to bring forth two heroes to help save Equestria. Can these two heroes defeat Discord once and for all? Or will Discord finally win and take over all of Equestria?

Chapters (5)

(Naruto and Equestria Girls crossover) With his dying breath Madara Uchiha unleashed a powerful justu sending Naruto in a completely different world. With no way back Naruto must learn to accept his new life while studying in the ever colorful Canterlot High.

Chapters (17)

It is a special day in Canterlot as the mane 6 along with Starlight Glimmer celiberate Princess Celestia's birthday. But when an evil pony comes and captures all four of the princesses it's up to Starlight to make the most important decision of her life. As she is called by the map to help the princesses by sacrificing her self to stay with the pony. Will she be trapped by the pony forever or will she be able to show him friendship or maybe something more like love.

*Note* This story is based off of Beauty and the Beast

Chapters (8)

Six months have passed since Sonic, Shadow, Tails, and Nyx returned the Crystal Heart to the Crystal Empire. Now it is Sonic and Shadow's big day as they get ready to marry Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer. But before they could perform the ceremony, Nightmare Amy crashes the wedding. She takes the main six away, and scatters them in different parts of Equestria. Now it's up to Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Nyx, Sunset, Spike, and an old friend of Sonic's to save them. Will they do it, or will Nightmare Amy finally get her revenge?

Chapters (3)

It has been more then a month since the destruction of Mephiles the dark and harmony was once again restored in Equestria, so Celestia sends Sonic, Shadow, and their friends to the Crystal Empire to introduce them to Twilight's brother Shining Armor and her sister in law Princess Cadence. But the new Nightmare Moon decides to cause trouble and decides to make a new evil hedgehog named the Chaos Phantom out of the Chaos Emeralds to get rid of Sonic and Shadow once and for all. As Chaos Phantom arrives at the Crystal Empire during the night, the New Nightmare Moon tells him to take the Crystal Heart and then he disappears in a mirror before Sonic, Shadow, and the others could stop him. Can Sonic, Shadow, and two of their friends go into the mirror and stop Chaos Phantom or will he carry out the new Nightmare Moon's wishes and finish them once and for all?

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Mobains and Equestria Girls 2: Return of the Equestria Girls

A Dark threat from the Nightmare Dimension has come to threat the universe of the Mobians and Equestria Girls. Can our heroes unite against this enemy? Or will this be the end of their line? And the beginning of the Eternal Night

Chapters (13)

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the world of Canterlot High along with the seven Chaos Emeralds by the Master Emerald after hearing of a prophecy about the fate of worlds. They will have to go through school again if they are to regain the seven Chaos Emeralds and saved the worlds from the eternal darkness, for the emeralds have been claimed by some of the students of Canterlot High.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds

The Equestria Girls accidentally found the portal into Mobius. Now they will have to help the Mobian Heroes save their dimension from an evil from another world. (Sound familiar) Will they succeed? Find out in this brand new awesome sequel, Mobians and Equestria Girls 2: Return of the Equestria Girls.

Note: Not many people thought this was as good of a story compared to M&EG 1 on FANFiction.net. So I don't expect many people to like it on FIM.

Chapters (12)

Greetings weary traveler/bored reader. Let me regale you with my tale. The tale of a mere mortal, with nothing particularly special to his name, brought to a magical land of dragons, minotaurs, griffins, and of course ponies. But he came as no mere human. He came as the epic warrior, the manliest of swordsmen, that most dashing of multiverse travelers, the mighty Gilgamesh! What adventures will this powerful and magnificent warrior find in his travels? HELL IF I KNOW! LET'S STRAP IN AND SEE WHERE THIS GOES!

Looking for cover art if anyone's interested.

Crossovers with:
The life and times of Xante, Baron of the Frozen Wastelands, First among Liches, Lord of the Dead, and Fabulous Rainbow Magic User

Golden Graces, Headless Headaches

I Will Hunt You Down

A Thousand Tortured Souls Scream My Name

Gravity of the Situation

Land of Friendship and Magic

And Then There Were 10… Er… 67

Son of Invention

Ten Against One

Time Ticks On

Let's Just Say That Umbra Really Needs to Put a Lock On His Diary



Chapters (23)

BlackWarGreymon, created from 100 Control Spires to do evil, died being a hero.

But as death start to grip him, fate has other ideas. Now in Equestria, his life can start again. Making unforgettable friends, facing deadly foes and experience feelings and emotions he never thought would ever happen to him.

(note: this story takes place after the events in Digimon Adventure 2 episode BlackWarGreymon's Destiny and some time after MLP FIM season 4)

Chapters (78)